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July 27, 1968 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1968-07-27

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See editorial page




Seattered showers
and thundershowers

Vol. LXXVIfI, No. 54-S

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, July 27, 1968

Ten Cents

Four Pages

stay quiet
Strengthen police
forces; curfews
remain in effect
By The Associated Press
A tense calm settled over Chi-I
cago and Cleveland yesterday as
both cities took precautions to
avoid a recurrence of the violence
that shook the two areas earlier
this week.
In Cleveland, a raiding party of
police and National Guardsmen
searched two hotels and a house
on Cleveland's east side yesterday
for hidden weapons of black na-
tionalists. They found none.
A few jeeps and police car pa-
trols continued in areas where a
gun battle that killed three white
police andseven Negroes Tuesday
night touched off arson and, loot-
ing which a nighttime curfew -
brought in check Thursday.
Mayor Carl B. Stokes said he
would decide today whether to
continue a 9 p.m. to 6 a.m. cur-
few. "Today we will be trying to
get everything back to normal.,
he said.

Kennedy refuses
VP consideration
BOSTON (f'-Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, took himself out
of any consideration for the Democratic vice presidential
nomination yesterday saying "for me, this year, it is im-
Kennedy announced in a prepared statement that his
decision "is final, firm and not subect to further considera-
tion." Kennedy said he is removing himself from considera-
tion because of family responsibilities resulting from'the
assassination of his brother, Sen. Robert F. Kennedy.
The Massachusetts senator, said, however, he will speak
out on "foreign and domestic policies our party must pursue
if it is to be successful in the coming election.
He said he appreciated the confidence of Democrats who

-Associated Press

Czechs read "Literarni Listy"

Czech paper demands
leaders reject Soviets

-Associated Press
Stokes visits Cleveland ghetto
..NA obtains grant
for campus reform
O falR TGRy

PRAGUE (P) - Liberals urged,
Czechoslovak Communist leaders
in an editorial open letter yester-
day to defend to the death the
country's reformist program
against attacks by the Soviet Un-
ion and its orthodox allies.
Alexander Dubcek's regime was
warned by editors of "Literarni
Listy," a writers' weekly and
mouthpiece of the liberal elite,
that "the fate of our nation" is
6 at stake in an impending show-

down conference with the Soviet tory of Czechoslovakia. Write it
Communist party's Politburo. with care, but above all with dar-
"That for which we are striving ing. To lose this unique chance'
can be summed up in the words: would be our disaster and your
Socialism, alliance, sovereignty, shame. We believe in you."

In Chicago and suburban May- By ALISON SYMROSKI
wood authorities strengthened The National Student Association has received a $313,-
available police forces to quellI
quickly any possible repetition of 000 grant from the Ford Foundation to launch "student-
violence that occurred Thursday initiated reform movements."'

freedom," the newspaper said in
an extra edition of some 300,000
"Negotiate, explain, but unitedly
defend the road on which we have
started and which we will not
leave alive . . . You are writing
for us a fateful page in the his-

Rocky denounces
further escalation


Various other Czechoslovak
newspapers announced they would
reprint the letter. That meant ex-
panded circulation in this nation
of 14 million, which has turned
from hard-liners after two dec-
ades of Communist rule.
Dubcek declared the Czechoslo-
vak party presidium is preparing
for the talks with the Russians
with unanimity.
"We think there is no reason
for fear or mistrust," the reform-
ist leader told a delegation of
Prague workers. "On the contrary
a certain dose of optimism, strong
faith in our good cause and con-
fidence that the correctness of our
new policy will be proved is needed
to help allay at last the fears of
our friends."
Foreign Trade Minister Vaclav
Vales returned from commercial
talks with Premier Alexei N. Ko-
sygni and other Soviet authorities
in Moscow with a report of some
agreements, some snags.
Vales said Kosygin had assured
him the Soviet Union would not
try to apply economic pressure to
this country at the coming meet-
The Soviet premier was quoted
as saying: "We will not come with{

More than 200 members of a
special police task force were on
stand-by in a North Side Chicago
neighborhood where some 300 Ne-
gro youths looted a store and beat
up nine persons, including several
who were dragged from a Chicago
Transit Authority bus.
In Maywood, a community of
30,000 population west of Chicago,
the town's police department was
augmented by deputy sheriffs,
states troopers and police from sur-
rounding communities.
A crowd of Negroes estimated
at 250^ to 300 went on a rock-
throwing spree in the suburb
Thursday night after being denied.
admittance to a village board
meeting. About' a dozen persons,
were injured, none seriously.
Calm prevailed in both areas
An 8 p.m.-6 p.m. curfew was
in effect in Maywood.
In Cleveland, police used a 35-
man search squad to raid a house
near Lakeview and Auburndale
where Tuesday night's shooting
started, and two hotels some 20
blocks away at one of the most
restive corners.
"We were told about six mili-
tants, including' three wounded

According to NSA President Ed Schwartz, "the grant is
to be used in charting out new territory for student inno-
vation in the area of academics.
"In the past administrators have worked. along patterns
of curricula formation and teaching techniques that we think
- --are wrong. Students can build

PROVIDENCE, R.I. (iP) - Gov.
Nelson A. Rockefeller told a
cheering crowd yesterday that if
' the United ,States further esca-
lates the Vietnam war China and
the Soviet Union "will take it
right up to nuclear war."
"The enemy is plenty sophisti-
cated. They can't win. We can't
win. We're at a stalemate," the
New York Republican said, re-
A peating his call for a negotiated
Police estimated that 7,500 per-
sons - many of them young peo-
ple - attended the rally.
Rockefeller, whose visit followed
by one day that of former Ala-
bara Gov. George C. Wallace,
4 drew cheers when he said "it is
easy for Gov. Wallace to appeal
to hate, fear and racism and fur-
ther divide this country."
Wallace had told a rally Thurs-
day night it had taken only about
.five minutes to get the 500 signa-
tures necessary to have his name
put on the Rhode Island ballot in
November as an independent can-
Rockefeller told the noon rally
that the Vietnam war, inflation
and the nation's crime rate are
the "tragedies of our generation."
"We've got to look back of the
crime to the causes," Rockefeller
said, and state and local govern-
ment must be "spearheads to re-
move the c uses."
Rockefeller was accompanied by
Gov. John H. Chafee, one of his
principal supporters in the state.
State Republican leaders say
most of Rhode Island's 14 dele-
gates to the Republican national
convention in Miami Beach are
favorable to Rockefeller.
Gov. Wllaee
gets br~iefinlg
WASHINGTON (P) - President
Johnson briefed independent pres-
idential candidate George C. Wal-
lace yesterday on foreign affairs,
4 including the Paris peace talks
and the Vietnam situation, the
White House announced.
Johnson has offered to brief
all presidential candidates re-
questing such information. Wal-
lace, campaigning on the Amner-
ican Independent party ticket, was
Ai hviefed earlier yesterday at the

Wallace had departed when the
White House announced the meet-
At the State Department Wal-
lace received a one-hour foreign,
affairs briefing by Secretary of
State Dean Rusk and other high }
Wallace, last of the presidential
aspirants to receive such a brief-1
ing, was then accompanied by
Rusk to the White House .
Wallace, who arrived 18 min-
utes late for the session in Rusk's
office, emerged with personala
praise for Rusk
He declined to discuss what hea
had been told, however, saying "it1
was a confidential briefing."
* *' * -
Connall as
ORY S a S'1
LBJ may run
AUSTIN, Tex. WP) - Gov. John
Connally, close personal and po-
litical friend of President John-I
son, said yesterday he cannot rule,
out completely the possibility that3
the President will seek anothert
Connally said yesterday he hads
joined five other southern gover-
nors earlier this week in privatelyi
urging Humphrey to choose a
running mate "more moderate1
than you are."
Connally said Humphrey agreed w
with the governors' suggestion but'
"no personalities" were involved
in the talk.
Life Magazine recently broachedI
the possibility that Johnson might
emerge from the Democratic Na-!
tional Convention as the party's
nominee despite his March state-
ment he does not intend to run.
In the article, Connally was Pic-
tured in a fictional scenario asj
the leader of a demonstration for
Johnson at the convention. The
governor smiled when the article
was mentioned.
"I don't think he wants to. I
think he meant precisely what he
said - that he would neither seek
nor accept the nomination . . . I
don't think he'll change his
mind," Connally told reporters at
a news conference.
But "I would not rule out any;
possibility in politics. I would not

have proposed him for the na-
tional ticket and "under nor-
mal circumstances such a pos-
sibility would be a high honor
and a challenge to further
public service."
Kennedy added, "My reasons
are purely personal. They arise
from the change in my personal
situation and responsibilities as a
result of the events of last month.
I know that the members of the
Democratic Party will understand
these reasons without further ela-
"I have informed the Demo-
cratic candidates for the presi-
dency and the chairman of the
convention that I will not be able
to accept the vice presidential
nomination if offered and that my
decision is final, firm and not
subject to further consideration."
The Massachusetts senator has
been at his Hyannis Port home
since last Monday confering with
his family and close advisers.
The statement was issued
through his Boston office. A
spokesman said there would be no
further comment on it.
Kennedy's statement reflected
the tremendous pressure he ap-
parently had been under to accept
the second spot on the Democra-
tic November election ballot.
Thursday, Chicago Mayor Rich-
ard Daley said he had talked with
the Massachusetts senator and
that Kennedy had said "maybe."
About the same time, Senate
Majority Leader Mike Mansfield
(D-Mont) was advising the 36-
year-old Bay State legislator to
reject the overtures.
Kennedy's action intensified
,onsideration of other possibilities
for the nomination and put added
pressure on the presidential cam-
paign of Vice President Hubert H.
Although Humphrey has said
consistently that he intends to

any initiative for changes in the men, were holed up somewhere in
character of existing commercial the area," police said. "So far we
relations. We will adapt ourselves failed to find any weapons

U.S. base In
Thai attacked
SAIGON (A)-An air base used
by the U.S. Air Force in Thailand
to launch strikes in North Viet-
nam came under attack by a small
band of terrorists last night and
one American plane was damaged,
a U.S. report said.
Four Americana and a Thai
were reported wounded in the as-
sault on the base at Udorn in
northern Thailand, a sprawling
area which the Bangkok govern-
ment says is infiltrated by North
j Vietnamese-backed guerrillas.
The report of the attack came
from a U.S. Embassy spokesman
in Bangkok, the Thai capital. It
was made available here. It is be-
lieved to be the first time the
Udorn base-or any other U.S.
base in Thailand-has come un-
det' attack.
The brief announcement de-
scribed the attackers as "a small
group of intruders."
The Bangkok embassy report
said: "Tonight at approximately
11:30 p.m., a small group of in-
truders fired on a small group of
personnel and planes at Udorn
Air Base. One aircraft was dam-
aged and possible one That and
four Americans were wounded."
The Udorn Air Base, one of five
major American bases in Thai-
land, is about 300 miles north of
The airfield has. a 10,000-foot
concrete runway. Udorn was the
site of a Thai air force base when
the U.S. air installation was set
up there. It is located at the edge
of a small Thai city of that name
and is about 100 miles almost di-
rectly south of Vientiane, Laos.
The attack came after U.S.
planes damaged roads and bridges
so badly in . North Vietnam's
southern panhandle that the ene-
my is stepping up attempts to
move war supplies south by boat,
U.S. sources In Saigon reported.

models to demonstrate differ-
ent, more effective ways of
doing these things," he said.
"Always before student power
has aimed at putting students on
curricula committees," Schwartz
explained. "Our object is o dem-
onstrate what should be done
once they're on the committee."
Schwartz sees the program as a
form of, student activism essen-
tially different from usual cam-
paigns against social regulations
or demonstrations against Dow
recruiters. "In this program stu-
dents will be involved In empirical,
classroom questions," he said. ;
The NSA program will consist
of a national office coordinating
the workof a network of state or
regional offices. Although the'
Ford grant provides only enough
capital for one region, eventuallyj
NSA plans to organize a complete
national network. .
The program planned for thisj
fall will have 3-4 staff members
in the midwest organizing projects
at local universities and perhaps,
setting up experimental colleges.
The function of the national
office will be to collect and an-
alyze information from the vari-
ous regional experiments. It will
in turn prepare written materials
on the most successful for dis-
semination to other campuses.
"The Ford grant is only the first
step," Schwartz says. NSA hopes
to receive more grants, and is cur-
rently in touch with the Carnegie
Institute, he said.
NSA, which once provoked deep
controversy by receiving money
from the CIA, does not foresee
any similar complaints in its con-
nection with private enterprise.
"There are strings attached to
the Ford grant only in the sense
that we agreed with Ford on the
purpose the money is to be used
for and what needs to be done."
In a statement Thursday the
Foundation explained that the ob-
ject of the grant is "to generate
quiet revolutions instead of ugly
ones" on campuses.

New, fight
rages over
Ramsey Clark's criticism of sen-
ators opposing confirmation of
Abe Fortas as chief justice drew;
angry response yesterday.
But Fortas came under fresh
attack on the Senate floor for his
rulings in obscenity cases, coupled
with a demnd that his nomina-
tion be withdrawn.
Three senators who have not
previously Joined'in the opposi
tiona to the promotion of Justice
Fortas sharply challenged Clark's
assertion that this opposition is
dominated by political partisan-
ship and "opposition to civil rights.
Sen. Edward W. Brooke, Mas-
sachusetts Republican and only
Negro in the Senate, said Clark's
views were given "improperly and
without justification" in a Thurs-
day press interview. And he de-
manded that the Cabinet meiber
apologize for what Brooke called
an attack on the integrity and
voting records of Republicans op-
posing Fortas.
Sens. James B. Pearson (R-
Kan), and John Sherman Cooper
(R-Ky), p r om p tly associated
themselves with Brooke's indict-
ment ofLClark:-W
Pearson called Clark's remarks
"unfair and unworthy . .. press
relations blackmail, an attack on
the integrity of the Senate."
Similarly, Cooper d e s c r b e d
Clark's assessment at "wholly un-
fair . . . almost reprehensible
method of attack."
Sen. Jack Miller (R-Iowa) told
the Senate Fortas has joined in
court decisions on obscenity which
he said are destructive of moral
standards. And he called on Presi-
dent Johnson to withdraw his
nomination of .Frtas to succeed;
Chief Justice Earl Warren.u r
One 'of"the decisions Miller cit-
ed overturned a lower court ruling
that three strip-tease films were
hard-core pornography.
Clark said "quite clearly there
is dominant in the opposition a
highly partisan strain that's un-
fortunate." He added "those who
oppose securing equal rights and
civil rights are opposing the nom-
$nation." And he called this the
true basis for the fight against
Clark didn't mention any names
in his interview, but Brooke,
Pearson and Cooper protested
what they saw as an intimation
that GOP colleagues who have
joined in a statement pledging to
vote, against confirmation are op-
ponents of civil rights.
Brooke said the signers of the
statement are -senators who have,
in the main, voted for civil rights
legislation for a long time.
He added that had it not been
for the support of "some of the
very- senators .., indicated by the
attorney general," the civil rights-
open housing bill passed earlier
this year could not have been en-

to our demands." Uof sUOpeL.
The developments came amid DEMOLITI
rumors that the ruling body of Three m
the Czechoslovak Communist par- hotel room
ty, the 11-man presidium, was raiders whc
split on how to react to Russian visions, rac
pressure at the meeting with the diamond ri
Soviet Politburo, which is expect- loot from tl
ed to begin next week, ins.
There was talk of a divided vote Demolitic
on the decision Thursday to re- down fire-
move Lt. Gen. Vaclav Prchlik the six-sql
from a key position in the party about 75,00
Central Committee, where he was groes, aret
a target of Soviet attacks, and Fred Ahr
return him to army service. His nationalist
department, which controlled the lice at th
army, security police and judici- shootings,
ary, was abolished, with three
In Moscow, the Soviet Commun- murder in
ist party newspaper Pravda at- slayings of
tacked Czechoslovakia yesterday Col. Joe
for allowing "democratic social- National G
ism" to get a foothold and in- remain in t
sisted on a return to Soviet-style no plans to
rule. "We are
There was no indication of a ation," Mc
willingness on the part of Moscow things were
to compromise with Prague, day night."
Before resuming use of the Krasny
chemical weapon MACE, the Inforn
Ann Arbor Police Department ered "f
is studying how other agencies cities,"
in the state have fared with the had mo
chemical, Police Chief Walter since ME
Krasny said yesterday. group is
The study centers on the born, I
safety and practicality of the Warren.
weapon and also on the type of The st
police training needed to use it at least

en were arrested in a
on East 106th St. by
o said they found tele-
dios, adding machines,
ngs and other possible,
he burnings and break-
Dn crews began pulling
damaged buildings in
uare-mile area where
0 residents, mostly Ne-
med Evans, 37, a black
who surrendered to po-
e scene of Tuesday's
was charged yesterday
counts of first-degree
connection with the
the three policemen.
McCann of the Ohio
uard said 3,000 troops
he area and there were
reduce that force.'
still assessing the situ-
Cann said. "Certainly
e nice and quiet Thurs-

Sen. Edward Kennedy
make no commitments in advance
of his own possible nomination,
many of his supporters have felt
that a Kennedy name on the
ticket would help the Democrats
win in September.
Kennedy's assertion that his de-
cision is "final, firm and not sub-
ject to further consideration" was
combined with reference to the
family responsibilities that de-
volved on him with the assassina-
tion of his brother, Sen.. Robert,
F. Kennedy.
Because of the personal element
he cited, few politicians seemed
likely to go ahead with any ef-
fort to draft him.

v _ __ . _ , _ . _,_ __ _ ___ ____ _ _ _

begin new' study of chemical M'ACE

put it back out there,"
nation is being gath-
rom a circle of large
which have "obviously
re experience with it
arch," Krasny said. The
ncludes Detroit, Dear-
Lansing, and possibly
Ludy is expected to take
another month to six

groups protested use of the
weapon in a street disorder.
After the City Council was
unable to reach a decision on
using the spray, Krasny with-
drew the weapon from the de-
partment's use.
Six weeks ago, a study head-
ed by Dr. Maurice Seevers,
chairman of the University
pharmacology department said
MACE was a comparatively

Dr. P. K. Basu of opthalmol-
ogy department at Toronto says
if tests prove conclusive, the
researchers will issue a report
at the end of August.
The City Council has re-
mained silent on the MACE ban
since its inception last March.
However, if Krasny requests the
ban be lifted, the council will
be required to act on the pro-

: :{>

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