NIXON: LIBERAL OR CONSERVATIVE? See editorial page Y ir rt axt &ut" SWEATY High-90 Low--67 Richard Nixon - Ho Boy! Vol. LXXVIII, No. 62-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, August 8, 1968 Ten Cents Four Pages eor ge Romney: Just By URBAN LEHNER advisor Special to The Daily . Nixon- MIAMI BEACH - George Rom- sibility commol ney's non-platform-fight speech be- malapr fore the assembled delegates here part of Tuesday night raised anew the ques- need a A Y:need a tion about the governor which has up wh been puzzling observers throughout rescue the convention: What does he want? presides The queries have been prompted had D by what seemed to be an absence of Nixon tangible gain to be derived from the who co favorite son course Romney was fol- arated. lowing. His behavior did not seem Nixon to be motivated by any desire to join conside a stop-Nixon campaign, nor was the go there any indication of interplay be- whomE tween the governor and Nelson Romne3 Rockefeller. A m There are a number of theories Romne3 about what Romney's intentions taining were. The most venal and probably so-calle most speculative is the line which Accordi holds that Romney has been using nor ex his favorite son candidacy as a bar- shamef gaining point, holding out for the ing" bl1 Associate Press Vice Presidential offer from Nixon. ler's fai inkin g? Yet neither the governor nor his Romney kicking the gong around? s must have realized that a Romney ticket is an impos- . For the two men share a n weakness, a tendency to opisms. Were Romney to be a f a national ticket, he would partner who 'could pick him en he fell down, who could him from traps, just as vice ntial candidate Nixon in 1952 wight Eisenhower. Likewise, in 1968 would need a partner uld keep foot and mouth sep- Under the circumstances, could never have seriously red courting Romney. And vernor's advisors, some of are shrewd politicians even if y is not, must have known it. ore credible explanation for y's dogged insistence on main- his favorite son status is the d law of least humiliation. ng to this theory, the gover- xperienced intense personal as a result of the "brainwash- ooper last fall, and Rockefel- lure to take up the call after y withdrew from the race in Romney's performances at news conferences during the days of the national convention - as well as, what observers know of his person- ality in general - support this argu- ment. Romney becomes enraged when embarrassed publicly. An incident illustrative of this oc- curred yesterday. After the final cau- cus of the Michigan delegation, be- fore the evening session, State Sen. Emil Lockwood of St. Louis (Nixon's Michigan manager) told reporters that Romney had agreed that at the ,end of the first ballot, Nixon sup- porters in the delegation would be allowed to vote their choice on the repeat of the roll call immediately after the initial balloting - if their votes were enough to give Nixon the, nomination. (Lockwood was working on the assumption that convention chairman Gerald R. Ford of Grand Rapids would recognize his native, state at the proper moment.) Lockwood made it clear that "by giving Nixon the nomination" he was including the votes other states would come up with for the former Vice President on the repeated roll call - information which Lockwood, as one of Nixon's floor managers, would learn by telephone almost In stantly. For example, if 10 Michigan r:,,"i:,,,fgm r;,;h sy Mq amii~".,..wr.:r.. "v"'r:" :t" The GOP reached with pro-Nixon Michigan delegates. He assumed that "enough needed to nominate" meant exactly that -. without help from other states. Only in such a situation could Romney claim the kingmaker title for himself, and the chance for the vice presidential nomination that comes with it. The thiid theory about Romney's motivations is the party unity theory. As in all the other theories, the as- sumption here is that Romney doesn't really care who is nominated. What he wishes to avoid is the dan- gerous split in the ranks which could . damage the party's statewide and local chances in Michigan this year, He can best do that, holds this ex- planation, by averting open war be- tween Rockefellei- and Nixon factions in the state delegation (Lt. Gov. Wil- liam Milliken is Lockwood's counter- part in the Rockefeller faction), by providing a unifying point and, thus, an easy out - his favorite son didacy. \ inMiami :. r. rrsrv."r: rgr{ r rr r,.," delegates intended to switch from Romney to Nixon, Lockwood would' consider them decisive if, coupled with last-minute changes from other states, they would push Nixon over. That was not at all 'what Romney had meant by "the agreement' he What is this man th IX0 'I S FIRST B LLOT 0 I TIO * * * C0 Cleaver denied arole leave for convention By JOHN GRAY Eldridge Cleaver, whose name will be placed in nomina- tion for the Presidency at the Peace and Freedom - New Politics Party national convention in Ann Arbor next week, has been denied permission to attend the convention by his parole officer. Opposing bids fail in late vote Rockefeller, Reagan supporters deny charges of filibuster tactics From Wire Service Reports 1 MIAMI BEACH-Former Vice President Richard M. Nixon, making his triumphant return to the political arena after a six year layoff, captured his Republican Partys' nomination- for the Presidency this morning a 1:50 a.m. Nixon's delegate total passed the magic 667 number when Wisconsin cast its votes on the first ballot. Immediately after the balloting was completed, the delegations began switching their votes to Nixon in the traditional show of party unity characteristic of American political conventions. Trailing behind Nixon in the balloting were his chief op- ponents, New York Gov. Nel-? Cleaver, information minister of the Party, is currently on parole after serving " sentence for Black Panther nine years of a rape. California *Unions gel %raise at By RON LANDSMAN Michigan State University yes- terday signed a contract with the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employes (AFL-CIO) covering' some 1,500 operations and maintenance em- ployes. The University is currently con- ducting similar negotiations with Local 1583 of the AFSCME for some 2,500 service and mainten- ance employes here. The Univer- sity is also meeting with the Washtenaw County Building Trades Council over a contract that will cover another 300 skilled tradesmen. The union contract with MSU provides for a basic six per cent wage increase, retroactive to July 1. The contract also contains a cost-of-living allowance, the first at MSU. Union negotiations here at the University have been going on for over three months now. The 1'? sessions have left the union "un- satisfied." The talks so far have centered on non-economic issues, such as grievance procedures. James Thiry, chief negotiator for the University, declined to comment last night on either the content or the progress ofthe negotiations. He said he preferred that the union leaders comment. Jerry Kendziorski led the union in the negotiations for the first 16 sessions, but was replaced last week by Thomas Fitzpatrick, rep- resentative from Council 7 of the union, which handles all negotia- tions with universities and col- leges in the state. . In announcing the change late 1 t e. Fitzpatrkic kaid in a authorities are seeking to re- voke his parole. Cleaver applied on Tuesday for permission to come to the .con- vention, which will be held Aug. 17-18. His parole officer, Stanton Carter, told The Daily last night that he had asked Cleaver "to give me enough time to process applications" to leave California and indicated the request had come too late. Carter also said that since' Cleaver had two cases against him pending in California courts he was "reluctant" to allow him out 3 of the state. Cleaver's major rival for the PF-CP nomination is former comedian Dick Gregory. Cleaver's wife Kathleen will at- tend the convention as a member of the delegation from California'sI Peace and Freedom Party. Four other members of the Black Pan- thers, including National Chair- man Bobby Seale will also attend. Cleaver is awaiting trial on charges connected with a gun- fight in which Panther leader Bobby Hutton was killed by po- licemen. Immediately after the gunfight Cleaver was imprisoned and held without bail pending action by California authorities to revoke his parole. A California judge ordered him freed on $50,000 bail and issued an injunction prohibiting the parole authorities from revoking his parole. The judge said he was "ap- palled" that Cleaver was being held without bail, agreeing with members of the Panthers that he was, in effect, a "political pris- oner." Parole authorities are currently appealing his decision before the California Supreme Court. Delegates from independent po- litical parties in 20 states will gather in Ann Arbor for the con- vention. They will not only nom- inate their candidate for the Presidency but will attempt to set up a national structure to unify their' parties. -Associate Press Nixon backers demonstra te for their candidate OPEN CONVENTION COALITION: Plan rallies- against Humphrey By RON LANUSMAN Second of Two Parts Not everyone who goes to Chicago for the convention to oppose the Democratic machine will be "Yippies" or radicals bent on violent confrontation. One large group, under the Coalition for an Open Conven- tion, seeks to oppose the ad- ministration forces within the convention, stopping Vice Pres- ident Humphrey and nominat- ing for President some accept- able anti-war, liberal leader. The "public" arm of the Co- alition is called "On to Chi- cago." It is trying "to show vis- ible popular opposition to the administration." Like the more radical, militant groups, "On to Chicago" will employ a-mass rally as its main tool, although it hopes to avoid scrupulously any confrontation with the po- lice or federal marshals. The rally is slated for Aug. 25 or 26, depending on when an appropriate site can be pro- cured. The next day a series of "state meetings" are planned, presenting a record of the po- litical happenings in the states in the last year, and featuring "local heroes" who have op- posed the war and the Johnson administration. Gaining a site for the large rally has been a stumbling delegates to and from the con- vention. "And, of course," he added, "they can't use Soldiers" Field for anything if the parking space is all taken." Having been out-maneuvered for Soldiers' Field, officials of "On to Chicago" are now seek- ing either Washington or Grant Parks, both large, flat fields appropriate for large rallies. Chicago Park District, the administrative body which runs the city's public lands, will rule next Tuesday on the Coalition's petitions for permits for the parks, a district spokesman re- ports. Officials are reluctant to in- dicate who has been invited to speak at the rally, although in- formed sources report Arthur Goldberg, former U.S. Ambas- sador to the United Nations and Associate Supreme Court Jus- tice, has been invited. Goldberg is currently representing Rev. William Sloane Coffin in his appeals case against govern- ment conspiracy charges. "The other speakers invited Criticize fee structure By STUART GANNES not been notified that they are "I think I was affected by the eligible for a refund. minimum summer fee last year The general attitude among and I know I lost some money," students is that everyone who says a student on the Diag. suffered under the fee assessment "Something has to be done system by being charged more about fee inequities, agrees Bob than one minimum fee should be Neff '69, and'executive vice pres- compensated. iden of SGC. Vice President for Academic iet of r Affairs Allan F. Smith says he fa- These were typical reactions to vors elimination of the double a recent story in The Daily minimum fees. which exposed alleged inequities Smith adds he has been talking in the University's summer fee informally with Vice President assessment policies, and Chief Financial Officer Wil- Under the present system some bur 1. Pierpont and President students are assessed more tui- Fleming about the fee assessing tion in certain instances even inequities and he hopes changes though they are taking course will be made to correct the sys- are of the stature of Mr. Gold- berg," Coalition officials say. "On to Chicago" is ,making no attempt to recruit people to Chicago for its rallies. Their logic is that many people sym- pathetic to their views will be in Chicago then anyway, and will more than suffice for their' program. "There were thousands of people not officially with the convention in Atlantic City in 1964 (site of that year's Demo- cratic convention), and we're sure there will be many more at this one," says Marty Slate, co-ordinator of "On to Chi- cago.", The Coalition is also cooper- ating with the Southern Chris- tian Leadership Conference, Veterans for'Peace and a num- ber of Chicago area and minor- ity groups both for support and organizational help. But "On to Chicago" may be hedging a very risky bet by de- pending on other sources for its personnel at the rallies. The Youth International P a r t y (Yippies), Students for a Dem- ocratic Society and the Nation- al Mobilization Committee to End the War in Vietnam will certainly, attend, and they may add a much more radical tinge to the Coalition's plea. While conceding that most of the national mobilization offi- cials "are very good people," son Rockefeller and Gov. Ron- ald Reagan of California. Immediately after the nomina- tion was made official last night, Gov. Rockefeller phoned Nixon to congratulate him, and Gov. Rea- gan moved that the nomination be made unanimpus. This, how- ever, is against Republican con- vention rules. The Nixon victory, coming at the peak of a last-minute drive for delegates in which he dis-' played his considerable political savvy when among Republicans, became official six months after he 'announced his candidacy in a Feb. 1 news conference. Yesterday's convention session, called to order by permanent chairman Rep. Gerald Ford (R- Mich.), at 5:00 p.m., dragged on hours into the evening amid the flurry of the usual oratory and "spontaneous" demonstrations. At midnight, Sen. John Tower of Texas charged that Rockefeller and Reagan forces were attempt- ing a convention "filibuster," try- ing to tire the delegates and force. them to adjourn until the next day for the balloting. Campaign aides for both contenders denied this charge, however. All that remains in the way of "excitement" at this year's GOP convention is the speculation over who will take the second spot on the Nixon ticket. The candidate is expected to name his personal choice sometime this afternoon. Leading contenders last night were adjudged to be Oregon's Sen. Mark Hatfield, New York Mayor John Lindsay, and Illinois' Sen. Charles Percy. Of the three, only Hatfield was a Nixon sup- porter. Both of the other contend- ers were originally Rockefeller supporters. The Republicans' 1960 presiden- tial candidate appeared 'on the national political scene as a can-, didate in 1962, when he lost in a bid for the California governor- ship to then-Gov. Edmund (Pat)1 Brown. At the time of his defeat,' Nixon told a news conference that "You won't have Nixon to kick around anymore because, gentle- men, this is my last press confer- Violence breaks.out 5011 MIAMI W--Angered by the appearance of police at a black rally,° groups of young Negroes roamed the streets throwing bot- tles and rocks, looting and burn- ing last night in a Negro busi- ness area. Ten persons were hurt and at least 40 Negroes were ar- rested. Miami Police Lt. Jay Golden said "some shots were being fired indiscriminately, mainly at win- dows, but no one has been in- jured. There has been no police fire." The .trouble broke out in an area of Miami, some 10 chniles across Biscayne Bay from Miami Beach, where the Republican Na- tional Convention was in session. Three hours after the first re- ports of rock and bottle throwing at 6:30 p.m. police said the area was quiet but tense. The Rev. Ralph David Aber- nathy and' Florida Gov. Claude Kirk, both of whom were at the Republican National Convention on Miami Beach, rushed to the scene and walked through the area in an effort to prevent a reoccurrence. Abernathy also broadcast an appeal to "all my brothers and sisters not to turn to violence." Kirk ordered a unit of '500 Na- tional Guardsmen to report to the Miami Armory on a standby basis. A leader of the black rally said the Negroes attending' became angry' when police massed outside the meeting building in Northwest Miami. "We were trying to give our people some of their black cul- ture," said Bob Johnson, a non- violent Black Nationalist. "The people we are trying to reach, they can't sit down in peaceful assembly without being :1