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May 07, 1968 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1968-05-07

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, riiganr


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Vol. LXXVI1l, No, 5-S

Ann Arbor, Michigan, Tuesday, May 7, 1968

Ten Cents

Eight Pages

_. ht Paae

Saigon offensive
icreased by VC
Attacks aimed at influencing
Paris peace talks later in week
SAIGON (A-Fighting raged through the pre-dawn dark
today on the outskirts of Saigon. It was the third day of an
enemy show of strength apparently aimed at influencing
preliminary Paris peace talks opening later this week.
Saigon's Tan Son Nhut 'air base came under rocket or
mortar fire, but the shelling was reported light.
North Vietnamese soldiers were reported engaged close
to the capital for the first time yesterday.
It was generally agreed that the attack Sunday and yes-
terday on Saigon and 121 other cities, towns' and military
installations-mostly by shell-
ing - was a show of force to
I p o is infhlence preliminary U.S. -
North Vietnamese peace talks
" set for this week in Paris.
s ru tin iz e U.S. officials said other pur-
poses might be to shake U.S.
public opinion, to strengthen the
P r1 North Vietnamese bargaining po-
ar 1s h ole sition in Paris or to scare the
population of Saigon. .
By The Associated Press Most of the action in the Sai-
American and North Vietnam- gon area during the' morning
ese envoys inspected the old Ho- darkness today appeared to cen-
tel Majestic. near the Arch of ter near the Phu Tho rage track
Triumph yesterday and it was south of the air base, where South
Tripdh ..yesteay ndit wtas Vietnamese rangers earlier had
reported that the United States been in heavy contact. Parachute
had approved the building asmthe flares lit up the sky there
place preliminary Vietnam throughout the night, and renew-
peace talks. ed airstrikes occurred again short-
If North Vietnam approves as ly before 5 a.m.
well, the French government is U. . .
expected to announce "that the U.S. oficials said about 300
NMajestic, now a center for inter- enemy troops were taking part-In
national conferences will be the sporadic, hit and run fighting in-
site of the negotiations, side Saigon itself.
Informed sources said North The North Vietnamese were
Vietnamese representatives were, reported battling South Vietna-
awaiting final word from Hanoi. mese through a cemetery near
The U.S. approval was said to I Tan Son 'Nhut military and civil-
have come from Washington. ian airport on the western out-
The talks are set for Friday or skirts.
shortly thereafter. INFILTRATION
The United St tes was reported, Other sources said there were
seeking assurances that any site fears that larger numbers of en-
inside Paris ,itself be free of dem- emy had infiltrated Saigon in
onstre.tors. recent days, mixed with the popu-
The concern about demonstra- lation and may not yet have sur-
tions by Frenchmen sharply op- faced to take an active role in
posed to the U.S. role in Vietnam the current offensive.
apparently was heightened be-
caue r ioytin ordandh yes- .U.S. officials said the fresh
causeyY students ridhy Left fighting in Saigon had produced
tIday by uent th L 5,000 new reftfgees, adding to the'
and Right banks -of Paris over burdens of caring for the thou-
conditions at the University of sands left homeless in the Tet
Paris - Sorbonne - and alleged offensive.
i The U.S. Command in Saigon
DEMONSTRATIONS asserted that, the activities of the
Students involved in bloody past two days "over-all remain
clashes with police yesterday dis- considerably lower than during
played leftist attitudes. Some the Tet lunar new year offen-
marched through d o - n t o w n sive."
boulevards singing the Interna- The Tet drive swept across the
tionale, the Communist anthem. country, bringing sustained fight-
The students threw up a barricade ig i parts of Saigon and in the
at Boulevard Saint Germain. old capital of us.
There had been apprehension o a d o km n .
among some Americans that dem- Command s okesmen maintaN-
onstatins urin th me~wsed that much, of the present ac-
olstrations during the meeths tion could not be considered a
reason, speculgation grew that the new enemy offensive, describing it
Uedn, Stesantged toat m t as part of continued operational
United States wanted 'to meet activity.
j Hanoi's envoys in a Paris suburb. y
ECINRegardless of the reasons, it
REFLECTION appeared that the level of military
Meanwhile, in- Washington, the activity was up and that in many
White House stamped presiden- cases the enemy w'as choosing
tial aiproval yesterday on the the time and place.
view of U.N. Ambassador desig- Before Sunday's attacks, there
nate George W. Ball that the had been almost a week of hard
new Communist attacks in South' fighting near the demilitarized
Vietnam do not augur well for'g zone around Dong a.
Paris peace talks on Vietnam. d
Press secretary Geors" Chv- in WITHDRAW
tian said Ball's assessment rea- Col. Milton Hull, commander of
sonably reflected President John-d the 3rd Marine Regiment, said
son's own view. Ball had talked two regimqnts of North Vietna-
with the President Sunday before, mese were 'withdrawing yesterday
speaking out on a Sunday tele- after losing nearly 1,000 men in
vision program. five days of battle near Dong Ha.

Bobby's West Vi


-Daily-.Jay L. Cassidy
-rotest extemite1 terns
Ann Arbor residents protested the extension of the appointments
of Herbert Ellis, Cecil Creal and Bent Nielsen to the County Board
of Supervisors. Action will be taken on a reapportionment plan
for the Board by the county circuit court tomorrow.
at Dow protest

NP files
for place
on ballot
The New Politics party (NP)
yesterday filed for a spot on the
November 5 ballot. The party has
gathered 18,000 signatures on a
nominating petition, approximate-
ly 5,000 more signatures than re-
New Politics hopes to have can-
didates for the offices of Wash-
tenaw County sheriff, for posi-
tions on the University's Board
of Regents, Wayne State Univer-
sity's Board of Governors and
Michigan State University's Bord
of Trustees.
The New Politics party aims at
increasing participatory democra-
cy by building new political strue-
tures that "reflect the individual
needs of local communities," said
Bert Garskof, their candidate for
Congress in Michigan's second
The first goal of the party is
to run candidates for local of-
fices in areas where the party
has a strong following.
"We are using the campaign
as a tactic to organize people in
the sense of building a move-
ment to initiate social change,"
he continued.,
Besides Garskof. a professor of
psychology at Michigan ,State
University, the party will endorse
William Ayers' candidacy for the
Ann Arbor School Board election.
Other candidates will be deter-
mined at the party's statewide
.nominating convention to be held
in early September.
The strongest bases of support
for the party are in Ann Arbor
and in Flint where "We have a
stable, tightly-knit organization,"
Robert Preston, party member,
The group will attempt to de-
velop mainly in these two areas
and "spread slowly and carefully,"
darskof explained.
New Politics candidates for out-
state offices depends on local in-
itiative, he added.
"Right nov our base is not big
enough to warrant the organiza-
tion of a third party," he said.
Yet Parskof said, "We have the
spirit and the intention of going
ahead and eventually developing
our own p rty."
In the local elections, Preston
said, "We definitely see a chance
of winning. If we can gather the
necessary finances and the man-
power, we can do as well'as any-
one else."
"However, we are not going to
define winning in the traditional
terms. If we can leave behind in
stitutions that are relevant to the
people and can watch them grow,
we will be winning," Garskof said.
In gathering signatures for their
nominating petition, Preston not-
ed that the people "were fairly
receptive to our stand, especially
in the nearby counties."
For New Politics to remain on
the statewide ballot ' after the
November elections, the ticket-
leaderon the ballot will have to
draw 13,000 votes statewide. If

formal sec




By MARTIN HIRSCHMAN has only a 32-man, police force
Rev. William Slbane Coffin, and that there are five John
Yale Universty chaplain, and Birch Society groups.
leaders"' of Clergy and Laymen In addition, Fernandez said,
C o n c e r n e d About Vietnam police have said they will not be
(CALCAV) will address a rally able to protect protesters as they
here tonight in preparation for participate in a planned dodr-'to-
demonstrations a g a i n s t Dow door campaign.
Chemical Co. in Midland tomor- "The thing they want least is
row. publicity on napalm," said Fer-
Rev. Richard R. Fernandez, nandez, commenting on the effect
CALCAV executive secretary, ex- of demonstrations against Dow.
pects several' hundred students Furthermore, Fernandez assert-
from midwestern colleges to par- ed, protests were hurting Dow's
ticipate in the protests against recruitment of personnel. While
Dow's production of the incen- the company may be "filling quo-
;diary agent napalm. tas," he said, "they aren't getting
Tonight's rally will take place all top people." For instance, he
at Ann Arbor's First Methodist noted, Dow has not even recruited
Church at 8 p.m. at 'several universities this year



Faculty ends
final exams,
falling arks
NEW YORK (A) - Besieged
Columbia University reopened its
doors yesterday but a majority of
the school's students will appar-
ently be excused from', attending
class for, the rest of the ters.,
Columbiar College, the 25,000-
student Ivy League university's
oldest and 1argest unit, decided
Sunday to end formal classes al-
most four weeks before the offi-
cial end -of the $ern May 29.
Some other units of the uni-
versity were expected to follow
Columbia College's lead but it was
not known immediately what they
would do. The university adminis-
tration simply opened all build- -
ings and left it up to the indi-
vidual units how to carry on.
The senior faculty at Cofumbia
College decided' to suspend final
examinations. The faculty ruled
out faling grades for this se-
nester. A 'student can request a
"P" for passing in any course. If
he desires a letter grade, he may
receive an "incompl te" and fin-
ish his work next failf/or he may
complete a certain argiount .9f
work and receive a grade at the
end of this' term.
The confusion was hlghtened
by rebel students who renewed
their' two-Week old protest by
calling for a boycott of classes.
Minor scuffling broke out at 'sev-
eral spots yesterday Morning as
staff members and unsympathet ,c
students walked through picket
lines set up to enforce the oy
Fewei tljan, 200 students mari-
ned picket lines be ore a dozen
buildings. No one was hurt in the
quickly ended scuffles as rebel
leaders scurried around campus
urging ; their 'followers to use
spoken'- persuasion rather than
Dr. Orayson Kirk, president of
Columbia, said Sunday he will not
resign finder fire - a dissident
student demand - and defended
his summoning of police on cam-
pus to break up sit-ins in four
college halls and his office in
bow Memorial Library.
Henry Coleman, the. acting
dean of' Columbia College who
was held'inside his office for al-
most 24 hours when the student"
protest began April 2, predicted
the univer4sty "will not be back
to normal this semester."
David Truman, Columbia viae
president and provost, toured the
campus to the jeers and shouts
of the sAriker .
The classroom doors swung
open yesterday for the first time
in 10 days. 1

-Daily-Richard Lee
CWA strik ers an the picket line
B ell 'strikers refu'se
to, work despite 'kvote,
- }

Dow's a
ing tom
a resol
board d
bar the
one wh
for the
life," Fe
'board o:
for a v
able to
the rule
sary to C
might b
dez said
Dow i
for use
is the;
B, a mo:

andez said several CALCAV
s hav obtained stocks oi
in order to participate ir
nnual stockholders' meet-
AV members will push for
ution binding on Dow'
f directors which would
sale of .napalm to "any.
o would knowingly use it
destruction of human
rnandez 'said.
ver, Fernarnez noted, the
f directors have preparec
ote on the resolution b3
g proxies, and should be
prevent the suspension of
s which would be neces-
consider it.
ver, CALCAV memben
e able to secure- a non-
vote on the question of
at the meeting, Fernan-
is the largest supplier of
to the U.S. government
in the Vietnam war and
sole producer of napalm
re ,"effective" form of the
l, Fernandez said,
ndez would not speculate
as to /the possibility of
erupting in Midland to-
but noted that ,the city


because of protests there.
The use of napalm in Vietnam,
said Fernandez raises. the ques-
tion "at what point does one
finally say no, that's enough?"
eview o
. A
The, Senate Advisory Commit-i
tee on University Affairs (SACUA)
will meet with President Fleming
Monday to discuss possible, re-
view of the trimester system,
SACUA Chairman Irving Copi
said yesterday.

From Wire Service Reports
Thousands of Michigan "Bell
telephone workers defied a re-
turn-to-work order issued by theE
Communication, Workers of Amer-
ica after a majority ,of 200,000
nation-wide strikers voted to, 'at-
ify a iTw three year contract.
Washtenaw County telephone
workers were among those who
ignored the agreement. Members
of CWA Local 4011, continued to
picket. Michigan Bell offices in!
Ann Arbor yesterday even though
they had approved the new corr-
tract 157 to 109 in official voting
They continued the strike in
sympathy with the state's largest
CWA unit, Local 4000 of Detroit,
which asked members to ignore
. the new pact.
Local 4000 represents about 5,-
300 of the 16,000 striking em-
ployes in Michigan.
National officers of the CWA
met in Lansing yesterday with
local presidents to discuss their,
refusal to return to work.
Indications were a majority of

the' state's CWA members would
follow the example 'of Local 4000..
Detroit president NormamtMac-,
Kay said the locil executive board
had voted to cpntinue the strike.
"We expect negotiations to re-
sume with Michigan Bell and we
expect to remain on strike until
such time'as our members apprveE
a contract," MacKay declared.
The Detroit union president
said the Linsing meeting would
not affect his local's decision.
A spokesman for Michiga'n Bell
said that- "as far as I know" the
Michigan telephone system was,
the only one in the country ex-n
periencing local CWA refusal to
return to work.
In' another area of the phone
strike, citing "irregularities", the
CWA last night ordered its in-,
stallers to take a new vote on a
'proposed contract with ,Western
Electric Co., in an effort to re-
move the last barrier to settle-
ment of the telephone strike. It
said the men would be expected
to work until the new vote is com-

The meeting was scheduled this is not accomplished,, state
after the University Senate vot- law dictates that party organizers
ed overwhelmingly last month to would have to re-petition before
conduct an immediate review of the next general election.

Special To The Daily
Indiana--Two hard-campaign-

the academic calendar.
The Educational Policies Com-
mittee had recommendec that the
University maintain the current
calendar until 1970-71, 'mean-
while gathering data for a review
of the trimester system.
In other action yesterday,
SACUA appointed Prof. Maurice
Sinnott of the engineering school,
chairman of the Campus Planning
and Development Committee, and
named five other SACUA mem-
bers to act as liasons to other fac-
ulty committees.
SACUA Vice-Chairman John
Gosling of the medical school will
become a member of A faculty
advisory committee to Vice-Pres-
ident Arthur Ross. Prof. Robert
Knauss of the law school, a new
member of SACUA, was appoint-
ed to the Student Relations Com-
Prof. William Porter of the
journalism department, another
recently-elected SACUA member,
was named to the Research Pol-
icies Committee.
Prof. Joseph Payne of the Edu-
cation school and James Hay-
ward of the dental school were
appointed to the Education Poli-
cies and Economic Status of the
Faculty Committees, respectively.


ing Tdemocratic presidential
t contenders and a less-active lo-
cal stand-in wound up their
vote drives here this -weekend
in what some newsmen are re-
ferring to as "this year's West
With Sen. Robert Kennedy
holding a solid lead over Sen.
Eugene McCarthy and a hard-
to-determine margin over In-
diana Gov. Roger D. Branigin
in most opinion polls, today's
primary may do for the New
York senator what West Vir-
ginia's 1960 balloting did for
his brother.

Mr. Smith is going to Wash-
Prof. Warren L. Smith of the
economics department, a spe-
c i a 1 i s t in macroeconomic
theory, monetary and fiscal
policy, and international fi-
nance was appointed last week
to the president's Council of
Economic Advisors.
He will succeed James S.
Duesenberry, who will return to
Harvard University July 1, aft-
er serving two and a half years
on the council.
Smith is the third member
of the University faculty to
serve on the Council of Econ-
omic Advisers. Prof. Paul W.
McCracken of the business ad-
ministration school served as
an economic adviser to Presi-
dent Eisenhower from 1956-59.
Gardner Ackley, professor of
economics until he resigned
April 19 to become U.S. Am-
bassador to Italy, served as a

maintaining a satisfactory level
of employment."
To this end, he is "strong)y in
favor of the President's pro-
posed 10 per cent income t}x
surcharge, which is currently
being debated in a joint con-
gressional committee.
"We are experiencing too
much inflation now," Smith
says. "I'm not sure that we can
stabilize prices at the current
resource utilization level, but
we can do better than we've
been doing. I think we need the
Smith adds that unless the
10 per cent surcharge is adopt-
ed, some other kind of, re-
straint. probably monetary,
would have to be used to curb
"If we don't get the tax in-
crease, we will be faced with
tighter money and increased
interest rates,' he says. And
while tax restraints would be
"fairly evenly distributed
throughout the economy," the

the coming months, there will
be a decline in defense spend-'
ing. I would hope we will be
4ble to move pretty- vigorous-
ly to try to straighten out the
problems we're faced with in
the cities," he explains.
Smith describes the Vietnam
war as "an unhappy situatiop"
and hopes "we can get out of
it -, but- I'd kind of like to get,
out o'f it in such a way that
things are really stable in that

Smith goes to Washington

part of the world, so we don't
find ourselves back a few years
He adds that "apart from the
tragedy of the war," he feels
that "Johnson's administration
has been very successful on the
domestic front. Measures have
been passed in the last few
years that should have been
passed at least 15 years ago."
With regard to the nation's
urban ills, Smith feels that it
is important to begin t' act
now. "These problems are not
the kind that can be solved
overnight," he says. "The more
we deionstrate that we're
really trying to do something,
the more we can calm things
"I don't have any panaceas,"
he adds, "but, I do think that
it is important to keep the
economy operating at a satis-
factory level, to keep the un-
employment rate down to four
per cent. Nothing could be
worse for the cities than a rise
of unemployment back to five


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