Page Sic THE MICHIGAN DAILY Saturday; August 10, 1968 PageSixTHE ICHGAN AIL II I -/ A deepening bag of blackness By MARCIA ABRAMSON The Bag, by Sol Yurick. Trident Press, $6.95. Before writing this third novel, Sol Yurick spent several years as a social worker in New York City. What he gathered there is hurled at the reader with this warning: "Coldweather soldiers, black and white, hardened professionals, annealed in the forges of the city valleys, will come into the sub- urban hills ... Myrmidons in Mustangs, soldiers in stolen Sting Rays, cadres in Cadillacs are deploying in Marlboro Country now. Can you sleep right, sleep tight again, honey?" And what emerges is a massive collage, an assemblage collec- ted from the cities, punctuated appropriately by welfare reports, TV commercials, eviction notices, politicians' promises and Hindi chants. The overall composition is marred only by occasional trite- ness and an unconvincing charac'ter transformation made to jive with the protagonist's alienation and empathy. . It is veryunfortunate that social worker Sam Miller, the cen- tral character, begins cliched and becomes totally illogical as he undergoes his transformation into black-man-in-white-skin. Most of the other characters in the book-the ones that social worker Yurick encountered on the streets-are truly mobile and living. Miller is the struggling standardized writer, alienated from society, who has been un- able to produce for years and is forced to resort to, social work. His wife, of course, is a <,.. highly successful advertising executive who gave up dreamsz of becoming a great poetess in order to make her Sam into a great writer. It is the alienation-from the bureaucracy which foils at-: tempts at action, and from the Sol Yurick pseudo-literaries who prod him into writing a second best-seller-which leads Sam to his affair with Minniemother, the black Molly Bloom (Sam offers the com- parison himself), and it leads him in this to his mystical re- demption. Minriiemother has been scarred, beaten, deserted endless times, but continues without developing any of the high-strung hangups that Sam despises, and thus her attraction. "Time has stopped .. . no, never existed for her in her world. She lived from day to day. and didn't much care what day it was. If she laughed once or twice, laughed big that day, she had it made. And it was that laugh that cured him. .. a nature which had no civilized hypocri- sies and bland deceits." It Is this quality of "real" womanhood that makes Minnie the novel's most effective character. Unlike Sam's wife, she is no neurotic. All she desires is a good, steady man to provide for her and make love to her: the kind of suburban house-father she has been denied. She is free from the torments of self-knowledge; by her birth- right, Minnie does not have to know herself. It is .this ease of mind that attracts and ensnares Sam, and makes his eventual appear- ance as the white black man not acceptable; his new life is only a framework, he had been created much earlier. Minnie, on the other hand, doesn't have Sam's need to make a reversal, and only because-despite her television-produced wishes-she can never really have the opportunity. Yurick's preoccupation with blackness (a white man's pre- occupation, to be sure) is one of the novel's central themes. Only the real black people are not obsessed with the "meaning" of their race. The black man in the ghetto simply lives. He may hate white. but he does not necessarily do it in self-identification terms of black. Minniemother, in the climactic riot that ends the novel, may carry a rifle-but not out of revolutionary hate of skin color. In- stead, it is a personal envy of the white man and resentment of the white cop. Yurick's lesson is that of the urban riot that is a riot of frustrations, not a "rebellion" of politics. Yurick also manages to get in his digs at the radical organ- izers of both races. They seek to solve the maze of their own middle-class hangups, but pass themselves as trying to do it for others. "Was the New eft just another way of making a reputa- tion to gain entree into The Establishment?" one frustrated radical asks. Yurick's writing, too, can be incisive. Sam Miller is most credible as a suburban father entranced by his unreachable 15- year-old daughter, whom he wisely allows to pursue her own ways. "Did she lay? He hadn't the right to ask." Sometimes the author is epigrammatic. "The Daily News talked about small crimes in sensational ways and the Times talked about big crimes in an unsensational way." And through this language (with only occasional too-trite lapses), the effect is strong and chilling. Yurick documents the ghetto life from his own experience, undeniably horrifying. And he says things about the radical movement that are not easily admitted. The only answer that the despair of The Bag can offer? For Miller, Minnie, and the rest of the cast of characters, there are no answers at all. And nothing is so surely despairing as that. ;sbooksbooksbooksbooksb American as mom, apple pie, and witch hunts By.DANIEL OKRENT The Committee: The Extraordinary Career of the House Committee on Un-American Activ- ities. Farrar, Straus, and Giroux, $10.00 What is, by definition, "American?" Does our culture, besides being replete with all the virtues of godliness and grace that politicians tell us about, have bounds by which any accurate defini- tion can be made? If so, do qualities which lie outside the periphery necessarily become "un- American?" Or do various cultural cliches fit into the patchwork plan called "American" with the term used as an adjective of praise or definition? A case in point: the House Committee on Un-American Activities, referred to by newspapers as HUAC, by proponents as the protector of the national virginity, by critics as an institutional, national blight, by author Walter Goodman as, simply, The Committee. Born "officially" in 1938, midwifed by a sneer- ing, anti-intellectual, misguided populist from Texas named Martin Dies, and nurtured to man- hood by a succession of some of our most in- distinguished and infamous Congressmen (in- cluding one named Richard Milhous Nixon), the Un-American Activities Committee is defended by some as American by design, attacked by others as un-American by both construction and conduct, and quite succinctly labeled by Goodman as a full-blooded native son by anybody's crite- rion. Busily chasing the pinkos from our shores for close to 30 years seven though it has been par- ticularly inactive for the past few), HUAC is brilliantly American, red-white-and-blue Amer- ican, progeny of close to 200 years of Alien and Sedition Acts, institutionalized slavery, institution- alized bigotry, 1920's KKKism and Mitchell Pal- mer's Red Raids. Its brothers, through its own life, have been Joe McCarthy, the major parties, Whittaker Chambers and the McCarran-Walter Immigration Act. Its children, growing across America today, are taking the form of California politicians, Mississippi businessmen, suburban Detroit homeowners. No sector of America has avoided infection by HUAC's own efforts or those of its true-blue com- rades. No one growing up in the public schools has avoided indoctrination in the root theory of its principles. . Recognizing this is Walter Goodman's major contribution in The Committee. In so doing, he is able to lay aside the. arrows of venom that usually come from the paranoiac left, and he can stow the super-patriotic defenses of the jingoistic right. He chronicles the bleak history of the com- mittee judiciously and impassionately, and there- by presents an image of what HUAC is and was, not what HUAC should be and should have been. This isn't easy: there is much for the mod- erately libertarian, moderately intelligent, moder- ately well-informed observer to find wrong in the committee's creation and conduct. Busting lives with absolutely no concern for decency, leaving mistrust and vigilantism everywhere in its wake, HUAC has shown, through its history, far less' fairness than Goodman does. But he does not let this deter' him, seemingly operating from the vantage point of the sure opponent who recognizes the futility of attempt- ing to quash his foe. Thus dispensing of war- fare, he smothers the reader in fair, lively com- mentary on our years with the committee. His dispassion is so complete, in fact, that some- times he approaches true profundity in analyz- ing both the committee and its critics. One of the author's most 'illuminating analy- ses is the picture he draws of HUAC's detractors. True, he acknowledges, the men and women who so virulently' opposed the committee during its halcyon years (spanning the period from the be- ginning of World War II until Joe McCarthy's Senate censure) were quite justified in attacking the committee's zenophobia, anti-Semitism and racial bigotry, as well as its disgraceful red- baiting. But what they were not justified in doing was replying in kind. During the war, he points out, numerous com- mittee critics employed Stalinist "objective truth" to counter the self-same methods of Martin Dies. Just as the Texas Congressman, whose last Con- gressional act was joining forces with then-Sen. Hubert Humphrey to pass the Communist Control Act of 1954, made innocent liberals into com- munists because they opposed the committee's activities, so did the liberals frantically scream "Fascist!" at those who supported the committee. Similarly, attacked leftists opted themselves to fight Dies on very strange ground. It was Dies, they said, who was "hurting the war effort." The left's appeal to mother, flag, and country was no more justifiable than was HUAC's. Of course, there is something to be said for the opposition.. That is, how else could liberals posibly counter the wide-ranging evil that eman- ated from the committee room. Surely, if HUAC was so American, and so representative of Amer- ican mores that even Congressmen who deplored the committee and tried to block its appropria- tions were compelled to support it on roll call votes if they at all treasured their political sur- vival, then how could opponents fight HUAC on grounds that reasonable men might honor? Just as the committee operated in the truest Amer- ican fashion, then so were its critics forced to do so. But Goodman's narrative profits from his dis- passion. His approach proves the most effective way to really condemn HUAC. Is there any need for colored commentary when the facts are so clear? For instance, during the Hollywood in- vestigations, the committee spent days in advance trumping up publicity on how big names, stars that America loved, would be called on the carpet for their pro-Russian leanings. When the time came to deliver, names were dropped, careers were ruined, and nothing substantial was charged, let alone proven. The only convictions in court that ever came from committee investigating were on perjury charges (in the Alger Hiss case) or for contempt of Congress. Never was any one in- dividual or any group tagged communist by a jury. The only legislation that" came from the committee has either never been enforced (be- cause it is absolutely unenforceable), or has been found unconstitutional. What good, if any, sprang from the commit- tee's work? Mainly, some fairly valiant actions and inspiring words from its enemies. Prominent Hollywood screenwriter Dalto Trumbo went to jail rather than answer' any of the committee's questions, one accused government worker prom- ised "To eat on the steps of the Treasury Bldg., any communist organization to which I belong." The body's activities have also enabled Amer- icans to see the folly of the witch-hunt: except for a brief tangle with anti-war groups two years ago, the committee has been virtually inactive for the past decade. Of course, this is not to say that the national health has taken a sharp turn for the better: Congressmen still vote appropriations for the committee, and occasional threats, of renewed vigor still flash from Washington. Dr. Jeremiah Stamler has been basically unsuccessful in his attempts to declare the committee unconstitutional, at great cost to himself. Victory over the com- mittee has been won, if at all, by the Supreme Court, and even that has been only a . victory of effects, not of spirit. To put down the American spirit that le ves room for the House Committee on Un-American Activities would take a decidedly un-American revolution. breabkfat J w I knew it was Charlie having his By JOEL BLOCK The Military Half, by Jona- than Schell. Vintage, $1.65. Jonathan Schell's The Mili- tary Half is a good book for pseudo-liberals and would-be radicals who need to be re- minded why they detest the Vietnam War. It is a book which gives the administra- tion a lot of explaining to do about the conduct of our mil- itary forces in that country. In fact, if it had been printed four years ago, it might very well have become an Uncle Tom's Cabin to the war issue. Schell does no preaching in the book. He does not shout epithets from the left at the military or the administration. His personal feelings about the war are, in the main, kept sep- arate from his journalistic vo- cabulary. He is in fact some- what sympathetic to the people actually fighting the war, enu- merating some of the problems they face in conducting a con- ventional campaign on guer- rilla-suited terrain. The book is eye-witness re- portage, retelling Schell's expe- riences as he travelled through two provinces in the northern part of South Vietnam during the summer of 1967. The two provinces, Quang Ngai and Quang Tin, were for a long time Viet Cong strongholds until that summer when Task Force Oregon, a conglomerate of mil- itary units, moved into the area. Schell was given surpris- ing freedom in investigating the operations of Task Force Ore- gon (probably as a result of his superb treatment of the war in his earlier The Village of Ben Sue). He flew in low al- titude Army intelligence planes on their actual spotting mis- sious for bombing runs. He fol- lowed ground troops in their operations against suspected Viet Cong villages. He inter- viewed many Vietnamese prov- ince chiefs and American civil- ian officials, sources off the beaten path of day-to-day jour- nalists. What Schell reports is that the United States is systemat- ically destroying the country- side of South Vietnam, village by village and province by province. This devastation is seen by Schell as a result of the Ameri- can feeling that the VC are everywhere, that it is worth- while and necessary to demol- ish a village if any evidence of the enemy is found there. Sim- ilarly, the feeling is that it is necessary and worthwhile to destroy the total food and wa- ter supplies of a village if there is any chance that the enemy might have access to these pro- visions. And it is also worth- while and necessary to destroy any one person if he is sus- pected of being a Communist. Schell tells and retells the typical operation of U.S. troops moving into a new area. Para- troops are dropped in a strate- gic area where enemy activity has been reported. As soon as any type of resistance is en- countered, bombers are called in to attack the area. This of- ten happens when a Viet Cong sniper fires at a bunch of ground troops or a convoy. The ground commander tells the spotter place where the fire is coming from, and he directs the bombers where to drop their bomb loads. / If the sniper is located in a grove of trees or a rice paddy, the entire vegetation surround- ing him is napalmed. Shots, coming from a hut in a village result in the total destruction of the village. A bomber re- turning from a mission, if it has spare bombs left, will com- monly unload them on some "suspected Viet Cong strong- hold." Spotter planes will sometimes call for strikes on their own, upon seeing a single suspicious person walking on the ground. One pilot told Schell he could tell from the air that a man was a Viet Cong soldier: "Well, he walked real proud, with a kind of bounce in his gait, like a soldier, instead of just shuf- fling along, like the farmers do." Another pilot reported that he called in an air strike when he saw some smoke com- ing out of a patch of woods. "I knew that was a Charlie hav- ing his breakfast," the pilot boasted. "It could have been a Montagnard, but if it was, he shouldn't have been there." The refugee situation in Viet- nam is expectably deplorable. Schell describes how those vil- lagers which survive the bom- bardment of their hamlet are forced to leave with only those possessions they can carry themselves. They are herded into barbed wire enclosed com- pounds, where they are given adequate food and shelter less than half the time. In one in- stance a Vietnamese soldier who was appointed village chief took away all the villagers' identification cards, thus per- manently imprisoning them in- side the compound. What concerns Schell most is that all the military personnel he met and talked to thought they were justified and actual- ly beneficial in their actions toward the Vietnamese people. They considered themselves just one half of the war to root out Communism in Southeast Asia, and that their mission was solely to destroy. The other half-the civilian half-is charged with rebuild- ing what the military destroys. And he recognizes that the civilian half itself admits that it is lagging far behind in its task. The book shows that it is the sincere belief of most U.S. mil- itary leaders in Vietnam that it is necessary to destroy the Is all, hoha y with By SHERMAN DREW Red Sky at Morning, by Richard Bradford. Lippincott, $4.95. Every once in a while some- thing happens which restores your faith in the human race. You feel that perhaps, some- how, we shall all muddle through, ; whistling cheerily. Richard Bradford's first novel, Red Sky at Morning, is one of those rare experiences. The book is the story of a boy becoming a man. When Josh Arnold is 17 his father joins the Navy in World War III leaving Josh to care for his fragile, southern belle mother in the Southwestern hamlet of Corazon Sagrado. With all the contempt and sarcasm of a sensitive adolescent, Josh meets the world. Born and raised in the old southern traditions of Mobile, No, judgment no cooperation, much stupidity Ala., Josh has previously spent only the summers in Sagradot Peopled by a mixture of "An- glos" and natives, Sagrado is symbolic for its representation of the West as a land of rebirth and new opportunities, but is otherwise unimportant, for this story could have Happened any- where. As his mother starts drink- ing heavily and falls under the spell of, Jimbob Beul, "semi- professional houseguest," Josh must choose between imposing order on their household by himself or facing the destruc- tion of decent living, which his father had always insisted upon. As he decides, Josh's rela- tionship with his absent father becomes achingly tender as the boy becomes man at last. The book, however, is more than the story of a boy growing up. t Bradford has related this ex- perience to 'a larger context and shown us an entire way of life. The episodes which he por- trays. 'from the pagan rites in La Chima to the sex education talks given by the high school principal, are done with such insight and warmth that they are delightfully laughable 1^r- cia and Steenie, Josh's closest friends, are as real' as,'rain. They are developed in a glow of curiosity and hilarity which shines through their every ac- tion. Their only fault - for that matter the only one in the entire novel - is that they are sometimes overly precocious. It is unlikely that theechildren would have the perception to realize that after the war their parents would return to mod- ernize by paving the streets. In his many literary allusions Josh seems exceptionally intelligent for someone who wouldn't dare think of entering Harvard. De- spite these failings, thet lan- guage is rich, ribald, and typi- cal of that age group. In a time marked by skepti- country to save it from Com- ,munism. It shows that the Americans have no way to dis- criminate between friend and foe and that they have decided to destroy both, rather than let the Communists go free. It shows that for the war to be considered won by the Ameri cans, every single South Viet- namese will have to be put into a concentration camp and every village, rice paddy, for- est, and bunker in the country will have to be demolished. Br radford, cism and doubt, Bradford's new book offers the alternative of believing in the normality of man. Bradford has presented life as a pleasurable experience. This is not at all another Catcher in the Rye. If there is a parallel, it is that Josh and Holden both scrutinize the world from the upheaval of adolescence. There the parallel ends. Bradford doesn't leave you with a squeamish sick feel- ing in your stomach, or make you feel as though there is ho hope for anyone in today's world. Unlike most best-selling nov- elists, he can talk about gener- ation differences, erratic 'be- havior, and sex without making them titanic forces of destruc- tion which degrade the human race. Similarly, the optimism shows in Romeo, an Italian artist, and Chamaco, the Span- ish sheriff. They are not pre- sented as figures of absolute authority completely lacking in any understanding of the, vil- lage youths. They are men who were once young themselves and now give amiable advice on the ways of the world. Marcia and Steenie's fre- quent conversations about sex don't suggest promiscuity. They speak of 4t as a natural func- tion without implying eroticism or perversion. Josh is as comic, winning and wry a boy-man as you will meet anywhere. When he faces the problems of + his life both at home and at school he faces them calmly - as a rational man must - so as to control his environment. Perhaps this is the best thing about the work. The hero can stand up to his world and if' not control it, direct it by im- posing order on it. Another virtue of the book is that it makes the abnormal normal. Treated with caution, even the psychotic village tough can be an essential part of Bradford's exquisite humanity. A 4 . By DAVID SPURR The Secret Search for Peace in Vietnam, by David Kraslow and Stuart Loory. Random House, $5.95. Vintage, $1.95. In the summer of 1967, I was traveling through the sun-scorched plains of central Italy in a crowded second class compartment. Sitting across from me was an Italian student about my age, and as we struck up a faltering conversation, the subject automatically drifted to the Vietnam War. The student knew perhaps five words in Eng- lish and I could speak about two words of Italian. We barely managed to understand each other, by the use of exaggerated hand movements and French words. To add to the already-cumbersone complications, we had to stop talking every time the train passed through a tunnel, because of the tremendous gush of noise. The young Italian managed to get the message across, however, that in his mind Lyndon John- son was a worthless, imperialist aggressor out to conquer the country of Vietnam for American similar to the Italian student's position from war critics all over the world. David Kraslow and Stuart Loory, both members of the Los Angeles Times' Washington bureau, point out in The Secret Search fo'r Peace in Viet- nam how incredibly wide the gap has been. As one State Department official who has studied the secret files on Vietnam said, "Never underestimate stupidity, lack of judgment and lack of co-ordination as a factor in foreign policy. What appears to be a pattern may not be a pat- tern at all. Things sometimes simply happen that are not supposed to happen." The book exposes the embarrassing details of an entire series of separate initiatives over a three year period that fell flat exactly because of this stupidity, lack of judgment, and lack of coordination. The book is a tragic chronicle of foreign policy blunders representing a phenomenally intensive research project that led the authors to Rome, Saigon, Paris, Warsaw, Ottawa, London and many other cities in the course of their investi- gation. Most important of the peace initiatives, and Hanoi appeared interested. Accordingly, not far from where I talked to the Italian student; months later, a meeting took place at the Villa Madama in Rome. The State Department's Chester Cooper was told of the Marigold initiative and he duly relayed it to President Johnson. But here is where the Johnson administration so often trips over itself in foreign policy. Johnson immediately clamped a "Nodis" (no distribution) classification on Marigold, so that in the follow- ing months, only he and four or five top advisors were familiar with the whole affair. In December, just when the American am- bassador to Poland was beginning to get a warm response from Hanoi, Marigold wilted. A state Department official in Washington-. one who knew of the pending negotiations-- gasped when he read the morning paper. "Oh, my God," he said. "We've lost control." The American military command, totally ig- norant of Marigold, had bombed the outskirts of Hanoi for the first time in months. None of the handful of men with the "Nodis" information had remembered to order a bombing halt. Undressing in public With*todav'gs Dailv. the weekly book page goes temporarily" Teha,.'obstcles', ton uegotiations before