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August 13, 1968 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1968-08-13

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Partly cloudy anld
not so cold

Vol. LXXVIII, No. 65-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, August 13, 1968 Ten Cents
Unions andlittle progress, a lot of
By RON LANDSMAN some 300 skilled tradesmen in the gaining, the engineers and the bargaining talks. Jerry Kendzior- business operations and chairman union's approach to the bargain- iden
Negotiations between the Uni- plant department, began negotia- University have settled almost all ski originally led the union bar- of the University labor policy ing procedure. Brinkerhoff main- of t
versity and three lab r unions tions last February. non-economic issues "except for a gaining team, but he was replaced committee, contends the Univer- tains the University can't accept at a
representing some 2900 University The University's bargaining ef- few philosophical items," says after 14 sessions because of this sity "only wants to guarantee that parts of the union's whole pro- T]
employes have resulted in mixed forts with the three unions have Jordan. The union made its econ- impatience. Tom Fitzpatrick has the employe can register a com- gram of demands until it has seen see
progress, dragged out over an unusually omic proposals last December and represented the union in the last plaint without a mandatory union the entire package. tion
Talks with Local 1583 of the long span of time because this is the University will make its coun- three sessions. steward present." He adds, "We, "Every non-economic issue has AFS
American Federation of State, the University's first experience ter offer next week. The major issue so far has been have not 'absolutely' refused any an impact on the economic nego- decli
County and Municipal Employes with labor negotiations. Thus, the The negotiations between the grievance procedures. Fitzpatrick of the union's demands on any tiations," he says. "It is desirable alte
are in their seventeenth session pniversity and' the unions must engineers and the University, insists that employes be given "a issue." to view the whole array of econ- H
with no end in sight The union settle a large number of non- meeting once a week on the aver- grievance procedure where they In talks with the operating en- omic demands to get a proper on?
won representation rights for its economic issues which will not age, went relatively smoothly. A are not intimidated or coerced by gineers, the University has accept- view for collective bargaining." is s
2600 University employes three need as much consideration dur- mediator from the state Labor management," which he says the ed a demand for mandatory pres- A representative from one of Soo
months ago ing contract negotiations in the Mediation Board was called in University has so far refused to ence of the steward at the filing the other unions explains that som
moturg.once over alleged "bad faith bar- do. of all grievance procedures. economic issues are only those on the
The situation is not quite so U re. gaining" by the University. Ac- + The union wants employes to be Brinkerhoff has not been pres- which a specific price-tag' can be T
bleak for Local 547 of the Inter- Unon representatives add that cording to Jordan, the University allowed to have a witness, such ent at the negotiations but as placed. "Every issue is essentially Neit
national Union of Operating En- because the University is new to negotiators cooperated with the as the steward, present when labor policy committee chairman economic. 95 per cent of the 'non- unio
gineers, which represents 35 heat- labor negotiations, it has taken mediator after he demonstrated grievance procedures are initiated. has directed the University's bar- economic" issues deal with econ- thou
ing plant employes. One union it awhile to adjust to the nature their fault in the matter to them. It also wants the right to investi- gaining team. James Thiry of the omics in one sense or another," he Brin
representative says talks are pro- of collective bargaining. Relations between AFSCME and gate complaints before they are personnel department and Uni notes. in t
gressing, but still expects "some "They've been god unto them- the University have not been as taken to a final arbitration board. versity attorney William Lemmer University President Robben ing
tight economic bargaining." IUOE selves up to now," explains Joe cordial, perhaps because AFSCME "They have refused absolutely are the University's representa- Fleming, a former labor mediator Ar
has been negotiating with the Jordan, negotiator for the engi- represents over 80 times as many to let union representatives inves- tives. Both were out of town and himself; has not been involved in ques
University since Dec., 1967. neers, "and they have to get used employes. Union spokesmen say tigate these problems," Fitzpatrick unavailable for comment. the talks at all, and neither side neve
The Washtenaw County Build- to working with us now." their employes are becoming im- says. Brinkerhoff and Fitzpatrick also has considered bringing him in. for
ing Trades Council, representing In their eight months of bar- patient with the length of the James Brinkerhoff, director of differ on the fairness of the Brinkerhoff addsiiowever, "Pres- stou

Four Pages
t Fleming is being apprised
he progress of the negotiations
M1 times."
he prospects for resolving the
ding impasse in the negotia-
s betWeen the University and
CME are unclear. Fitzpatrick
ines to enumerate the existing
ow long might negotiations go
Observes Fitzpatrick, "Time
mething we cannot determine.
ner. or later there has to be
e enlightened leadership at
he possibility of mediation?
her. the University nor the
n has mentioned it yet, al-
gh it was, both Jordan and
kerhoff admit, very effective
he IUOE-University bargain-
rbitration? It seems out of the
tion at this juncture./ "We'll
r waive our right to negotiate
our members," {Fitzpatrick
tly maintains.

Watts heav ly guarded
a fter major disorders
By The Associated Press
LOS ANGELES - Caravans of
shotgun-carrying officers main-
tained order in Watts last night
after gun battles over several
hours left three Negro men dead
and 44 others - including six po-
licemen - injured or wounded.
Meanwhile, Arkansas Gov. Win-
throep Rockefeller, at the request
of several mayors and the county
sheriff, placed an uneasy Little
Rock under curfew last night for
the third straight night. The city
has had three consecutive nights
of minor racial unrest.
Los Angeles police described
their Watts contingent as a "sat-
F uration" force equal to that used
in the 1965 riot that cost 34 lives
and, $40 million in property dam-



declines U.S. aid
Parents, staff refuse federal grant
because of enrollment restrictions
Parents and staff of the financially pressed Children's
Community School announced yesterday they are refusing a
federal grant worth $11,250 "because of requirements and
stipulations of the grant."
The Community School, which presently operates on do-
nations and tuition from parents able to pay, has informed
the Michigan Office of Economic Opportunity it cannot co-
operate with several provisions of the grant.
The grant would have permitted the school to purchase
materials and to salary its

Agnew indicates 'Nixon's the

Police Chief Tom Reddin said
that citywide there were 2,000 of- HOUSING ISSUE:
ficers on duty, but declined to say

-Associated Press
Little Rock: 1968
Scarcely twelve years after an early civil rights case put Little
Rock in the racial spotlight, the city, last night was the scene of
racial disturbance once more. In the ensuing violence, 70 people
were. arrested as the day ended with National Guardsmen
patrolling the streets.
Cle. aver 'einit
coming to Ann Arbor

how many of them were stationed
specifically in the Watts area
where most of the city's 335,000
Negroes live.
Reddin said the California Na-
tional Guard had been asked to
stay on alert.
The arrest late Sunday night of
a Negro woman on a drunk driv-
ing charge touched off disturb-
ances which petered out with the
When she was hauled kicking
and screaming into a squad car, a
crowd gathered and started
throwing rocks and bottles at the
arresting officers, who called for
As 60 more officers arrived, gun
fire suddenly came from among a
crowd of several thousand persons
who were leaving a park at the
close of the Watts Summer Festi-
val, an annual event commemor-
ating the 1965 rioting,
Festival sponsors say the event,
held annually, is designed to prove
that something constructive could;
come out of the 1965 riot.
Of the three men killed, Redd'n
said, two definitely were not shot
by police.
One was killed by bird shot, lie
said, "which we do not use in our'
weapons." And he said he had
witnesses that another was shot by
one of four men who drove past


blasts city

--Associated Press
tion of what happens
od intentions and fine
s between Saturday
Monday evening," said

Ann Arbor Democratic Party,
Chairman Walter Scheider last
night lashed out at City Council's
Republican majority for its handl-

deadline in June, after two years
of consideration by council.
Scheider said that several Re-
publican councilmen had demon-
strated their support for the new

an explana
to your go
night and

Eldridge Cleaver said in a tele-
phone interview yesterday that he
will "definitely come to Ann Ar-
bor for the Peace and Freedom,.
New Politics convention" this Sat-
urday and Sunday.
The Black Panther information
minister and probable presidential
nominee of the two radical parties
is expected to arrive in Ann Ar-
bor sometime this week. It is not
yet known when or where he will
speak, although local New Politics
chairman Eric Chester, Grad,'
said he is trying to obtain Hill
New Politics members hope he
will be able to give a campaign
fund-raising speech Thursday or
Friday before the convention is in
There had previously been some
doubt whether the 33-year-old
Panther official would be able to
leave California. Cleaver is cur-
rently on parole after serving nine
years for a sentence of assault.
When Cleaver applied last
Tuesday for permission to leave
the state, there was some indica-
tion that his application was too
late to be processed by this week-
By the end of the week, how-
ever, his parole officer Stanton
Carter had obtained permission
for the trip.
Carter attributed the delay to

California does not preclude him
from running for President," Car-
ter added.
Cleaver noted that his name
will already be on the ballot "in a
few states" and he hopes to be
nominated and supported by the
combined New, Politics-Peace and
Freedom parties (who will be rep-
resented on the ballot in more
than 15 states this November).
Although Cleaver has asked
permission to travel several times
before, his request to go to Ann
Arborwas the first one to 6e
Carter explained that each re-
quest to travel "is judged by its
individual merits," and a request
to go somewhere to be nominated
to run for President was consid-
ered justified.
'U' groupl
to Chicago
Plans are underway for an Ann4
Arbor contigent to the anti-war
mobilization at the Democratic
Convention in Chicago later this
The national mobilization hopes
to have 150,000 demonstrators in
the city for protest which local
leaders stressed "will not be aimed

ing of a proposal made last month Housing Commission proposal, but The Housing C o m m i ss i o n
by the Housing Commission. that "voting in a block" the Re- brought the proposal before coun-
Under the proposal, the city, publicans "went back on their cil on July 1. The result wad a
would have applied to the federal own fine words." meeting of council and the com-
govenrment for funds to construct "The events of the last few mission on July 17.
300 low-cost housing units. weeks have made it evident that Scheider said that only two of
Council last week postponed the the decisions of the Republican the seven Republican councilmen
proposal to put in a non-binding majority are not made here on attended the meeting, but that
reservation on funds for the hous- the floor of the City Council," he both said they were in favor of
ing units. said. the commission proposal at that
The consequence, said Scheider, "They are 'made elsewhere, by time.
"is another in a series of stalling men who do not think the way Action on the commission's pro-
moves which in effect takes away you gentlemen talk," Scheider posal has been postponed until
from hundreds of Ann Arbor fam- added. "They are made by an in- after city officials can confer with
ilies a place to live in their own visible government which has the local building contractors con-
home town." power to clamp the lid on every cerning the plans of the private,
Construction of 200 low-cost Republican vote cast here." sector related to the construction
units began just before the final "It is time the public was given of low cost housing.
-- ------- - . In other action, council ap-
proved a new contract with the
ae is city's firemen which provides for
I altiiiio re b lacl a 4.66 'per cent pay increase begin-
ning next January, over and above
increases given to employes this
p se A gneCouncil also held public hear-
ings on two controversial issues
but delayed action on each.
From Wire Service Reports The first hearing concerned a
BALTIMORE, Md. - A group of Baltimore Negro leaders said petition to zone the Abbott-
yesterday they have organized to oppose Spiro T. Agnew, the Republi- Courtelis land to permit the con-
can vice presidential nominee, by spreading his record of "inade- struction of multiple family dwell-
quce"throughout the nation. ings in the area.
quacies" hThe 34 acre area includes "Black
The newly formed Ad Hoc Committee for Good Goveirnment said Pond" and conservationists have
it could not support Agnew, the Maryland governor, nor Richard M. opposed the multiple family zon-
Nixon, the GOP presidential nominee. ing becaise they claim the con-
A statement issued by the committee said although individual struction would interfere with the
concern had been directed at Agnew's "antipathy toward black peo- pond's water basin.
ple, the record is patently clear that neither he nor Nixon are at all Several residents of the area
in consonance to progressive social programs."'I voiced their support for the con-
The statement was issued by 18 political, civic, religious and also said they oppose the zoning
civil rights leaders prior to a closed meeting. The group said it spoke change because it would increase
for many of the approximately 70 Negro leaders whop walked out of the population density.
a meeting with Agnew after he chastised them following April rioting In addition the residence noted
in Baltimore. a shortage of single-family resi-
In San Diego Herb Klein, Nixon's director of communications dences in the area asked council
said it was obvious the Baltimore group was acting from partisan houses.
motivation. The second hearing dealt with
He said the Nixon public record supporting civil rights programs a proposed special assessment for
has been documented from years of leadership as Vice President and a storm sewer system along Pitts-
his most recent strong support of the Civil Rights Act in 1968. view, Lorraine, Charing Cross and
He pointed to what he termed Governor Agnew's equally clear La Salle, and for the installation

six full-time staff members,
all of whom now hold part-
time jobs. It would also have
provided social services for
children and their families,,
medical and dental examina-
tions and hot lunches.
Although the grant would have
eased the school's financial straits,
it would have "distorted the age
and race balances we try to main-
tain," according to staff member
Skip Taube.
Under terms of the grant, the
three-year-old project in radical
education would have been re-
quired to recruit 15 five-year-olds.
All the new students would have
had to come from poverty level
families, and half would have had.
to have attended a "compensatory
full year pre-school program" like
Head Start.
"We don't want to enroll stu-
dents only on a poverty basis,"
Taube explains. "We want par-
ents to send us their children be-'
cause they agree with our educa-
tional philosophy."
At the present time, the school
is racially balanced. But staff
members fear the poverty clausej
would upset the equal division.
The staff also insists students,
ranging from kindergarten]
through fourth grade, be integrat-
ed by age.I
"This large group of kindergar-
ten children would unbalance the
school in age, race and family in-'
come," staff member Karen Selin
To maintain the "balance" the
teachers favor, 60 additional stu-
dents would have to be enrolled.
This is a physical and fiscal im-
possibility for the community
school, which planned to accom-
modate about 20 students in the,
Staff and parents, who set poli-
cy jointly, also disagreed with the
OEO stipulation that the school
recruit students. "The school has
never recruited because it is im-
portant for parents to be philo-
sophically close to the school,"
Miss Selin says.
In the past, she continues, par-
ents sought the school because
they were interested in the
school's philosophy or were
"frightened of what might happen
to their children in the public
The Children's Community
School, which resembles A. 'S.
Neill's radical English school,
Summerhill, splits with the ed-
ucational structure of the public
Students are not separated into
.r+nref - + 1^4 .A +^ v+

Big Ten

Summer Sports Editor
The Big Ten let Michigan State
University off the hook Saturday,
but reserved judgment on several
specific issues raised by The Daily
in February.
"It is my considered judgment,"
said conference Commissioner Bill
Reed, "that either there is not
sufficient grounds for believing
that a violation occurred, or that
remedial action taken by the in-
stitution is adequate."
The announcement apparently
clears the school of violating con-
ference rules on aid to athletes,
but did not completely drop the
questions raised in a copyright
story by Daily sports staffer Joel
Block's article alleged that MSU
athletes were issued free grill pass-
es and &eater tickets, given ex-
cessive numbers of football tick-
ets, and lallowed to charge long
distance phone calls to coaches'
Spartan assistant coach Gordon
Serr, mentioned by Block in con-
nection with the "liberal author-
ization" of phone calls, was served
with a reprimand by Reed,
Kay Schultz, Director of the Big
Ten Service sBureau, explained
that the conference's Athletic Di-
rectors had agreed on a solution
for the grid 'ticket problem, but
that a committee was still examn-
ining the legality of the free
theater passes.
"The directors held a no-agenda
meeting at Lake Geneva, Wiscon-
sin, before the, regular Big Ten
meeting," stated Schultz. "They
decided there to handle all away-
game tickets the same way.
"Tickets for the athletes - two
each for sophomores and juniors,
and four each for seniors - will
be mailed to any person the ath-
lete designates as the recipient or
held at "will call" for them to
claim at the gate."
The plan is aimed at preventing
athletes from selling choice tickets
at inflated prices, but leaves open
the possibility for an athlete to
designate a friend as the recipient
and still realize the profit.
The Commissioner withheld any
ruling on similar charges pub-

in a car.
There are conflicting reports
about the third, Reddin said. First
information was that the man was
killed by a sniper, but "later there
were indications he was shot by
Reddin said he believed tnere
was "some planning" involved in
the outbreak because of shooting
that came from three sides. But he
said. he has no evidence that a
conspiracy by black militants may
be involved.
Earlier, about 80 Negro militants
chanting, "L.A. Pig, Stop Killing
Blacks," marched around Central
Police IHeadquarters downtown,
about 10 miles from Watts.
In Little Rock, the curfew was
imposed from 10 p.m. last eight
until 5 a.m. this morning.
A Roman Catholic priest blamed
the disorder on "segregated, on-

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