:; ski atr:43n a' 11 Seventy-seven years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under authority of Board in Control of Student Publications. Some reoriented thoughts on orientation 420 Maynard St, Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily exp ress the individual opinions of staff writers. or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. FRIDAY, JULY 26,1968 NIGHT EDITOR: JILL CRABTREE The long hot summer and sovereignty of imagination SUMMER in (France can be a very traumatic experience for some un- fortunate students who have to take their exams again in September. Very traumatic indeed when all your friends are leaving for the coast. But this year it's a different story because only a few unconcerned stu- dents will be immigrating toward the jet-set places of the Riviera where they will be fighting their way into some crowded night-club to glance at the -international in-crowd, around Saint-Tropez, Cannes, Monte-Carlo, etc .. . The rest of the students have found better things to do. For the first time in French history, universities are open during the summer and many people are going to school even though they don't have to take any exams in Sep- tember. IN FACT they are not going to school to learn anything in the usual man- ner but rather to teach, to show the people that the massive rally around de Gaulle to stop the threat of the so- called Communist coup, is not going to stop or hinder their revolution. During the May riots in Paris one of the often repeated slogans was "Imagination has taken command," and this is precisely why so many have given up their dreams of a relaxed vacation, to show the people that even though the present western culture re- gards any but the most narrowly tech- nological imagination as a very dan- gerous drug, almost as illegal as many dthers, there is enough of it around to take a close and very critical look at what is supposed to be a free demo- cratic society. IN ORDER to materialize the reign of Imagination, all the universities and many lycees have set up seminars and student-faclty discussion groups through which they are drafting new, rules that will be directed to give *' complete autonomy to the Uni- versity system; * equal power to the students and faculty in all the decisions concerning the university; 0 all possible chances for workers to be included in the educational pro- grams. These are the major changes they want for the university, but imagina- tion does not limit itself to the stu- dent status. Imagination has realised that the entire society is sick. Imagin- ation has looked East and West, has seen nothing but incurable cases of sclerosis, and has decided that if a new free university was a nice start- ing point it would not accomplish anything if the entire society was kept in its present stage. AS A RESULT, many seminars and discussions are devoted to the form- ulation of strong recommendations to be offered to the government in the fall. Of course this is a gigantic task and it will be subordinated to the intelli- gence and good will of the new French government. But if this government is not wise enough to ratify these rec- ommendations, what might have been a long hot summer for those who are working now could turn out to be a long hot year fpr those who refuse to recognize the sovereignty ofImagina- tion. -ERIC PERGEAUX 0 NE OF THE best ways of tell- ing what a school is like is by looking at how it projects it-' self to new members. For two months every summer, groups of 100 confused, innocent prospective freshmen are shuttled in and out of Mosher-Jordan Hall in what is nominally termed a three-day "Orientation Program." Tested, ,co u n s e' 1 e d, processed, marched around and talked to endlessly, this indoctrination ses- sion does, indeed, give new stu- dents a 'pretty good idea of what life at a big university is sup-, posed to be like. Looking back on my own orien- tation experience three years ago, it becomes increasingly clear that it was nothing more than a cap- sulized version of much. of what one runs into during the first year. You eat dorm food, sleep in crowded rooms, spend most of your free time "checking out the girls," and follow. a rigid; sched-' ule. The very first mass meeting in the dorm lounge gives you a good idea of what the atmosphere is like. The Resident Director in- trodu es himself as the "students' friend" and says he is here to help you (so does your lecturer the first day of class). He lays down the schedule (course outline?), intro- duces the orientation leaders (re- citation teachers?), and outlines residence hall policies (your lec-' turer tells about the evils of pla- giarism and cheating). Of course, you are expected to be responsible for your own good conduct; just remember that "Big Brdther" is watching. HOURS OF personality and language tests presage the drud- gery of school work. Lines waiting to-make an appointment to see your counselor; lines waiting to pre-classify for classes; lines for meals and even for the crowded, mixers . . . after three-days none - could say you aren't psychologic- ally prepared for the fall. I saw my counselor for only ten minutes, but it was the longest than I have, ever seen a counselor since. How they can expect you to have your electives figured out when you don't even know the re- sults of the prophetic "cooked car- rots" test I'll never know. Pre-classification is a headache. I came to the second orientation session of the summer, and yet david dubofft every section that met when I wanted to take it was closed. I be- lieve they purposely close off all the good sections in order to "pre- pare" you for the disappointment you may face in suc eeding years.- Of course, the orientation pro- gram has become "liberalized" in the past three years. The ROTC, orientation program for men is no longer mandatory (but, of course,, ROTC itself never has been). Three years ago ,a guy in my; group was taken to the Director's' office and reprimanded for pass- ing out leaflets. The rule was thatk only "student services" (SGC, UAC, etc.) could have information on display. Now, in response to a threatened confrontation by sev-, eral radical groups on campus, any student organization can have a ,literature table in Mosher-Jor- dan one day a week at specified times, and any group can leave literature in the lounges. Whereas before the only way to find out about student groups was through the "activities" meeting, now a "Radical Orientation Pro- gram" with representatives from VOICE-SDS, S t u d e n t Peace Union-Resistance and Friends of The l ong, l ong lines New Politics is included on the of- ficial schedule given out to all students. And, as an alternative to ROTC, men are told that they can go to the Office of Religious affairs, where information put out by the Draft Counseling Center is available. BUT THESE reforms are super- ficial. Many of the benefits gained by students during the last three years are not available to the orientation students. Women have curfew, although freshman wo- men's hours have been abolished. Men must be out of the women's lounge by 11:30, though there is no such provision in regular wo- men's residence halls. There are no visitation privileges, though regular houses ,can set their own policies on visitation. In a pro- gram run entirely by the admin- istration in loco parentis still has free reign. The issue of women's hours, visitation policies and dress reg- ulations was fought °largely on the basis that students are mature in- dividuals, and that even as high schoolstudents they did not have to conform to rigid standards of conduct outside of the school it- self. If this is true of freshman students, it would seem equally true of students only two months away' from becoming freshman. The student on campus is al lowed to deiide for himself wheth- er to go to class or finish a paper on time. But with the exception of ROTC, all meetings on the orien- tation schedule are mandatory. It is never stated what could hap- pen if you were to miss a meet- ing, but somehow one reels that it would show up as a permanent black mark on his record. IT IS NOT surprising that most of the students on this campus are apathetic about the issues of stu- dent power and educational re- form when their first contact with the University is arigidly struc- tured, highly authoritarian ex- perience. We expect the freshman to come into his classes with a searching, critical, open mind and yet we start him off with: three days of boring lectures, and tests. Students are told that they will have to take responsibility for governing and disciplining them- selves in the dorms; but the Resi- dent Director and the, Resident 'Advisors come across as "good' guys," and it is hard not to feel that you can fall back on them to make decisions for you. You can't expect, someone to come here and be treated like a child, and then come back ready to take upon himself the respon- sibilities of an equal member of the University community. A retired teacher once coin- plained to me that no matter how often she told students to voice disagreements with what she said in lectures, they invariably re- mained cowed. Once, when a stu- dent did offer a valid objection, no one rose to his defense. And afterwards, she said, the student who had spoken actually came up and apologized for disagreeing with her. If nothing else, orienta- tion certainly helps in teaching us to show "respect for autfiority" despite all obstacles. This fall, Student Government Council, in conjunction , with VOICE, is planning a weekend re- treat to discuss the issues of stu- dent power, the university's place in society and, other questions that should concern all students. But it will be attended only by those who have a radical orien- tation, those who are already turned-o enough to be interest, ed in taking advantage of such an, opportunity. NOW THAT in loco parentis in living units is dead, freshmen no longer need to have to be told in advance how to behave in the dorms. The "cooked carrots" test could be administered just as well during Registration week, and any student interested in finding out how to use the UGLI card catalog /should be expected to find out for himself. These are hardly adequate reasons for ex- pending the money and time'that It takes to administer a program for the entire summer. What can - and should - be done is for SGC to undertake a revitalization of the orientation program, incorporating into it the philosophyethat led to the forma- tion of the VOICE- SGC retreat. The kind of "orientation" that freshmen need is a chance to dis- cuss with other freshmen and up- perclassmen what they want out of their education-what their goals are, and how they feel these goals can best be achieved. To accomplish this, the rigid structure of the existing program 'must be broken down, and re- placed by an informal atmosphere in which people are encouraged to decide among themselves what is most important to talk about. Policy decisions about the strue- ture of the program *should be made by a student committee, and merely carried out by the admin- istration. } THE CURRENTLY existing course Evaluation Booklet and the program of student counselors are a beginning step in helping new students to learn the student view of what academics is really like. 4 4 ,; One of few moments to think ._,r....,_ "-- _ __ _ _ __ ANOTHER VIEWn President and citizenry RICHARD M. NIXON says he would treat the Presidency the way Teddy Roosevelt did, as "a bully pulpit." Hubert H. Humphrey says one of the nation's most pressing needs is for "an open Pres- idency." Mr. Nixon means, as he recently told the Christian Science Monitor, "There must be leadership which establishes re- sponsibility for law and for the conduct of the American system. I think the President in this field can be most ef- fective as the open leader of the country." Mr. Humphrey's concept of the Presi- dency is spelled out in a text recently re- leased by his office. It involves "the full- -est possible use of that office to inform the American people." Also "greater ac- cess to all the people," and "stimulating the frankest and widest possible discus- sion." The budding consensus seems to be that a President should pay particular attention to building rapport with the citizenry. The agreement is a healthy one, for clearly this always-important aspect' of the Presidency is today in special need of reflection and repair. DEMOCRATIC government depends on a symbiosis between the people and the President or other national executive. The President is expected to provide lead- ership, to point society's efforts in the proper directions. Yet he cannot take the Government too far in new directions without the support of the people. Thus he must at once lead and c9nsult the citizens. It is not enough that a President re- ceives the people's mandate in elections; he must also maintain a day-to-day re- lationship. Lyndon B. Johnson, who re- ceived one of the most commanding elec- toral mandates in history, feels obliged to leave the Presidency because the nec- essary relationship has broken down. He probably could win re-election, but he would be unable to lead the nation effec- lilla M ichinn Ei ir_ tively afterward - and it is to his credit that he recognizes this fact. Part of the President's problem is that the consensus he sought may have been inherently unobtainable. Conflict and dissent are in their own right an import- ant and legitimate part of the democrat- ic process. Even so, we doubt that Pres- ident Johnson and his inner circle fail to understand by now that their own con- duct of national office contributed im- portantly to the erosion of public confi- dence in their Administration. CONSIDER the extraordinary article in Foreign Affairs by Bill D. Moyers, the President's former press secretary. Mr. Moyers warns of the dangers of "secret- iveness" by public officials, and argues that the upswelling of sentiment against the Vietnamese war occurred because the support of the people for this involve- ment "simply was not sought." In words that might apply more generally to the whole range of Administration policy, Mr. Moyers underlines the lesson. "A chief executive cannot expect people to have confidence in his judgment sim- ply because it is his. He must indicate what are some of the major considera- tions he has taken into account so that people will know that what he has de- cided is both the right and effective pol- icy to pursue. The people will allow a President significantly more latitude with respect to means than to ends, but he must make them feel a part of his de- cision and a partner in the policy." NEGLECT OF this relationship, to state the further problem, tarnishes not only the incumbent but the office he holds. To allow their leader some' free- dom of action, the people ought to have a certain implicit confidence in the very office of the Presidency. When this trust is lost, a President will be forced to go too far in looking over his shoulder at the popular will. And when the confidence is eroded, it can be restored only by long and especially careful cultivation. It remains to be seen whether either 11 Larry'Robinus w "V '