Y VOTE TUESDA .,Y ...See endorsements, P. 2 THE TRAGEDY OF SMALL-TIME SPORTS See editorial page ci A6F t r togan tii]g PRECIPITOUS High-81 Low-68 Partly cloudy, chance of showers Vol. LXXVII I No. 59-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, August 3, 1968 Ten Cents Four Pages WINES PROTEST: Canham, Revell refute) sports club's charges Kelley advises against Harvey BY PHIL BROWN Summer Sports Editor Both University Athletic Direc- tor Don Canham and Director of Bands William Revelli yesterday voiced disappointment with the decision of the Club Sports As- sociation to attempt stoppage of ,. the paving of a portion of Wines Field. "Of course it's a real problem," Canham agreed, "but there are aI lot of groups after us to help them and we had to do something. "It had been ignored so long that it came down to this-a de- cision had to be made and stuck to. If we could just give every- body what they need we would have done it long ago, but it's just not that simple." The clubs decided to take the action at a meeting held Thurs- day night, which followed numer- ous confrontations with adminis- trators about the Wines question. Club leaders, concerned about the possibility of having no prac- tice and game fields for the fall, declared their intention to picket the blacktopping operation. "These students have not really considered the position .we're in,' suggested Revelli. "The Wines Field site is hardly ideal for us, either. "Our facilities are the worst in 'the Big Ten, but we've avoided' complaining because we've always hoped that we would be able to solve the problem without it." The clubs, meanwhile, revised their definition of the protest to include the possibility of a lie-in "if necessary," emphasizing the sincerity of their efforts to block the paving. See related editorial grand jury ByMARCIA ABRAMSON Atty. Gen. Frank Kelley has advised against a!grand jury investigation of the conduct in office of Washtenaw County Sheriff Douglas J. Harvey, pending further investigation by the attorney general's office and the state police. However, a statement issued yesterday by county Circuit Court judges indicated the court "is retaining jurisdiction" over a petition filed June 7 which requested a one-man grand jury investigation of Harvey. The court- has authority to appoint the grand jury. The sheriff faces two opponents in his bid for renomina- tion by the Democratic Party in Tuesday's primary election. His term expires Dec. 31. Kelley recommended to the court . that the County Board of Supervisors be advised of allegations against Har- vey in the petition and inves-'s In backing the Association's action, S t u d e n t Government Council last night released a reso- lution condemning the paving plan. " Both Canham and Revelli em- phasized recent developments 4, which have improved the lot of. cluband intramural sports. "Whenall of these facilities are ready they'll have more than they've ever had before," Revelli, said. a } "But for years-since we moved v over from Ferry Field-we've been, marching in mud or dust. Quite -Q frankly, it's about time we had 4.. something better." ,.._,.. « h .."It would be a real shame," -Daily-Larry Robbins stated Canham. "We have donea Club leaders plan everything we can do to insure protest that the needs of all of these groups would be met in the fall,1 CALL-UP RESUMES:ntand stopping the work at this * +-point can only result in more de- lays and more problems."I "I didn't have to do anything= about this," he continued. "No- body told me I had to help alll of these people, but I thought we i ' e could help and I personally want-t ed to help." halt of physialswathtnoewscnuld One of the students' chargest , ysicwas that no one was consulted WASHINGTON A-There will be no suspension of pre- about the decision to pave, and induction physical examinations after all, Draft Director that it was reached in a somewhat Lewis B. Hershey has notified the nationwide Selective Serv- clandestine manner. ice System. See WINES, Page 41 Last July 3, Hershey directed-as an economy measure- that draft boards schedule no more physicals in August beyond those already scheduled, and that they schedule none u,, ill tf S at all in September. Questioned Thursday, an official spokesman said that radlie rnta order remained unchanged. But yesterday he confirmed that g -Hershey had in fact cancelled it in a letter to state draft PRAGUE (i-Communist lead-E ' hY#directors on July 23. ers of Czechoslovakia and five 1 c;.. ....s.,,. 4 +V - G.e o e -Associated Press Humphrey responds to newsmen's que ries ufter criticizing Hershey' HHH promises to fire draft director - DETROIT (AP)-Vice President f presidency for his office to work Hubert H. Humphrey promised with. yesterday to fire Selective Service "I have further noted Gen. Director Lewis B. Hershey, a tar- Hershey's criticism of the Selec- get of antiwar and draft protests, tive Service reform measures. if elected president. "Gen. Hershey understandably 1 Hershey has said he plans to retire as selective service director sometime in the near future. The Vice President, bringing his quest for the Democratic pres- idential nomination into the De- troit area, ran into the first size- able number of right-wing den- onstrators, and he warned against "playing up these loudmouths." Humphrey issued a -tatement saying that Hershey "has indi- cated that George Wallace would be the best candidate for the has his own preference for pres- ident. I have my own preference; for the director of the Selective Service System." And the Vice President added, "the Humphrey administration, will make the needed change." , The vice president planned no further comment on Hershey, saidj Norman Sherman, his press secre- tary. In pledging to remove Hershey,, Humphrey appeared to be taking, another step to change his image lershey' as a spokesman of the Johnson Administration and a man of the Establishment. Humphrey's opponent for the Democratic presidential nomina- tion, Sen. Eugene J. McCarthy, also has said he would fire Her- shey as well as FBI director J. Edgar Hoover. Humphrey, who has repeatedly been the target of leftist and anti- war demonstrators, found himself confronting the first sizeable num-; ber of right-wing placards in his presidential campaign. A crowd of about 2,000-a high percentage of them Humphrey boosters and waving Humphrey signs-turned out to hear Humph- rey dedicate a sewage treatment facility at St. Clair Shores just outside Detroit. While there were a few placards saying, "Stop the bombing, Stop the killing, Stop HHH," there were also a score or so of signs charging that, "Humphrey cod- dles rioters," and "HHH gives in to Black Power." Hunphrey met for an hour, during the afternoon with his Task Force on Economic Policy which convened at Detroit. After the discussion Humphrey visited a predominantly Negro neighbor- hood and spoke to a "register and vote" rally. The crowd of about 2,000 was enthusiastic although a few anti- Humphrey placards, signed by the militant Black Panthers organi- zation, were spotted in the crowd. When he began his speech there were some isolated shouts of, "We don't want crime in our cities," tigate the charges. Judges James R. Breakey and John W. Conlin said the court was "awaiting any action the Board of Supervisors may take in ac- cordance with the recommenda- tion of the attorney general." However, Breakey added action probably will not be taken until completion of a report being pre- pared by Kelley's office. Breakey did not know when the report will be finished. Board chairman Robert- Harri- son was unavailable for comment yesterday. Kelley's office yesterday declined comment on the Harvey investi- gation. The judges ordered the attorney general's investigation June 7 when they received the pe- tition. ALLEGATIONS Kelley made his recommenda- tion in a letter to the judges Thursday which included a partial list of the allegations against Harvey in the petition. The charges included conspir- acy to commit extortion in the. suppression of a deputies associ- ation; violations of the Veterans Preference Act, the Hutchinson Act, the Michigan Employment Securities Act and gambling statutes; illegal hiring of non- residents as deputies; and making a false report to the county. Kelley's letter cleared Harvey of the charge of violating the Vet- erans Preference Act on the basis of investigation conducted so far. In advising against a grand jury, Kelley said, "The willing- ness of ex-deputies to talk about these allegations with anyone in- volved in the investigation em- phasizes the lack of need for the use of a one-man grand jury." JUDGES' DISCRETION "I leave to your discretion whether the allegations in and of themselves would warrant a grand jury," Kelley wrote the judges. Harvey said he was "delighted" by the recommendation against a grand jury. "I would have been more than happy to respond had I known before what the allega- tions were and these matters would have been cleared up by now," he explained. Two steel prolducers hikle-price PITTSBURGH (P)-Two of the nation's top steelmakers and a big specialty steel producer an- nounced price increases yesterday, defying President Johnson's plea to hold the line on steel prices. The price boost came only hours after the President said in Wash- ington he was sure there "will be additional action" in the steel sit- uation. National Steel Corp., the No. 4 producer, made selectivb price in- creases on tin mill products, mate- rial used in canmaking, and Cru- cible Steel Corp., a specialty pro- ducer, announced selective price boosts on certain stainless steel bar products made at its Syracuse, N.Y., Works. Jones & Laughlin Steel Corp., the No. 5 steelmaker, #nnounced price boosts on selected steel maill products and said it was studying further its cost-price relationship of tin mill products, alloy and stainless products. The increases by National and J. & L. were' their first since the United Steelworkers won a billion- dollar plus contract Tuesday. They joined the country's top three steel producers-U.S. Steel Corp., Beth- lehem Steel Corp. and Republic Steel Corp.-in boosting prices. Only Thursday, Johnson or- dered the Defense Department to buy steel from companies that hold the line on prices in an effort to curb an across-the-board price hike in the industry. Informed sources said the de- partment presumably could require certain considerations by state highway departments in awarding construction contracts that would counter the steel firms' increases. The Department of Transporta- tion is reportedly also considering possible action to counter the steel price increases. pleads' Fnot guilty LOS ANGELES (P) - Sirhan Bishara Sirhan yesterday pleaded "not guilty" to the charge that he had murdered Sen. Robert F. Ken- nedy. A judge set his trial for Nov. 1, just four days before the presi- dential election in which Kenne- dy had hoped to be the Demo- cratic nominee, and close to the Nov. 12 Memphis trial date for James Earl Ray, charged with murdering Martin Luther King. Sirhan's attorney, Russell F. Parsons, indicated that the plea of innocent does not rule out a plea of innnocent by reason of insanity. He told newsmen after the hear- ing that brain tests for Sirhan have not been completed, and he has not yet to finish studying reports of psychiatrists. Parsons reserved the right to make "appropriate motions" in the case "at least 35 days before the trial." Sirhan, 24-year-old Jordanian immigrant, was seized moments after Kennedy was shot June 5 after claiming victory in the Cali- fornia Democratic presidential primary election. Sirhan has been held since under maximum secu- SPEED CLASSIFICATION The continuation of physicals, coupled with Hershey's reminder to local boards on July 26 to start reclassifying college students who have graduated, could bring about a speed-up in that reclassification process. The spokesman said, however, Hershey had canceled the suspen- sion of physicals at the request of the Defense Department, which operates the pre-induction exami- nation centers and objected to the prospect of having them virtually emptied for a month rjr more. The Department wanted physi- cals to continue at an even pace, he said, and the Selective Service System agreed.. DELAYING ACTION At. the time the suspension was revealed last July 18, the spokes- man had said it was only "a temporary delaying action" to save some money while waiting to see what the Pentagon's draft calls would be. So far, since June, draft calls have been low. The September call for 12,200 and the October call for 13,800 just announced on Friday were the lowest in more than a year. But enlistmentsaare usually high and draft calls may rise again in the fall and winter. CONVENTION COVERAGE critical partners in the Soviet bloc assembled in Bratislava yes- terday for talks that the Czecho- slovaks were assured would be! aimed at strengthening economic and military cooperation, and would not deal with Czechoslovak internal questions. The agreement to meet had touched of demonstrations Thurs- day by Czechoslovaks who feared abandonment of the Prague re- form program. "We shall not discuss Czecho-, slovakia specifically at Bratislava," Premier Oldrich Cernik reported in the party newspaper Rude Pravo. The conference, which opens today, evidently is intended to heal the Czechoslovak reformists' rift with the Soviet Union and its orthodox allies - Poland, East Germany, Hungary and Bulgaria. - Alexander Dubcek, chief of the Czechoslovak party, told the na- tion in a radio broadcast that the four-day meeting with the Soviet Poliburo that wound up at Cierna Thursday created good precondi- tions for the larger gathering in Bratislava, the capital of Slovakia. The month-long flow of prop- aganda against Czechoslovakia's liberalization course from Moscow and other hard-line Communist capitals abated abruptly after the windup of the Cierna meeting. And Prague's news media ended their counterf ire. The conference is expected to approve an agreement hammered; out at Cierna, a Slovak railroad town near the Soviet frontier. The impression here is the meeting will wind up in one day. tallies me oa rh of Czech crisis antee of the defense of our borders i preceded by talks with each party and thus also of the frontiers of individually. socialism," Dubcek said. The Czechoslovak party also He also firmly rejected sug- gave up the demand "in view of gestions that Czechoslovakia's the pressure of time" before its sovereignty was compromised at extraordinary party congress that Cierna. is to start on Sept. 9, he said. "I was asked at the airport At the congress Dubcek is ex- whether our sovereignty was com- pected to oust conservative fol- promised," he said. "I am saying lowers of former President An- frankly that it is not." tonin Novotny from the party Dubcek added that the meeting leadership. at Cierna had created such "good Following the Bratislava meet- preconditions" for the talks with ing, the Czechoslovaks will hold the five parties that the Czecho- talks with Yugoslav President Tito slovak leadership dropped its de- and the Romanian party chief, mand that any such meeting be Nicoleae Ceausescu. i CLOSED SESSIONS CONTINUE GOP platform writers clash' over war MIAMI BEACH, Fla. OP---Republican writers headed into a behind-scenes battle yesterday over their party's stand on Viet- nam but reported a "very satisfactory" agreement on the problems of America's troubled cities. The Platform Committee plowed pain- fully, word by word, through a second long day of closed sessions. The split on Vietnam became visible even before the drafters reached that section. Potential trouble loomed also on crime, gun control and other planks. Some members --particularly support- ers of Gov. Nelson A. Rockefeller of New York balked at a sentence in the draft plank on Vietnam which reportedly stated: "We hold that any negotiated peace will be unacceptable unless it assures the Vietnamese a full opportunity for When newsmen asked Sen. Jacob K. Javits of New York whether the plat- form writers would make changes in the Vietnam plank, he replied with emphasis: "I hope they will. I will fight for them." There was some opinion which Javits said he shared-that backers of front-run- ning Richard M. Nixon would line up with Rockefeller's people in support of all-out efforts to negotiate an early peace. That would align Rockefeller and Nixon in opposition to supporters of California Gov. Ronald Reagan, who favors stepped-up warfare "to win as quickly as possible." Javits said he "would like to see the party committed to peace at the earliest possible time." The party should call for phasing out of American troops as the South Vietnamese take over, ; the New Yorker said, and seek a settlement with -A contest between protectionists and lower-tariff advocates loomed. Javits told newsmen the outcome will determine "whether the party will continue to be for a liberal trade policy." -An expansion of the administration's Headstart program for underprivileged pre-school children, was endorsed-but not by name. -In the crime plank, language Was adopted similar to Nixon's Wednesday statement on crime; it endorsed "the principle that men are accountable for what they do, that criminals are respon- sible for their crimes-that while the boy's environment can help to explain the man's crime, it does not excuse that crime." Agreement on "a very satisfactory, very well balanced plank" on urban problems MEMMINFM.M M