ic tr4qan f3a; I Seventy-seven years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under authority of Board in Control of Student Publications Gov. Wallace: A new kind oJ By GREG KANDEL 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily exp ress the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. THURSDAY, AUGUST 8, 1968 NIGHT EDITOR: JILL CRABTREE Nixon: Liberal stance, belies conservative base Daily Guest Writer S "AND I'LL TELL YOU something. When Robert kennedy was alive, I was 100 per cent for him. I believed in him and I supported him all the way. He was a great man. But man, I'll tell you something, I'm 100 per cent for Wallace, because I believe in him and he has my support." This was the least comprehensible of an other- wise alarmingly lucid discussion with a middle- aged woman whose home in Adrian (Lenawee County) was canvassed recently in a Dupont for Congress drive. "HE'S AN HONEST MAN. He's not afraid to say what many of us quietly believe. He's a member of the church, too. Like the other day. He told how President Johnson had stopped his big black limousine during a motorcade because some Negro children sat down in front of it. "And Wallace said that if anybody ever sat down in front of his car, it would be the last one he would ever sit in front of. "And he's right, too. Those people (Negroes) are getting out of hand. And mind you there are some nice ones. We have some nice quiet ones here in Adrian County. But too many of them think they can take over, especially in those big cities. "AND I'LL TELL you something. Wallace knows the answer. He says that if he has to, he'll put 10,000 troops with 10-inch bayonets at the end of up atlI charisma? their guns in those cities to make sure 'that us decent people can walk in peace. "And he's not a racist like everyone says. He knows, like many of us, that Negroes aren't alone in this. The Communists are behind it! Why I re- member a news commentator five years ago, who said that the Russians would probably take over this country in a decade. And I'll tell you some- thing. He was right. All this burning down. They're doing it from the inside. FEAR, Inferiority feelings? Racism? Maybe some of each, but something else seems to lie with this woman's remarks that may make her opening statement seem more comprehensible: emotional person-to-person contact. Kennedy had that glamour, money and ;charm. Wallace has this rugged straightforward "Im-just- like-you-appearance." She just wants to be reached and feels Wallace is the answer. Moreover, she doesn't seem to be the only one. Four out of 25 people I spoke to were for Wallace. The Adrian woman herself probably best characterizes them: "And I'll tell you something, a lot of you are going to be surprised thip election because there are a lot of people just like me who are quieter, but who will vote for Wallace. And I'll tell you something , he's going to win." WORRIED YET? Here's the clincher. The names of the 25 persons mentioned above were taken from a list of those who had signed a Mc- Carthy for President petition several weeks ago. And I'll tell you something, I'm scared. w? THE CHOICE of Richard M. Nixon for the Republican presidential nomina- tion is a noncommittal, equivocal move by the Republican Party. He is the middle candidate, the man who promises everything to everyone and in the long run will give no one anything The choice of a presidential nominee this year demands a firm stand be taken on the issues that confront the nation: resolution of the strange war in Vietnam, vigorous and humane attack on the crisis of the cities, defining America's relation to the third world in more responsible and compassionate terms, and reassert- ing the importance of the individual over the state (in conscription, in protest, within the welfare system). RICHARD NIXON is not the man who will do it. ' His views, in a few respects, do seem to have come around somewhat to the centrist liberal position that is the main- stream of contemporary American po- litical life. He finally seems to have abandoned the hard-line anti-Communist stance that was his political making. In a news conference late Tuesday he asserted that "the communist world . . . is a split world, schizophrenic, with very great diversity." While certainly an improvement over his earlier stand, it comes about 10 years late, 10 years after such diversity was accepted amnong Kremlin-ologists and students of the Communist world, 10 years after such a stance might have averted' the vicious atomic races of the early sixties and the blighted war in Asia. ON THE MAJOR domestic issue - the crisis in the cities - Nixon has come around slightly. He now advocates the joint government-business approach to the solution of the urban crisis. With tax credits and guaranteed returns he ex- Dects the turmoil can be quieted and through economic imperialism he be- lieves economic equality can be won. Both stands clearly exhibit the invinc- ible pull of events on an outmoded po- litical philosophy. The major tenets of that philosophy are unaltered. They have merely been re-adapted for what the times demand. In foreign affairs, the basic approach is still American economic imperialism. Willing as the former Vice President may be to admit that not all Communists skulk around beady-eyed waiting to at- tack some red-blooded American nearby, it will not carry-over whe American economic interests abroad are threatened. Clearly, no indigenous Communist party in any under-developed nation can tol- erate with integrity the massive control that the United States exerts in their lands - either Southeast Asian or South or Central American. And related to the Soviet Union or not, Nixon could not tol- erate any tampering with American cor- porations by any foreign power, even in the foreign power's own land. THE SOLUTION for the nation's cities likewise will be incomplete. The econ- omics of the situation is only part of the problem. Ritualistic liberals as well as old-line conservatives will someday have No comment MIAMI BEACH W - Concurrent with the GOP Convention, Miami is host- ing the National Funeral Directors of America this week. Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan, 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Michigan, 48104. Daily except Sunday and Monday during regular summer session. Daily except Monday during regular academic school year. Summer subscription rate: $2.50 per term by car- rier ($3.00 by mail): $4.50 for entire summer ($5.00 by mail). The Daily is a member of the Associated Press, the College Press Service, and Liberation News Service. Fall and winter subscription rate: $4.50 per term by carrier ($5 by mail); $8.00 for regular academic school year ($9 by mall). Summer Editorial Stafg DANIEL OKRENT................... Co-Editor to' accept the key role that "race confi- dence" (as opposed to "race pride" which verges on fascism) must play in re- shaping the black ghettoes. And in both respects, in both of the seeming moves to the liberal middle, Nix-J on's changes are only surface moves, a change of programs, not of philosophy. The difficulty lies in the inception and development of political philosophies. The moral and ethical base which origin- ally directs the formation of some phil- osophy leads, in its contemporary histori- cal position, leads to the advocacy of a certain set of programs and policies. These policies must in time be out- moded, grown over by social and political changes that accommodate themselves to the program, and which invariably bring only partial deployment of the philosophy which was the original driving force. ]DESPITE NIXON'S policy-move toward the middle, the essence of his political beliefs are unchanged, and these leave him the traditional conservative he al- ways was. And the implications here in- volved are the most essential level - the individual's relation to his government. The acceptance of two pages from the liberals' policy book - the non-mono- lithic nature of communism and the need for government-directed change in the ghetto - does not change the conserva- tive in Richard Nixon for placing econ- omic rights and devotion to country above individual rights. There are two indices of this: his ap- proach to "crime in the streets" and his attitude toward the peace movement. Nixon's view on the crime issue is un- fortunately clear. In his "Toward Pree- dom from Fear," issued last May, he sup- ported the infamous Title II of the Om- nibus Crime Bill, which overruled the Supreme Court's decisions in Escobedo and Miranda. Both of those decisions in- creased the protection that an arrested person had against the police. Nixon's position would merely continue the tra- ditional situation of justice for the rich and jail for the poor - only because the poor defendant wasn't protected by coun- sel, as the Constitution indicates he should be. AND NIXON'S approach to the anti-war movement is very close to that which calls protest treason. His own refusal to define his position on Vietnam and the negotiations, for fear that he would weaken his bargaining position were he President, also demands unity of the na- tion when involved in war -- even a war the people voted against. But his denials of the very basic liber- ties of the right to counsel is a cause for worry, for his inability to empathize with the underprivileged and deprived bodes ill for his attempt to help the ghetto poor, as well as to relate to the poor in other countries who might turn to communism -to the detriment of American corpora- tions. THE REPUBLICANS did equivocate. They avoided Rockefeller who has the appeal among the poor and the compas- sion to meet these problems, and Reagan who would have met all of the problems with police force, either domestic police or the Army. But this seems to be the best the party can do. Mired in the conservative politics of the right - they really wanted to nominate Reagan - they cannot see how far away they are from the real problemns of the time, how irrelevant their beliefs and view of society are. And they are, appropriately enough, this nation's minority party. -RON LANDSMAN SinI of omission rTHE PARAGON of virtue that the New York Police Department is! Just the other day the department fired patrol- man Alfred A. Mason, a 13-year veteran and -graduate of St. John's University, for living with his girlfriend. The department said their action en- sued because Mason "brought adverse criticism on the New York police," since . . . Author! ... Author! ll s Rion 'em mi Beach By WALTER SHAPIRO Associate Editorial Director MIAMI BEACH, Aug 7, 6 p.m. - It was very difficult to know what to expect. He was the only delegate who listed in the Ripon Society's "Who's Who in the Republican Convention" credentials like "homeroom pres- ident, grades one through four, six and nine." In the corridor on the 14th floor of the Doral Hotel a delegate from Ohio asked. "Are you going to visit that crackpot?" WHAT I FOUND were a devoted father and, son at dinner who between them had fused youthful disgust at an immoral war with lifetime dedication to the libertarian principles of the late Sen. Robert Taft of Ohio. Paul Walter Jr. is a 21-year-old junior at Lake Forest College, a peace candidate and the youngest delegate here. Admittedly his election was primarily due to the death of his party-backed opponent two days before the primary. His father, a slightly- heavy-set man, served as "Bob Taft's campaign manager in all his campaigns for the Senate and the Presidency from 1938 to 1953." The younger Paul will appear before the convention and the nation (with the help of the omnipotent networks) when he seconds the nomination of Harold Stassen. But with Stassen's permission Paul will cast @ne of the two votes for New York's Mayor John Lindsay in this seemingly pre-staged convention. HIS FATHER handed me the seconding speech to read and called it "short and succinct like the Gettysburg Address." The son de- murred from the compliment. But it was obvious that he too was proud of it. On the phone he had described it as "poetic." Reading that speech in an air-conditioned room overlooking a broad panorama of beach, swimming pool and luxury hotel, I glimpsed / "Unl ulho? *. .a that distant and dimly remembered THEATRE AlIchemy:r Lost rt By HENRY GRIX T'S A TOSS UP. You can stay home and watch the tedious Republicanconvention whose out-, come you already know. Or you can go to Lydia Mendelssohn and yawn through the University Players' production of Ben Jon- son's The Alchemist. Written in 1610. and surviving occasional revivals ever since, The Alchemist is a two-hour show that rivals the convention in inducing boredom and producing hot air. And the University Players, ex- cept for a few characters and ex- cept in a few scenes, do very little to breathe life into the classical work. UNFORTUNATELY, I found myself yawning more than laugh- ing because guest director Roy Knight directed his players in a rigid literal interpretation of the satire. He soaks the production of its bawdy, freewheeling inclina- tions and delivers a quaint, tire- some caricature of Jacobean so- ciety, Admittedly a 350-year-old satire is hard to do. Jonson's farce slashed and spat at Jacobean con- ventions, but itgets bogged down in its own rhetoric. Parading ceaselessly across the handsome stage, Jonson's elegantly cos- tumed types eventually become as boring and dull to the audience as the author obviously found them to be. In dealing with the superficiality of these contempor- ary characters, Jonson had to be a bit heavy-handed and deliber- ate, or he wouldn't have made his point. HIS POINT seems to be that knaves are better than fools. But even the trio of rogues is envel- world where men bleed and men starve . .. The world that the Re- publicans had to escape to Miami Beach to forget. 1' H I L E PERHAPS seeming quixotic, both father and son are pragmatic about the speech. The younger Paul explained, "My speech is trying to say 'Come Join the Republican Party and try to change it'." Paul admits his predilection to the Republican Party was con- genital, but he contends he is be- ing realistic as well. "The Republicans can't keep the young people out. Goldwater took the party over with hard work and it can be done again. For the Republican Party has an exceptionally weak organizational structure, But while looking ahead to a bright future void of the Nixons and the Reagans, the younger Paul also harks back to the tra- ditions of his father and sees his convention speech as "right in line with the Taft tradition." His father agreed, "Old Sen. .Taft would have had the guts to speakwout, and if he were alive, we wouldn't be in Vietnam today. "Bob Taft has been painted into something he wasn't. Taft believed in the freedom of the individual and that meant he was against the draft and for civil rights. Taft was the real essence of liberalism." PAUL HAD originally wanted to nominate the New York mayor for President but was dissuaded by Lindsay aide Robert Sweet who feared repercussions in the New York delegation. Despite the accusation of "crackpot," both father and son are on good terms with the pivotal Ohio delegation pledged on the first ballot to favorite son Gov. James Rhodes. "They are not going to push him around because I'm here and I explained to them that if they try to deny him his seat they'd have a real stink on their hands," explained the elder Paul. " immy, 'ummy, Yum I'> 've got gilts in my tummy.". -- vH OWARD KOH N ALTHOUGH the Republicans nominated familiar R. Milhous Nixon this morning, The Daily learned that Nixon wil select some very unfamiliar aides for his administration. Filling the bill of "getting a nigger on the team" will be Wilt (The Stilt) Chamberlain as Vice-President. The 7-1 Los Angeles Laker star, highest-paid Negro ip America, will sell the Republican ticket to all tall, rich niggers. After the Nixon-Chamberlain ticket wins, Nixon will announce this Cabinet lineup: Secretary of State: Harold Stassenwho put Nixon over the top by releasing 126 delegates votes. Secretary of Treasury: Howard Hughes, who will own holdings in 90 per cent of all U.S. real estate by Dec. 25, 1968. Secretary of Agriculture: Sen. James L. Eastland (D-Miss.), who receives $23,000 annually for not 1 growing crops on his 5,000-acre ti farm. Attorney General: Mayor Rich- ard Daley of Chicago, who will end violence in the U.S. ("maim THE NIGGER ON THE TEAM looters and kill arsonists"). Secretary of Housing and Urban Development: Producer Stanley Kramer, who will camouflage the smoldering decay with Hollywood props. ' Secretary of Transportation: Andy Granetelli, who will replace all piston-driven cars with turbine-powered racers for {maximum traffic death efficiency. Secretary of Commerce: H. (Lifeline) Hunt, will multiply U.S. billions at the same time he multiplies his multi-billions, Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare: Charles Atlas, who will either whip the country into shape or simply whip the country. Secretary of Labor: Jimmy Hoffa, who was one of the, few men shafted by the Democrats. Secretary of Defense: Don Knotts, who will properly let the Joint Chiefs of Staff dictate policy: Secretary of the Interior: Dr. Christian' Barnard, who will create the composite man (heart of a Negro, brain of a Jew, liver of a German, feet of a Spaniard, etc.) whichrall Americans could hate with equal intensity. Postmaster General: Rev. Billy Graham, who will send all, our letters to God. 4 - kE "Let mf ll iarifyV that for you "' w &s . :::: ,. 'ifi, I