See editorial page
1Mw4311t in
Mostly sunny.
and warmer
Vo. LXXVII[, No. 58-5 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, August 2, 1968 Ten Cents
Six Pages
steel boycott
Pentagon restricts purchases
to companies not hiking prices
WASHINGTON UP - President Johnson authorized yes-
terday a Pentagon boycott of price-hiking steel producers and.
summoned bipartisan congressional leaders to the White
House to discuss what he termed "the dire consequences of
.higher steel prices.
Secretary of Defense Clark M. Clifford immediately or-
dered the armed services and the Defense Supply Agency to
make all purchases possible from companies which hold the
line on steel prices.
He directed them "wherever possible to shift orders for
future deliveries of items of steel on which prices have been
raised to companies which have not increased- prices, if by so
Idoing you can obtain the re-
A quiredproduct, on time, at a
A nnoun e Ilower cost to the government."
with mailers union
.new steel
Corp. announced yesterday a price
hike of $7 a ton} for structural
shapes, H piles and plates and
said it "expects to' make further
upward revisions in selected steel
mill products in the near future."
Price hikes posted by the na-
tion's three largest companies
were copied by smaller firms amid
growing indications the price
raises would sweep the industry.
Inland Steel Co. joined others
with an announcement it was in-
creasing prices of its, steel pro-
ducts by an average of slightly
less than five per cent, effective
Aug. 1.
Pittsburgh Steel, the nation's
14th ranked producer, and Phoenix
Steel, one of the industry's smal-
lest, fell in line behind industry
giants U.S. Steel, Bethlehem and
Republic in jacking up prices.
Pittsburgh, like Bethlehem and
Republic, raised prices on virtual-
ly all its products, upping them
$3 to $10 a ton.
Phoenix, like U.S. Steel, was se-
lective, hiking carbon steel plate
by $7 a ton.
U.S. Steel also said it was re-
ducing by five cents per base box
its recent price hike on tin mill
products. The company said the
revision was a result of "competi-
tive developments."
U.S. Steel's price hike followed
closely Secretary of Defense Clarke
M. Clifford's announcement that-
he has ordered the Pentagon to
shift its steel buying to companies
which hold the line on steel prices.
There was no word yet from
other big producers, although
some left no doubt they would
have to up the price of their pro-
lucts to help make up for in-
creased labor costs resulting from
Tuesday's record industry settle-
ment with the United Steelwork-
ers union.
Amco Steel said it would an-
nounce increases yesterday.
Inland Steel commented flatly,
"Our decision will be based en-
tirely on costs . . . and not any
noise from Washington."
The general tone of the indus-
try comments indicated that steel
executives were prepared to stand
firmly behind the price moves and
not rescind them as they did in
That was the year that prac-
tically the entire industry joined
in a $6-a-ton price hike only to
yield under pressure from an
angry President John F. Kennedy.
Bethlehem's board chairman,
Edmund F. Martin said, "Our an-
nouncement .. speaks for itself.
In our opinion, our price increase
is absolutely necessary."
The actions were taken to pro-
test - and seek to roll back -
price increases by some companies
which contended they are needed
to meet rising production costs
under a new labor contract.
Johnson already had protestedx
an across-the-board increase by
Bethlehem Steel Co. Wednesday
as threatening inflation.
"Inflation for steel is inflation
for the nation," Johnson told a
Wednesday news conference.
Johnson called an evening meet-
ing with available Congressional
leaders from both parties and key
members of interested committees.
The President also sent a letter
to the presiding officers of the
House and Senate, saying that if
five per cent across-the-board
price hikes were to be adopted by
all steel producers, the ultimate
cost to consumers would exceed
$1.1 billion a year in higher prices
for everything ranging from auto-
mobiles to common nails.
A general price i n c r e a s e
throughout the industry, he said,
"could injure all Americans by
weakening the dollar both at home
and abroad." He quoted economic
advisers as saying ii/would be "the
largest inflationary price increase
for the nation in this decade,"
The Pentagon took similar ac-
tions in April 1962 and January
1966 in efforts to force rollbacks
of steel price increases.
Pentagon spokesman said the
Pentagon buys about 3.7 million
tons of steel annually at a c-ost'
of $550 million to $590 million.
This amounts to about 3.75 per
cent of total U.S. steel production.
-Associated Press
'resident holds meeting on steel crisis
Harris, Gallup concur:
Rocky leads Democrats
NEW YORK (AP - The nation'sf
leading pollsters lumped their
surveys together yesterday and
concluded that Gov. Nelson A.
Rockefeller of New York has
moved to "an open lead" in a
presidential race against Vice
President Hubert H. Humphrey
and Sen. Eugene J. McCarthy.
They also said that Richard M.
Nixon would run "an extremely
close" race in a contest involving
Humphrey and George C. Wallace,
a third party candidate.
The unusual joint statement
was issued by George Gallup Jr.
and Louis Harris after their most
recent polls, taken in July, con-
tradicted each other and produced
sizable political reverberations as
Republicans prepared for their
national convention.
The Gallup Poll published Mon-
day showed Nixon defeating both
major Democratic presidential
candidates while Rockefeller was
able only to tie them. This cheered
the Nixon camp.'
The Harris poll, which became
available Wednesday night, said
Rockefeller could defeat either of
the Democratic hopefuls, while
Nixon could not. This cheered the
Rockefeller camp.
The Gallup Poll gave Nixon 40
per cent of the vote, but Harris
gave him only 35 against Hum-
phrey. The five-point difference
would be about 3.5 million votes,
based on the 70.6 million votes in
the 1964 )residential election
Both Harris and Gallup said the
joint statement was issued in an
effort to eliminate what they con-
sidered to be wide-spread confu-
sion regarding their polls.
In Miami Beach, Herbert G.
Klein, Nixon's chief spokesman,
charged "professional ,together-
ness" keeps pollsters from criti-
cizing each other.
The joint statement buoyed the
hopes of the Rockefeller camp.
The New York Republican has
staked his campaign to upset
may resume
next week
From Wire Service Reports
DETROIT - Newspaper pub-
lishers and the last striking opera-
ting union yesterday reached a
tentative agreement on a new
If the mailers union accepts the
contract at a ratification meeting
Monday, the 260-day-old Detroit
newspaper shutdown may finally
end sometime next week.
Asked whether he thought the
new settlement would permit re-
sumption of publication by the
end of next week, John B. Olson,
Free Press general manager, said:
"We would hope so."
The News said it would resume
publication with its regular edi-
tions Friday, Aug. 9.
The Free Press did not fix a
firm date immediately for re-
sumption of publication, but Ol-
son said:
"We're going to, make every at-
tempt to get going as soon as pos-
sible. It will depend on the
logistics of getting people back
nd getting machinery."
Several smaller unions, such as
building service employes, ma-
chinists and electricians, have not
reached agreement with the
newspaper, but Olson said he
hoped negotiations with themi
would not stand in the way of re-
sumption of publication.
President Ralph Smith of the
Int e r n a t i o n a 1 Typographical
Union, Local 40, was enthusiastic
about the new agreement. "I per-
sonally feel for the first time in
12 years the mailers are in an ac-
cepted position as a craft union,"
he said.
"Union working conditions have
finally been won for the mailersr
in the city of Detroit."
Smith explained that "working'
conditions mean much more to
the mailers than any amount of
money" they could have won.
The terms of the new contract
which extends over the next 34%/
months include wage and fringe
benefit increases which will
amount to $33 weekly by the end
of the contract.
The mailers, formerly members
of the International Mailers
Union, have continued their strike
after other major unions involved
had settled.
The mailers had asked the
publishers to recognize them as
skilled craftsmen instead of un-
skilled shop employes. -Smith
maintained "we have demanded
and the publishers have accepted1
our contention that the mailers
are a craft union."
"In the old contracts, there was1
no distinction between a journey-
man (who is skilled craftsman)
and the regular employes," saidE
Smith will recommend the con-t
tract to the members of ITWt
See DETROIT, Page 2
-Daily-Larry Robbins
Planning Monday's protest
Group to
Gallup gave Rockefeller 36 per Nixon for the GOP presidential
cent against both Humphrey and nomination on proving he is more
McCarthy, but Harris gives him popular with voters than Nixon.
40, or what amounts to a differ- Nixon for the GOP presidential
ence of about 2.8 million votes in Harris and Gallup said of their
1964 terms. surveys:
The Gallup Poll was taken July "If these polls are plotted out
19-21. The latest Harris survey sequentially, as though they were
was conducted July 26-29. both conducted by a single orgarniza-
pollsters said the differences were tion, using the same sampling
paving at ines
Summer Sports Editor
Angry representatives of Michigan's sports clubs an-
nounced last night that they are organizing to picket a pav-
ing project at Wines Field on Monday after a stormy meeting
in the Student Activities Bldg.
Meeting with representatives of the administration and
Student Government Council, leaders of four of the clubs
due to the different dates, and
that opinions had changed.
Reagan claims, Nixon debates,
MIAMI BEACH, Fla. (-P)-Gov.
Ronald Reagan's political lieuten-
ants unveiled an active campaign
for the Republican presidential
nomination yesterday.
Front-running candidate Rich-
ard M. Nixon ended his long si-
lence on Vietnam policy with a
broadly worded statement declar-
ing a Republican president could
best end the war, while counseling
against any campaign Words
which might undercut U.S. peace
negotiators in Paris.
F. Clifton White, Reagan's top
political hand, said the Califor-
niari would make the party's best
candidate in the Nov. 4 election.
And he said there are enough
uncommitted convention dele-
gates-claiming the figure is 300
.to 350-to give Reagon a good
shot at the nomination.
If the front-running Nixon is
%stopped, White said, the conven-
is begin on
tion is more likely to turn to Rea-
gan than to Rockefeller.
Republican platform writers be-
gan secret drafting sessions in a
"bug-proofed" hotel room here
yesterday, after a warning from
Nixon against any "partisan in-
terference" in the Paris peace
"We must seek a negotiated
settlement," Nixon said. To hasten
peace, the war must be waged
more effectively, he told the
Platform Committee, not through
further military escalation but by
"dramatic escalation" of nonmili-
tary efforts.
"Our negotiators in Paris .n.
should be free from partisan in-
terference, and they should have'
our full support," the former vice
presidient said. "The pursuit of
peace is too important for politics
as usual."
Nixon's message was filed in
writing with the committee, after
backers of New York Gov. Nelson
A. Rockefeller protested success-
fully against a plan to have it
read before the microphones,
cameras, and 10 committee mem-
bers by Sen. John G. Tower of
Texas, a supporter of the front-
running Nixon.
But the statement was believed
to be just about what the plat-
form writers have in mind as a
Vietnam plank in the platform
due to be unwrapped to the Re-
publican National convention
next Tuesday - "peace plank"
broad enough to accommodate
any GOP nominee, without pre-
judicing the current negotiations
with North Vietnam.
Crime in the streets, inflation
and deficit financing, and the
urban crisis were emerging as
other key elements of the coming
sociate justice, Griffin told news-
Griffin said the plank will state
in effect that "to maintain law
and order, we've got to maintainI
an independent judiciary, with
the respect of the American people
-that we've got to apply the
highest standards to the selec-
tion of people to the judiciary, in-
cluding the Supreme Court."
Griffin is the leader of GOP
Senate forces opposing confirma-
tion, and has promised to help
filibuster against approval of For-
tas and Thornberry.
techniques and the same ques-
tion-asking techniques, then the
following conclusions can beI
firiinly reached:
"1. A Nixon-Humphirby-Wallace
race today would be extremely
close, hovering around the 50-50
mark, with Wallace perhaps
holding the balance.
"2. Rockefeller has now moved
to an open lead over both his
possible Democratic opponents,
Humphrey and McCarthy.
"3. The McCarthy vote has
shown and continues to show tne
greatest amount of volatility
among the four leading candi-
A spokesman in the Harris of-
fice said the reference to Wallace
meant that the Wallace vote
might determine the outcome of
the election. Harris has ^aid that
a Humphrey-Nixon race could end
up in the House of Representa-
Pries is
F o u r t e e n local Catholic
priests have added their voices
to the growing criticism of Pope
Paul VI's recent encyclical
which opposed artificial meth-
ods of birth control.
In a statement issued yester-
day the priests called the ency-
clical "neither a final nor in-
fallible judgment on the ques-
They urged individual mar-
ried couples to decide for them-
selves whether artificial birth
control methods are "morally
right or wrong for them."
"We know that many lead-
ing Catholic bishops and theo-
logians have stated that contra-
ception can be morally justified
in many cases. We do not feel
tor at St. Francis of Assisi
Catholic Church, said he has
not been asked to sign the
statement, and declined com-
.ment because he has not saen a.
Opposition to the Pope's en-
cyclical has involved even hign
church officials. A statement
issued Tuesday by .87 church
theologians maintained that
Roman Catholic couples have
the right to disobey the Pope
on birth control.
Support for the encyclical
was heard from Archbishop
John Dearden of Detroit, pres-
ident of the National Confer-
ence of Catholic Bishops, who
issued a statement Wednesday
on behalf of approximately 265
bishops in the United States.
The bishops urged c h u r c h
members and priests to support
But theologians expert in the
contraception controversy long
raging inside the church have
commented that the encyclical
could be considered a "holding
As such it would be designed
to keep the ban on contracep-
tion in effect while the churcA
continues through science and
theology to search for a birth
control system it might find ac-
Priests signing the statement
Msgr. G. Warren Peek, pas-
tor at St. Thomas Catholic
Church; The Revs. Patrick A.
Jackson and James P. Frenga,
assistant pastors at St. Thom-
as; Theodore Zerwin, assistant
pastor at St. Francis of kssisi
Catholic Church; and Chaplain
X7 71;. - rr .!'n f'L±1. -f T Tt.... .. .tr
arrived at the decision afterI
a lengthy discussion of the
Wines situation.
The students' action follows
nearly three weeks of investiga-
tion into an Athletic Department
decision to blacktop a portion of
the Wines area for use by the
University marching band.
Paving of the field was intend-
ed by the Athletic Department to
solve temporarily a problem which
has plagued the intramural pro-
gram for years - finding an ac-
ceptable location for the band's
practice sessions.
The work was to be part of the
current renovation of the Wines
area, which had been designed to
include four playing fields for in-
tramural and recreational activi-
The students had understood
that the band, a long-time Wines
resident, would be given another
site, and were upset to find that
the bandsmen would be returning
to harass participants in intra-
mural activities.
The question first came to the
attention of the students just two
days before the July Regents'
meeting, when rumors filtered
down that the paving was to be
"The intramural program has
been kicked around for 40 years,"
said rugby club captain David
Mildner. "It's high time that stu-
dent athletics were given some
consideration." f
The conference was called by'
student leaders for the purpose
of forming a Club Sports Union,
seen by all as necessary in the
light of continuing slights suf-
fered by the IM program and its
Discussion turned to the Wines
question as soon as Bob Gillon of
the lacrosse club was selected Un-
ion president and a committee
was appointed to draft a constitu-
After heated dismusion nf the
new talks
PRAGUE (P)-A Soviet-Czecho-
slovak agreement to meet this
weekend with Moscow's hard-line
allies touched off protest demon-
strations last night by Czechoslo-
vaks fearing abandonment of the
Prague reform program.
But National Assembly Presi-
dent Josef Smrkovsky told a
crowd of 10,000 in Prague's his-
toric old town square the meeting
in Bratislava tomorrow would last
only one day and would not 4eal
with Czechoslovak internal flues-
He asserted the Czechoslovak
leadership had succeeded in de-
fending its own brand of com-
munism In the 3y:-day meeting
with the Soviet politburo that
ended yesterday.
Smrkovsky also announced that
President Tito of Yugoslavia, dean
of East European rebels against
Moscow control, would visit Czech-
oslovakia' Monday in an evident
show of support. He said that Ro-=
manian .party chief Nicolae Ceau-
See related story, Page 3
cescu, also a stormy independent,
would come later in the week.
These developments followed
the issuance of a joint communi-
que announcing the'principals in
the. Czechoslovak-Soviet summit
meeting had agreed to meet with
representatives of Poland, East
Germany, Hungary and Bulgaria
in Bratislava,
These hard-liners up to now
have fiercely condemned the new
Pramgiip .n+'of inlian~fnn n
it i