Page Four THE MICHIGAN DAILY Tuesday, August 6, 1968 For Direct Classified Ad Service, Phone 764-0557 Monday through Friday, 12:30 to 2:30 P.M. i Wines protest SHORTS FOR RENT 3 MAN 2 BDRM. with central air- cond., balcony & dishwasher. Excel- lent Geddes location. Call 665-0154. C27 ONE HIP CHICK needed to be a third in an on-campus 4 man. Call Karen 761-8032-keep trying. 0202 GIRL to share house on S. University axro nd corner from Arb. Reasonable. ' Call Andrea after 6 at 665-6256. C21 WANTED: 1 girl to share a 3 man apt. Call Rita 662-0881 or Cyndy 769-0580. C22 INGLE ROOM for male grad student, S0it1 kitchen, share with 2 others. 65-146. - C23 2 GRADS and a senior need 4th man for modern apt. on Wilmot. Call Al 665-0193 or Jerry 76-0390. C21 NEAR the Law ,School. Large bi-level with 1a baths, dishwasher, 2 air- cond. All masonry construction. 665- 0154. 31 71 S. FOREST - Qpen. 2 bdrm. furn- ishsd air-ond. masonry construct- . Sion assures piay. One corner nd one interior apt. left for Aug. 20 oc- cupancy.. Campus 1 block, parking povded, laundry facilities, storage space, our 'door locked at all times, ideal for 4 adults. Inquire resident manager apt. 102 and phone 663-6052 r 662-5469. 839 TAPPAN - One apt. left, 2 bdrm. furnished, 'priced at $220. Inquire at 1'' N. In'galls to see. 101 N. INGALLS - back of Rackham Bldg. Open daily. 2 bdrmn furnished. For this and other 2 bdrm. campus locations stop in. Priced from $220 per me. heat and water furnished. Or phone 761-5159 or eve. 662-546. C25 ACROS 'from Stockwel. Large bi- level apt., air-cond., with dish Asher, 1% baths. Call 665-0154. C28 ROOMMATE WANTED,to share modern 2-man alit. for fall. Call Bill, 769- 0531.' 014 ROOMMATE WANTED for fall. Prefer wor ,ggrl or grad studett Cloe to campus. Call 769-5857 after 6. C15 CHARMING HOUSE on Greenwood needs 2 grad women to help share. V Call Cathy after 5 pm. 665-2170. 06 CAMPUS AREA An1bassador Co., 761-7982 1-5 daily. C17 FALL RENTALS xllew, frnised efficiency units for 1 or2 person. $130 and $140. 662-2260 or Ypsi 483-9895. C49 ROOMS and 3-MAN APTS. Best cam- pus locations, men or women. In- quire at 1106 Hill or call 761-4587. C50 FALL RENTAL STATE STREET MANOR (Across rom Yost Field House) Modern, furnished, 3 - 4 man, air- conditioned, newly furnihed, a1- conies, ample parking, garbage die- posals, LOW PENT, owner operated. CALL 761-5692 or 769-1432 HALL APT. FOR 2-6 PEOPLE (1, 2, & 3 BDMS.) CALL A ssJciateS Open Mon.-Sat. - 9:30-5:0 761-8055 042 ST JOE HOSPITAL area. 2 bdrm. 3 man fully carpeted, air-cond. Call 665-0154. C30 1317 Wilmot Fui*ished two bedroom apartments now being leased for fall occu- Ecellent campus location. Easily accommodates four at $62.50 a For an appointment to see call Walden Management CO. 769-2345 C29 AVAILABLE FOR FALL: 1 bedroom $155 to $165. 2 bedroom $200 to $285. For iformatign call 665-9405. Patrick J. PFute Inc. 214 E. Huron. C19 GRAD., SERIOUS STUDENT or STAFF MEMBER to share 2-bdrm., newly furnished luxury apt. Lots of quiet privacy. Reasonable. 8-month basis. Call 761-2023 eves, BARGAIN CORNER, Sam's Store Has Genuine LEVI'S Galore For GALS and GUYS -JUST ARRIVED- LEVI'S FOR GALS! NEW STYLES AND COLORS GALORE! SUTTON FLY LEVI'S $5.29 (Guaranteed to shrink) SUPER SLIM DEMINS $5.50 S-T-R-E-T-C-H LEVI'S $6.98 WHITE LEVI'S $4.98 4 Colors and Pure White a a ia a .anaf~a i h 1-[ FOR RENT FOR RENT HELP WANTED THE BEST CAMPUS APTS., FALL 1968, NEW, FURNISHED, AIR COND., CLOSE IN STUDENT APARTMENTS DAH LMANN APARTMENTS Office: 545 Church 761-76Q0 days C2 FEMALE UNDERGRAD wants girl to share old, charming, entire 2nd floor, 2-man overlooking spacious shady lawn. Call Jeanie, 769-0243 persis- tently C13 WANTED: Grad student or U staff member to share air conditioned 2 bedroom town house. August 22.. Call 761-3206 after 5.> C16 GARAGES, may be locked, lease, 723 Packard near State. 034 F.OR MAN, single ,clean, quiet, linens, no cooking, lease, 723 Packard near- State. C33 LEAVING IN DEC.? Need female room- mate fall term only. Own bdrm, Call Noni 761-9680 or 764-6125 before Aug. 14. C18 WANTED: Female grad student to share 2 bdrm. apt. Laundry, parking, good landlord. GREAT LOCATION. Call 769-3736. C17 BI-LEVEL with fireplace, 3 bdrm. near Frieze Bldg., 2 balconies, 2 air-cond. Call 665-8825. 029 4 GIRLS with spacious 6-bdrm house near Hill and Washtenaw need 2 more. Private bedrooms. Call 543-8400 or write Anne Williamson, 13100 Lud- low, Huntington Woods, Mich. 48070 C10 ATTRACTIVE,'modern, furnished four- man apt. in new apt. building. Carpet, air-cond., off street parking. Call NO 2-7730. C8 COED GRAD and working girl need 2 more to live in large house on State 761-3921. 03 ROOMMATE WANTED-Female grad student wants girl to share nice, well-located, older apt. Write Jane Ferguson, 60 Howell, Hillsdale, Mich., or call 517-437-7351 C19 MEDICAL CENTER ST. JOE'S FRIEZE BUILDING 2 bedroom apts. for fall. New build- ings. From $200. Call Summit Asso- ciates 761-8055. C19 1337 WILMOT 1 and 2 bedroom apts. for 2-5 people. Fully furnished, air-conditioned, bal- conies, parking, close to campus. Rents start at $65 per person, For this and other fine campus apts. call Summit Associates, 761-8055. c25 315 S. Division Onl campus-Large furnished studio two man apartments. Managed by Walden Management Co. 769-2345 C30 NEAR YOST Field House. 4 man 2 bdrm, with dishwasher, air-cond. only $65/person. 665-8825. C32 1700Gedd es For FaI I MADISON APARTMENTS Only 2 left: * Largest 4-man 0 Central air-conditioning 0 Sun Terrace 0 Balcony * Storage; * Laundry Parking 424-hr. service * 500 yds. to Union Some 2 and 3 man at COLONY AMBASSADOR CO. 736 Packard 761-7982 011 H ILL STREET FALL OCCUPANCY Modern 2-bedroom apartment includes * air-conditioning * wall-to-wall carpeting * new furnishings * modern kitchen with disposal *laundry, parking, & storage e $200 per month including heat and water CAMPUS MANAGEMENT, INC. 337 East Huron 662--7787 until 9 p.m. Eves.: 761-1498 C38 FALL OCCUPANCY Completely redecorated one - bedroom apartment with new furnishings, wall-to-wall carpeting, separate kit- chen, and parking. $150 per month includes heat & water. CAMPUS MANAGEMENT, INC. 337 E. Huron 662--7787 until 9 p.m. Eves.: 761-1498 C36 For FalI THE WALDEN MANAGEMENT CO. Has apartments in the campus area for 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6 persons, with the choice of an 8 or 12- month lease. FOR INFORMATION AND AN APPOINTMENT FOR SHOWING CALL 769-2345 C31 WANTED: 2 girls to complete 4-man apt. Located on S. Forest. Call Sherry 769-3119 or Gerri 482-2378.9 0 SUMMER SUBLET SUBLET III-B-Modern, air-ond. 2- man. Close to campus, soundproof. Call 769-4066. U15 SUMMER HALF. Terrific air-cond. apt. Very cheap. Call 769r5525, U8 I GIRL NEEDED for Aug. sublet. 3 man 3 bdrm. apt. $45. 769-1235. U15 1 OR 2 MEN NEEDED to share 4 man. TV, balcony, own bdrm. 1 block from campus. Cheap. 769-1608. U24 HAVE YOUR own room in 4 bdrm. house., $40/mo. Call Nemo, 769-1247. U23 WANTED TO RENT SENIOR GIRL desires single room n reasonably priced 2, 3, 4 etc. man apt. or house near campus. Likes bright, independent people. Please write J.A.L., 140 Spring Grove Rd., Pitts- burgh, Pa. 15235. L43 STUDENT IN NURSING needs single accommodations or is willing to share with other students beginning next. semester. Call Ellen. 769-3842 eves. LD ONE-BEDROOM APT, on or off campus fortmarried couple. Call 668-7288 after 5.- L41 GRAD STUDENT: Have a house or apt and need a roommate for fal? Write Ann Kahalas, 20 Grant Ave. Newton Ctr, Mass. Desire own bed- room. $80/mo. max. p~8 ROOM WANTED, centrally located sin- gle for male, undergrad student in private home, for fall term. ll Bob France after 6:30, 769-2847. L27 WANTED-2 man apt. from Aug. 25 to Dec. 25 by 2 grad students. Call 769- 2434. L34 ROOM AND BOARD LARGE TWO BEDROOM apartment or ho-use for around $200 Please contact Larry or Bill at 665-7286. EC PHI ALPHA KAPPA, 1010 E. Ann near medical complex is now serving meals 5 days a wk through Aug. 22. Board- ers desired, Lunches 90c, dinners $1.65. If interested please call Dick Hu- bregtse 761-5491. E12 LOST AND FOUND FLUFFBOTTOM our cat is lost. Dark brown and tan tabby, dark line around eyes, tan nose, black hind legs. ost vicinity State, White, Pack- ard. Ite is allergic to many foods and will get sick, only owners know pro- per care. Urgently request informa- tion. 764-7423 or 662-1344. A30 LITTLE GREY and white kttn found by UGLI. 763-0277. AB PETS AND SUPPLIES CALICO CAT Free to good home. Beau- tifully marked and trained to box. Call 483-5973 after Noon. HELP WANTED TEACHERS: Positions various locations: public, private schools. Cline Teach- ers Agency, Box 607, East Lansing, Mich. 48823. H36 COLLEGE MEN Part-time work during school term. 3 eves, per week 12 day Sat. for interviewing sin- gle - working girls. Excellent pay. Call 761-8014 or 761- -8015. H35 NOW HIRING for full and part time salesmen for the nation's largest audio retail store (just 20 min. from Ann Arbor). Experience in audio or retail sales necessary, For informa- tion call Mr. Leinback BR3-8921. H24 SECRETARY: Immediately. Full time. Center for Chinese Studies. Good shorthand and typing skills. College degree preferred. Challenging and in- teresting positions. Call 764-6308 MALE GRAD student 25 or older want- ed as part-time (weekends) cook in residential facility on N. Campus. Call 662-1927, after 7 p.m. H31 FEMALE WANTED: part-time survey asst. to help conduct consumer re- search in market studies. Would as- sist in conducting research at one cen- tral location. Two days per month. Responsible for contacting people to participate in these surveys. Can use own phone for this. Pays $175/mo. plus"expenses, Ideal for student wives. Call 761-4361. H30 PAGING OPERATOR - Part-time posi- tion at University Hospital. Hours are from 11:30 p.m. to 7:30 a.m. on Sat- urday and Sunday. Minimum of $213 per hour to start. Contact Medical Center Personnel Office, A6004 Uni- versity Hospital or phone 764-2172. H23 NEED MONEY? Be a sales representative for a socio- politico-satirical new poster line. Ideal .for individuals and organiza- tions. Write for complete poster profit kit: GROSS NATIONAL PRO- DUCT, Box 427, Wayzata, Mn. 55391. H18 MUSICAL MDSE., RADIOS, REPAIRS HERB DAVID GUITAR STUDIO. 10 a.m.-7 p.m. Custom and personally made instruments, electric, acoustic. 209 S. State. 665-8001. X HERB DAVID GUITAR STUDIO Instruments and accessories - new and used. Lessons, repairs, 209 S. State. 665-8001, 10 a.m.-7 p.m. X ELECTRIC GUITAR (beginners), new. Only $27.00 with books. Call 971-3450, BANJOS, GUITARS, AND BONGOS Rental Purchase Plan A-1 New and Used Instruments PAUL'S MUSICAL REPAIR 119 W. Washington BUSINESS SERVICES INTELLIGENT, personable woman with extensive business experience desires challenging position. Executive se- cretarial skills plus interested in peo- ple, researching reports, compiling data. Excellent references. Call be- tween 8 and 11 a.m. 665-6094. J17 PAPERS, ESSAYS, REPORTS, THESES: Perfect copies now only 6c on over- night service. Use correct-o-iape or unlimited erasures on your original and yet be assured of copies that even Idok better than the original from the new xerox 2400 duplicator. We supply 20 wgt. copy paper free. Overnight service only 6c per page (stored in office safe for complete safety of documents). Immediate service during business hours only 8c per page, S. Univ. right next to Ur Towers.' 769-0560. 33 DON'T TSK IT . TASK IT PERSONAL MASSAGE. By appointment. Private . and community sauna rooms. Ann Arbor Gymkhana. 662-9200. F RESIDENTS, INTERNS, Medical Stu- dents: attractive U. of M. graduate student wishes to exchange daily cooking activities for food. Statistics: blond, 22, smiles, loves to cook. If interested, call Jeannie at 761-3740 anytime. F5 WHY MESS with erasing carbon cop- ies? Why ruin your papers with smudges? Why not? Because you can now Xerox your original at only 8c per copy during business hours, or only Sc per copy on overnight serv- ice. S. Univ. right next to U. Towers. 769-0560. P18 WAKE-UP SERVICE--Have your phone ring at any designated timle day or night-LOW RATES. DON'T BEdLATE FOR CLASS OR WORK - AGAIN. TELEPHONE ANSWERING SERVICE, 665-8871 (24 hours). F Coming Back in the Fall GARGOYLE The Student Humor Magazine to be IN in the Fall- buy GARGOYLE NO Student can be without one BLOOD DONORS URGENTLY NEEDED $7.50 Rh positive, $10 and $12 Rh negative. Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri.. 9-4; Wed., 1-7. 18-21 years old need parent's permission. 483-1894 404 W. Michigan, Ypsilanti Michigan Community Blood Center PHOTO SUPPLIES NIKON F accessories: Auto-Rokunar 28mm/f2.8; Auto-Vivitar 135mm/f2.8; Komura 2x-3x zoom adaptor; $60, $50, $30 respectively, or, $110 all three. Also Braun F40 electronic flash $40 and Honeywell Auto-Strobonar 660 automatic electronic flash $80. Call Richard Lee 764-0562 or 665-3838. DA USED CARS PONTIAC 1960 Catalina 4-door sedan. Power brakes, automatic transmission, must sell; $250 or best offer. 769-4049, '63 CHRYSLER New Yorker, 4 door. 56,000 mi., professor's car. Excellent . cond. NO 2-8360. N39 BUICK, 1965 Wildcat, 4 door sedan. Power equipment, automatic, low mileage. $1350. 668-6317. N29 VW-excel, cond., '63. Call 761-0826, after 6 p.m. N7 '64 VOLVO. Blue, 2 door sedan. Excel- lent cond. 665-4844. . N34 BIKES AND SCOOTERS HONDA 305. Low milage, many spare parts. Mechanic owned,971-2885. WHITE HONDA 90 Step-thin. Only 460. In excellent cond. Must sell immedi- ately. Call 769-1729 anytime. Z14 1965 HONDA 90. Luggage rack, 2 hel- mets, must sell, graduating in Aug. Call Gene, 662-2266 after 5. Z13 gets action by 'U' President (Continued from Page 1) something, but no one has ever acted." Brown referred to a letter fromI Fleming to Canham in which the president said ". . . we pught to immediately discuss with Profes- sor Revelli (director of the band) alternative sites for band practice, so that by the fall of 1969 we can make Wines Field wholly available for intramurals. "This would involve replace- ment of the present room facilities which the band has on Wines Field, in which case that space might be used as a change and shower building for intramurals," the letter continued. Fleming listed several alterna- tive proposals for improving both intramural and band facilities, in- cluding installation of "astroturf" in Michigan Stadium, removal of the blacktop or resurfacing it with a "rubberoid material"; and the development of other playing fields so that Wines can remain blacktopped. Bills trim Lions in exhibit game BUFFALO, N.Y. (A)-The Buf- falo Bills, using rookies freely for the first time in an exhibition football game, defeated the Na- tional Football League Detroit Lions 13-9 last night in 90-degree- plus temperature.« Rookie Gary McDermott of Tulsa led the one-time American Football League champions to their first triumph over an NFL team -as he repeatedly ripped apart Detroit's line and outstarted his former college teammate, De- troit rookie quarterback Greg Barton. d .l sports NIGHT EDITOR: PHIL BROWN Hardy had worked 2 xteeks, with the Saints. He said he would play defensive tackle or end but had learned to like it at end. Hardy said his delay in report- ing wasn't a "question of being unhappy with the 49ers and mo- ney wasn't a factor'. . . I was settled at the New Orleans carmp." ST. LOUIS-Roger Maris, who broke Babe Ruth's one. season home run record by hitting 61 in 1961, announced his retirement as a player yesterday effective with the end of this season. "I feel it is time for it," Maris -said. "It's something,, I was going to do two years ago, but my feel- ings were changed by the trade." The former star New York Yan- kee outfielder was traded to the Cards in 1966 for third baseman Charlie Smith. The .announcement came as no surprise. The 33-year-old St. Louis Cardinals' outfielder Inti- mated last March that the 1968 season would be his last. * PALM BEACH GARDENS, Fla. -Billy Casper has the best record as a professional golfer this year with four wins and six times among the top five while playing in 15 tournaments, but young Tom Weiskopf leads in money won. 25 tournaments, has won $140,551 so far this year, the PGA reported Hardy joins NFL 49ers; Slugger Maris to retire By The Associated Press SANTA BARBARA, Calif. - Kevin Hardy, 290-pound All-Amer- ican rookie defensive lineman from Notre Dame, Joined the San Francisco 49ers in practice yesterday, saying he was eager to play for the club. Hardy, New Orleans Saints No. 1 draft choice, was assigned to the 49ers 10 days ago by pro football Commissioner Pete Rozelle in payment for Dave Parks. ROGER MARIS Weiskopf, participating in while Casper banked $135,935 Monday. -17 Major league Standings AMERICAN LEAGUE W L Pct. GB Detroit 67 41 .620 - Baitimore 61 46 .570 5'4 Cleveland 60 51 .541 8!, Boston 58 51 .532 9J Oakland 55 53 .509 12 New York 50 55 .476, 151/ Minesota 50 56 ,472 16 California 50 59 .459 171 Chicago 47 59 443 18' Washington 39 66 .371 26? Yesterday's Results Baltimore 5, New York 3, 10 innings Boston 2, Chicago 1, 10 innings Only games scheduled. Today's Games Cleveland at Detroit, 2, twi-night Boston at Chicago, night California at Washington, 2, twi- night Minnesota at Baltimore, night NATIONAL LEAGUE W L Pet. GB St. Louis 72 39 .649 - Atlanta 58 53 .523 14 Chicago 58 53 .523 14 Cincinnati 55 51 .519 14,2 San Francisco 55 54 .505 16 xPittsburgh 53 56 .486" 18 Philadelphia 51 57 .472 191 New York 51 62 .451 22 xLos Angeles 49 61 .445 221r Houston . 47 63 .431 24! George Archer is in third place with $101,024, followed by Lee Trevino, $99,595; Jack Nicklaus, $95,428; Miller Barber, $90,742; Julius Boros, $89,201; Dave Stockton,' $88,436; Dan Sikes, $76,464, and Bobby Lunn, $71,215. " NEW YORK - The Baltimore Orioles sent pitcher John O'D6n- oghue to their Rochester farm club on 24-hour recall Monday. night and replaced him on the roster with Pete Richert, who was on 'the military list. r FELLINI'S NIGHTS OF -, Typing-theses and term papers our 1966 TRIUMPH Bonneville. Excellent specialty; IBM typewriters; executive condition. 663-3972, after 6:30. N32 type and justified copy available,. ______ -------__ - Transcription - Medical, technical, YAMAHA 100-Twin. $200 or best offer. business, conferences Good condition-Must sell. 761-8570, Printing - Mimeograph, offset, ask for Paul. Z1 Photocopying. I -_________ Composition and Art Work FOR SALE - 1965 BMW R658. Excel. Stuffing, mailing and addressing cond. Call 663-7273 or collect 1-881- Resumes }1350, Z46 Telephone answering (Pick-up and delivery) FOR SALE a Wed., Aug. 7,9:00 nod 11:00 p.m. at the NEWMAN CENTER Thompson and William St. $1.00 A Benefit for: The Children's Commu~nity School ANN ARBOR TASK, INC. 1900 West Stadium Blvd. Ann Arbor, Michigan AC 313 761-4146 eves. 665-3531, 761-1187, 662-8495 Marilyn L. Keith, Director J 4-man, bi-level, with dishwasher, 11, baths, 2 air-conditioners, very large rooms, all masonry construction as- sures privacy, beautifuly furnished and located on the right side of the campus. Call 665-8825. Charter Realty 1335 S. University C50 1335 GEDDES FALL OCCUPANCY Spacious, modern two-bedroom apart- ment with: *air-conditioning *wall-to-wall carpeting *new furnishings "completely separate kitchen *laundry, parking, & storage *excellent campus & hospital loca- tion $240/mo. including heat and water CAMPUS MANAGEMENT, INC. 337 East Huron 662--7787 until 9 p.m. Eves.: 761-1498 C37 Campus--1 Block 418 E. Washington 1 Bedroom for 2 or 3 For information and appointments call NO 8-6906 or 761-2943 C24 1346 GEDDES. Large newly furnished, carpeted rooms for men. No cooking. $50-65. NO 8-6906. C37 2 BEDROOM, 2 MAN Modern apt. on campus, with all the inquiries. From $200 per month. Call Summit Associates at 761-8055. C18 ABOVE the Village Bell. 1 bdrm. unit for 2 or 3 people. $180/mo. 665-8825. 026 HARITON HOUSE 721-723 E. Kingsley. Offers for fall, Hospital and campus location. Air- conditioned, balconies. sound condi- PERSONAL DOMESTICALLY INEPT male Daily night editor would like some assis- tance in repairing a very near and dear pair ofpslacks, a seam of which has fallen upon bad days. If you can sew (or are willing to expirement) and feel either humanitarian or ma- ternal urges to help one in afore- mentioned need, call Ron at 764- 0552. FC SET YOURSELF APART!!! Don't join another of those wishy-washy, hum- drum organizations. This year "ele- vate" yourself by "aviating"! Join the elite at Ann Arbor Aero Service's U-M Flying Club. 665-6136. FE WHERE MARGINAL Prices Buy Quality Diamonds! Austin Diamonds, 1209 S. University. 663-7151., F LET IT ALL HANG-Bring this ad to Ann Arbor Aero Service at the A.A. airport for discount on rides in fully acrobatic biplane. Snoopy rides again! Call 665-6136 for more info. PB VILLAGER TYPE clothes, sizes 10. 12, 14. Heels 8-81,, records. 769-3,241. B5 12 STRING guitar, double beds, chests, rubber raft w/oars, cycle helmets, golf cart, etc. 769-0029. B4 NIKON F accessories: Auto-Rokunar 28mm/f2.8; Auto-Vivktar 135mm/f2.8; Komura 2x-3x zoom adaptor; $60, $50, $30 respectively, or $110 all three, Also Braun F40 electronic flash $40 and Honeywell Auto-Strobonar 660 automatic electronic flash $80. Call Richard Lee 764-0562 or 665-3838. FA CLASSICAL GUITAR-Gibson Cl-S for small hands. $100. 761-0059 day,-. 761- 7147 eves. BI MINI-MORRIS, 1963, body in- good con- dition; mechanically excellent. $400 or best offer: 761-0850. NC MISCELLANEOUS THE GIRL who came to our window seeking Lennie, please call 7n69-2841; M5- HEALTH FOODS and diet foods. 523 N. Ashley, 10 a.m.-6 p.m. (exc pt Sun.) NO 2-9541. V3 LEARN TO SAIL. Enroll now for les- sons in beginning or advanced tech- niques. Phone 761-1208 evenings. M29 xLate game not included. Yesterday's Results. Philadelphia 6, San Francisoo 4, 10 innings Atlanta 6, Chicago 1 St. Louis 3, Cincinnati 2 Houston 6,