gly t ian aily
Seventy-seven years of editorial freedom
Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan.
under authority of Board in Control of Student Publications
420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily exp ress the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.
TThe pruary election'
The following endorsements for Democratic candidates entered in the Aug.
6 primary are presented for those voters who wish to vote Democratic Tuesday.
We are not endorsing candidates entered in the Republican primary because we
find no races- on that side of the ballot that are worthy of interest. In no way,
however, are these endorsements construed to be final; none of them necessarily
carries any weight whatsoever in November's general election.
For party control
Sports Editor
Gillon arrived at the'
sity four years ago, carry
playing equipment with hin
people asked if he was a
Surprised to find no or
ilacrosse onr campus,
promptly recruited 15 pa
competitors and officially:
the University Lacrosse C
That was in autumn, 196
then, membership in the c
tripled, and the propor
undergraduate players 1
creased from about a third
three-quarters of the tote
Nevertheless, repeated a
to secure practice faciliti
the athletic department
failed, and thedclub has
up praying for sunshine du
spring and fall seasons.
Club is typical of student
groups on campus. Spons
the Intramural Departme
financially supported byt
fice of Student Organizati
major club sports now
about a dozen.
Current plans by the
department to pave one
playing field on the Wine
complex have led represe
of the various clubs to
student sport union in o
"block the bulldozers" nex
day morning at 8:00. As
puts it, there is a 'big,
cratic run-around" whici
pers the clubs in their "con
fight" to find adequate
and playing facilities.
John McKenzie and Davi
ner, active members of th
Club. Its membership hi
reached 100, with about 5
players in both the spri
fall seasons.
"The only way we've got
cooperation has been wh
representatives have gone
there and badgered the
department officials,"
Mildner, newly-elected car
the team.
history of
"We are constantly going to see I
them, pushing them, hoping for no
rer Bob action." str
Univer. mu
'ing his McKENZIE cites numerous vis- ha
itsand letters to former Athletic u
a. many Director H. 0. (Fritz) Crisler on a
jai alai the matter with few tangible re- ne
suits. n
ganized s"I started asking for spring Nc
Gillon practice space last October, and
art-time was given reason to believe that Mc
founded we would get it. But in the last wi
'lub. week of February, less than a tr(
4. Since month before our first contest, pa
club has we were informed that 'conflicts' 15
tion of between rugby and lacrosse club "a
has in- schedules prevented any practice fa
to over facilities for either." tra
al. In response to his claim of de
ittempts "conflicts," McKenzie and Gillon
es from hurriedly drew up "a proposed th
.t have schedule for use of Yost Field co(
ended House at nightsby both clubs. co
wring its But the executive committee in
of the Board in Control of Inter- gi
collegiate Athletic rejected this qu
Lacrosse proposal because of "financial
athletic and maintenance" factors in-
aored by volved in the use of Yost at night. ap
ot and Blocked at every angle, McKen- fa
t and zie and Gillon finally decided to C
the Of- Cc
ons, the confront Crisler on the issue of R
number administrative responsibility for n
club sports.fe
athletic IN A MEETING on March 14, th
of four Crisler explained the complexities
es Field of allocating facilities when not on
ntatives in use by intercollegiate teams. to
form a This, he said, was "part of the le
rder to problem." Fi
t Mon- "The real issue, though, is that fo
Gillon there is no way to determine re- in
bureau- sponsibility for student sports.
h ham- Traditionally, they have fallen
itinuous 'between chairs.' Neither the aca-
practice demic nor the athletic adminis- Di
tration has been responsible for h
them," Crisler saida
hoed by This, it appears, is the crux of Af
d Mild- the matter. Nobody hs taken on fic
e Rugby the responsibility.s s
as now "Actually, the students are as deg
0 active much to blame as the administra- pr
ng and tors," says Gillon. "They have not Ki
made enough of a fuss until re- a
ten any cently; thus a bad situation has lea
aen our developed."
e down'
athletic EARLY THIS YEAR, pressure mi
charges by students to improve intramur- at
ptain of al, recreation, and club sports fa- fa
cilities began to show results. sp
In January, the Regents an-
unced a reorganized athletic
ructure, with a special "intra-
ural advisory committee" to
ndle student sports.
In early March, the University
thorized construction of four
w intramural playing fields on
orth Campus.
At the same time, Gillon and
cKenzie were making inroads
th athletic officials. Crisler in-
oduced and the athletic board
ssed a resolution at its March
meeting which called for an
ll-out effort" to secure "satis-
ctory accommodations" for in-
amurals, club sports, and stu-
nt recreation.
The resolution also stated that
e Board would "be pleased to
)operate (with the new advisory
mmittee) by responding with in-
dicated times when intercolle-
Ate facilities can be used by
alified campus groups."
FINALLY, in July, the Regents
pointed four students and four
Lulty members to the "Advisory
ommittee on Intramural and
ecreational Activities," officially
existence'now, even though
w of its members are in town
is summer.
Then, two weeks ago, Mildner,
.e of the four students chosen
the committee, and McKenzie
arned of rumors that Wines
eld was to be completely paved
r use of the marching band dur-
g the fall.
Along with numerous other rep-
sentatives of the clubs, Gillon,
ildner and McKenzie called new
rector of Athletics Donald Can-
am, Vice President for Academic
'fairs Allan Smith and other of-
cials involved in the decision.
It became apparent that the
ecision to pave one field was
etty much final," explained Mc-
enzie. "But we tried to look for
way to get it changed, or at
ast delayed."
small-time athletics
MUCH HAS BEEN made this election
year of the unresponsiveness of the
political system, and particularly of the
undemocratic nature of the Democratic
party. Justifiable criticism has been rais-
ed concerning the inequities of the "clos-
ed corporation" politics of the Democrats.
Tuesday's primary offers voters a chance
-the only chance available in the elec-
toral system-to break the hold of that
closed corporation.
In Michigan, control of both political
parties rests in the hands of the popular-
ly elected precinct delegates. At the base
of the party hierarchy, the precinct dele-
gate is the only party official who is
directly chosen by the voters. His position
is the beginning of a long-chain of dele-
gation and re-delegation of authority
that makes the voter excessively far re-
moved from the circles of party power-
In no instance is the insulation of the
party leaders more clearly evident than
in the process of selection of delegates
to the national convention. The fact that
most Michigan delegates are leaning or
committed to Hubert Humphrey is proof
enough of this.
TWO YEARS AGO, at this time of year,
precinct delegates in each of the
state's 5000-plus electoral districts were
chosen by the voters. Their official func-
tions were two-fold: First, they served as
the chief party organizers and party
workers in the precincts from which they
were elected; second, they were dele-
gates to the county convention of their
Also during those two years, at the.
county convention, the collected total of
precinct delegates gathered to choose
delegates to the state party convention,
removing the actual representation one
step away from the voters.
Then, this June, the delegates to the
state convention gathered to pick the
delegates to the national convention--
the delegates who would finally take part
in the party's nomination of 'a presiden-
tial candidate. Two years and two sets
of intervening representatives away from
the people, these delegates control the
field of presidential choices.
MAYBE IF VOTERS in the Democratic
party two years ago hadn't ignored
the import of the precinct delegate elec-
tions, then they would not be paying
for their ignorance today. In all likeli-
hood, there is probably very little which
would change the minds of convention
delegates at this late date. However, if
actual control of the Democratic Party
can be attained Tuesday, then perhaps
the direction of that party may begin to
be reoriented.
On the right side of this page, there
is a list of precinct delegates candi-
dates from districts where there is a con-
test who have, through support of Eugene
McCarthy, indicated that they wish to
re-order the Democratic Party. Some
have said they will support, albeit reluc-
tantly, Hubert Humphrey should he get
the nomination; others have expressed
they will take an alternate path of ac-
tion. Whatever your own feelings on
lesser-evilism, these candidates who op-
pose the Democratic hierarchy deserve
your vote.
The unanimous opinion of the
club representatives was that the
athletic officials were once again;
not going to provide them with
adequate playing facilities for this
fall's games.
They believed that' their only
recourse was to take matters into
their own hands.
"We have already scheduled 13
home games for the fall season,"
explained McKenzie to a gather-
ing of club' leaders Thursday
night. "We have to be sure of
playing space to fulfill those
schedule obligations."
THE GROUP OF 15 or so club
representatives unanimously voted
the Michigan Sports Club Associ-
ation into existence'-and selected
Gillon as temporary president of
an executive board of four, in-
cluding Mildner, Bob Nichols, for-
mer leader of the rugby club, and
Les Feldman, captain of the soc-
cer club.
The representatives then turned
to the Wines Field question and
voted to picket and "if necessary,
lie-In' at the site of the paving
Monday morning.
UPON LEARNING of this deci-
sion yesterday, Canham explained
to Nichols that the paving was to
be considered "purely a tempo-
rary measure" to solve the conflict
between the band and the clubs at
Wines Field. He indicated that a
new suitable location for the
band's practices would have to be
found in the near future.
Canhamh promised facilities to
the clubs for their fall schedule
obligations, and Nichols, Mildner
and Gillon were convinced that
adequate playing space would be
provided for the first time in the
history of University club sports.
' Canham's response seemed to in-
dicate that a trend ,to improve
student athletic services has defi-
nitely been established. When the
work on Wines Field has been
completed, club sports will ap-
parently have better practice and
game facilities than ever before.
Nevertheless, paving of the one
field at Wines is still scheduled for
Monday morning, and the stu-
dents are therefore completing
plans for the demonstration.
There doesn't appear to be any
way of preventing the confrontaa
tion, short of one side backing
Thus, despite Canham's inten-
tion to provide playing fields in
the fall, students are left with no
choice but to protest the paving,
which was a hasty decision Can-
ham made under pressure from
other administrators.
Neither side, apparently, has any
present recourse. Out of this con-
frontation, however, a better sys-
tem of resolving student sports
problems should evolve for the
iled to
STUDENTS talked to
of the Board of Regents
July 19 meeting, but
get a "satisfactory re-
Nuthin but the facts.. .
For Sheriff
DOUGLAS HARVEY'S four years as
sheriff of Washtenaw County have
provided a catalogue of the things wrong
with police administration today. Har-
vey's tenure has been notable for his mis-
placed priorities, his stubborn refusal to
recognize that our Constitution places
limits on the powers of the police, his
demagogic tendency to decry even his
most responsible critics as anarchists or
At a time when the county's detention
facilities were in need of serious improve-
ments, Harvey has squandered the coun-
ty's money on unneeded gadgets and im-
provements, such as a fleet of extra-fast
cars for chasing speeders and a track
on which to test them.
Until very recently, Harvey regularly
utilized a special solitary detention facil-
ity called "the hole" which was in fla-
grant violation of clearly stated state
standards, and on occasion used it to im-
prison inmates who had not been ar-
HjARVEY TOLERATED behavior on the
part of his deputies toward citizens of
the county which was motivated by per-
sonal vindictiveness rather than any con-
sideration for the law. In one case, an
officer arrested a University law student
for "interfering with an arrest." The stu-
dent was placed directly in "the hole" af-
ter making a sarcastic comment about
the department's racial policy to the of-
ficer on duty in the station. Later, the
prosecutor dropped the charges complete-
ly for lack of evidence, even though pre-
sumably the arresting officer witnessed
the alleged crime of interfering with his
arrest of another suspect.
David Copi, Harvey's principal oppo-
nent, is young and intelligent. A grad-
uate of the University's law school, Copi
has indicated his intention if elected to
change the present backward method
in which the department has been run.
Copi merits the support of Washtenaw
County Democrats.
group of liberal Republicans.
who have put together numerous
fine studies of the problems of
America, has just published a sta-
tistical tabulation of the collective
biography of the delegates to the
Republican National Convention,
based on a surveyed sample of 700
of the 1333 delegates.
This is what they look like :
1. Education-96 per cent of the
delegates are high school gradu-
ates, 17 per cent of them having;
attended private schools. 85 per
cent of the delegates attended
college, 15 per cent of them hold-
ing a degree from an Ivy League
school. 43 per cent of the dele-
gates hold graduate degrees;
about two-thirds of these are
2. Occupation-29 per cent of
the delegates are lawyers; 48 per
cent are employed in business;
eight per cent are housewives;
four per cent are doctors; four
per cent are teachers. Two per
cent are non-lawyers employed in
3. Sex-211 of the delegates are
women, 11212 men.
4. Number of children - The
average family size is 2.8 children.
5 Religion-82 per cent of the
delegates are Protestant, 15 per
cent Catholic, 2 per cent Jewish.
6. Military service-81 per cent
of all male delegates have served
in the military. Of these, 35 per
cent were in the Air Force, 31 per
cent in the Army, 28 per cent
Navy, four per cent Marines, and
two per cent Coast Guard.
7. Civic organizations - "The
most frequently mentioned civic
organization was the Chamber of
Commerce (46 per cent), followed
by the American Legion (30 per
cent), Masons (25 per cent), Elks
(23 per cent) and Rotary (14 per
8. Race-Two per cent of the
delegates are Negro.
Well, at least now we know
what we're dealing with.
makes it in clinker
DICK GREGORY is a man of
many talents.
In 1966, when he was still "Dick
Gregory, entertainer," he made a
movie called It Won't Rub Off,
Baby. I mean that literally : He
made the movie. Without Gregory,
it is as harsh and contrived as the
floodlight photography and the
stilted language which occasional-
ly manage to cloud the beauty of
Gregory's performance.
Gregory portrays Richie "Eagle"
Stokes, a jazz sax man with more
soul than Aretha Franklin and
Ray Charles combined. The plot
is, of course, contrived, but as
Eagle goes on his journey into
the neverland of heroin, he some-
how manages to lift the audience
out of those comfortable Fifth
Forum seats and into his mind.
And while Eagle flies on drugs,
somehow Mal
jazz succeeds
ence as high
Warden's rhythmic
in lifting the audi-
as the lead char-
BUT, WHEN Gregory leaves
tie screen, the faults of the film
-particularly the dialogue-be-
come painfully apparent. Don
Murray, who plays Eagle's close
friend and employer, produces
vocal gems to cover all the usual
emotions: Frustration ("How
come Eagle don't have trouble
making it with a white chick?" ),
kinship ("It must be the light,
but you're looking a shade dark-
er", and anger ("It's your world
and you won't let me make it").
Diane Varsi, who plays Murray's
girlfriend, barely manages to read
her lines.
When Gregory is on screen, it
compensates for the film's flaws.
For Congress
EROME DUPONT deserves the support
of Democrats in the second district.
His stands on the issues most nearly ap-
proximate those which the 91st Congress
must adopt if the nation's foreign and
domestic wounds are to be bound.
Should Dupont be elected in November
and take a seat in Washington next
January, his voice on foreign policy issues
facing the House will be one of the most
enlightened to be heard in that chamber.
Unlike many who claim to oppose the
war in Vietnam, Dupont understands
that the situation in Vietnam-although
thoroughly reprehensible - is merely
symptomatic of our government's more
fundamental misconception of America's
role in the international arena.
Furthermore, Dupont's attitudes on
domestic policy are appealing, albeit un-
acter, they are aggravated by the daily
indignities of dealing with racist police
forces. Too few whites-and fewer whites
in Congress-have any inkling of the
level of oppression which is indigenous
to ghetto life. Dupont, it must be said,
THERE IS AN unfortunate side to Du-
pont's candidacy, however. He seems
excessively tied to the structure of the
Democratic Party, whatever that struc-
ture may be. Dupont is on the record as
saying he will support Hubert Humphrey
should Humphrey be nominated, even
though he would thus be supporting a
man whose principles are not consistent
with his own, and whose victory would
insure a strong grip on the party for
those whose principles are not consistent
with Dupont's for the next four years.
T1 r,- - ~- t r ,' t'' 5 4' nrm',',fl1 n'n rrac.c'
Whether he's playing the sax, or
playing lines like "white
too weak to tell you to go to hell,
too quiet to tell you to lick ... "
or making toasts "to white folks,
baby," or quixotically play-shoot-
ing Manhattan skyscrapers while
yelling "F. U.-all," he succeeds in
creating a wonderful empathy
with the viewer.
Thetaudience is with Gregory
all the way, no matter what he's
doing. Furthermore, the choice of
black-and-white film always
seems appropriate for New York
City films.
IF SOMEONE cares to inter-
pret the movie as another Holly-
wood failure to bring the beauty
of fantasy onto the screen, he will
leave the theater disappointed.
Eagle runs into Robert Hooks, a
university professor who has run
away from the halls of ivy after
his wife was killed in an automo-
bile accident. The professor,
forced to the reality of violence,
leaves his books and inexplicably
lands in Harlem.
Eagle and the Prof spend a
night on booze after meeting in a
pawn shop and when faced by a
cop the next morning, Eagle takes
the Prof in (would a white do
that? Would a black do that?).
THE PLOT thickens when it
turns out that one of Eagle's
friends is trying very hard to make
it with a white girl. And it freezes
whenever the actors find them-
selves on the set without Gregory.
True love succeeds in the Holly-
wnnd traitinn with the shnck of
Letters to the Editor
A. Jerome Dupont
David M. Copi
.Precinct delegates
All of the following Ann Arbor candidates for Democratic
precinct delegate have announced their support for Eugene
McCarthy for the Democratic nomination for the Presidency,
and are seeking election in- districts where there is a con-
tested race. Those with black dots in front of their names have
indicated they will not support Hubert Humphrey should he and
Richard Nixon be the candidates presented by the two major
Ward 1, Pet. 1 Ward III, Pet. 1
" Ronald R. Edmonds Peter P. Darrow
Daniel R. Fusfeld " Marc H. Ross
* Leonard Greenbaum Ward IV, Pet. 3
Donald A. Jones Jean M. Casey
Ward 1, P 4t. 4 Kenneth L. Casey
Eunice L. Burns " Raphael S. Ezekiel
" Marcia Federbush Ward IV, Pet. 4
Gerald E. Faye " Marcia W. Barrabee
Glen Waggoner 0Richard F. Burlingame
Donald R. Peacor Douglas J. White
* Pringle F. Smith Ward IV, Pet. 7
wa r T ot)0Joseuh L. Falkson
Pat ronfage
To the Editor:
IN REGARD to Mr. Nissen's edi-
torial on James Hare's firing
of two assistants (July 30), I be-
lieve Mr. Hare had everyaright-
moral, legal, and political - to
remove them from their posts.
Both men received their posts
as political gifts for their support
for Hare's campaign. Both men
were well aware of the dangers
involved. If Hare had lost the
campaign, neither would have re-
THE DEFECT, however, lies
neither in the system nor in the
politician. The problem is in the
American public. How many reg-
istered voters interviewed on the
streetcorner could even name the
Secretary of State? How many
could name his opponent in the
last election? Very few.
Politically, Mr. Hare was justi-
fied because he needs political
patronage to gather the kind of
support that elects'people to of-
fice. Without it, office seekers
have to rely on the same man on
the street corner who doesn't even