PogeTwo THE MICHIGAN DAILY Thursday, August 15, 1968 Page Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY HH advocates arms race curbs WARFARE VS. WELFARE: McCarthy urges new priorities (Continued from Page 1) that pride of citizenship and pride of person is turned into a constructive life. What we need is the improve- men't of public facilities to com- pensate for the inadequacy of private resources. In other words, where you have people that ?are economically poor, cul- turally deprived, you need to have your public resources be the very best. That is where you need the most gifted teach- ers. That's where you need to have the most modern schools with the most modern facili- ties. That is where you need specialized training, where peo- ple may very well have been the victims of an educational gap. They have had separate and unequal education. They need to have a large dose of educational opportunity to bring them up to where they can really participate on the basis of equality in education. In other words, it isn't just Project Headstart that we need, we need Project Catch 'Up sor that this area, that has been de- prived over a long period of time can finally get itself in a position where its occupants and its inhabitants can partici- pate on equal terms. For the people that have been pushed down for a hun- dred years you are going to. have to take a little time to get them up where they can really compete and stand on the same ground on equal terms. I think the top priority is rehabilitation and reconcilia- tion. Rehabilitating people, re- habilitating neighborhoods, ci- ties, and then the reconciliation of peoples, reconciliation be- tween races and reconciliation in your mind, in our own minds, as to people accepting people for what they are, accepting them as people, and not as eth- nic groups. Now what can a President do about this? He can set the standards. He can hopefully bring to bear upon the prob- lem the total resources of the nation by persuasion, by lead- ership, by proposals. Now, internationally, it's the same thing. What I call recon- ciliation and reducing of ten- sions is the priority. Reducing of tensions first and then re- conciliation. I have tried to ex- plain over a long period of time now that we are at the end of one. era and at the beginning of a new one. This is 20 years from 1948. The decisions mrade in the immediatedpost war years have been the decisions that have basically guided our for- eign policy and our national security since then. In those 20 years, those policies have been successful. They have outlived much of their usefulness now. It is a different world. In fact, they were so successful that they need to be changed. The world is different. It isn't the world of Joseph Stalin or the communists. And it isn't the world of the United States as the only major power as we were at the end of World War II with any wealth or any re- sources. It is an entirely dif- ferent world. It's the world of today, of the communist bloc with a great deal of movement within it, No longer a monolith but with a degree of autonomy, with an ever rising surge of emancipa- tion. This is what you see in Czechoslovakia, Romania, Hun- gary. This is the pattern. It isn't just the United States titive and rich and strong and united. It is an entirely differ- ent kind of Europe. It isn't the United Nations of 55 nations. It is the United Nations of 120 or more nations. It is no longer colonialism, it is nationalism that we are deal- ing with. And hopefully, we can bring about some international cooperation. The next President must def- initely be able to build on and add on to what has been hap- pening these last four years. (Continued from Page 1) to reflect this in your populari- ty among the Negroes. How can you overcome this? Is it a con- cern of yours? McCarthy: Well, when I started in New Hampshire, they said I had no soul and no "rap" with the white people. Some- how, somebody is voting for me in these primaries. Some peo- ple approve of me in the polls. I have never had any trouble getting the support of Negroes .~VvWVwvv: ..~.... ......... . . . .~.:~::.......Y....t ::"..... "..;. ... .: ... .. r..:.:. :....... . r..:: .y ........ . . . . . . . HUMPHREY: I feel I have lived a life of political train- ing and political experience that should be helpful in ful- filling the duties of the office of the President. . . Now for the last four years I have serv- ed as Vice President, which. has given me an opportunity to see the presidency in opera- tion. McCARTHY: I think the important thing is where you stand on the issues. I think I show a better analysis of the issues . . . than any of the other candidates. (As for ad- ministrative experience), a president who is preoccupied with administration . . . is usually inattentive to some of the important policy decisions.- ed States Senate until two weeks ago. That's not really the standard way to proceed. I dont think just the addition of students makes it new poli- tics. It's been more a question of procedure and form which have made a difference. We've raised issues within the Dem- ocratic Party and a challenge to one's own party which is something different from any politics in recent years and we've been prepared to raise questions about personnel in the administration, which the tra- ditional politicians don't do. Levin: How much of the suc- success of your campaign do you attribute to the student ef- fort? McCarthy: I think it has helped in two ways. It was very helpful in New Hampshire where they carried the message to the people. That's part of it. And I think they gave kind of a tone, youth and spirit to the campaign which has perhaps been almost as important as the actual physical work theydid in the campaign. In addition to that, they have been in posi- tions of influencing policy to some extent and carrying out rather responsible administra- tive duties in the campaign. I would have to say they have been very helpful. Popa: Do you think that Vice President Humphrey could beat the Republican candidate with- out Senator Kennedy as his running mate? McCarthy:. I don't know whether he could win even with Senator Kennedy as his run- ning mate. Popa: Have you given any thought to wlo you would like to have as your running mate? McCarthy: Not very much ... I haven't singled out anyone, haven't offered it to anyone, haven't even suggested anyone, as the other side has done. I think one should pick a vice president whose views are es- sentially the same as those of the president. I am not in favor of the kind of balanced ticket where you have extremes and the vice president doesn't agree with the president. Levin: Many black militants such as Roy Innis of' CORE have demanded black control over all federal funds going into the ghetto. Would you favor this or do you believe that ultimate control must reside in Washington? Do you also favor the degree of community parti- cipation that was included in, the "maximum feasible partici- pation of the poor" clause of the original OEO? McCarthy: Well, "maximum feasible participation" says > everything and nothing, you know. What does it mean, maximum feasible participa- tion? It is desirable I think, but it doesn't mean absolute control. I think that any fed- eral money that's sent out is going to be subject to condi- tions imposed upon its distri- bution by Congress, Put I do think it important that, as much as possible, a program for ghetto areas should be directed by people from those areas. Even though you may have some immediate inefficiency and some waste, in terms of the total effect of the program, I think the benefits that come from self determination and from their own participation would outweigh the early inef- ficiency you might find. Levin: Would you favor a repeal of ;the Green amendment, which put OEO funding in the hands of City Hall? McCarthy: It really didn't quite do that, you know. It came somewhat close, but they really didn't have an alterna- tive for\ it. What I think we have to do is develop some new structures within the commu- nity for handling these pro- grams such as we did with the R.E.A., for example when the rural electrification ' program was developed. Here was a new unit of government, really, with which the federal government dealt quite directly. Or there is the Tennessee Valley Authority, which was a regional unit of government, so that you didn't deal directly with the states. See McCARTHY, Page 4 3020 WashienawPh. 434-1782 Wed., Sat., Sun. - 1-3-5-7-9 Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri.--7:0-9:00 ill - -- - ------- - . ....J.JJ:Y:J.1 Y.{'.':JJ::..: J:J.'JJJ..... J.^:"A.7:', ,.,. ':JJ: :":::{{{,,,,,,, . any longer, with its money and its power. It's the United States and the Soviet Union, two super powers, and then it is the United States and the Common Market. It isn't just a prostate Europe that was begging for assistance and needing it desperately. It is Europe today that is compe- DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the Univer- sity of Michigan for which The Michigan Daily assumes no editor- ial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3528 L.S.&A. Bldg. before 2 p.m. of the day preceding publi- cation and by 2 p.m. Friday for Saturday and Sunday. General No- tices may be published a maximum of two times on request; Day Cal- endar items appear only once. Stu- dent organization notices are not accepted for publication. For more information call 764-9270. THURSDAY, AUGUST 15 Day&Calendar 12th International Congress of Papy- rology - Morning Sessions, Third Floor. Undergraduate Library, 8:45 a.m, FRIDAY, AUGUST 16 12th International Congress of Papy- rology - Morning Sessions. 8:45 a.m.; Afternoon Sessions, 2:00 p.m.; All Ses- sions, Third Floor, Undergraduate Li- brary, tures," on Thurs., Aug. 15 at 10 a.m. in Rm. 5423 Medical Sciences Bldg. Chair- man: G. R. Greenberg. Richard Walls Marshall, Mathematics, Dissertation: "The Number System and Geometry of the Space-Time Plane," on Thurs., Aug. 15 at 11 a.m. at 311 W.' Engrg. Chairman: K. B. Leisenring. Steven Samuel Tigner, Philosophy, Dissertation: "The Nature of Plato's Theory of Anamnesis,' 'on Thurs,, Aug. 1 as" 1 p.m. in Rm. 2219 Angell 'all. Chairman: J. M. E. Moravesik. Proton-Proton Collisions and the Fire- ball Model," on Fri., Aug. 23 at 2 p.m. in Rm. 1073 Randall. Chairman: A. D. Krisch. Erwin Aaron Blackstone, Economics, Dissertation: "The Copying Machine In- dustry: A Case Study," on Mon., Aug. 26 at 10:30 a.m. at 109 Economics Bldg. Chairman: F. M. Scherer. Stanley Gregory Radhuber, English Language and Literature, Dissertation:' "Hart Crane: An Anontated Bibliogra- phy," on Wed., Aug. 28 at 3 p.m. In Rm. oriS':av.,n". a-1. u*nairm.,,.an: Ls ky. iug- And I think really, history will record that Mr. Johnson's greatest achievement has been that despite the war in Viet- nam, the relationships between the United States and the So- viet Union have improved: the Non-Proliferation Treaty, the Space Treaty, the Consular Treaty, the Civil Aviation Treaty, exchange agreements. We have moved toward a more rational relationship between the United States and the So- viet Union. I think that the next Presi- dent must be able to negotiate with the Soviet Union, not only treaties of restraint on wea- pons, but treaties of de-escala- tion of the arms race, agree-, ments to cut back on the arms race, in order, first of all, to defuse some of the potential dangers and secondly, to re- lease some of the resources that are desperately needed for peaceful development. See HUMPHREY, Page 4 The Famous CHARGING RHINOCEROS OF SOUL Dance-Concert CANTERBURY HOUSE SAT. and SUN. N ITE 9 p.m. $1 00 or of other minorities in my home state in my campaigns. But I don't see this as a seri- ous problem in the national election for me against Nixon. Levin: Just exactly what is the new politics? Is it not the old politics with student plug- ged into positions of power? And how much of the success of your campaign do you at- tribute to the student effort? McCarthy: I don't think it's the old politics. For example, I haven't had the endorsement of a single important national figure since the beginning of this campaign, which is one of the techniques of, the old poli- tics. I hadn't had the support of a single member of the Unit- Sun. Nite Film Series Aug. 18 .9 p.m. Newman Center 331 Thompson MAN OF ARAN (1934) Record of an island people by the great Am. film maker Ro- bert Flaherty. Newsreel 75c NEXT WEEK -Aug. 25 9 p.m. - Newman Center - $1 BEFORE THE REVOLUTION dir. Bertolucci (1964) 9 p.m.-Newman Center-$1 A complex film by a young stu- dent of Pasolini; concerned with the problem of a young person who sees the necessity of revo- lution, but whose attention and will is diverted by the most in- grained habits of psyche and class education. Selected by N.Y. Review of Books Presentations-program of Godard and others 625 Haven Hail. Chairman: R. F. Hau1h. Albert McCarroll Marckwardt, Sociol- ogy, Dissertation: "Differentials of Re- cent Internal Migration in the UnitedPl cem ent States," on Thurs., Aug. 15 at 3 p.m. in Conference Rm., Population Studies BUREAU OF APPOINTMENTS Center, 1225 So. University. Chairman: 3200 SAB 0. D. Duncan. GENERAL DIVISION August Graduates and other students Dale Springer Johnson, English Lan- -Placement services are available to guage & Literature, Dissertation: "The anyone not yeb certain of employment Development of the Non-Formalistic plans The Bureau will be open every Modern English Novel and Its Relation day, 8:30-12 and 1-4:30 Mon.-Frl. The to D. H. Lawrence's Sons and Lovers," DOB is not published, however, from on Thurs., Aug. 15 at 3:30 p.m. in Rm. Aug. 16-28. Listings are available at 1611 Haven Hall. Chairman: H. C. Bar- the Gen. Div., as well as brochures and rows. info. on companies, govn't employment, and careers in general. The monthly Warren Scott Quinn, Philosophy, Dis- Alumni Job Bulletin will be sent you if sertation: "Excellence and Moral Vir- you inform us of your future address. tue," on Fri., Aug. 16 at 10 a.m. in Rm, The Bulletins for the fall recruiting 2220 Angell Hall. Chairman: W. K. season will begin in late September, Frankena. after registration addresses for this will be accepted, you must request this Roland Albin Lange, Far Eastern Lan- bulletin with your current address. If guages and Literatures, Dissertation: you have accepted a position or re- "The Phonology of Eighth-Century ceived any offers, please inform us, Japanese," on Fri., Aug. 16 at 1 p.m. these statistics are used by the College in Rm. 310 Gunn Bldg. Chairman: J. K. Placem't. Council for counseling pur- Yamagiwa. poses. I SATURDAY, AUGUST 17 12th International Congress of Papy- rology -- Closing Ceremonies, Third Floor, Undergraduate Library, 8:45 a.m. SUNDAY, AUGUST 18 N4. CW $EATS...........r....AT iL........MAY. a2 EVEO DATE KEQUESTWQ............ALTENATC DA16S ...womwo" Make check or AM.Payable to Enclose sam~rp.5t uulf-ddrsavo .ilopo Fri. and Sat. Eve. 7:30 p.m. $2.50 Sun. and Holiday all day $2.50 All other Mat. and Eve. 1:30 & 7 p.m. $2.00 DIAL 5-6290 -STARTING FRIDAY- Twice Every Day of 1:30 and 7:30 PROW --' - Ifttecho !u.Mootrn Coolino w "".a PPMOW Bureau of Industrial Relations Sem- inar - "The Management of Managers, Program No. 66", North Campus Com- mons, 8:15 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Radio Astronomy Observatory Open House - H. D. Aller and E. T. Olsen will demonstrate the 85-foot Radio Telescope, 10280 North Territorial Road (15 miles northwest of Ann Arbor), 2:00 to 4:30 p.m. General Notices Grade Sheets for August, 1968 have been sent to departments for distribu- tion to instructors. Any grade sheet with degree students should be sub- mitted to the Office of the Registrar within 48 hours after the examination. Grade sheets for non-degree students should be submitted within 72 hours after the examination. All grade sheets' should be submitted to the Office of the Registrar on or before Wed., Aug. 21. A grade messenger service will be provided on a regular basis by the Of- fice of the Registrar to departmental offices on the Central Campus begin- ning Mon., Aug. 19 and continuing through Wed., Aug. 21. Grades may also be submitted directly to this office at "Window A," L.S.&A. Bldg., during the working hours from 8:00 a.m.-12:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m. ,Questions per- taining to grade reports may be direct- ed to 764-6292, Office of Statistical Services. Doctoral Examinations Stanford Trent Roodnian, Biological Chemistry, Dissertation: "A Tempera- ture-Sensitive Mutant of Escherichia col Which Produces Thymidylate Syn- thetase at Non-Permissive Tempera- Cooled by'Refrigeration DIAL 8-6416 A ROYAL ROMP! Capucine Claudia Cardinale Jeffery Mayland Paige, Social Psy- chology, Dissertation: "Collective Vio- lence and the Culture of Subordina- tion: A Study of Participants in the July 1967 Riots in Newark, New Jersey, and Detroit, Michigan," on Fri., Aug. 16 at 1 p.m. in Rm. 3028 L.S.&A. Chair- man: W. A. Gamson. Marion Marquart Cambon, Music Performance, on Sat., Aug. 17 at 10 a.m. in' Rm. 3213 S.M. Chairman: Gyorgy Sandor. William Eugene iettrick 111, Music, Dissertation: "The Thorough-Bass in the Works of Gregor Aichinger (1564- 1628), on Sat., Aug. 17 at 10 a.m. inj Rm. 3219 School of Music. Chairman: A. Cohen. William Hinshaw Wing, Physics, Dis- sertation: "A Measurement of the 2-2Pt Fine Structure of Hydrogen," on Sat., Aug. 17 at 10 a.m. in Rm. 618 Physics- Astronomy. Co-Chairmen: P. A. Fran- ken and P. R. Fontana. Jeffrey Allan Hollander, Music, Per- formance, on Sat., Aug. 17 at 11:30 a.m. In Rm. 3213 School of Music. Chairman: G. Satidor. Thomas James Triggs, Psychology, Dissertation: "Capacity Sharing and Speeded Reactions to Successive Sig- nals," on Wed., Aug. 21 at 1:30 p.m., in Rm. 1057 M.H.R.I. Chairman: I. Pollack Maung Thet Lin, Physics, Disserta- tion: "Particle Production at High Transverse Momentum in High Energy, N1ATIONAL eENERAL CORPORATION FOX EASTERN THEATRES n. FOX VILLa6E 375 No.,MAPLE RD.-769-1300 Times: 1:30-3:45-6:40-8:30 Wednesday Only 3:45 - 6:40 - 8:30 THV YiT PDIUR I ARIPK1 I0f WID Current Position Openings reu