Seventy-seven years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under authority of Board in Control of Student Publications 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily exp ress the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. Black history matures -- with difficulty FRI DAY, AUGUST 2, 1968 NIGHT EDITOR: MARCIA ABRAMSON D r. Dzu s tragedy FROM SAIGON comes the news that the U.S. Embassy has finally entered a quiet protest against the arrest and trial of Troung Dinh Dzu. Of what heinous crime was Dzu - runnerup in South Vietnam's presiden- tial elections last year - convicted and sentenced to five years at hard labor? Dzu was charged with "actions that weakened the will of the people and the army of South Vietnam to fight against- the Communists." His sacrilege was to propose the formation of a coalition gov- ernment with the. National Liberation Front. THE U.S. PROTEST is too little, and it is too late. It comes after the hasty, trial and sentencing in what can only be considered a severest kind of repressive political action by the Saigon govern- ment. This suppression of dissent by a gov- ernment which the Johnson Administra- tion has been trying to sell to the Amer- ican public as "democratic" is frighten- ing. The Dzu affair exposes the fraud of the elections last year. In what demo- cratic country is the loser of an election thrown in jail? But there are reports that the Dzu case is not an isolated incident and that Saigon is planning a series of similar actions against other dissidents. Under any normal set of circumstances this political suppression would hardly be the concern of the United States. But our complicated and extensive involvement in Vietnam -has distorted both our free- dom of action in this area and our obli- gations to the South Vietnamese. Our actions in Vietnam over the past 12 years have been characterized by un- informed action, based on a disregard for the will of the Vietnamese and of the his- torical background of the conflict. In 1956 the United States helped block the Vietnam-wide elections agreed to in the Geneva Accords of 1954 because Ho Chi Minh was expected to win. Since then the Eisenhower, Kennedy and Johnson Administrations have con- tinued to support the Saigon regime, first under Diem and later controlled by gov- ernments resulting from various coups which the United States has endorsed. THE RESULT has been a series of proto- Fascist regimes ruling over the people of South Vietnam. The celebrated 1967 elections were a farce because polls were set up only in areas under strict govern- ment control, and because the govern- ment elected was only barely different from the one it replaced. Optimally, the United States would break off from its fabricated "commit- ment" to South Vietnam and withdraw the 500,000 American troops which main- tain the power of two generals in Saigon. And what is the difference between the very real repression of the people under the present government and the thus far imagined type under the National Liber- ation Front which would very likely suc- ceed it? But for those who insist on continued U.S. involvement in Vietnam, there is still no reason to believe that we must con- tinue our support of the Thieu-Ky gov- ernment. The course of promoting overthrow of the Saigon government has been followed by the United States in the past. Why ig- nore the possibility now? THE PRESENT Saigon government has refused to consider the possibility of a coalition with the NtF. And since coali- tion is most likely the easiest way of un- tangling the situation, the installation of a Saigon government willing to make such a compromise would be a politically expedient move for U.S. politicians. Who could head this new government? Perhaps Dzu himself - evacuated from prison by a few well-placed U.S. 'Marines - would be willing to accept the chal- lenge. Surely we can do better by the be- leaguered South Vietnamese people than to support Thieu with his political purge and masochistic desire to continue fighting the Viet Cong until the entire country has been wiped cleanly off the map. MARTIN HIRSCHMAN By HENRY GRIX HERE are about three full card catalogue drawers devoted to the Negro in the General Library. This space is more than Henry Ford gets, less than is devoted to English literature, and about the same as, that allocated to New York City. F. H. Wagman, direc- tor of the University library sys- tem, terms the collection of books by and about Negroes "very re- spectable." But the number of volumes is destined to swell, as the demand for courses in black history, liter- ature and culture persists. THIS NEWLY recognized need to incorporate a glimpse of Black America into the WASPish, one- sided view of the history general- ly taught- is, indeed, very real. The teaching of American history has been a fraud, propagating the theory that this country was and is a melting pot, an absorbent land that assimilated all minorities into a plastic and prosperous ma- jority. Last year, the errors of omission produced an indignant outcry at several college campuses, includ- ing here at the University. Ad- ministrators and students gener- ally agreed, however, that the re- vamping of history programs was a definite priority. As a result, this fall courses in black history will be inaugurated at schools from Columbia to Kan- sas to California. IN SEPTEMBER, the University will offer a special honors sem- inar taught by Harold Cruse, black author of The Crisis of the Negro Intellectual. Next winter, Cruse's course will be coupled with a reg- ular history course, to be taught by the department's Prof. William Freehling. Prof. Russell Fraser, the new chairman of the English department, announced yesterday a course in Negro literature will.' be taught "because a great body of important material has been insufficiently treated." At Yale, a joint student-faculty committee has recommended the establishment of an Afro-Ameri- can Studies major, and Harvard, Brown, Los Angeles State and the' University of Indiana may soon follow suit. However, the pride in race that the teaching of black history is aimed at enkindling has draw- backs. At Cornell, for instance, students and the university are squaring off concerning the de- cision to institute a black history course there. Black students insist the course should only be open to Negroes. THIS KIND OF stifling self- segregation is only one of the problems involved in teaching black history. Teachers are few, texts are inadequate, and the truth is plainly not always avail- able. But if the problems of locating teachers .and writing books are the most immediate, they are, in the long run, the easier to solve. The, supply of professors and books ,'will probably increase in response to the demand. The major difficulty is discern- ing the truth.' The temptation is strong to cre- ate an artificial Negro American by disguising all blacks as sensi- tive Sidney Poitiers or stalwart Jackie Robinsons -- re-creation in the image of white Americans. WHILE NAME-DROPPING can be an effective way of letting Ne- groes realize the power of being, black, it is important for history texts to explain how slavery cre- ated the image of the Negro as a sub-species. Slavery may be portrayed a$: cruel repression, which blacks val- iantly threw off, or more accur- ately, as an insidious dehuman- izing institution which sheltered the body but stripped the soul. Despite the fact that several slave rebellions werehrecorded, the truth probably is that most Nqe- groes were content in their re- pression. This theory is put for- ward by Prof. Stanley M. Elkins of Smith College in his study, Slavery: A Problem in American Institutional and Intellectual Life. Elkins attributes this to slavery's status as a "closed system." s UNFORTUNATELY, most his- tory texts overstate and oversim- plify this theory. A 1940 history text, The Growth of the Amieri- can Republic by Samuel Eliot Morison and Henry Steele Com- mager, is a source still used in high schools. Morison and Com- mager say the following: "As for Sambo, whose wrongs moved the abolitionists to wrath and tears, there is somerreason to believe that he suffered less than any other class in the South from its 'peculiar institution.' The majority of the slaves were ade- quately fed, well cared for and, apparently happy-- "Although brought to America by force, the incurably optimis- tic Negro soon became attached, to the country and devoted to his 'white folks'." ."!I HOWEVER, most commercial, publishing houses say they are' earnestly trying to secure texts which set straight Morison an'd Commager's simplistic analysis. Books are being produced for college, and iore importantly, for elementary and high school readers, which history editors of top firms claim "tell it like it is " At the same time, the number of new books is, limited by the demands of a fickle market. Ran- dom House college text history editor William Frohlick says the industry is cautiously assessing the demand for black hiswory sources, after having seen the market for African history books wane following a boom. "There is a growing interest in the field," Frohlick says, "but we can't afford to go into it at the moment." He adds that a book on the currently topical question of black power staids a 'better chance of reaching the presses than a new scholarly work in black history.! ALTHOUGH RANDOM House will put seven or eight books on black history on the market throughout the' year, several will be paperback revivals of classics like John Hope Franklin's His- tory of the American Negro.' At the same time, publishers are wary of books that are "cooked up in four or five months.". Charles E. Smith, an assistant history editor for The MacMillan Company says he has a "social commitment" to keep up 'the in- tellectual quality of books on the "highly emotional" field of black history. The stress on quality keeps the quantity down. Smith disdains the trumped-up advertising recently flooding the New York Times Book Review. There are full page ads for vol- umes 1on the ghetto, crime and Vietnam, sold in an expensive series and "important" mainly be- cause they are new. Richard Pepin, history editor for Harper and Row, likewise "re- fuses to cash in on low-brow, low power, unintellectual books." AND ALL' THIS commercial idealism may be producing good books, as well as paying off. In a New York Times interview, June Shagaloff, education specialist of the NAACP, said, "The textbook picture is getting better - par- ticularly in general elementary school books and in specialized books on aspects of Negro history." But "it is still far from good," she added. Mrs. Paula Franklin, an assist- ant social studies editor for the junior-senior high division of Har- court, Brace, and World says texts deal less "in the pieties of American life" than they used to, because race relations "permeate everything, we are doing now." However, it is still hard for textbooks to always get things straight. One elementary Echool reader improbably incorporated brown faces into a story, about suburban youngsters, and thus failed to transcend the ghetto child's insensitivity to reading by relating to his urban experience. ALL THE SAME, the publishing business is booming. "They have more business than they know what to do with," li- brary 'director Wagman says. And the library here continues to buy "practically everything in the field." But "telling it like it is" is the hardest thing there is for profes- sors, publishers and black his- torians. Hopefully, from the maze of activity in the area, some truths will become self-evident. _a *I Yummy, yummy, Yummy I've got bleueek in my tummy .--U RBAN L EHNE R--. IMy friend Murphy and The Theory MURPHY WAS wearing a blue and white polka-dotted bow-tie when I walked into his fifth story office yesterday. His shirt was white with a collar that was neatly starched, but long and pointed and sev- eral years out of style. The desk was messy but not hopeless, there was only one telephone in the room, and the ashtrays were clean. It is a stinging Commentary on our time that progress has swept even the bookies in its wake. I had decided to visit Murph around three o'clock in the morning, Just after it first struck me that political polls represented a grave threat to the dignity of man. I had just spent four hours in the dark- room trying to concoct sharp, perfectly exposed prints from fuzzy, underexposed negatives and my eyes were swimming. I was tired and thirsty. For two days I had been reading the polls of Mr. Gallup, informing me that Richard Nixon could fend off either possible Demo- cratic candidate while Nelson Rockefeller could only hold them to a tie. As I walked past the AP machine, I happened to notice a story datelined Miami Beach. The Harris poll had come up with results the exact reverse of those quoted by Mr. Gallup. THERE WAS NOTHING rational about my reaction. I sat down with a pencil and performed some hasty arithmetic. In every pairing, the fluctuation from Gallup to Harris was at least six points; in the McCarthy-Nixon pairing, it was 13. Thirteen points. Somehow Mr. Gallup's explanation (the polls were taken a week apart and indicated "wildly fluctuating public opinion") seemed rather thin in the face of 13 points, over a week in which neither McCarthy nor Nixon had done anything which should have especially convinced an additional 13 per cent of the American people that of the two, McCarthy was the better man. This initial reaction was irrational because, as I considered the matter at greater length, I should have been overjoyed by the dis- crepancy. My essential objection to the polls has always been that they rather boldly and vulgarly presume to rationalize a mystery. What should be subject for the crystal ball has become programming for the computer; what should be speculation over beer in a neighbor- hood pub has been reduced to statistical banter material for bland, martinied cocktail parties. Thus, the embarassment - if any - suffered by Gallup and Harris over this latest inconsistency between their results should have sent me into uncontrollable delight. Instead, I came out of it only the more sadly aware that this was but a tiny glimmer of light against a trend of darkness. The efficiency engineers are still taking over at every level, despite temporary setbacks. MURPH WAS completely sympathetic. "You take your run of the mill bookie, now," he says. "He's deep down a good guy. Oh, he may drink a little too much now and then and come in late - but be goes to church and takes care of his kids and all." Anyway, Murphy has The Theory about what's going to happen at the Democratic convention. He's even putting money on it. In fact, so are most of his bookie friends. After it got around that Murphy and the guys were all betting on The Theory, Lou Harris, one of the pollster villains, checked it out and concluded that it was at least possible. But Harris only came up with a little dope on one angle of it. No one can tell it like Murph. "IT'S THE FIFTH day of the convention, see, and after several ballots everything is deadlocked," begins the raconteur with a broad smile. "Humphrey won't get enough votes for a majority, but no one will be able to beat him. The delegates will all be pretty hungover, see, and some of them will have run out of clean suits and the stench of the booze and all will be pretty rank. The networks will be at the point where they're ready to start sneaking cartoons in, because the fights will be a real drag. All those punks demonstrating around Chi- cago will have given up and gone home. There will be a lot of talk about third candidates - some saying Ted Kennedy and some saying small guys like McGovern or Muskie or Hart. Suddenly everything will change, "See, Governor Connally will get up before the assembled dele- "Dad, con I borrow the keys to the campaign headquarters?" *,I . Letters to the Editor +I WHEN DUNCAN HINES drew his culin- ary map of America, he must have marked Ann Arbor in big letters as a depressed area. For if this city is one of the brainiest in the country, it also' contains, with few exceptions, the most pitiful ,assortment of eating establish- ments one could ever hope to encounter in his fondest nightmares. During the regular school year, this fact is not so disturbing, but in the hu- mid, hot summer days when home-cook- ing becomes torture, residents take to restaurant-hopping in larger numbers and suffer proportionally. Not only is there the ever-present pit- fall of exorbitant prices. For the real rub, comes in the quality of the food which is available - within walking distance, much less within monetary range - to tha thAuands nf students here. * Hamburger Havens - These are in- trinsically the most dangerous, because an unwary patron may find himself spending most of his weekly allowance on lunch. Unbelievably expensive to begin with, these places offer little beyond free mints and toothpicks at the cashier's desk. The usual enticement is good soup, which lures the innocent into the estab- lishment for the final kill - on barbecue and hamburgers. If one is lucky, he gets away with a $1.25 tab and gnawing hun- ger pains. Family-Style Restaurants - Those weary of the usual lunch fare may decide to splurge a little and move up the status stratum to restaurants where the waitress brings the entree after, not concurrently with, the appetizer. The minimum bill is about $3 and that usually takes care of, say, chicken Chow mein, or a roast beef sandwich, or a fried chicken dinner. * Drugstores - In perhaps the most McCarthy To the Editor: R ECENT ARTICLES in The Daily referred to the major candidates, McCarthy included, as wishy-washy, and suggested the problems of this country could probably not be solved by work- ing within the present political system. However, because the sys- tem is fairly well established,.it is not difficult to gain power in it by carefully using the system's own resources. Witness McCar- thy's progress in less than a year and that of other candidates run- ning with him (e.g., Paul' O'Dwyer). Of course candidates have al- ways been wishy-washy and de- ceptive: see for example Nixon's newest stand on issues and Rocke- feller's massive psychological campaign which camouflages his previous record by depicting him as now being anti-war and in favor of other uncharacteristic policies. Hunphrey and to a lesser degree McaCrthy are also open to eriti, ism on similar counts. Fur- theriore, some McCarthy sup- porters dropped out of the move- ment, when they found the whole thing too disorganized or became alienated when the candidate thousands of individuals who pro- test against the system while at the same time avoid really trying. to change it when changes are certainly possible. They seem to be afraid of the long and frus- trating road to change-of the years of continuous work, studded with many many failures, that are needed before a new and different sort of candidate can be elected by the usual vast majority of apathetic voters. This is why, despite his faults, McCarthy now has my support. He alone among the other can- didates, is expressing the need for a reallocation of res6urces and a reevaluation of domestic and for- eign policies- toward a less ag- gressive society. By makingshim-' self a rallying point for millions, he hinted that changes could ac- tually take place this year rather than four, eight, or twelve years from now. But even should McCarthy loe,. like-minded candidates for Con- gress, state and local offices can yet influence the government. To get these men elected is the;first step for those who would like to change the country rather than merely talk about how bad it is and mull over theories of change. -Eduardo Siguel campaign. Shapiro wrote a bitter anti-Kennedy editorial shortly be- fore the Senator's assassination, and now laments the Senator's absence from the presidential race. He also laments the prospect of 4 "dismal Nixon-Humphrey race." After the Democratic Con- Vention will he also lament the failure of McCarthy to win the nomination, so that there will have indeed been an alternative to Hubert? But the fact is that the Conven- tion is not yet over, and that a great deal of energy on the part of those committed to Senator McCarthy and/or the principles he stands for may save the day. Those very radicals who say they do not like McCarthy usually add, "Anyway,. the Convention is sew- ed up." It is not, and will not be, unless too many people accept pre- mature defeat and the cozyin- action of absurd statements like "To the Barricades," or "Let the system fall apart." THE TRUTH about McCarthy is that he cannot be all things to all people. But he is the best we have. And this logic does not necessarily extend to support of Humphrey in a Nixon-Humphrey race Mclarthv is on the right -..J