Thursday, August 15, 1968 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Three Thu rsday, August 15, 1968 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Pa9e Three INTERNAL AFFAIRS: Romanian chief warns Nigeria begins pincer attack Soviets not to interfere VIENNA, Austria (P)--Romanian are fundamental conditions for party leader Nicolae Ceausescu building up relations of equality said yesterday there could be "no and mutual trust among the justification for armed interven- Communist parties," he told grad- tion in the internal affairs of any uates of the Bucharest Military Warsaw Treaty member country" School. as he .prepared to visit Czecho- "Everything must be done to slovakia's liberal leaders in Prague. put an end to the state of tension He did not mention Czechoslo- in the Communist movement. Dif- vakia specifically, but it was ob- ferences should be solved by direct vious he referred to the threat negotiations." of intervention by the Soviet His speech was reported by the Union and other hard-line coun- official Romanian news agency tries prior to the Bratislava sum- Angerpres. mit conference Aug. 8. Ceausescu said the Romanian "The observance of the inde- Communist party had supported pendence of each party, and non- the new Czechoslovak leadership interference in internal conditions from the beginning, and added that his visit to Prague would further strengthen Romanian- Czechoslovak friendship. He said the Romanian people "particularly appreciate the al- liance" with the Soviet .Union. But he stressed that Romania would intensify its own production of arniaments and improve the fighting technique of its troops to support the Communist coun- tries in case of an "imperialist" attack. ARRIVAL Ceausescu and his delegation will arrive in Prague today for a three-day stay. In Moscow, the Kremlin warned Eastern bloc nations that Soviet- style communism must be retained in Eastern Europe. Warning that "former exploit- ers"-meaning people dispossessed by Communist takeovers--still exist in Eastern bloc countries, the party newspaper Pravda urged Communist countries not to allow that establishment of multi- party systems or permit dissident elements to make their opposition felt. LIBERALIZATION Proposals have been made in Czechoslovakia during its liber- alization drive for the authoriza- tion of additional parties and oth- er institutions meant to make the government more subject to pop- ular control. T h e Bratislava declaration guaranteed all Communist parties the right to "consider national characteristics and conditions" in running their own affairs. But Pravda made clear that the Kremlin means this to be under- stood in only a very limited sense. Another Soviet newspaper, Lit- eraturnaya Gazeta, accused Lit- erarni Listy, the magazine of the Czechoslovak Writers Union, of slanderous assaults on the Soviet Union and "stubborn efforts to misinform . Czechoslovak public opinion about the policies of the U.S.S.R." Literarni Listy charged that the Soviets used pressure to try to in- fluence the Czechs. on B1 afrans LAGOS, Nigeria (R)-The Nigerian high command has launched two columns of commandos in a pincers movement against the headquarters of Biafran secessionists at Aba, in- formed sources said yesterday. The drive could be the start of an all-out offensive for a quick military solution to the 13-month-old civil war that successive peace conferences in Kampala, Uganda, and Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, have failed to settle. At least two brigades of Nigerias 3rd Marine Commando Division-perhaps 6,000 men- were reported pushing north from the Port Harcourt sector toward Aba, a city of 130,000 about 40 miles in land. '- -Associated Press U.S. soldiers ready for new wave of VC attacks '[C tunnels uncovered SAIGON (P) - American and is on a prime infiltration route South Vietnamese troops reported and less than 10 miles north of a finding large new enemy caches big U.S. Army helicopter base and yesterday in a tunnel complex be- the headquarters of the South neath a cluster of villages 25 Vietnamese 5th Infantry Divi- miles north of Saigon. sion. The allied sweep began Tuesday Last Friday in the same area and so far has uncovered 500 allied forces raided the village of rounds of rockets and recoilless Chanh Luu, killed 18 Viet Cong, rifle ammunition and 72,000 captured 114 prisoners and seized rounds for automatic weapons. more than three tons of food. The search operation is designed U.S. B52 bombers flew several to upset any enemy plans for raids yesterday on undisclosed new attack on Saigon. enemy targets. The exact location Ten Viet Cong who attempted of the-strikes was not given, but to flee were killed in a 15-minute several raids were close enough to clash Tuesday and Vietnamese rattle windows in downtown Sai- "tunnel rats" captured another gon. 17 prisoners in the underground South Vietnamese r a g e r s labyrinth around Cut Dat, offi- sweeping enemy infiltration routes cials said into the Mekong Delta 73 miles Military officials believe 25,000 nsouthwest of the capital turned civilians living in the area are' uthweonsecachtandtred sympathetic to the Viet Cong. It up two weapons caches and re- tatively plans to release 14 North Vietnamse seamen today. This folows the recent release of three American fliers my Hanoi. The U.S. Embassy would not confirm the reports. Only 31 missions were flown over the North Tuesday, the low- est number recorded in more than two years. The U.S. Mission announced thatt Viet Cong terrorists killed another 55 South Vietnamese ci- vilians last week, wounded 156 and abducted 74. So far this year, the mission re- ported, Viet Cong terrorists have killed 2,818 civilians, wounded 6,154 and abducted 4,642. This is considerably less than the figures given by Ambassador W. Averell Harriman, ,who told newsmen in Paris that Viet Cong terrorists have killed 8,000 civilians since the first ; of the year, wounded 20,000 and kidnapped 6,000. A U.S. spokesman in Paris ex- plained that Harriman included the civilian casualties of the Tet offensive. A high-ranking officer said a contingent commanded by Col. Benjmin Adekunle crossed the Imo River 15 miles south of Aba and occupied Akwete, a settlement on the north bank. The leading element of the other pincer was belived to be crossing the river at the Imo railway station, 22 miles from the city. MORTAR ATTACK Radio Biafra reported that Umu Abayi, a settlement on the south bank, had been under a federal mortar attack for three days. The broadcast said 35,000 civilians were fleeing. Lt. Col. Yakubu Danjuma, dep- uty commander of the 1st Divi- sion has said federal forces could finish off the Biafran secessionists within two weeks, "once the first shot was fired" in an all-out push. The army of the secessionist leader, Lt. Col. C. Odumegwu Ojukwu, now occupies only about a third of the 29,000 square miles in the Eastern Nigerian territory that he proclaimed independent in May 1967. SURROUNDED The Nigerians surround the secessionists. The Biafrans have no road access to the outside world. In Addis Ababa, delegates to the peace talks failed again to agree on relief for starving ci- vilians. The Nigerian army is believed to have from 70,000 to 85,000 men-10 times the number en- rolled when the war started July 6, 1967. Biafra is believed to have about 40,000 soldiers, plus thousands of ill-equipped civilians forming a militia.r -Associated Press 'Mah fellow Americans ..:., Citing higher death and disease rates among blacks, President Johnson yesterday called for broad federal and private efforts to enlist more blacks for medical careers speaking to the pre- dominantly black National Medical Association in Houston. i V E ; , ;1! ,, 1 I'' ,, ; ; i !i IN CONCERT AT HILL AUDITORIUM Saturday, August 31, at 8:30 p.m. TICKET PRICES: $2.00, $2.50, $3.00 Tickets will be on sale at the LSD Depot, on the Diag, or in Hlil Auditorium August 26-30 An LSD-Labor Day Weekend Presentation portea Knng 25 enemy so ilers in scattered fighting Tuesday and yesterday. The rangers suffered no casualties . Their finds included 92 assault rifles, five mortars and assorted mortar equipment, a rocket launcher, 64 mortar rounds and rockets, 60 hand grenades and 80 pounds of TNT. Government troops also killed 10 enemy and found an other wea- pons cache far to the north in the A Shau Valley bordering Laos. The cache included an antiair- craft machine gun, nine Russian- made rifles, 225 mortar and rocket rounds 3,500 rounds of antiair- craft ammunition and a large quantity of medical supplies. Viet-' namese casualties were one killed and two wounded. Tropical storm Rose curtailed fighter-bomber raids over North Vietnam for the third day yes- terday. Winds whipped up heavy seas in the Gulf of Tonkin and .prevented 7th Fleet aircraft car- riers from launching planes. Informed sources in Saigon re- ported that the United States ten- National news roundup By The Associated Press HOUSTON, Tex. - President Johnson appealed to the entire medical profession yesterday to hold down fees and charges-and then was off ad lib on violence and racial discrimination. There was even a cryptic reference to some of his own future plans. His audience was the national convention of the predominantly Negro National Medical Associa- tion. At one point, Johnson said he would continue to push for "kiddy care" in the years ahead. He didn't say in what capacity he Soviets ask 'Joint space plan VIENNA (')-In a puzzling move, Soviet Premier Alexel Kosy- gin' proposed in a message yes. terday establishment of an inter- national space communications network to be called Intersputnik. The plan is patterned almost exactly on that of the existing 62- nation Intelsat network With the exception that each parti- pating nation would have one vote. In Intelsat, the countries vote according to their investment, with the United States, through its Communications Satellite Corp, Comsat, having a 51 per cent in- terest. The Soviet Union has refused to join Intelsat primarily because it would have a small voice in the U.S.-dominated organization. VOTING RULE Some U.S. officials here inter- preted Kosygin's message as a move to force Intelsat to the one- country-one-vote rule, a change that has been proposed. Others said the Soviets may set up a separate international network to compete with Intelsat or as a means of spreading Rus- sian influence in underdeveloped nations. A Comsat official, terming the Kosygin statement puzzling, said the Soviets were proposing a worldwide system which already is in effective operation with inter' sat. The Russian surprise came at the opening session of the first United Nations Conference on Ex- ploration and Peaceful Uses of Outer Space. The two-week con- ference, attended by representa- tives from 74 nations, will discuss how best to apply space benefits to the social and economic ad- vancement of mankind. Before delivering the speech, the leader of the Soviet delega- tion, A. A. Blagonravov, read a telegram from Kosygin. The message wished the conference success and then said: 'EQUALITY' "In order to better satisfy the needs of the developed and de- veloping countries the Soviet Union and other Socialist coun- tries are proposing the creation of an international communica- tions system through artificial satellites based on democratic principles with a total equality for all its participants." Blagonravov hinted at a pos- sible motive for the systen when he said: "With the aid of both radio and television transmission via communications satellites, it be- comes possible to influence the culture of developing countries by advanced countries." In reply to a newsman's ques. tion about the purpose of the pro- posal, a member of he Soviet delegation displayed a draft of the Intersputnik proposal which has been forwarded to the United Nations and interested countries, la: _ _ . .... . ......... ... ... .. .. .. .. ... .. .. .. .. .. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. ... .. . would back the proposed health program for children. * * * MEMPHIS, Tenn. - The Rev. Ralph David Abernathy, successor to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., said yesterday there was strong possibility that Sen. Eugene Mc- Carthy would attend the Southern Leadership Conference convention this week. * * * WASHINGTON - Vice Presi- dent Hubert H. Humphrey yes- terday issued an "action plan" to improve life in the United States, with emphasis on local initiative and less federal control. WASHINGTON - Sen. Eugenej J. McCarthy yesterday proposed aj new national housing policy, say- ing current federal programs favor the rich and ignore the poor, "thus actually widening the in- come gap in America." SAN DIEGO, Calif. - Richard' M. Nixon has enlisted one of de- feated rival Nelson Rockefeller's top strategists, Sen. Thruston Morton (R-Ky) as a special traveling adviser in his Republican presidential campaign. * * * COMPTON, Calif. - A heli- ter carrying children and adults from Los Angeles to Disneyland exploded in a fireball over a playground Wednesday, and po- lice said its 21 occupants were killed. S - Has refused to accept the University's 8-month lease. * Has accumulated the most complaints (damage depo- sits, repairs and cleaning service), according to the Student Rental Union Complaint Service. -- - - - - - - - - ------ - - - - COUNTRY JOE and THE FISH This Friday, Saturday and Sunday Grandee Ballroom DETROIT 834-4904 Tickets Available at the Door NEW POLITICS STATE CONVENTION Nomination of Candidates Delegate Slate to National Convention