THE LONG HOT SUMMER FRENCH STYLE See editorial page SirA6 71a I HAVE A PICNIC High.--82 Sunny and pleasant Vol. LXXVI I , No. 53-5 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, July 26, 1968 Ten Cents Ross:A mediator-administrator .,... ......... By MARK LEVIN the onslaught of the new breed he says. "The line of least resist- specialized expertise," Ross af- ing the Free Speech Movement '..5. Editor of mediator-administrator led by ance is to maintain the continued firms. crisis, Ross frequently acted as An apocryphal story current in U n I v e r s i t y President Robben level of services. But that is defi- f'We currenitly do not have an mediator between students and Washington these days warns of Fleming enters the Ann Arbor nitely a formula for obsolescence. integrated Information system," administrators. the potential dangerec of the cy- scene. A harder task is to Identify those he continues. "We'll try to develop "Students can and should make bernetic society. Arthur Ross has only been here programs which are unneeded or, a data bank which will facilitate a contribution to University plan- The Bur~eau of Labor Statistics a few weeks and his activities those that some other institution the circulation of information nling," he says.* . supposedly is in a quandary be- have been limited to getting ac- can do just as well." concerning all dimensionis of Uni- Ross views the legislature, for cause its director escaped for the quainted with University programs Determining these priorities is versity problems. h oet oehtsma vice presidency of some midwest- and personalities. But this former how state relations got combined "Prof. Malcolm Cohen will work theticanlly.wht yma ern college. Not only did he leave Berkeley professor of labor rela- with Ross' other function, plan- with existing faculty committees "i don't think the legislature them without a director, but he tions who has never before been ning. in designing an integrated. Uni,- has been indifferent to the prob- alone could understand the corn- a university administrator, brings "We want to develop new me- versity information system. To- lems of higher education. Almost puter programs that had been in- with him a sorely-needed new ap- chanisms to come to grips with gether with people around the every state is in a fiscal crisis. It troduced as an efficiency measure proach. the future. Basically a planning campus he will develop a consen- is characteristic of the public sec- two years previously. "The University is determined offices can' work to develop a gen- sus as to what will be most help- tor.,..,.. Fortunately, the bureau, a $30 to avoid the necessity of another eral format for planning. New dis- ful in planning and budgeting." "The pinch on colleges and uni- million a year operation which tuiticgn increase," Ross explains. ciplines are bound to emerge in Incidentally, Cohen designed versities relects the urgent needs supplies almost all available data Very well and good, but that is the coming decades and the impli- new computer programs for the of social welfare programs and . on employment levels, will sur- what administrators have been cations of these new developments Bureau of Labor Statistics while elementary and seconidary educa- - vive without its old director, Ar- saying for the last four years, for curricula, staf'fing and physi- Ross was director. tion and other demands on state thur. Ross, the new University while hiking tuition three of the cal plant expansion must be met." Ross admits he hasn't met revenue. The legislature has a lot Vice President for State Relations last four Julys. "Of course, the substantive as- many students in his first two of problems which they consider and Planning. But Ross has something addi- pects of University planning must weeks on campus. However, as equally urgent. This is not a case The question is whether the tional to offer. be done In the individual schools chairman of the Emergency Fac- of indifference on the part of the NwVc rsd University can remain static as "Priorities must be Identified," and departments where there is ulty Committee at Berkeley dur- people."Ne ePrsd Six Pages -Dairy-Richard Lee ant Ross "Oust Czech ,to appease liberal Soviets PRAGUEOP-A key figure in Czechoslovakia's liberalization drive lost his post last night in what seemed to be a dramatic gesture by the new Prague lead- ership to pacify the Soviet Union. Virtually on the eve of its show- down talks with the Soviet polit- bureau, the Czechoslovak party presidium ordered Lt. Gen. Vaclav Pichlik, a chief target of Soviet' attacks against the new regime, to Freturn to army service from an important party position. The presidium abolished the po.- litical department that controls the army, the security police and the judiciary. Prchlik had headed the department. The development came after the Soviet Union was reported to have stopped the flow of Russian tourists to Czechoslovakia as Prague's reform-Communist lead- ers prepared for a showdown with: top Kremlin officials.? The tourist ban could be inter- preted as adding an economic phase to Soviet political and mili- tary pressure against Czechoslo- vakia's liberalization drive. In Moscow, the Soviet Union announced more military maneuv- ted Press ers and stepped up its propagan-: border da campaign against Czechoslo- vakia's reformist leaders by link- ing them with Mao Tse-tung. Premier Alexei N. Kosygin met in the Kremlin with Czechoslovak Foreign Trade Minister Vaclav Vales to discuss trade between the two countries. over-all budget o f $23, 2milo By STEVE NISSEN The University announced yesterday budgets for all op- erating funds totalling $232,399,351 for 1968-69, up $21 mil- lion from last year. The general fund, which includes faculty salaries, stu- dent services and general administration was set at nearly $104 million by the Regents in June. Announced yesterday were the budgets for the several other funds which make upr . 'U announces -Associated Press Clearingi up Clevelan'(s delris in the aftermath of violence Ses imposes curfW"ew on Ceveland's East Side. Assocta Russian soldiers stand watch at the CzechI HINT AT VICE PRESIDENCY: RockLly wins. Percy convention sup poi r .ES e C By The Associated Press Mayor Carl Stokes imposed a curfew on Cleveland's troubled v rt WASHINGTON (P)-Gov. Nel- son A. Rockefeller 'picked up a name recruit yesterday in Sen. Charles H. Percy of Illinois, in ' his battle to wrest the GOP presi- dential nomination from former vice president Richard M. Nixon. But Percy conceded in his an- nouncement of support for the New York governor that it will take a near-miracle for Rocke- feller to surmount the delegate lead Nixon has rolled up for the party convention less than two weeks away. In New York, Nixon's press sec- retary Herbert G. Klein said Percy had endorsed Rockefeller because of "the lure of the vice presiden- cy." Asked at a news conference if that meant Rockefeller had prom- ised the vice presidency to Percy, Klein replied: "There is some in-. dication of that." Later he added that he did not know. Klein noted that Percy had publicly expressed interest in the vice presidency, and that Nixon had made no commitments. Percy's action appeared to in- terested politicians virtually to eliminate the Illinois senator as a potential vice presidential nom- inee on a Nixon slate. There had been wide specula- tion that if Nixon were nominated he might pick a youthful running- mate of liberal tendencies who was closely associated with big- city problems. Percy's late-hour leap into the momentum now building up be- fore our convention." The Illinois senator told a news conference audience that nobody, including Rockefeller and Nixon, had ever talked to him about the vice presidential nomination. Percy made it clear that he bases his support of Rockefeller primarily on the latter's proposals for a negotiated peace in Vietnam. The Illinois junior senator was careful, however, not to criticize Nixon. He declined to comment on the former vice president's Vietnam position. Percy said he doesn't think that Rockefeller is the only Republican who can win in November "but he has the best chance." He pledged his support for the nominee, who- ever he is. Russian authorities said an an- East Side last night that said the tiaircraft exercise called Sky use of black community leaders Shield is now under way. This an- to calm the area was not a failure. nouncement came only 36 hours "National Guard and white po- after the Soviet armed forces lice will go into the area to in- started logistic maneuvers in the sure that the curfew is kept and western part of the country, in- the people keep off the streets," cluding that along the Czecho- Stokes told newsmen. slovak border. The curfew will affect the Glen- Soviet troops also were reported ville neighborhood in the East on the move in parts of East Ger- Side and will be in effect from many, which adjoins Czechoslo- 9 p.m. to 6 a.m. vakia on the north. However, this! Stokes said he planned a meet- is the usual time of year for ma- king with safety officials, Police neuvers. In what appeared to be a fur- ther attempt to discredit the Czechoslovak leadership, Pravda lumped it together with Red Chi- na's Mao, who is depicted here as a traitor to true Communism. The Soviet Communist party newspaper said Mao and rightist -a term used here to embrace Czechoslovak liberals--are "unit- ed by a striving to replace Lenin- ism by so-called national ver- sions." -off the street] and end the loot- i anonymously telephoned bombe ing." - threat on his life." Stokes said. "No civilians, in- Fifty white demopstrators pick-, cluding newsmen, would be per- eted City Hall briefly during the mitted into the cordoned off day. They carried a black flag and Chief Michael Blackwell and Ohio Adj. Gen. Sylvester Del Corso to work out details. "In something like this I will have to rely on their professional judgment," Stokes said.' Stokes said that he did not be- lieve "black leadership had failed. They had requested a 24-hour period to quell tension and this they had accomplished." "Their job was ended," Stokes added, "but there was still a need to keep people-mainly youngsters the University total expendi- ture.- The largest of these is the ex- pendable restricted fund which is expected to amount to $71 million. This fund includes sponsored re- search projects of which gover- ment contracts make up over 70 per cent. The remainder of the restricted fund goes for libraries, extension and off-campus educational pur- poses, and student aid through, scholarships and loans. The next largest expenditure is the auxiliary activities fund - of $57.5 million which includes self- supporting operations such as the University hospital and the res- idence halls. It also includes the mental health activities budget of $6.5 million. This budget pro- vides funds for state supported operations of the hospital's psy- chiatric units and the Mental Health Research Institute. The expendable restricted fund anticipates $52 million in federal government grants and contracts. Another $13 million is expected in gifts, grants and income on the University's endowment funds. The self-supporting activities'in the auxiliary fund include an ex- pected expenditure by the hospi- tals of over $30 million, residence hall expenditures budgeted at $11.8 million, and other expendi- tures by the Union and League, intercollegiate athletics, student publications, and parking opera- tions. The general fund budget an- nounced in June represents a state appropriation of $63,272,292, with student fees estimated at $29,299,078. The budget antici- pates about $10 million in direct cost reimbursement on research contracts. Harvey partially cleared The six-mile square area in- cludes most of the Hough neigh- borhood which was the scene of looting and burning in 1966. The Rev. Baxter Hill and some 50 other black leaders were with Stokes when the curfew announce- ment was made. The Rev. Mr. Hill said; "We're turning the community back to the mayor." The Negro leaders voted yesterday to end their pa- trolling and they thanked Stokes for his confidence in them. Gen. Del Corso told newsmen that the Guardsmen in the area "would shoot only if a looter was caught and resisted arrest. I don't anticipate that there will be a necessity for shooting." Earlier yesterday, Stokes said, "We do not think the danger has, passed." Less than an 'hour later his words were reinforced by an a poster which read: "End this war on black America and this war on the ghetto. Please sup- port black America." In 'contrast to the 10 dead and 19 wounded in three hours of sniper fire Tuesday night, the Negro mayor reported three fires, 36 stores logted and 13 arrests Wednesday night., The guard was returned to a dozen or so locations where citi- zens' patrols had not been able to prevent 'looting Wednesday night, Stokes said. In place of the soldiers and white officers, Negro police and about 500 concerned Negro cit- izens patrolled from dusk to dawn, counselling against the looting and fire bombing that many groups of teen-agers said they were itching to start. "I feel we owe a great deal to the citizens of the community and its black leadership, who pre- vented more trouble," the 41-year- old mayor said. In an interview in Washington, Atty. Gen. Ramsey Clark blamed a handful of violent extremists for Tuesday's shootings in Cleve- land, and said he is surprised similar incidents have not hap- pened elsewhere. But Clark said there is no evi- dence of any national conspiracy involved in any big-city disturb- ance. Fred Ahmed Evans, one of those arrested in Cleveland, term- ed the shootings there the begin- ning of a planned series of such events nationwide. Cleveland Mayor Carl B. Stokes had cited FBI reports that sim- ilar incidents would erupt Wed- nesda in Chicaan TDtrnit and Sheriff Douglas J. Harvey yes- terday was found not guilty of un- fair labor practices in the firing of four deputies by State Labor Mediation Board Examiner Joseph B. Bixler, However, Bixler cited Harvey for two' instances of "coercion or threat" involving deputies. Bi.xler based his findings on testimony from hearings held last April and May. Bixler also, cleared Harvey of charges that he interfered with the Washtenaw Deputy Associa- tion and that he has shown dis- crimination toward1 deputies be- cause they supiported the Associa- tion. The two instances of "coercion or threat" involved Deputy David Fitzpatrick and former Deputy Ralph England. Bixler said testimony , estab- lished that Harvey told Fitzpat- rick he. would be "the next one out the door if you goof up" after the deputy told fellow officers he did not want the Sheriff's "favor-s ites" on the Association's officers board. Other testimony destablished Harvey told England "to keep your mouth shut" about the As- sociation or any other union in the department. Bixler said the two incidents violated the deputies' rights to "concerted activity" and ordered Harvey to "cease and desist" from any similar action in the future. Loan j By MARCIA ABRAMSON' Technical difficulties may hold a $10,000 grant from the City Human Relations Cbmmis- sion to a year-old local organ- ization called Housing Emer- gency Loan Project (HELP). Since May, 1967, HELP has provided emergency housing loans for more than 40 poor families. The organization started out HRC GRANT WITHHELD iroj eet: A call for However, City Attorney Pe- ter Forsythe found the grant, in violation of the City Char- ter, which prohibits giving money to a lending organiza- tion, said Rev. Ralph Parvin, vice chairman of HELP. A new proposal for the grant has been formulated by one member of HELP, an attorney. The proposal will be' sent to the city as soon as it is com- plete. HELP also receives donations from private individuals. The loans are used for se- curity deposits or first or last month rent often required by landlords before they allow ten- ants to move in. Most poor people do not have the savings to enable them to pay these costs. Most recipients for HELP loans are referred by the city's Emergency Housing Coordina- tor, Harry Finkelstein, who ar- ranges interviews with HELP's disbursement committee. HELP was founded by Betty Powell, the city's first Emergency Housing Director. Loans are interest free and terms of repayment are based on individual capacity to pay. In some cases loans are ex- HELP is operated member Board of Many are reinients by a 15 Directors. of HTIELP ..... U : Emm