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May 07, 1968 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1968-05-07

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Seventy-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom


The seven dy

Where Opinions Are Free, 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH.
Truth Will Prevail

NEws PHONE: 764-0552

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

TUESDAY, MAY 7, 1968,


Hoosierland uber alles:
A study in white bacidash

UNLIKE NEW Hampshire or Wisconsin,
today's primary election in Indiana
will not be an initial test of the national
issues and candidates, but a harsh meas-
ure of the strength of the backlash
against the candidacy and platforms of
Sens. Robert Kennedy and Eugene Mc-
Indiana Governor and favorite son
presidential candidate Roger Branigin
is leading the backlash forces, and with
considerable success. Because the size of
the Republican switchover which is
Branigin's principal, hope is unknown,
few pollsters are making predictions with
any certainty today in an election which
only a few weeks ago seemed earmarked
for a Kennedy victory.
Branigin originally entered .,the race
as an acknowledged stand-in for Presi-
dent Johnson, But following LBJ's with-
drawal, Branigin' stayed in the contest
amid speculation he was representing
Vice President Humphrey, who appears
to be the favored candidate of the John-
son wing of the party.
THE QUALITY of Branigin's appeal
comes through clearest in the cam-
paign advertisements supporting him.
Short radio spots, for example, ad-
monish Hoosiers not to let the "outsid-
ers buy Indiana." "Don't vote for the soft
Americans," they harangue, implying
that Kennedy and McCarthy are guilty
of everything from cowardice to treason
for their anti-war statements.
Branigin's defense of the conservative
wing of the Democratic Party against the,
two challengers is clearly directed more
at Kennedy than McCarthy. The em-
phasis is on Kennedy's wealth and efforts
to "buy" Indiana. "Hoosierland for the
Hoosiers," the posters scream.
But the slogan is only a front for the
real Branigin campaign, an effort to
stop Kennedy and McCarthy and the,
student "blitz" which has swept them to
earlier primary victories.I
Branigin isrl't just another favorite son
vying for a part in the choosing of the
president. He represents a slap in the
face to the two men who are challenging
the forces that dominated the party dur-
ing the Johnson administration.
Branigin collects the racists, super.-
hawks, and hayseeds who don't like "out-
siders" coming into their backward little~
domain. Behind him is an ugly political

machine and an equally odious press
which has lost any semblance of objec-
tivity. The Indianapolis Star's Sunday
morning paper carried a banner head
which read "BONNA LAGS ON VOTE
JOB." Underneath was a story describing
how the Bonna Printing Company was
late in printing election supplies "because
the firm devoted much of its time to print'
campaign material for Sen. Robert Ken-
In the same issue there was a front
page editorial asking Indiana Republi-
cans to cross over and vote for Branigin
to show the world "Indiana is not for
WHETHER BRANIGIN wins or not de-
pends in part on how many Repub-
licans follow the Star's advice. Crossing
over is illegal but unenforceable because
a voter can cross over by simply Signing
an affadavit stating that he intends to
vote for a majority of the party's candi-
dates in the November election.
The Republican cross-over will be very
large and nearly all of it will go to Bran-
igin even though the Nixon campaign
has asked Indiana Republicans not to
"waste" their vote.
Kennedy will run very strong in the
black community where his own and,
McCarthy's canvass figures show the'
New York senator with practically every
But the black community just doesn't
normally turn out at the polls, and if
Kennedy is to beat Branigin he needs
those votes. Although Negroes only con-
stitute 6 per cent of the electorate in
Indiana, their votes could mean the dif-
ference in a close race.
And it will be close. Kennedy, concen-
trating on Indianapolis ghetto Saturday,
told residents at each of his stops, "If
you want to change things do it at the
polls, not in the streets."
Late figures from a sampling of In-
diana voters show Kennedy with a nar-
row victory. But Republican crossovers
could upset the whole election. The
strength of white racism and the mili-
tarism of the past five years will be tested
today and every vote including those of
previously apolitical Negroes will be
needed to block Branigin's try for a back-
lash victory.

Liberation News Service
First of Three Parts
NEW YORK, April 29-A new,
more fluid style of revolution-
ary activity on the American cam-
pus has been introduced by Co-
lumbia University students, black
and white, who held physical con-
trol of the campus for a week.
The strategy developed spontane-
ously, from the non-violent dem-
onstration which began Tuesday,
April 23, at 12:30 p.m., on Low
Library Plaza to the seizure by the
students of four main classroom
buildings and the suite of rooms
belonging to Columbia's President
Grayson Kirk. An additional
source of power came from the
black Columbia students who bar-
ricaded themselves in Hamilton
Hall, while the rest of the stu-
dents, white SDS members and
sympathizers, liberated four other
buildings on campus.
Although this split was unwant-
ed in the beginning, it developed
into an unexpected source of pow-
er as the University administra-
tion felt a greater threat of vio-
lence from the hundred blacks
holed up in Hamilton (renamed
Malcolm X) Hall, and thus hesi-
tated acting against them. The
white students, however, were at
various times surrounded by New
York City policemen. The power
of the students developed from
the complete agreement between
the blacks in Malcolm X/Hamil-
ton Hall and the whites in the
Low Library presidential suite, and
Fayerweather, Mathematics and
Avery halls that both groups must
hold out until the common de-
mand of amnesty for all persons
taking part in the demonstrations
is met. On this all are in agree-
ment and will not be moved.
The solid position of the blacks
in Malcolm X/Hamilton Hall
caused the university to react,
at first, with caution. Although
80 per cent of the blak rebels are
Columbia students, the fact that
they are black and that they are
backed by the black community
of Harlem has caused the admin-
istration to regard them with tre-
When the black caucus in Ha-
milton asked the whites to leave
on Wednesday morning at 5 a.m.
(after both groups had spend the
night there in control of the build-
ing), it was because the black
students felt that the whites would
not be willing to fight it out with
the New York City police. As Ci-
cero Wilson and Bill Sales of the
Columbia Students Afro-American
Society put it, "We are ready to
die here, .tonight, in Hamilton
The white group, led by Mark
Rudd, Chairman of Columbia SDS,
agreed to leave the building and,
in an attempt to show solidarity
with the black students' determi-
nation, Rudd and about sixty
others broke into President Kirk's
stately office in Low Library and
ransacked private files, Xeroxing
papers which were considered to
be useful to the students in their
later attempts to bargain with the
administration. At around 8:30
a.m., Wednesday, the students
were ejected by campus police. At
9:30, about 75 returned and recap-
tured the president's office.
As soon as it was apparent that
Low Library was secure, a large
percentage of the School of Ar-
chitecture's 400 students barri-
caded themselves inside Avery
Hall, their principal classroom
building. After that, Fayer-weath-
er Hall, a general classroom build-
ing for graduate students, was
taken over, and then the fifth
and last "front" in the ever-
spreading revolution, Mathematics
Building, was taken by students

At Columbia: Out of the balcony, into the police

from Columbia College, Barnard
and the School of General Stu-
The following is a day-by-day
recounting beginning with the ori-
ginal demonstration Tuesday,
April 23rd, on Low Library Plaza
at noon.
The revolution began with a
routine call by SDS for a massive
demonstration for Tuesday at
noon at the sundial on Low Libra-
ry Plaza in the middle of Colum-
bia's ten-block campus. The dem-
onstration was called in response
to the university's refusal to cease
construction of a new gym in Mor-
ningside Park, one of the few city-
owned parks available to the Har-
lem community. _
The proposed fifteen-story gym,
which will take up two acres of
park land now being used by Har-
lem's black community, was de-
cided on by Columbia's adminis-
tration and the city government
without prior consultation with
the leaders of the Harlem Com-
munity. In addition, SDS's 900
people were out to protest the un-
fair suspension of six Columbia
students who had protested in-
side a university building (it is
against university regulations to
protest inside a campus building)
in a demonstration held two weeks
ago against the Institute for De-
fense Analysis.
IDA is a secret research group
concerned with counter-insurgency
research in both South America
and the black ghettoes of this
country. The university had cyni-
cally denied that IDA (sponsored
by the federal government and
with Columbia's President on the
Board of Directors) and the CIA
had a contractual agreement, but
SDS subsequently revealed that
such a contract between Colum-
bia-IDA, and the Defense Depart-
ment and CIA does in fact exist,
and that there is a clause written
into the contract stating that the
existence of the agreement be kept
a secret by both parties.
THE PLAN for Tuesday's SDS
demonstration was to march into
Low Library, the University's main
administration building, and de-
mand of the President of Colum-
bia that work on the gym stop,
that IDA must go and that the
six students who were suspended
without a hearing be re-instated.
Surrounding Low Library, which

had been previously locked by
campus security guards to prevent
SDS group from entering, were
about three hundred Columbia
athletes, business and law school
students, and a small group which
calls itself the "Ad Hoc Commit-
tee for an Orderly Campus."
For the past two years, a favor-
ite administration tactic has been
to ignore left-wing demonstra-
tions, allowing Columbia's athletes
to assume that this lack of official
action is their cue to restore the
law and order which the univer-
sity is either unwilliig or unable
to provide. This had previously
resulted in brief scuffles between
demonstrators and the conserva-
tive "jocks."
On Tuesday, however, the
"jocks" and their well-manicured
business-school cronies were hesi-
tant in 'attempting to block the
SDS group from entering Low
Library. Perhaps they were dis-
suaded by the size of the SDS
group which was more than 900
strong. Others, perhaps, some of
them graduating seniors, are feel-
ing a little closer toward anti-war
demonstrators as their time fast
Whatever the reasons, the SDS
demonstrators marched right up
to Low, which was locked. Rather
than disperse, Mark Rudd, SDS
Chairman, leaped onto a parapet
and called for the demonstrators
to march down to Morningside
Park where construction had al-
ready begun for the "Jim Crow
Gym." Of the nine hunderd, ap-
proximately three hundred and
fifty continued on to the/ park
where they encountered a few
New York City police.
Demonstrators began pulling
down a thirty-foot high fence and
after having pulled away a good
forty feet of it, they were at-
tacked by police with their night-
sticks. Fortunately, there were not
sufficient police to cause much
injury, although one student was
repeatedly clubbed and then ar-
rested. He was later released on
At 3 p.m., the momentous ener-
gy which had been growing since
noon, showed no sign of letting up.
Rudd;,again reacting in the beau-
tifully spontaneous fashion which
has characterized the entire re-
bellion, led the jubilant demon-
strators back up to the campus
and into Hamilton Hall. Many
classes were just ending and forty

or so college administrators in
the building's main, floor were
preparing to leave.
The demonstrators swarmed
into the main floor lobby, and
Rudd, with a portable bullhorn,
announced that SDS was going to
hold acting Dean of the College,
Henry S. Coleman, as hostage un-
til at least the first demand, that
the six demonstrators against the
IDA be given re-instatement, was
met. Rudd explained that if 'the
university was really going to
meet with the students, it would
have to agree to the first of the
demands in order to show the stu-
dents that the administration was
going to act in good "faith."
Vice-President David B. Tru-
man, who was in contact with
Dean Coleman by phone, said that
the university could not possibly
agree to any demands which were
called for with "coercion." As the
word rapidly spread around cam-
pus, students began entering
Hamilton°lobby and joining the
take-over of the building. Secre-
taries and other office personnel
were allowed to leave, but Cole-
man had to stay as SDS students
had completely surrounded his
door. Action on first "front" had
Later in the evening, around
nine or ten o'clock, a large con-
tingent of black Columbia stu-
dents arrived in the building.
Black students at Columbia have
notoriously and conspicuously
been apolitical, joining neither
anti-war nor pro-war groups. But
this was their fight, too, because
of the "Jim Crow Gym" issue and
the university's ever-increasing
encroachment on the tenants of
the Morningside community,
many of whom are black.
Many black militants from the
New York City area also entered
the building Tuesday night and
it was rumored that pistols and
much ammunition had been
cached throughout Hamilton Hall.
On either side of Dean Coleman's
door were taped huge personality
posters of Stokely Carmichael and
Malcolm X. A picture of Che
Guevara with the inscription "In
the Revolution One Wins or Dies"
went up on the wall and the stu-
dents cheered vigorously. On each
of the seven floors of the class-
room building, students were
stretched out on the floor, many
with blankets and large cartons
of ,foodstuffs.

Wednesday, April 24
At around four a.m. Wednes-
day morning, the Black Caucus,
composed of black Columbia stu-
dents and New York militants, de-
cided that they were "playing for
keeps." John Shabazz, SNCC or-
ganizer, announced that the black
people were going to "take over
the show to take care of busi-
ness." After a brief meeting of
white students. Mark Rudd de-
cided that the best thing was for
the whites to leave the building
and to show solidarity with the
blacks by taking the revolution
elsewhere, spreading it to other
sectors of the campus.
Rudd left with all the white
students, leaving almost two hun-
dred blacks, students and non-
students alike, in control of the
building. They immediately bar-
ricaded the entrances with chairs
and bookcases so that in order to
get through one would have to
climb over small hills of furni-
ture and debris. A small sign went
up in the glass-panes of the door
announcing the Malcolm X Build-
ing of "Malcolm X University --
A.D. 1968."
Inside the plush office of Presi-
dent Grayson Kirk, several beauti-
ful American would-be Che Gue-
varas with long hair and beards
sat behind wide, well-made ma-
hogany desks puffing on expen-
sive cigars, especially made for
President Kirk in Tampa, Florida.
Students were busy weeding
through stacks of confidential
files and Xeroxing important doc-
uments for possible use later as
bargaining and embarassing ma-
Only the four rooms of the
presidential suite in Low Library
were occupied. Around nine-thirty
Wednesday morning, a small
crew of NYC police and campus
cops entered a different room in
Kirk's suite and removed a $45,-
000 Rembrandt and several other
objets d'art which the university
holds in high regard, such as two
golden shovels used atean official
ground-breaking ceremony 'in
1867. But SDS was in control, and
one could not help but be remind-
ed of the photos of the Sierra
Maesetra rebels in Batista's Royal
Havana Palace in 1959.
Several Barnard' SDS girls left
Low Library to buy food for the
duration. They returned, via a
not-too-perilous window-climb,
with several cartons of bread,
sandwich meats, orange juice and
cigarettes, plenty of cigarettes.
The same sort of activity was tak-
ing place in Hamilton/Malcolm X
Hall, where black men and wo-
men from the Harlem Commun-
ity were bringing their brothers
cartons of home-made food and
Rumors were started that the
blacks were also bringing in the
ingredients for Molotov cocktails,
but these rumors were never ver-
ified. Around noon on Wednesday,
Cicero Wilson of the Students
Afro-American Society announced
over Columbia's FM radio station
WKCR that there had been sev-
eral guns and a "hell of a lot of
ammunition" in Malcolm X/Ham-
ilton Hall, but that they had been
removed at the 'students' request.
There was no question but that
the black college students were
running the show. LNS reporters
saw several of the more militant
blacks (non-students) leaving the
black-held building Wednesday
afternoon and many of them were
carrying bulky book-bags which
did not seem to be filled with
books or food. Both the black-held
building, and the white-controlled
Low Library were models of clean-
liners. Both groups had assigned
garbage details to keep the build-

ings clean, - and periodically huge
plastic bags loaded with garbage
were lowered out of the buildings.
TOMORROW: The middle game





Another View
Be kimd to your (in loco) parents

WHAT THIS country needs is a "Be
Kind To Administrators Week," with
some rubbing off of the gentle balm on-
to other weeks of the year. If it doesn't
come, there's a good question as to who
will run the schools and colleges ,in the
next decade.
College placement offices tell you that
their files are jumping with applications
. from administrators who want to return
to teaching. Others are taking early re-
tirement. Choice administrative posts, in
the public schools and in colleges and
The tenth goes...
PALO ALTO, Calif. (CPS)-"Nobody on
campus considers the student presi-
dency seriously," says Mrs. Victoria Reich,
"so why not have a naked girl to make
some use of it."
Mrs. Reich is the naked girl-38-22-36
-and she's running for the student
presidency of Stanford University.
"My biggest support is in the men's
dormitories where I make personal ap-
pearances," says the blonde Palo Alto
student whose campaign posters-which
show her posing in the nude-are rap-
idly becoming collector's items.
She is also well supported by patrons
of San Francisco topless clubs who know
her by her professional name, Vicki
According to the Stanford Daily, Dean
of Students Joel Smith commented,
"While Miss Drake's campaign has barely
begun, it promises to be diverting. She
clearly is a young woman of conspicuous

universities, are not attracting as many
candidates as formerly, and it can be
assumed, too, that the quality will suffer
along with the quantity.
There was a time when unrest on the
college campuses centered as such places
as Berkeley, Madison and Ann Arbor, but
it's hardly news any more when protest
demonstrations halt classes at the small-
est denominational institutions. Com-
munity colleges are not immune.
The public school superintendents
found in the postwar boom enrollment
years that schools of education hadn't
adequately prepared them for handling
the myriad problems associated with
millage, bonding and school construction.
Now they are discovering that psychology
isn't enough for meeting some of the new
challenges coming from students, pres-
sure groups and organized faculty.
College administrators must sometimes
long for the days when their greatest
problems came from incompetent or po-
litically minded school trustees. Now it's
black power, militant students and mili-
tant . faculty. The average classroom
teacher has always had a measure of dis-
trust for the administrator, and it is one
of the reasons why merit pay systems
wouldn't work in the schools.
THE TURNOVER in school administra-
tion isn't all bad. Some of the new
challenges may be forcing changes that
were needed, and many capable admin-
istrators are taking better jobs with
foundations and private business. But
the pace of change is too rapid to be a
healthy condition in education. Too many
good men are saying, in effect "Life is
too short to take this, day in and day


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The architecture, of rev6lutt*on',

Associate Edit. Dir. 1967-68
PREVIEWING, last week's ' dis-
orders at Columbia-that sep-
ulchre of knowledge carved out of
Manhattan's upper west side-
one gets the notion that the ad-
ministration here may have dealt
itself a soon-to-be-felt blow in the
construction of the new, student-
funded administration building on
Thompson Street next to West
The eight-story structure -
slated for opening in the early fall
-is a veritable fortress. Its solid,
stodgy appearance is enhanced by
the total absence of windows on
the first level save for those in the
wc tRomanesque -arched entrances.
Between the portals on the ground
floor runs a. singular passageway,
similar in appearance to those that
populate Ann Arbor's modern
-apartment, buildings. This thin
hallway is not only the ;Hain chan-
nel, it is the only one with spa-
cious office rooms lining the sides.
The infrequent windows that
grace the ediface also constitute
a deviation from the norm. They
are not the open, expansive panes

turn, can take advantage of its
peculiar form.
With the ever-growing role of
active dissent rampant on this
nation's campuses it may do us
well to ponder some of the many
possibilities inherent in the
scheme of the new building's
No longer will it be necessary
for those of a more radical orien-
tation to acquiesce to the liberal-
majoritarian tactics of the sixty-
minute confrontation based on
numbers without organization-
and' without results. With the
grand opening of the new admin-
istration building it will be more
than just possible that only fifty
well-supplied students could take
over and halt the bureaucratic ap-
paratus indefinitely.
By either chaining the double
doors together or otherwise ef-
fectively blockading the two port-
als protesters would preclude any
ground-level entry. While locked
inside the students could set up
their own free university in the
hope of continuing the learning
process, they could create their
own co-ed dorm system in the of-
fices, bring in camping stoves and

the only remaining possibilities for
entry are from above and below
as the buildings windows are too
small for human entry, and can be
easily defended.
It is no secret that the Univer-
sity includes a complex under-,
ground network-one that is sure
to connect with the near-com-
pleted structure-as one of Michi-
gan students' favorite pasttimes
has been "steam tunnelling" in the
Minos-like labyrinth that winds
beneath the surface: But there
must be only one entrance to the
tower and. that can be easily ob-
structed preventing entry to the
blue-uniformed mole people.
That leaves us with the possi-
bility of an attack from the sky.
While no one mentions it aloud
everyone realizes that the roof of
the building is perfectly suitable
for heliocopter landings. And while
neither the University nor the Ann
Arbor police are in possession of
even one flying machine capable
of a vertical landing the conceiv-
ability of such a maneuver can- '
not be ignored.
But what to do? One alternative
would be to 'stack piles, of desks
on top of each other radically

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