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August 09, 1968 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1968-08-09

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Hot, humid, sticky;
more tomorrow

Vol. LXXVII No. 63-5 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, August 9, 1968 Ten Cents

Four Pages



nominated ---- ixon?



Associate Editorial Director
Special to The Daily
MIAMI BEACH - "How could
they be stpuid enough to nominate
Nixon?" That perplexing question,
for the uninitiated is the sort of re-
sponse to this week's festivities heard
from people unconnected with the
Republican convention in out-of-
the-way coffee shops and on buses
slowly cruising along Miami Beach's
one long street.
A glimpse into the heart of main-
stream Republicanism was provided
at the Iowa caucus on Wednesday
afternoon when that "fluid' delega-
tion met free from the self-imposed
artificiality of the television camera
and individually announced their
Iowa was a split delegation with
13 votes for Nixon, eight for Rocke-
feller and three for Reagan.
It was a revealing meeting for.

despite the presence of several
Rockefeller agents and members of
the press, the mood of the caucus
was expressed by one delegate who
said, "As long as everyone else here
is being so candid, I might as well
be too."
Iowa brought a divided delegation
to San Francisco in 1964 and suf-
fered a rare defeat that November.
While Sen. Bourke Hickenlooper had
junior senator, Jack Miller had been
been a long-time Nixon backer, the
undecided and somebody observed,
"It seemed last night that he was for
Miller backed Nixon instead, but
stressed how important for them
back in Iowa it was for the former
Vice President to pick a running
mate "with color because too many
people think of Dick Nixon as a
Miller was far from being the only

one who thought Nixon needed a
running mate with flare, and Miami
each was alive early yesterday with

The GO9P

delegations who feared an "ultra-
liberal" running mate like Lindsay
or Hatfield.
In many ways it was thv solid sup-
port that the south gave Nixon
which was the key to the ease with
cracking the favorite son delegations
which he was nominated without
of Michigan and Ohio.
Many southern delegates privately
or publicly admitted they preferred
Reagan, but for varying reasons,
ranging from organizational pres-
sures and a desire for party harmony
to learning some of the lessons of '64
and the failure to regard Reagan as
a serious candidate in '68, their votes
stuck with Nixon.
But it was just this underlying
pro-Reagan sympathy which appar-
ently caused the Rockefeller camps .
to seriously overestimate the Cali-
fornia governor's inroads in the

The logic behind the Agnew choice
-"Spiro who?" has become the big-
gest hotel lobby joke in Miami Beach
-is clear when one regards the lack
of tolerable candidates who are not
Several Louisiana delegates, for
example, were very interested about
how "y'all up in Michigan feel about
Jerry Ford for Vice President?"
With competition like that, Agnew
is the perfect vice presidential can-
didate for a party which has made
a fetish out of unity.
Agnew has a generally Southern
attitude toward our nation's racial
problems which should placate the
South. But he has a vaguely liberal
image up North as a result of his
good fortune in running against
a Democrtic opponent who ran for
governor of Maryland in 1966 on a

in Miami

rumors of John Lindsay and Mark
But Dick Nixon, the man that no-
body outside the Republican party
trusts, kept his implicit and unen-
forceable promises to the Southern

-Asaociate Press
Enjoying the convention on television

Three die

in Miami


rioters approach







-Associate Press
Police attempt to halt Miami riot
ffectS of ai act

MIAMI (MP-Looting and burn-
ing last night spread into Miami's
mammoth central Negro district,
on the outskirts of the city's
downtown business area.
Police said three people were
shot just before midnight, one of
them fatally.
A curfew imposed at 6 p.m. on
the Liberty City area was extend-
ed at midnight to include an area
bordering downtown Miami.
Two Negroes, a sniper and a
passerby, were killed during heavy
exchanges of fire during the ear-
lier outbreak. The third Negro
was killed in a rooftop shootou
in the early morning rampage.
The disturbance was in a pre-
dominantly Negro northwest Mi-
ami area just 10 miles from where
the Republicans were holding
their nominating convention in
Miami Beach, across Biscayne
A 500-man detachment of Na-
tional Guard troops was mobilized
and soldiers wearing gas masks
and armed with bayoneted rifles
marched through the streets. They
were accompani d by two armored
personnel carrers and heavily
armed police.
Gov. Claude Kirk, who madeI
several televised appeals for peace,
said at mid-evening the area was
under control.
"We answered a disturbance
with a show of force to avoid a
riot and to protect the people,"
said Kirk. He earlier said on tele-
vision that violence would be met
with violence.
Clouds of tear gas hung over
the area and police bowled the
gas-filled canisters at groups of
Negroes on street corners.
Police fought two tense gun
batles with snipers in the late
afternoon, at the height of the
Shouting, "They want 'to kill us
all!" the blacks drove police out
of a one-block area on 62nd street
with a fierce barrage of bottles
and chunks of concrete as large
as softballs.
The troops moved into the Lib-
erty City area soon after a 6 p.m.
rcurfew was imposed.
The outbreak began Wednesday
when blacks were angered by the
appearance of police at a rally.
The disturbance was the first in
recent years in Miami.

178 back Romney
in unexpected move

' MIAMI BEACH, Fla. ( - The Republican National Con-
vention strayed briefly from Richard M. Nixon's script last
night, but a liberal rebellion against the vice presidential
nomination of Maryland Gov. Spiro T. Agnew was crushed by
Nixon delegates.
And Agnew, the surprise choice of the White House nom-
inee for second place on his ticket, then was unanimously
endorsed for the assignment.
That cleared the way for Nixon himself to make his ,tri-
umphant entrance to the


Romney vs. Agnew: Finally some excitement
Local rematches ahea

When Congress passes a new
Education Act currently being
completed by a Senate-House
conference committee, a provision
~'will be included to prohibit finan-
cial aid to students who incite
What immediate effect passage
of the measure will have for Uni-
versity students is not yet .clear.
The University already will be in
session and students who could be
affected will have received their
University President Robben
Fleming explained, "There are a
good many students to whom com-
mitments have been made who
will already have gotten their
money when the bill is passed. I
don't see how these new provisions
could affect them."
When the provision became
known last month, University Di-
rector of Student Financial Aids
Walter B. Rea asked the admin-
istration to set guidelines for his
office. At that time Rea indicated
the policy "would be extremely
difficult to formulate."
Rea received no reply from the
Office of Student Affairs. Fleming
says a policy cannot be established
until the University learns the
final wording of the bill.
Wording of the act still is not
final because the Senate version

"If the Senate version is used,
it means the University has been
admonished but will be left in
control of financial aid policy,"
explained Fleming. "But if the
House version is passed, we will
have to comply with the law.
"Most universities are opposed
to such provisions and we've
taken the position consistently
that it's preferable to leave this
matter up to the institutions
rather than have it written into
Although the current Education
Act expired June 30, Congress ex-
tended last year's aid appropria-
tion through interim acts.

It will be like old times this
November in Washtenaw County
and the Second Congressional
Former opponents incumbent
Democrat Douglas J. Harvey and
Republican George A. Peterson
will be squaring off again for the
position of county sheriff. And in-
cumbent Republican Rep. Marvin
Esch will confront his last op-
ponent, Democrat Weston Vivian,
who lost to Esch. Esch ran un-
opposed and Vivian easily over-
came his opponents for the Dem-
ocratic nomination, A. Jerome Du-
pont and John McDermott.
Both DuPont and McDermott
have indicated they will support

Vivian in the upcoming election.
Dupont, who was defeated by bet-f
ter than a 2-1 margin, said yes-
terday he plans to issue a state-
ment on his future plans within
the next week.
Esch, who is in Miami Beach
attending the Republican National
Convention, was unavailable for
comment yesterday, but Vivian's
campaign manager Robert Carr
said his candidate is already for-
mulating strategy.
Carr feels the campaign may
center on domestic issues in-
cluding crime and urban prob-
lemA. He explains Vivian will is-
sue a series of position papers on
tax reform, education, conserva-
tion, transportation, in addition
to his previously issued papers on

Vietnam, employment
Getting people to vote
of the county sheriff
may be a problem, ac
David M. Copi. Copi, wh
rowly defeated for the D
nomination for sheriff1
bent Harvey, said his "i
is a lot of people will '
because neither candid
But Harvey, who is
vestigation for unfair Is
tices by the State Labor
Board and the Attorne3
said Tuesday he did not
charges against him wil:
with his victory.
Petersen said yesterd
"no use in making a big
the charges against the:
sheriff. Petersen also saN
son why there should
large voter turnout in]
Petersen, who overcan
ponents in a tight p
counting on the supp
primary opposition. S
Dulgeroff, who lost to P
less than 250 votes. Cl
Ferier and Clark "Red
have already pledged t
the Republican nomine
Second Congressional
Weston Vivian
A. Jerome Dupont

crowded convention hall in
which he won his second pres-
idential nomination early yes-
terday morning.
Michigan Gov. George Romney
was the rival candidate posted
in the challenge to Agnew. And
it was Romney who finally moved
unanimity behind Agnew's nom-
ted Press But the uprising produced the
first real excitement of a conven-
--tion which had gone along pre-
dictable lines through its first
three days.
I When the Romney motion for
unanimity came, the count was'
Agnew 1,128, Romney 178. Twen-
ty-seven votes were scattered
among other candidates.
Agnew went before the cheering
and gun convention to accept his nomina-
tion shortly after the brief up-
for either rising was crushed.
cording to When the roll was called for
c was nar- states to serve notice as to whe-
emocratic ther they would put up candidates
by incum- for Vice President, Maryland re-
impression served 'time for Agnew - but Ne-
not vote," vada and Rhode Island put in for
ate is ac- nominees, too.
Nevada delegate George Abbott
under in- used his, nominating Romney.
abor prac- Rhode Island did not.
Mediation Liberals strove to persuade New
y General York Mayor John V. Lindsay to
ythink the make the convention race in a
1 interfere challenge to Agnew. But he in-
sisted he would withdraw his
ay he saw name.
g issue" of Agnew said when he got word
incumbent from Nixon that he was the nom-
w "no rea- inee's choice for Vice President
n't be" a he was "rather shocked." He was
November. not alone.
An informed Republican source
ne five op- said the first response of Nation-
rimary, is al Chairman Ray C. Bliss to the
ort of his choice was: "You're kidding."
tanley J. New York Gov. Nelson A.
etersen by Rockefeller, a defeated presiden-
are M. La- tial rival, was said by associates
1" Shelton to feel that the victor had deli-
to support berately insulted him with the
e. selection. Agnew once supported
Rockefeller's nominatioin, switch-
ed to Nixon later in the game.
ITE "In a lot of ways it could be
District good for us," said Herbert G.
Klein, Nixon's spokesman, -after
7250 the vice' presidential incident.
3197 "These people wanted a voice.
9116 It shows this was an onen con-

qu esti,on '
The Washtenaw County Board
of Supervisors probably 'will con-
duct an"interrogatory discourse"
with Sheriff Douglas J. Harvey on
financial allegations made against
him in a petition for a grand Jury
investigation of the Sheriff's De-
z Board Chairman Robert M.
Harrison will bring the question
before the entire board Tuesday.
The board's Sheriff, Committee
yesterday agreed with the recom-
mendation of state attorney gen-
eral Frank Kelley that the board
investigate the charges.
Kelley, who is investigating al-
legations against Harvey, recom-
mended last week to Washtenaw
County Circuit Court that the su-
pervisors should be advised of the
charges and question Harvey. Kel-
ley recommended against a grand
jury investigation, which the
court had been requested to call
June 7.f
The board can instigate re-
moval proceedings against a sal-
aried county official who refuses
to answer questions connected
with his office. Removal requires
a two thirds vote of, the board
Harvey yesterday reaffirmed his
statement that his records will be
available for examination by the
Harrison termed the procedure
"a piece of political dynamite."
He added, "We would not be
touching it if there was any oth-
er possible way." Harvey and the
entire board face November elec-
The board inquiry will be lim-
ited to financial affairs because
"conduct that does not involve the
expenditure of public funds is his
business," Harrison said. "We
I- ..

Precinct" delegates seek reforms

There is considerable support
for reforming the Democratic
Party among the party's newly-
elected Ann Arbor precinct
delegates, especially those who
support Eugene McCarthy for
There is also widespread dis-
satisfaction among the dele-
_s t arz ith te endiaae, of

Party," Eckstein said, "It is
most obscene at the level of a
credentials fight," which should
be handled "judiciously" and
not politically, he added,
Delegate Richard Burlingarne
said he would refuse to give
any financial support to the
national party organization if
Hubert Humphrey is nom-
inated for the Presidency, and

ty but added that there was no
"organized revolt ready to go at
the drop of a hat."
Although most of those polled
were not enthusiastic about
Harvey's candidacy, there was
no support for his Republican
o p p o n e n t, former Sheriff
George Petersen. Both Harvey
and Petersen won primary
election victories Tuesday.
rrhl-... .. 4 ..d f, a zarn. - nip

Some delegates expressed
their interest in the nomination
of liberals to run for Regent of
the University, but most said
they would wait to see exactly
who was interested in the post.
The precinct delegates elect-
ed Tuesday will hold a county
convention next week to select
representatives to the Aug.
30 state convention where two
npmnm.r. mmillhno minated to

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