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August 10, 1968 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1968-08-10

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Saturdoy, August 10, 1968


Page Threi

Saturday, August 10, 1968 THE MiCHIGAN DAILY Page ThrE

Czechs swarm
to greet, Tito


GOP rallies after convention


Nixon aims for the cities

Lindsay heads for the top

PRAGUE (P) -Czechoslovaks by
tens of thousands took to the
streets yesterday shouting wel-
come to President Tito of Yugo-
hiavia, the maverick Communist
who stood behind Prague's reform
government during its crucial con-
frontation with the Soviet leader-
"Tito, Tito," the crowds roared.
"Long Live Tito."
Thousands of Yugoslav and
Czechoslovak flags fluttered at
Hradcany Castle, the seat of gov-
ernment, where the reception
reached its peak.
A Communist party official in
the crowd told a newsman: "It
has been many years since Prague
has seen anything like this."
Mansfield od tls
I olds talks
in ragu
PRAGUE, Czecho ovakia (P)-
U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mike
Mansfield discussed international
affairs yesterday with Josef
Smrkovsky, president of the
Czechoslovak Parliament. Both
were reported to have said ob-
stacles'to better U.S.-Czechoslovak
relations could be overcome.
The Czechoslovak news agency
CTK said the two held a frank
talk that ranged from the Viet-
nam war to European security
problems and the Czechoslovak
liberalization drive, in which
Smrkovsky is a key figure.
CTK said Smrkovsky cited un-
favorable U.S. tariffs on Czecho-
slovak products as a major ob-
stacle to better relations.
Another reported obstacle was
U.S. refusal to return $20 million
in gold seized from Nazi-held
Czechoslovakia at the end of
World War II.
The United States has been hold-
ing the gold pending compensation
for American property in Czecho-
slovakia that was nationalized
under the postwar Communist re-
Mansfield (D-Mont), arrived
from Moscow Thursday for a
short visit in Czechoslovakia.

After more than a hour of
shouting, Tito, wearing a grey
business suit, appeared on a bal-
cony of an inside courtyard and
received a ten-minute ovation.
Flanked by Czechoslovak Com-
munist party chief Alexander
Dubcek, President Ludvik Svo-
boda and other Czechoslovak re-
formist leaders, Tito beamed and
said, "Long live the friendship
between our peoples and may it
The Yugoslav leader, who 20
years ago became the first Com-
munist ruler to steer a course in-
dependent of Moscow, is in Prague
for talks with the Czechoslovak
Communist party leadership.
Prague newspapers forecast.
Tito's visit, made at the invitation
of the Czechoslovak party's Cen-
tral Committee, would mean fur-
ther cooperation between the two
They featured his recent dec-
laration that he was ready to go
"any time of the day or night and
to any place" to support Dubcek.
Tito's open support, and the
fact the Czechoslovak people were l
solidly behind the reform program,
are believed to have been the ma-
jor factors that led to the "live
and let live" agreement at theJ
Bratislava conference last Satur-
The leaders of all six Yugoslav
republics accompanied Tito, who
had postponed the visit three
times while the Czechoslovaks,
were in negotiations with the
Communist hierarchies of the
Soviet Union, Poland, East Ger-
many, Hungary and Bulgaria.
The reformist Czechoslovak
leaders were expected to give their
staunchest supporter in the Com-
munist world a fill-in on their,
meeting with the Soviet Politburo
and on the Bratislava conference;
of six Communist parties last'
Yugoslavia did not take part
in the meeting, which left the
Prague leadership free to continue
on its liberal course.
During the weeks of Soviet-led'
pressure against the Czechoslovaks
and at a time when Soviet mili-
tary intervention seemed a dis-
tinct possibility, Tito declared '
himself ready to come here at
a moment's notice. His visit was,
in fact, postponed at least three.
times because of the talks with;
Soviet leaders and the Bratislava'

M. Nixon set top priority on
rallying Republican troops to
his banner in the big industrial
states. And he accepted Presi-
dent Johnson's offer of full in-
formation on the Vietnam
peace talks, renewing his pledge
not to undercut them.
The GOP presidential nom-
inee told reporters he and run-
ning mate Spiro T. Agnew plan
to stop at the LBJ ranch in
Texas today to get a briefing
from Cyrus R. Vance, deputy
U.S. negotiator in Paris.
"Very shortly," Nixon said,
"we will be starting bridge-
building" in the ~states "where
there has been great support
for other candidates." Nixon
had support from only Illinois
and Texas of the seven largest
states in winning the nomina-
tion. He mentioned California,
Pennsylvania and New York as
specific areas of attention.
And Michigan Gov. George
Romney said Nixon and Agnew
"must make the party leaders
from the states that must win
the election for them at least
as important as Mr. Nixon
made the leaders of the South
and Southwest in winning the
"There is some real disagree-
ment in the Republican party,"
Nixon conceded, as grumbling
over the choice of Agnew con-
tinued behind the scenes,/ "but
not nearly as' much as there
is in the Democratic party."
Reporting that the President
phoned him Thursday night,
the nominee quoted Johnson
as having told him: "Dick, you

have my congratulations and
my sympathy."
Nixon was greeted by his run-
ning mate as he arrived for-his
news conference.
It was evident from com-
ments by departing delegates
that local GOP leaders expect
they will have to do, a major,
selling job in behalf of Agnew.
"We'll have a difficult battle
in Michigan," said Romney,
who' was catapulted by dis-
sident GOP liberals into a last-
minute though futile-fight
against Angew. "I think it's
possible to win," he added, "but
we're going to have a real tough
job in Michigan."
Another delegate was more
outspokenly pessimistic. "I
think we have a ticket that
will, lose in Michigan," said
James Gilmore Jr. of Kalama-
zoo. "I would guess that we
would lose four congressional
seats and the state legislature."
But Natioinal Committeeman
John Martin said Nixon "can
be elected in Michigan.'
Other criticism of the Agnew
nomination came from dele-
gates of New Jersey, Connecti-
cut, Rhode Island, Oregon,
Massachusetts, Wisconsin, Mis-
souri, Minnesota, Iowa, In-
diana, Colorado and Arkansas.
Among the critics were some
who will have to run with the
Nixon-Agnew ticket.
"The people in Maryland
don't even know him, let alone
Ohio," said Rep. William E.
Minshall of Ohio, who faces a
difficult fight in a reapportion-
ed Cleveland district. He added,
"You might as well have picked
the name out of a phone book."

From wire Service Reports
John Lindsay has been run-
ning for the 'presidency since'
After making his first bid
for Congress in that year, the
New York Mayor has been cul-
tivating what one Congressman
calls "the kind 4 of charisma
Bobby Kennedy had."
But if Lindsay makes it to
the top executive position, he
will do so within the ranks of
the Republican party. Although
Lindsay gained his original na-
tional renown for his cogent
statements as an independent
liberal, he began sounding more
like a Republican nine months
ago when he embarkedmon 'a
nation-wide speaking tour.
Lindsay, who refused to sup-
port Goldwaterr sin1964, has
strongly endorsed hisk party's
nominees this year. In fact,
the former party rebel blocked
an attempt by liberals who
wanted to nominate him for
the vice presidency. Instead he
delivered the seconding,speech
for Nixon's choice, Spiro T. Ag-
new, a man the mayor said he
had "only met a couple of
times," and who is his ideolo-
logical opposite on many issues.
However, it would be unfair
to accuse Lindsay of complete-
ly selling out to candidates of
a party he doesn't really fa-
vor. Lindsay has been uncom-
promising in his criticisms of
the Republican platform. He
has indicated disapproval of
the welfare provisions and dis-
agreement that the courts are
responsible for lawlessness.
But his recent display of

party regularity accelerates
Lindsay's drive for the presi-
dential romination in 1972 or
1976. His advisers say the 46
year old mayor will win the
nomination by courting the
party's leadership.
"John can't keep ,the boy
wonder image forever -- he
needs the party," one adviser
At the convention, Lindsay
was courted by dozens of state
chairmen who seek to imple-
ment his charisma for their
campaigns. If Lindsay, ag-
rees to tour the nation for par-
ty locals (and he,indicated yes-
-terday he would campaign
especially for "young, progres-
sive candidates") he will ac-
quire the kind of political cred-
it that Nixon has been building
so profitably for the past 16
"John could collect more po-
litical i.o.u.'s in four years
than Nixon could in eight," one
Lindsay backer said.
Many delegates who voted
for Nixon at the convention
made it clear they were re-
paying old campaign i.o.u.'s.
Indeed, Nixon's willingness to
campaign or to raise money
for, candidates has beenama-
jor factor in his political dur-
Lindsay is airping to be at
least as durable as the, former
vice-president. Most of the
people around the, mayor be-
lieve Lindsay will be a candi-
date for governor or senator in
1970. And Lindsay sfipporters
make no secret of the fact
they want hin in '72.


--Asso ciated Press
Czechs cheer Tito
Police search brings
battle with students

MONTEVIDEO, Uruguay (1?)-
Students fought with police yes-
terday after police raided the
University of Uruguay looking for
evidence in the kidnaping of a
close adviser to President Jorge
Pachecho Areco.
Police withdrew from the uni-
versity after about two hours but
were caught up in a brawl with
300 protesting university students.
Several students were injured and
an undetermined number were
Riotsquads kept abodt 1,000
other students at bay in the uni-
versity compound by laying down
a thick fog of tear gas.
But one group of students
raided a nearby construction site
for missiles and waged a rock-
throwing battle with police.
Shots were heard in an indus-
trial district on the outskirts,
where 200 students from the col-
lege of agronomy marched down
a street and clashed with police.
There was no official informa-
tion on the clash, and radios and
newspapers cannot help. Under
security measures, they are al-
lowed to print only what is dealt
out in government communiques.
Later in the day high school
students joined in the demonstra-
tions in two suburbs.

The student reaction had been
expected because Latin American'
universities are, by tradition, off
limits to police and troops.
Col. Alberto Aguirre Gestido,
chief of capital police, made clear,
however, that the raid was in-
tended to get information on the
kidnaping Wednesday of Dr.
Ulises Pereira Reverbel, Pacheco's
adviser. The kidnaping is blamed
on pro-Red Chinese Communists.
In a communique, Aguirre said
the police had learned "through
reliable sources that activities re-
lated to acts of violence and the
publishing of subversive leaflets
were being carried out" on the
university grounds.
"The government had previous
knowledge of the operation and
authorized the investigation con-
cerning the illegal. activities and
the kidnaping of a public figure,"
the communique added.
* The communique said the police
did not intend "to affect the uni-
versity's autonomous regime." But
the school's rector, Oscar Mag-
giolo, told reporters the univer-
sity's autonomy had been violated.
The kidnaping and student vio-
lence is directly connected with
Pacheco's battle to quiet labor un-
rest and inflation in this formerly
placid country.

Doctors sa
doing well
President Dwight D. Eisenhower's
doctors reported yesterday he is
gaining strength and is in "excel-
lent spirits" following his newest
major heart attack last Monday.
He still is classified as critically
ill, like any other victim of a re-
cent cardiac attack.
In their morning medical bulle-
tion, Walter Reed Army Hospital
doctors reported, "Gen. Eisen-
hower has spent another com-
fortable day and night. All vital
signs have continued to remain
stable. His doctors are pleased
with the general's progress."

McCarthy pledges
Vietnam floor fight

U.S. patrol
hits village

. I 'I

HOUSTON, Tex. (A'-Sen, Eu-
gene J. McCarthy yesterday prom-
ised a fight on the floor of the
Democratic National Convention
to include in the party's platform
a call for a coalition government
in South Vietnam. -
Acceptance of such a plank by
Vice President Hubert H. Hum-
phrey, he said, would be essential
if he were to support the Vice
President, should Humphrey win
the nomination.
McCarthy, his morale boosted
by the .endorsement of his can-
didacy by Sen. Ralph Yarborough
(D-Tex), told a news conference


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Southern Baptist Convention
1131 Church St.
Rev. Tom Bloxam
9.45 am.-Sunday School.
11:00 a.m.-Morning Worship.
6:30 p.m.--Training Union.
7:30 p.m.-Evening Worship.

Presently meeting at the YM-YWCA
Affiliated with the Baptist General Conf.
Rev. Charles Johnson
9:45 a.m.-U Fellowship Bible Discussion
11:00 p.m.-"Have Gospel, Must Communi-
7:00 p.m.-"Mission Impossible?"
8:30 p.m.-Campus and Croeers Fellowship
!The Lutheran Church--Missouri Synod)
1511 Washtenaw
Alfred T. Scheips, Pastor
Sunday at 9:45-Service with Communion
Sunday at 11:00 a.m.-Bible Class
Wednesday at 10:00 p.m.-Midweek Devotion
330 Maynard;
11:00 a.m.-Holy Communion and Baptism
Music: Folk Mass

1432 Washtenaw Ave.
Phone 662-4466
Ministers: Ernest T. Campbell, John R.
Waser, Harold S. Horan
Worship at 9:00 and 10:30 a.m.
Presbyterian Campus Center located at the
On the Campus-
Corner State and William Sts.
Terry N. Smith, Minister
Ronald C. Phillips, Assistant
Summer Worship Service at 10:00 a.m.
Sermon: "The Politics of God", Rev. Terry
N. Smith preaching
Church School through Sixth Grade.
(North Campus)
1679 Broadway
9:00 a.m.-Morning Prayer and Holy Com-
11:00 a.m.-Coffee in the lounge.
1917 Washtenow Ave.
Dr. Erwin A. Goede, Minister
Phyllis St. Louis, Minister of Education

306 N. Division,
8:00 a.m.-Holy Communion.
9:00 a.m.-Holy Communion and Sermon.
11:00 a.m.-Morning Prayer and Sermon.
7:00 p.m.-Evening Prayer.
1001 East Huron
Phone 662-3153
Ministers: Calvin S. Malefyt, Paul Swets
10:30 a.m.-"Shattering Religious illusions,"
Dr. Calvin Malefyt
7:00 p.m.-"The Christian and the Agnos-
tic," Rev. Paul Swets

he will demand the coalition gov-
erninerrt stand before the party's
platform committee--"and I ex-
pect if we have strength enough
to put it on the floor after that
we'll try to put it on the floor."
Yarborough, introducing Mc-
Carthy, became one of the few
senators to endorse the Minne-
sota Democrat for the presidency.
The vast majority of the Texas
delegation is pro-Humphrey.
He called McCarthy "the best
possible nominee of any party this
year for the presidency," and said,
"I wholeheartedly and enthusiast-
ically endorse" his candidacy for
the presidency of the United
Only Sens. Wayne Morse of
Oregon and Steven M. Young of
Ohio have lined up publicly be-
hind McCarthy. But Yarborough
said he knew "dozens of senators
who in the cloakroom say Gene
McCarthy is the best qualified
for the presidency."
McCarthy later met with the
week-old Texas Democrats for an
Open Conuvention. They are pre-
paring a challenge before the con-
vention credentials committee to
loosen the grip of Texas Gov. John
Connally over the delegation,
which will cast 104 votes.
Charge Bailey
CHICAGO VP) - Sen. Eugene J.
McCarthy's campaign manager
said yesterday the Democratic
National Committee is putting the
squeeze on the McCarthy camp
while catering to financial back-,
ers of the Johnson-Humphrey Ad-
Stephen A. Mitchell, McCarthy's
strategist and Democratic nation-
al chairman from 1952 to 1954,
made the charge. It was promptly
denied by John Bailey, the cur-
rent national chairman.
Mitchell, at a news conference,
said McCarthy backers are being
denied sufficient hotel rooms, tele-
phones and delegate space in the
International Amphitheatre where
the party's national convention
will meet beginning Aug. 26.
He exhibited a copy of a letter
he said the national committee
wrote an unidentified campaign
contributor promising a room in
one of "the leading hotels" and
passes to the convention "if you
are not a delegate or alternate."
The limited facilities for Mc-
Carthy and the substance of the
letter, Mitchell said, "not only'
severly hampers Sen. McCarthy's
bid for the nomination, but
threatens to foreclose any hope
for an open convention."

SAIGON (P-Fighting through
monsoon rains in the Mekong
Delta, a U.S. river patrol repulsed
two Viet Cong ambushes but ac-
cidentally raked a nearby village
with heavy fire, the U.S. Com-
mand said yesterday.
The ambushes Thursday came
seven hours apart and each time
return fire from the American
boats struck the village of Cai
Range, 83 miles southwest of Sai-
gon. In all, 15 Vietnamese civilians
and a soldier were killed and 105
civilians and 15 soldiers were
The river patrol had penetrated
deep into the delta in an area
that long has been a Viet Cong
stronghold and was returning af-
ter killing 252 Viet Cong and un-
covering, big weapons caches.
The first ambush, against troops
of the U.S. 9th Infantry Division
and the Riverine Force of, U.S.
Navy boats, was sprung Thursday
afternoon just south of the im-
portant delta city of Can 'Tho.
The second came after nightfall..
U.S. officials said that in both
ambushes, along a curve in the
Can Tho River, Cal Rang was just
to the south and directly in the
path of AmericaLreturn fire over
flat terrain. The division rushed
medical aid 'to the }village.
One U.S. boat was damaged and
beached in the ambushes and 15
U.S. soldiers were wounded.
On the northern front, U.S.
101st Air Cavalry Division troops
engaged an enemy force of un-
known size northeast of Hue, the
ancient citadel capital. The Amer-
icans captured 63 suspected ene-
my troops in fighting that con-
tinued yesterday afternoon. There
was no word on U.S. casualties.
Other 101th units continued the
sweep through the A Shau Valley,
27 miles southwest of Hue, but
'contact continued light.
Word from the valley said the
air cavalrymen killed four North
Vietnamese soldiers and captured
17 rifles, but the amount of wea-
pons and supplies found has been
far less than expected.
The 101st is following the same
path as troops who swept up huge
stores of weapons and supplies
last April 'and May in the valley,
a major staging area for enemy
forces threatening Hue and Da
In the air war, U.S. -fighter-
bombers flew 11$ missions Thurs-
aday against North Vietnam's
southern panhandle and pilots
said they destroyed or damaged
47 supply trucks and 35 boats
heading south.
The purpose of the attacks on
supply lines is to slow the move-
ment of North Vietnamese across
the demilitarized zone dividing
Vietnam. It was near the zone
that North Vietnamese, using 105-
mm howitzers for the first time,
were bloodily repulsed in an at-
tack on South Vietnamese posi-
tions Thursday.

At State and Huron Streets
Phone 662-4536
Hoover Rupert, Minister
Eugene Ransom, Campus Minister
Bartlett Beavin, Associate Campus


Sermon: "Roads," Rev. L. Burlin Main
National Lutheran Council
Hill St. at S. Forest Ave.
Mr. Richard Burgie, guest speaker'
10:30 a.m.-Worship Service.
423 S. Fourth Ave.
Telephone 665-6149
Pastors: H. G. K'roehler, A. C. Bizer,
W. C. Wright
9:30 a.m.-Worship Service
9:30 a.m.-Church School

10:00 a.m.-"What Is a Criminal,"
Hull, M.D., guest speaker


W. Stadium at Edgewood
Across from Ann Arbor High
Roy V. Palmer, Minister
C l I * *

1833 Washtenaw Ave.
10:30 a.m.-Worship Services. Sunday School
(2-20 years).

- A U Uk ,.....





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