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August 14, 1968 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1968-08-14

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Air F


Love-6 3
Cooler and chance
of showers.

Vol. LXXVIII, No. 66-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, August 14, 1968 Ten Cents
mayformalize black stij
By HENRY GRIX The drive to focus on Negro stu- to teach Negro studies, Smith says mental problems of the American To de
Next years the University may dies has recently been accelerated that "within the literary college Negro being conducted principally by sciousne
treat students of black studies sepa- at the University. Harold Cruse, alone, we have the staff to produce sociology, psychology and nursing re- academi
rately. noted Negro author, has been re- such a program." searchers. order to
Allan F. Smith, vice president for cruited to teach an honors program Smith bases this argument on data "We have a lot going on here, but we mus
academic affairs, has asked a group course in the fall and a crosslisted collected by Rudolf B. Schmerl, di- we have to reorganize it for what we as he d
of University faculty and staff to history, American studies and hon- rector of program development for want to do now," he explains. separate
investigate the possibility of in- ors course in the winter. The history the Office of Research Administra- And Schmerl has definite personal Howe
augurating an Afro-American stu- department has also acquired Wil- tion, views on what the University should Smith a
dies program. liam Toll, an expert in post-Civil Schmerl discovered that in the be doing now. He hopes to see a se- the Inv
If the 11-man group can agree War Negro history, to teach one fall fall of 1967, 24 courses related to quence of courses offered mainly to Powers,
on a structure for the program, term course and two courses in the the American Negro were taught by upperclassmen and graduate students partmen
Smith projects it may be available winter. the University. In addition to the "who want to make contributions as erature
as a concentration area by Fall, The English department has also expected history, political science, teachers, lawyers and psychologists." ature s
1969. designed a course, to be taught by psychology and sociology courses, The director would like to see a backgro
Although the investigating coin- Prof. Lyall H. Powers, in black liter- Schmerl found English, music, ed- specialized program that cuts along
mitttee has not yet met, initial plans ature. And both the English and ucation and law courses dealing with unit lines, allowing a psychology stu- While
suggest the LSA based program be history departments will sponsor blacks. dent, for example, to study "Legal mediate
modelled after the interdisciplinary guest lecturers during the year. Schmerl, who was asked by Smith Problems of the Poor," "American America
American Studies program. But the While University faculty and ad- to be on the investigating committee, 'Music," and learn to "read James "eventua
directions of the specialized studies ministrators complain of difficulties also found numerous research pro- Baldwin intelligently and talk about into, alt
Alan F. Smith program have not been charted. in locating new, competent personnel grams delving into physical and him intelligibly." the Aime

Four Pages
velop this intellectual con-
ss of race, Schmerl says an
c program is necessary. "In
integrate in the long run,
t treat the black American
emands to be treated now -
ver, *Prof. Powers, whom
ilso invited to participate in
estigating group, disagrees.
who will be teaching the de-
it's first course in Negro lit-
this fall, thinks black liter-
hould be placed "in Its full
und" to be understood.
Powers approves of the im-
importance oft an Afro-
n studies program, he hopes
all~y it 'could be integrated
hough not swallowed up by
rican studies program."

Black literature course

The drive which began last win-
ter to teach courses directly re-,
lated to the black, people has
spread to the English department.
This fall the department will
offer "The Literature of the Ne-
gro," which will span 100 years
and several forms of American
Prof. Lyall Powers, who will
give the course (English 475)1




plans to spend time on biographies,
and poetry as well as fiction. l
The reading list will include J.
W. John's "Autobiography of aE
Black Man," Malcolm X's bio-i
graphy, Booker T. Washington's1
"Up from Slavery," pQetry byi
Langston Hughes and fiction by
James Baldwin.
Although English 475 will not
be offered solely to honors stu-
dents, it is partly the outgrowth

of an honors course taught by
Powers last winter.
The course, "American Self-
evaluation" was originally sched-
uled to be taught by the late Prof.
Allan Seager. But when he became
ill Powers took over the course
and reoriented it to fit a new
title: "Problems of the Negro."
When Prof. Russell Fraser, in-
coming chairman of the English
department received a prospectus
of suggested courses in black lit-
erature from several interested
students, he asked Powers to teach
English 475 in the fall.
The department will also be
bringing two prominent Negro
writers to the University during
the coming academic year.
Robert Hayden, a Hopwood-
winn inia' poet wxhen he a ttended'i

County board to
question Harvey
Labor board hearing on sheriff ends;
no decision expeeted for two months
The Washtenaw County Board of Supervisors; voted un-
animously yesterday to interrogate Sheriff Douglas J. Harvey
on at least three areas involving handling of financial
The Supervisors may also question Harvey on alleged
prisoner beatings and the appointment of prisoners as
The Board of Supervisors acted on a recommendation
from state Atty. Gen. Frank Kelley that 'they question the

Nigeria considering,
Biafra mercy flights

LAGOS, Nigeria (P) - The Ni-
gerian government is considering
permitting mercy flights to Bi-
afra if the secessionists provide a
neutral airstrip under Interna-
tional Red Cross control, the Ni-
gerian Red Cross reported yester-
Under the proposed plan it
would be impossible for arms in-
stead of food to be shipped on re-
lief flights to the Eastern Nigeria
regime now fighting for independ-
~ Ceaver
Difficulties over Black Panther
information minister Eldridge
Cleave'rs appearance at the Uni-
versity were settled late yesterday,
+ and he will speak tomorrow at a
fund raising at Hill Aud-,
A problem arose when Eric
Chester, Grad, objected to a state-
ment he was to sign on behalf
of the Friends of the Conference
on New Politics Party stating that
Cleaver knew of restrictions on
speakers invited by student or-
ganizations in the University by-
It was resolved when Barbara
Newell, acting vice-president for
student services, decided to in-
form Cleaver of the by-law in .a
registered letter which will be sent
this morning. Chester was not re-
quired to sign anything.
Revision of the by-law in ques-
tion is presently under considera-
tion by an ad hoc student-faculty
A proposed by-law which in-
cluded the speaker restriction
aroused heated controversy %at the
July Regents' meeting.
Mrs. Newell explained that since
it was her responsibility to see
that all speakers were informed of
the requirements, she decided it
would be sufficient to send Cleaver
the letter.
The by:-law, according to Mrs.
Newell, says in part that "a speak-
er coming to campus must be no-
tified of the exact law . . . Advo-
cating or urging modification of
the government of the United
States or the State of Michigan
by violence or sabotage is prohib-
Mrs. Newell said last night thel
statement Chester was to sign
hnd him onlr to inform the

ence from federal Nigeria as the the University, will be on campus
Republic of Biafra. this fall to teach a course in
Sir Adetokunbo Ademola, Niger- creative writing. Fraser describes
ian Red Cross president, and chief him as "the dean of Negro poets,"
justice, said the federal executive SECOND PERSPECTIVE
council is considering the plan. A
The Nigerians have forbidden dAuthor-publisher o Ddliteratn
daylight flights carrying food daus witahegoitertre
and medicine to the starving in- course during the winter term.
side besieged Biafra The Red Fraser says Randall has voiced
sid beiegd lafa, he edinterest irk sitting in on Prof,
Cross and religious welfare agen- Powers' course to gain a different
icies have been flying at night poers'ctieorseaadere nt
from the islands of Fernando Po perspective on the material and
and Sao Tome without Nigerian perhaps some new ideas for his
andhrao Tomeown course,
authorization. Randall is the publisher of
The Red Cross last Saturday radde Ps hchuhase-
suspended flights after Nigerian cilaiedei printig thas spe-
antiaircraft guns fired on a relief cilalized in printing the writings
plane International Red Cross The push to introduce courses
The nteratinal ed Cossabout black people began last win-
made the proposal a week ago to ter as students pressed for anI
the Biafran leader, Lt. Col. Odu- American history course specific-
megwu Ojukwu, but nothing had ally about Negroes.
been heard about it since then.
In Addis Ababa, capital of AUTHOR CRUSE
Ethiopia, peace talks between Ni- Chairman of the history de-'
geria and Biafra to end the 13- partment William Willcox at first
month civil war were postponed opposed the idea but later agreed,
following the departure for Lagos to it. The department has secured
of the head federal negotiator noted Negro author Harold Cruse
Chief Anthony Enahoro. to offer the course this fall.
The Organization of African The new courses in both de-
Unity, sponsor of the talks, gave partments, and the existence of
no reason for the postponement. Negro-oriented courses in other
But the Biafran side was reported areas has recently given rise to
to have asked Emperor Haile Se- discussion of the creation of an
lassie to delay talks until Enahoro Afro-American Studies program.
returns. In a related development, the
When Enahoro left Addis Abeba University Press is planning to
for Lagos, he reportedly said, publish several titles by Negro
"These talks will go on." authors.


-Associated Press

pchallenger in St. Louis


Sen. Eugene McCarthy greets crowds in St. Louis during a visit there to try and crack the heavily
pro-Humphrey Missouri delegation. After talks with the senator, one delegate said of him, "He
makes a good case for himself. I think he has a good chance of swaying some delegates."
Polce, residents di~spute.
cause of W atts violence

sheriff on eight of the areas
cited in a petition for a grand
jury filed with the Washtenaw
Circuit Court by a :fired den-l
Kelley told tba court that al-
though he didn't feel it was neces-
sary to call a grand jury because
of the charges, he did feel seme
of the allegations should be inves-
tigated by the Board of Super-
The board, however, seemed re-
luctant to accept the investiga-
tion. Board Chairman Roiaert M.
Harrison stated a number of times
the supervisors "did not welcome
with open arms" an investigation
of Harvey.
Harrison told board members he
had appointed a committee to
handle the interrogation if the
board approved of the procedure
and was determined to go' ahead.
The three areas agreed upon for,
questioning are:
-The publication by Harvey of
a safety guide by which advertis-
ing revenues were raised on be-
half of the Sheriff's Department.
-"Unusual handling of prison-
ers' funds and bond money."
-Expenses claimed by the sher-
iff for extradition trips when he
was returning prisoners to Michi-
In related action, the third
State Labor Mediation Board
hearing on unfair labor practice
charges against Harvey ended
Monday with a cross-examination
by attorney Leonard H.. Young.
The hearing began last July 11
and has heard testimony from
more than a dozen witnesses in
the past month.I
State Examiner Bert H. Wick-
ing speculated it will be two
months before his decision on the
charges is made.

Try oI life
of Greek'
chief fil
By The Associated Press
A plinger-fired dynamite bomb
blew up near the car of Premier
George Papadopoulos in an abor-
tive assassination attempt along a
coastal road yesterday. The pre-
mier escaped injury.
Security police arrested a man,
clad pnly in bathing trunks, as he
raced across 'rocks toward the
shore in an attempt to board a
motor boat.
A government spokesman said
the captive was ex-Lt. George
Panagoulis, 30, an army deserter,
and that he had tried to kill the
premier on behalf of "Fascist and
reactionary groups."
Terrorists later exploded at
least two less powerful bombs in
Athens, where the military seized
power in a bloodless coup April
21, 1967. These bombs were de-
scribed as homemade devices filled
with gasoline.
No one was hurt in any of the
In Stockholm, Andreas Papan-
dreous Greek exile politician and
chairman of the Panhellenic Ii-
beration Movement - PIM -
said the assassination attempt
was "an act of heroism."
Papandreou also said "the Greek
resistance has spread its roots,far
and wide."


- I

and police disputed bitterly yes-
terday the cause of violence that
killed 3 and injured 48 in Watts.
Negroes blamed "police press-
ure"; police blamed "agitators."
Calm returned to the area, 10
miles from downtown Los Angeles,
after the shooting and looting
which flared at midnight Sunday.
The outbreak came at the end
of the third annual Watts Sum-
mer Festival, on. the anniversary
of the 1965 rioting.
"Some of it was obviously or-
ganized," said Inspector Harold
Yarnell of the police chief's ad-
ministrative staff.
"It was more than accidental
How many people go to a festival
with guns and rocks and bottles?"
"It was organized well enough
to send waves of people forward,
and then the crowd separated and
the firing came from behind, and
then the crowd closed again,
knowing we couldn't fire into a
crowd of people."'
Yarnell pinned the blame on "a
lot of agitators," but said police
can't come up with "enough evi-
dence of a conspiracy to go to
Negroes blamed police. "L.A.
Pigs, Stop Killing Blacks," "No
Armed Police in the Ghetto," read
signs in a demonstration at cen-
tral police headquarters by about
85 persons, mostly whites.
"The L.A. Police Department
just moved in and that's what
precipitated it," caid Walter Bre-
mond, chairman of the Black
Congress. "They used very bad
"They used too many officers
during the festival. I don't know
how manv ht it was ton man

drunkenness near the end of the
festival marking the 1965 rioting
which killed 34 persons and caus-
ed $40 million damage.
The woman's arrest caused a
traffic jam. Bottles and rocks
were thrown at the police, and
then sniper fire began.
Police reinforcements restored
control before dawn Monday, but
22 buildings were damaged in
looting and firebombing. The
'highest loss was about $2,000.
Three Negro men were killed,
and the injured included six po-
licemen. There were 35 arrests,
28 on them on felony charges.
Police maintained constant pa-

trols all day Monday and until
ngarly daybreak yesterday but the
only activity was an increase in
minor fires.
Early yesterday police dropped
the patrol force to 30 men and
closed the command post they had
set up in a high school,
Black Congress members crowd-
ed a City Council meeting Mon-
day afternoon and warned of more
violence if police-community re-
lations were not improved.
They had planned to appear
again yesterday but decided to
wait until today when the council
promised a public hearing on de-

First challenge: Georgia

challenges to the seating of Na-
tional Democratic Convention
delegates, the forces of Sen.
Eugene J. McCarthy have made
the Georgia delegation their
chief target.
"The No. 1 priority from the
McCarthy standpoint is Geor-
gia," said Joseph L. Rauh, Jr.,
rules and credentials coordina-
tor for the Minnesota senator
in his fight for the Democratic
presidential nomination.
Rauh, in ,an interview in his
law office here yesterday, said
the Alabama and Texas delega-
tions rank next in the chal-
lenges the McCarthy forces will
present to the Credentials Coin-

sented right up to the start of
the hearings.
Seventeen state delegations
were involved, in whole or in
part, in the notices of intent -
most of them filed by McCarthy
supporters -- but Rauh said
many of them probably will
not be pushed to a showdown.
The McCarthy challenges fall
into two categories, one involv-
ing alleged irregularities and
inequities in the selection of
delegates and the other charges
of racial discrimination. In the
case of the Texas delegation,
Rauh said, both issues are in-
On the other hand, a chal-
lenge has been raised' in Ala-
bama to the seating of McCar-

Rauh said this delegation,
known as the Loyal National
Democrats of Georgia, is made
up predominantly of McCarthy
Julian Bolid, the Negro who
was excluded from the Georgia
legislature for his anti-Vietnam
war stand until the Supreme
Court ordered his seating, is a
leader of the delegation chosen
at Macon.
Rauh said he thinks it is a
sure thing that a biracial dele-
gation from Mississippi will be
successful in unseating the reg-
ular Mississippi delegation.
The biracial group, a coali-
tion of professed party loyalists,
has the backing of all the Dem-
ocratic presidential candidates

In the category of alleged ir-
regularities and inequities,
Rauh cited .challenges involv-
ing the Michigan, Connecticut,
Pennsylvania and Washington
State delegations as the prin-
cipal ones that will be carried
to the credentials committee.
The challenge in Michigan
involves the f uD delegates from
the Sixth Congressional' Dis-
trict. Rauh said McCarthy dele-
gates were elected by the regu-
lar Democrats but Humphrey
supporters walked out and, at
a rump session, elected their
own delegates who were named
by the state committee.
Rauh said that in Washing-
ton State the McCarthy forces

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