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August 01, 1968 - Image 7

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Michigan Daily, 1968-08-01

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151w gan


Warmer and good chance
for showers

Vol. LXXVII, No. 57-S Ann Arbor, Michign-Thursday, August 1, 1968 Ten Cents

Four Pages

LBJ hits boost






President calls increase by
Bethlehem 'unreasonable'
PITTSBURGH tAl - In a move which could precipitate a
major price battle with Washington, the nation's two biggest
steel producers announced price increases yesterday.
The situation appeared to be developing along the lines
of President Kennedy's confrontation with the industry in
At a news conference yesterday President Johnson called
the across-the-board increases ordered by Bethlehem Steel
Co. "unreasonable" and said they "should not be permitted
to stand."
Johnson said the 5 per cent price boost would have "dire
economic consequences," jeopardizing efforts to reverse in-
__ -flationary trends and achieve
" . price stability.


delays action
on Fortas
ate Judiciary Committee yester-
day delayed action on President
Johnson's Supreme Court nom-
inations until sometime in Sep-
A meeting called by Chairman
0. Eastland (D-Miss), failed to
produce a quorum of the 16-
member committee. Only five sen-
ators showed up.
Eastland said he would not at-
tempt to have another meeting
until Congress returns after La-
bor Day from a recess for the
Republican and Democratic na-
tional conventions.
Last June 26, Johnson nom-
mnated Supreme Court Justice Abe
Fortas to succeed the retiring
Chief Justice Earl Warren. John-
son also nominated another old
friend, U.S. Circuit Court Judge
Homer Thornberry, to take For-
tas' place as an associate justice.
4 Warren's resignation has been
accpeted by the President ef-
fective upon Senate confirmation
of a successor. Unless Fortas is
confirmed, there will be no va-
cancy for Thornberry to fill.
The Judiciary Committee com-
pleted nine days of hearings on
the nominations July 23, but an
attemept to report Fortas' nom-
ination favorably a week ago was
blocked by Sen. John L. McClellan
Further delaying tactics in the
committee are possible when Con-
gress returns for a post-conven-
4 tions session, and the nominationsj
also are threatened by a filibuster
in the Senate itself.

The President said the publicI
interest was involved and he
hoped "other steel companies will
not join this parade."
"Our decision will be based en-
tirely on costs . . . and not any
noise from Washington," said In-
land Steel, which in 1962 stood
against the general price increase
and started the roll-back.
Since then, the industry has
'raised prices piecemeal, hoping to
avoid another confrontation with'
the many weapons of the federal
government. That's why Bethle-
hem Steel's announcement of an
increase of almost 5 per cent on
base prices, effective Aug. 8,
spread surprise across the indus-
"The price increases are expect-
ed to add only enough to revenues
to offset cost increases just in-
curred or expected in the next
several months," said Bethlehem,
the nation's second largest pro-,
"Selective price increases have
not been effective in offsetting
smaller increases than those now'
facing Bethlehem.

-Associated Press
Lindsay offers planks for GOP platforin
GOP platform speakrs
focus on crime. control

MIAMI BEACH (P) - Richardi
M. Nixon called for a "militant{
crusade against crime" yesterday,:
and two other big GOP guns,,
Ronald Reagan and John V. Lind-
say, joined in a bombardment of,
the Administration's anti-crimel
The day's hearings underscored:
some predictions that crime may
be the GOP's biggest campaign
issue, outranking Vietnam and'
The former Vice President sent]
a special message to the Republi-

can Platform Committee hearings ;
declaring that the party has a
duty to "re-establish domesticl
peace - to restore freedom from
fear to the American people."
New York's Mayor Lindsay also:
hit at crime in his platform hear-
ing appearance.
Reagan was greeted with,
squeals, screams and handclap-
ping by some 150 supporters -
mostly children and women - as
he entered the lobby of the plush
Fontainebleau Hotel.
The California governor called

MSU narcotics rald

"A general price increase is the
only method available to alleviatee
the financial problem which would
otherwise occur In the Immediate

U.S. Steel Corp., the biggest pro-
ducer by far and usually the pace-
setter for industry prices, posted
a new list of prices for its tin mill
products that adds up to an over-
all increase.
How much the company
wouldn't say. But of the six most
popular items, four went up -
as much as 9.7 per cent - one
went down 1.9 per cent, and one
remained the same.

By MARTIN HIRSCHMAN and MSU officials initiated after
Eleven persons including at 12 similar arrests involving seven
least four Michigan State Univer- university students touched off
sity students were arrested yes- three days of protests on campus
terday on charges of selling mari- in early June.
juana or LSD. Officers from the Michigan
About 20 students rushed to the State University Department of
East Lansing Municipal Court yes- Public Safety (campus police)
terday afternoon to protest the took part in making the arrests
arrests but the students had al- although none of the eleven were
ready been arraigned. . I on campus.
The arrests followed a joint During the June protests, stu-
investigation by state, county, city dents demanded the campus po-
lice be barred from cooperating
with outside officials and that
J 'they be put under the control of
a m tS a joint student-faculty committee.
Members of-MSU's Student Lib-
eration Alliance (SLA) will meet
tonight to consider possible ac-
1oIlrlatio0l tion in the wake of the new ar-
However, the group is not ex-

for a halt to Communist expan-
sion abroad and to crime and vio-
lence at home.
Applause burst out when Rea-
gan denounced "small bands of
revolutionaries, egged on by sub-
versive agitators" who, ; Reagan
said, "plan to take over, or cripple
our institutions of higher learn-
There were cheers and whistles
when he added:
"It is time to move against
these destructive dissidents; it is
time to say: 'Obey the rules or
get out'."
"We must reject the idea that
every time a law is broken, society
is guilty rather than the law-
breaker," he said.
"It is time to restore the Ameri-
can precept that each individual
is accountable for his actions."
While urging strong action
against crime, Lindsay said the
problem "will not be solved by
simplistic cries for law and order
. the root cause of most crime
and civil disorder is the poverty
that grips over 30 million of our
citizens, black and white .. .
Nixon's statement-which dealt
only with crime - was announced
to the platform hearings by Sen.
John Tower of Texas.
Nixon had declined an invita-
tion to appear in person.
Tower described briefly the con-
tent of the Nixon message, then
told the platform drafters that
Atty. Gen. Ramsey Clark has
"refused to use all the authority
he possesses to protect the public
The Nixon message went on:
"We must cease...' the grant-
ing of special immunities and
moral sanctions to those who de-
liberately violate the public laws
- even when those violations are
done in the name of peace or civil
rights or anti-poverty or academ-
ic reform."

S. m
WASHINGTON (P) - President
Johnson said yesterday that if a
Communist offensive is launched
in South Vietnam the United
States may "have to consider ad-
ditional military measures."
He made the statement at an
impromptu news conference at
which he expressed disappoint-
ment that North Vietnam has not
reduced its military actions.
Instead, he said, it has sent an
estimated record number of 30,000
infiltrators into South Vietnam in
"We estimate even more will
come in August," he said.
On North Vietnamese infiltra-
tion; Johnson cited the latest fig-
ures for trucks and waterborn
movement south of the 20th par-
allel and said:
"We have every reason to be-
lieve the enemy is preparing a
massive attack on our forces and
on the forces of our allies."
At another point he said "ene-
my activity we have encountered
and observed makes us discour-
Then he declared solemnly "we
hope the enemy offensive which
seems imminent" can be canceled.
"I am prepared to halt the
bombing of North Vietnam when
we feel it will not lead to further
loss of American lives and heavy
allied casualties," he said.
Johnson was ready for the first
question that dealt with North
Vietnam's reported restraint in
pursuing the war in recent weeks.
He read from an unclassified
section of a report he had received
from the U.S. military command
in Vietnam
Johnson said there has been a
progressive increase in the daily
flow of supplies since last March,
when the estimated movement
was 107 tons a day. In April, he
said, the estimated flow was 215
tons a day, in May 238 tons, in
June 274 tons,. and in the first 19
days of July 320 tons a day.
Johnson did not elaborate on
what additional military measures1
might be necessary.
When asked whether an enemy
offensive could cause a break-
down of the peace talks in Paris,
Johnson replied that "we continue
to hope for the best in the peace
Then he noted that many people
had asked the United States to
take some active deescalation
which could be met by some ac-
tion from the other side.
Referring to his March 31 orderM
forbidding U.S. bombing in about
80 per cent of North Vietnam ini
territory occupied by 90 per cent1
of the population, he said he had
taken that action and wanted to
give North Vietnam time to con-
sider and consult with its allies on
what steps Hanoi might take.

a y

-Associated Press
Czech leaders confer with Soviets
Soviets postpone end
of talks with CzechS




Non-candidate Reagan

PRAGUE OP) - An apparent
last-minute snag sent Soviet and
Czechoslovak leaders into confer-
ence again last night after what
had been thought the closing ses-
sion of summit talks on Czecho-
slovakia's future.
Sources said the talks would
continue today.4
The unexpected resumption
came after Czechoslovak news
media had already prepared but
not published stories announcing
the end of the talks just after
4 p.m.
There was speculation difficul-
ties developed over the wording
of the communique on the re-
sults of Moscow's efforts to swing
the liberal-minded Czechoslovaks
back to orthodox communism.
There was no immediate an-
nouncement on results of the con-
ference between the Russians and
their recalcitrant allies. Some
sources said the meeting had

growing si
MIAMI BEACH, Fla. {P)-Cali-
fornia's Ronald Reagan perform-
ed in Miami Beach yesterday,
acting like the presidential can-
didate he said he is not-and con-
fiding that Republican- support-
ers are "springing up around the
While political proxies argued
the causes of Republican front-
runner Richard M. Nixon and
r campaigning challenger Nelson A.
Rockefeller, R e a g a n plowed
through crowds in the lobby of
the Fontainebleau Hotel, talked
with Florida delegates to the GOP
national convention, and insisted
he would not solicit the presi-
dential nomination.

ipport tor i
"This movement has come from
other people," he said. "I myself
would not seek the nomination
from my party as a newly elected I
governor of California."
At a news conference, Reagan
recited his political litany: he is
a favorite son candidate from
California, he is not actively pur-
suing the nomination, but if the
delegates want to consider him,
that is their decision. And Reagan
said no man could refuse to serve
if summoned.
"I think he would have to ac-
cept," the governor said. "That's
a responsibility of citizenship."
Reagan political lieutenants
seemed to be taking this respon-


sibility quite seriously. One of
them estimated that the Califor-
nian now has 180 to 200 delegates
on his side, and said Reagan will
decline no invitation to address
delegate caucuses in advance of
Reagan claims he "could not
solicit this job. If such a thing
should come about, this would
have to be determined by the
delegates to this convention.
"I know that' there are people
who are working toward that end.
I'd have to be unconscious not to
see that."
Coyness certainly was no mark
of the Nixon and Rockefeller
Herbert G. Klein, Nixon's top
spokesman, announced that his
candidate is actively soliciting the
opinions of party leaders as to
who would make his best vice
presidential running mate.
The Nixon organization claims
more than the 667 delegate votes
needed for nomination.
Reagan disputed that account,
and said he does not think a win-
ner will be named on the first
convention ballot.
Rep. John Rhodes of Arizona
said if Nixon does not win nomi-
nation 'on the first or second bal-
lot, Reagan will become a major
factor in convention deliberations.
Rockefeller supporters voiced
confidence the New York governor
could win, and denied they are
considering New York Mayor John
V. Lindsay as a possible fallback
"Mr. Rockefeller is a sure win-
ner." claimed Leonard W. Hall.

pected to take any strong action
at this time. The students are re-
portedly doubtful of their ability
to effectively sustain demonstra-
tions during the summer session,
although the SLA had agreed to
remain in East Lansing this sum-
mer to pressure for acceptance of
their demands.
The Ingham County prosecu-
tor's office last night indicated
that two persons are still being
sought in connection with the in-'
The MSU students arrested
were Stephen Kirtland, Richard,
Harris, Ronald Robinson and John
P. Miller. Each was enrolled dur-
ing the regular academic year and
none during the summer.
Kirtland, Harris and Robinson
were charged with selling LSD.
Miller was charged with selling
The June protests, which took
place during the school's final ex-
amination period, began when
over 300 students demonstrated
at MSU's administration building
and presentednuniversity Presi-
dent John Hannah with three
Hannah left the campus for
meetings in Washington, D.C. but
the protests continued the follow-
ing day as 17 students' and one
faculty member sat-in at the ad-
ministration building and refused
to leave at the regular closing
Police from five jurisdictions,


Couple speaks on Guatemala

shown "A certain softening" in
the Soviet position.
Issues on which the Soviet Un-
ion had applied political pressure
and the threat of military action,
implicit in massive maneuvers, in-
cluded new freedoms of speech
and assembly under Dubcek's lib-
eral regime and the Kremlin's de-
sire to base Russian or other for-
eign Communist troops within
The Russians wanted guaran-
tees that Czechoslovakia would
not drift away from the Commun-
ist camp. They were expected to
take the general line of demands
made at the Warsaw meeting of
five Communist parties earlier
this month, including a reintro-
duction of press censorship.
The Soviet Union and its ideo-
logical allies - Poland, East Ger-
many, Hungary and Bulgaria -
charged the Czechoslovak liberal-
ization policy was "counterrevolu-
Various Czechoslovak leaders,
including Josef. Smrkovsky, Na-
tional Assembly president, were
reported optimistic about the out-
While Dubcek visited Brezhnev
on the train, other members of
both delegations took a walk in
Cierna. Some of the 2,500 villagers
presented them flowers.
At one point. Soviet Premier
Alexei N. Kosygin picked up a
young boy and chatted animatedly
with him.
Leonid I. Brezhnev was report-
ed mildly ill and absent from yes-
terday's session of the summit
Qualified sources, said the
stocky, 61-year-old secretary-
general of the Soviet Communist
party stayed aboard the Soviet
special train at the conference
site, the Slovak village of Cierna,
a mile from the Russian frontier.
Alexander Dubcek, the Czech-
oslovak party chief whose reform
program over the last six months
has stirred Moscow's ire, visited
Brezhnev on the train during a
lunch break in the conference pro-

Some speakers come to advocate, some to orate,
and others to condemn. But Marge and Tom
Melville, a former nun and priest who were ex-
pelled from the Catholic Church for aiding guer-
rillas in Guatemala, just came to the Canterbury
House yesterday to tell their story.
The Melvilles went to Guatemala as mission-
aries of the Maryknoll order "with the idea of
teaching the people Christian principles."
"But we found the people living like animals -
and with animals - in shacks made of branches.
We didn't know how to tell them what it means
to be a son of Man," Melville said.
So the couple started working with the cooper-
ative movement in Guatemala and tried to organ-
ize the people to work for better conditions.
They were confronted with the dilemma of
being foreigners and clerics who could see the in-
justice of the situation but could not offer real
concrete solutions to the problems.
Melville eventually concluded that "to teach
the people patience, fortitude and long-suffering,
we should live on a level with them."
But in doing so. the counle only became less

,controls the country's resources. "And this two
per cent has the backing of the richest and most
powerful nation in the world, the United States,"
Melville said.
The couple conceded that they did not support
the guerrillas "100 per cent," Melville said. "But
we felt we had no right to condemn them. We
were after the same ends that they are and we
were ineffectual. They are being effectual, al-
though they are not adhering to our morality."
"I'm not sure whether I'm a Communist or not,"
Melville said. "I guess it depends on who is de-
fining the terms."
Melville said that he did not believe that the
injustices which he sees perpetrated by this
country both domestically and in its foreign
policy could be rectified by writing letters to
Congress. "You get to a point where you just
don't know what to do," he said. "And there
are 1001 reasons not to do anything."
The couple also spoke of their participation
in the unique protest at the Cantonsville, Mary-
land draft board.
Melville said that the bombing of the draft
board's files with homemade napalm was "an
actinn that was not very effectual in itself."

laymme rf,

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