giltk A
Even cooler
and nicer tomorrow
See editorial page
Vol. LXXVIII, No 64-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, August 10, 1968 Ten Cents
Marvin ihuss: A basement view of
Six Pages
After shepherding the University
through 17 years of financial strug-
gle, Marvin L. Niehuss retired at the
end of June as executive vice presi-
dent; and the first thing he did was
clean his basement.
"There used to be a standing joke
around the Administration Build-
ing," the former vice president says.
"People would say, 'If you can't find
something in the files, there's bound
to be a copy somewhere in Marvin
Niehuss' basement.'"
As a result of his cleaning efforts
Niehuss is now supplying the Michi-
gan Historical Collection with Uni-
versity documents dating from
World War II, when he was co-or-
dinator of the Emergency Training
Program, through the late forties
when he was vice president for uni-
versity relations, to more recent
years when he was dean of faculties
and one of the University's chief
liasons with the, state legislature
in the never-ending attempt to get
operating funds.
Niehuss' extensive knowledge of
the workings of the University will
not entirely be relegated to a mu-
seum, however.
"What I really wanted to do during
these first few months was nothing
much," Niehuss says, "but circum-
stances didn't permit." He is now
immersed in gathering materials for
a seminar on "The Legal Problems of
Higher Education" which he will con-
duct in the Law School in the fall.
Niehuss was a professor of law here
before he was appointed vice presi-
The seminar will explore the legal
relations between students, faculty
and administration, and between the
University and the government. Some
specific areas Niehuss plans on deal-
ing with are the limits of Regental
authority,.the role of faculty unions
and laws of .libel and free speech
in a University setting.
Niehuss doesn't plan to return to
his old specialty, teaching real estate
law. "The courses I taught before
are covered well here," he says. "I
would prefer to work in some fields
that are a little less defined."
His new course seems to fill the
bill. "Ga4l4ering the materials is
challenging," he says. "It seems no
one ever tried to find legal experts
on student relations before."
During Niehuss' years as an active
participant in University history, he
has observed serveral encouraging
trends, both in the school's inner
power structure and its ielations with
the public.1
As dean of faculties he saw{an in-,
crease in faculty awareness of ad-
ministrative problems, and a' cor-
responding increase in faculty parti-
cipation in decision-making.
Niehuss does not characterize this
trend as a massive "faculty power"
movement, but rather as the spread-
ing of administrative information
to more professors, necessitated by
the increasingly compleX, organiza-
tion of the University.
In the deca'de after the war, the
days of the University's most severe
financial crisis, Niehuss says what
then was tie faculty's Senate Ad-
visory Committee consisted of "some
fifteen people who were very much
aware of administrative action.
"These men and the professors
on executive committees knew what
was going on," he says. "But beyond
that no one had, a pressing need to
"The Senate Advisory Commitee
on University Affairs presently com-
prises 60-70 faculty members. And
at least 100 others are on committees
relating to some aspect of admin-
"In the .past," Niehuss adds, "it
was more common to participate
through a school or college. Now,
more faculty want to influence the
administration through other chan-
See NIEHUSS, Page 2
Former Vice President Niehuss
i e
cooling rain
calm Miami,
MIAMI, Fla. 0P"--A rigid cur- encompassed some white
few and cooling rain emptied tial and business sections
streets yesterday where three Ne- ing trouble areas.
groes were shot to death and 18 Except for a few scattere
persons were wounded during two the city was quiet yesterda
days of shooting, looting and However, county authori
burning. forces of National Guardsm
The dark-to-dawn curfew was lice, highway troopers. co
clamped on nearly half the city. tion officers and beverage
Bars and liquor stores were or- were being beefed up.
dtered shut in a vast zone that Police said two men w
violence 3
residen- to death by police Thursday aft-
border- ernoon during the height of the
outbreak in Liberty City, just 10
ad shots, miles from the Republican 'Na-
y. tional Convention.
ties said Officials claimed both men were
nen, po- shooting at officers when they
)nserva- were felled by a police volley.
agents They had earlier reported that
one of the men was a sniper and
ere shot the second a passerby.
A third man was killed after the
violence spread to the Central Ne-
gro District. He was slain after
he wounded police Sgt. James
Tombley with a bullet fired from'
a third floor apartment window.
Police said no guns were found
at the scene of either shootout.
"Other people picked them up
and ran with them," a spokesman
During the first 36 hours of vio-
lence, more than 200 persons were
arrested. Eighteen Negroes, some:
with bullet wounds, were treated
at hospitals and 12 policemen
were treated mostly for cuts and
County inspection teams esti-
mated damage at $192,000 during
the early hours of violence.
Late yesterday afternoon, the
area looked normal, except for
12th to 17th avenues along 62nd
d Press Street. There National Guardsmen,1
about a dozen to the block, were
standing in front of looted stores,t
on corners and rooftops,.
There were no crowds, and busi-
nesses which had not been dam-i
aged maintained their sales. A
{few little kids good-naturedly
11 teased the soldiers with statementsf
such as, "Hey, ain't that a B-B
Outside of his burned-out "Joe's
y of the Seymour Market," 37-year-oldt
uld have William Wong held a piece of ply-t
d their wood while a dozen Negro helpers
nailed it across the charred rear.
win the door.1
30 when Wong, a merchant in the areaE
Rapids for 15 years, owned two of thel
lthough grocery stores gutted by fire. f
e past, I
mostly "I couldn't let my fine employ-
es down," Wong said, explaining1
y is on he will rebuild the stores. "Theyl
idea of are loyal, trustworthy good work-t
educa- ers." Of 15 employes at the two i
Ided. stores, 12 were Negroes.,
MC 0ov er n
to announce
WASHINGTON O-Sen. George S. McGovern of South
Dakota will announce his candidacy for the Democratic pres-
idential nomination today, authoritative sources said last
In effect, the move will be an effort to pick up and build
up the forces left stranded by. the assassination of Sen.
Robert F. Kennedy of New York.
Kennedy had a definitely committed Democratic Na-
tional Convention voting strength of more than 300 at ther
-Associated Press
Warm welcome
Sen. Eugene McCarthy, Democratic presidential h opeful reaches for hands 'of admirers as he arrives
in Houston for a series of appearances climaxed by a rally last night. Some 250 supporters yelling
"We want Gene" greeted the Minnesota senator at Houston International airport.
Guardsmen patrol Miami streets
WS dUstudent to rt
for governing boa
By STUART GANNES plained. "In this way many
Barry Becker, a 22-year-old poor families in Detroit wou
student at Wayne State Univer- an opportunity to sen
sity in Detroit, yesterday became children to Wayne."
the first person to announce his: Becker feels he can w
candidacy for the Democratic party nomination on Aug.3
nomination for WSU's Board of the party meets in Grand
Governors, for its state convention, a
The two seats on the board he concedes that in th
which will be up for election this "these jobs have been
November are currently held by patronage positions."
Thomas B. Adams, a Republican "At any rate, the part
and De Witt T. Burton, a Dem- record as supporting the
ocrat. en A student representation on
Contacted last night, Adams tional boards," Becker ad,
said he would not seek re-election tionaflboards,"sBeckerlal
thi fall Burton was not available
for comment.
Each party will nominate two
candidates for the board at state-
wide conventions later this month.
They will also' choose candidates
for Regent, Michigan State Uni- L ei
versity Trustee and the State
Board of Education.
Becker said his candidacy would By STEVE NISSE]
focus on the issue of student in-
volvement in the university. State Atty Gen, Frank
"The concept of student re- ley ruled in June that
sponsibility will be the primary gan State University
thrust of my campaign," Becker President Phillip May w,
said. "Students should be involv- substantial conflict of in
ed in decision-making at all levels, because of the possibili
including the Board of Gov- personal financial ac
ernors." might undesirably influec
Referring to Wayne's rapid ex- function as the chief fin
pansion from a small college to officer of MSU.
H 7 -tra 17ran 1niar hy "t, ia r a np., - nf
Expand h
The drive to begin serious ex-
amination of black history and
culture is gaining momentum.
Although Prof. William Freeh-
ling will not teach hisscheduled
winter term course in Negro his-
tory, because of "prior commit-
ments," the University has ac-
quired a new professor, William
Toll, to inaugurate two courses'
in black history this year.
And the department has re-,
ceived a special allocation from
the literary college to sponsor a
fall term lecture series on Negro
Toll, who is presently completing
his doctorate at the University of
California at Berkeley, will teach
a junior honors history seminar,
the "History of the American Ne-
gro," in the fall.
Next winter, he intends to con-
duct the second half of the three
hour junior seminar (History 392),
along with History 558-a three
hour seminar designed primarily
for graduate students.
The graduate course boasts the
monumental title, "The Negro Ex-
perience in the United States,
1865-1968: An interpretation of
the group life of the Afro-Amer-
ican as it developed in the United
States from the implementation
of emancipation to the present
confrontation with social mobil-
Prof. William Willcox, chairman
of the history department, said
yesterday he expects Toll to em-
phasize post Civil War develop-
ments 'in Negro history.
The question of whether or not
to teach Negro history precipitated
Police battlea
LA Panthers,
LOS ANGELES (?P)-Eight per-
sons including five members of
the Black Panther party were ar-
rested in a parking lot gunfight
with police yesterday.
No one was hurt in the battle
between 15 officers and about a
dozen Negroes near an interracial
housing project just east of down-
town Los Angeles.
Those arrested were booked on
suspicion of assault with intent to
commit murder.
The incident followed a similar
gun battle earlier this week in
south-central Los Angeles in
which three Panthers were slain
and two policemen wounded.
'a running controversy at the Uni-
versity last winter. Besides lacking
the instructor for such a course,
Willcox was 'admittedly skeptical
of the academic study of a minor-
ity group. However, as soon as
Freehling indicated willingness to
teach the course, the chairman
agreed to its creation.
"I've been converted," Willcox
said yesterday. "I think Negro
history is a way of exploring the
present social problem."
Willcox also explained that the
history department is co-spon-
soring a winter term Negro history
course to be taught by Negro
guest lecturer Harold W. Cruse.
Cruse, author of the 1967 sur-
vey The Crisis of the Negro In-
tellectual, is teaching a three
hour seminar "The American
Cultural Philosophy and its His-
torical Determinants as Related
to Race and Ethnic Differences."
That course will be cross-listed
with the literary college Honors
Program and with the American
Studies Program, but Cruse will
arrive in the fall to teach a course
solely for honors students.
The author will also be a speak-
er in the history department's spe-
cial lecture series, "New Insights
into the History of the Negro
[ack history program
time he', was felled by gun
Much of that force has re-
mained in an uncommitted stance
- particularly the bulk of the
174-vote California delegation
which Kennedy had just won in
a primary when he was killed.
Of the California delegation 151
had not chosen a new course at
the last reading in a poll by The
Associated Press. Leaders said
they were. planning to stick to-
gether as backers of the prin-
ciples of the late New York sena-
McGovern, definitely a "dove"
on Vietnam policy, shared many
of Kennedy's views and backed
him solidly.
There was an apparently short-
lived McGovern nomination boom-
let in mid-July, set off by a
South Dakota dinner in memory
of Kennedy, who had also won
that state's primary and its con-
vention delegation.
Many of those who had led the
Kennedy presidential effort were
on the guest list, but up to yester-
day little had surfaced as a re-
sult of the session.
Theodore "Ted" Sorenson, a top
Kennedy aide and one of the
guests at the dinner, called the
talk of a coalescence around Mc-
Govern a sort of "holding action."
"I'm not here to push McGov-
ern," Sorenson said. "But the Mc-
Govern candidacy as a South Da-
kota favorite son has found us a
good spot to land."
Jesse Unruh, leader of the Cal-
ifornia Kennedy forces and also
a guest at the South Dakota af-
fair, joined in denying it repre-
sented an effort to stop either
Humphrey or McCarthy..
Dems to0
battle over
wajr planki
WASHINGTON (P) - A newly
formed group of prominent Demo-
crats is nearing agreement on a
Vietnam peace proposal expected
to touch off a major battle in the
party's Platform Committee-and
possibly on the convention floor.
The committe4 includes several
Democrats who supported the late.
Sen. Robert F. Kennedy for the
presidential nomination.
And backers of Sen. Eugene J.
McCarthy for the top spot on the
ticket have been working with
them on, the proposed plank.
But one of the leading members
of the new committee, Sen. Clai-
borne Pell of Rhode Island, chal-
lenged interpretations that the
peace-plan coalition represents a
joint effort of the McCarthy-Ken-
nedy forces to block the nomina-
tion of Vice President Hubert H.
This is by no stretch of the
imagination a pro-McCarthy or a
stop-Humphrey move," Pell said.
Pell said he is uncommitted to a
candidate but views a Humphrey
nomination as a certainty.
He said the committee is con-
cerned solely with the platform
and other convention issues and
is not designed to bring the Ken-
nedy backers into the McCarthy
Joseph L. Raugh Jr., a Wash-
ington attorney supporting Mc-
Carthy, said in a separate inter-
view that no question had been
raised in the Vietnam plank dis-
cussions on. the prospect of having
the Kennedy, forces get behind
McCarthy for the nomination.
Sen. George .McGovern, D-
S.D., will present the peace-plank
proposal to the 110-member Plat-
form Committee at a session
Aug. 20 in Washington. He is
chairman of the new committee.
The peace proposal reportedly
will call for a bombing halt, no
further escalation of the war, new
elections in South Vietnam open
to all citizens-including the Na-
tional Liberation Front-and a
,k Kel-
vas "in
ty his
nce his
fli, of
iture n
June, the legislature empl6yed
the power to write a controver-
sial new law on confli'ct of in-
The new law which goes into
effect in September "strips the
public of most of the protection
it now has from conflicts of in-
terest," Kelley wrote Gov. Rom-
ney asking him to work for its
repeal. "I had hoped you would
veto it," he said.
"Trmetus from the legislation
tracts and redraws guidlines
in the entire conflict of inte-
rest question.
Kelley maintains that de-
spite the constitutional dele-
gation or power to implement
the conflict of interest law, any
implementing legislation "must
be subordinate to the constitu-
tional provision, and must not
in any particular attempt to
narrow or embarrass it."
conflict of interest'
states' school boards, the bank-
ing commissioner, the insur-
ance commissioner,, and vice
presidents of state' universities.
Furthermore, Kelley said, the
new law "instead of further
implementing the constitution-
al prohibition of substantial
conflict of interest, virtually
guts such prohibtion."
The bill limits conflicts of
interest by state officers to in-
.ot.,.... . a *'+h mnffinnlq , nor
concept that a conflict of ini-
terest exists where the state of-
ficer shas such a private inte-
rest that the possibility exists
that he might be tempted to
favor his own interests as
against those of the public,"
he said.
The new law also permits a
state officer to enter into con-
tracts with the state if he is
the "lowest qualified bidder."
But Kelley warns that "a state
thority to authorize the public
entity to set aside the contract,
there is no reasonable possibi-
lity. the contract will be set,
aside," Kelley noted.
"Some of the sponsors and
proponents" of the bills have.
described them "as an impor-
tant step forward in protecting
the public against conflicts of
interest" the attorney general.
said. "Nothing could be fur-
ther from the truth. In fact