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July 25, 1968 - Image 6

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Michigan Daily, 1968-07-25

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Page Six


Thursday, July 25, 1968

Mexico's headaches multiply as Games approach

MEXICO CITY ()--Mexico, like a runner
carrying the Olympic Torch of old, is occupied
both with keeping its light shining bright and
being sure not to stumble before the flame of,
1968 Games is extinguished Oct. 27.
There is no real way of saying exactly how'
many persons will be involved before the flame
goes out on schedule, for the taxi drivers studying
English at night school and the policemen work-
ing out traffic flow are as integral a part of suc-
cess or failure of the Games as is Pedro Ramirez
Vazquez, chairman of the Mexican Olympic Or-
ganizing Committee.
W 'th less than three months to go before the
last torch runner lights the flame at opening cere-
monies Oct. 12, there are signs that Mexico is
finding its pace in the race for readiness.
All major construction of facilities s expect-
ed to .be finished by Aug. 31, although interior
work and detail touches probably will continue
through the eleventh hour.
And, Ramirez Vazques said last week, there
are signs that Mexico will emerge from the Games
with expenditures under the $85 million budget
and without cutting any financial corners.
Preparations for the Games fall generally in-
to two categories: The physical and the organiza-
tional. There is little doubt left that Mexico will
be physically ready for the Games.
But organization, still being tested and at

times found wanting, is the aspect about which
doubts still are being expressed.
Some records of applications for lodging, tick-
ets and press facilities seem to vanish. Some per-
sons who have bothered to check the status of
their various applications have found this out.
But whether these cases are isolated ones will not
be evidence until the thousands of athletes, tour-
ists and newsmen begin to arrive in Mexico dur-
ing September.
Other organization aspects, such as those of
transportation and the actual execution of the
Games, will remain unknown quantities until
But, physically, much has been accomplished
and Mexico appears in good form.
Mexico City's airport has a new marble fa-
cade, and inside preparations are under way to
speed arriving athletes and visitors through cus-
toms. Still, getting a taxi ride to the city is a
catch-as-catch-can proposition, and the average
wait now can be said to be 20 minutes.
Hotel construction is booming, with four large
ones-the Aristes, Camino Real, Parque Lama
and Casa Blanca-long scheduled for completion
this year. The Aristes is open for business and
the Camino Real will be ready this month, with
the other two hopefully finished in time for the
The two main indoor sports facilities under
construction-the copper-domed sports palace and

the swimming and diving pools complex are re-
ported safely on their way to full completion by
Aug. 31.
On the other hand, construction of a subway,
which has caused traffic problems throughout the
year, will not be completed before the Games.
The painting of traffic routes with key colors
is started as is the manufacture of colored bal-
loons to help mark the routes, street signs that
will boast simplified maps of the city with Olym-
pic sites keyed to colors, and totem-like pedes-
trian aid boxes which will feature first aid kits,
telephones and maps.
There are thousands of procurement problems,
but reports are that these are well in hand. For
instance, 40 heraldic trumpets and 10,000 doves,
are being lined up for the opening ceremonies.
Grazing in the fields before final fattening are
20,000 Angus and Hereford steers destined for the
tables of 75,000 athletes and foreign spectators,
and a myriad of preparations are underway to
assure an extra flow of food into the city during
Thousands are being trained in special tasks,
from the barbers who will be cutting athletes'
hair to the guides who will be showing them
around and coping with their language difficul-
Mexicans generally publicly express optimism
about success of the Games, but privately some

voice doubts on such points as paperwork coordin-
ation of equipment, housing and ticket reserva-
tions, the judging, announcing and rapid compil-
ation of games results and - of prime import -
Peseros, which are jitney cabs which travel a
fixed route and operate like buses charging a
fixed fare, are a backbone of the city's transpor-
tation system in the downtown area.
Before police started controlling their passen-
ger pickup points this spring crowds gathered on
the curb and pounced in unison on the handle
of an opening door before the cab had stopped.
Police now make passengers line up for loading
at certain points, but when the policeman disap-
pears so does the line and the old game begins
Regular taxis cannot be found and when they
can be, they usually charge more than they
should, although the government has laid down
strict penalties for overcharging. Buses, generally,
are overcrowded, many with persons hanging out
the doors in transit.
One high Olympic official, asked last month
whether the organizers were making any con-
tingency plans for moving people about the al-
ready traffic clogged city in case of an emergency
-such as a rainstorm when many traffic lights
cease functioning-gave in essence this answer:
"We are expecting no emergencies."

(Continued from Page 1)
"I like challenges, so I'm look-
Ing forward to college coaching
with John Orr. Our coaching phil-:
osophies are very similar . . . we
both like to combine a strong de-
fense with a running offense.
"We have the nucleus of a fine
club this year . . a lot can be:
done with the personnel," said
Snowden. "We'll probably move
more .. . I like an exciting game."
Both Strack and Orr expect
Snowden to boost Michigan's sag-
ging fortunes in recruiting high
school prospects.
Snowden himself feels that he
has "the personality for recruit-
ing. My experience in the Detroit
area should help when I'm talking
to boys also," he said.
Orr considers the recent Big
Ten investigation of alleged irre-
gularities by Michigan athletes as
a major reason for recruiting dif-
ficulties this year.
"Recruiters from other schools
used the possibility of our sus-
pension against us, and we lost
several good prospects because of
it," he claims. "Nevertheless, we
will have some surprises on this
year's frosh squad."
Orr said that George Pomey will
remain in charge of handling the
freshman coaching duties, "as well
as contributing ideas to the var-
sity and helping in recruiting.
"Pomey is a good leader," said:
Orr, "Because he doesn't know t
what it is to lose."
Snowden terned the new sports
clinics Initiated by Canham "a1
fabulous idea." He is currently in-
volved In a similar program in
Detroit. "These clinics are good if;
for no other reason that they give
youngsters something to do. With-
out activities like this, a boy will!
find something to do anyway ...
but whether it be constructive or
destructive depends on the boy."
Both Orr and Snowden are con-
cerned with the percentage of col-
lege athletes who fail to graduate.
"It must be made clear to a new
recruit that he has a responsibil-
ity to perform well both in the
classroom and on the basketball
court," says Snowden. "He is at
the University because of his abil-
ity in athletics, but he must re-
member that he is a student."
Snowden himself holds bache-
lor's and master's degrees in edu-!
cation from Wayne State Univer-
sity. He won six varsity letters in
baseball and basketball and cap-
tained both teams his senior year
In 1958.
Orr was an all-conference foot-
ball and basketball star at Illinois
in 1945. He then entered Beloit
College in Wisconsin and was a:
first-team All-American in the
National Association of Intercol-
legiate Athletics.
After nine years of high school
coaching, he served as assistant!
coach at Wisconsin for four years
until 1963.
He became head coach at Mas-
sachusetts for three years and
compiled a 29=15 record in the
Yankee Conference. After a year
in the insurance business, he "de-
cided to get back into coaching.
"I ran into Dave Strack after
the Michigan-Illinois game in;
Champaign in the spring of 1967.!
He was looking for an assistant
coach then.
"Several weeks later I wrote him
that I was interested and Fritz
Join The Daily
Snorts Staff






Crew supporting boycott;
Appendix sidelines Loe
By the Associated Press
BOSTON - Five members of the Olympic-bound Harvard crew
yesterday gave their moral support to any action, including a boycott,
that American Olympic athletes may take to protest racial problems
in the United States.
They said though, they will participate in the Games in Mexico
City in October.
One member of the crew, Dave Higgins, said he thought a boycott
would hurt America, but "it would be tragic for us to ignore it."
Higgins said that the crew will talk with 6ther American 'Olym-
pic athletes and try to organize a unified demonstration at' the
dames to protest the plight of the Negro in America.
Prof. Harry Edwafrds, of San Jose State College, who is organiz-
ing a protest among Negro athletes spoke with several crew members
bgfore their statement. But Higgins said the crew's expression of
support was spontaneous.
CHICAGO - Chicago White Sox Manager Al Lopez, who under-
went emergency surgery for appendicitis Tuesday night, was in "very
good condition" in Mercy Hospital yesterday.
Dr. William Allen said Lopez had spent a very good night, was
resting comfortably and "there were no complications."
Dr. Allen said Lopez will re-
main in the hospital for about
two weeks and will recuperate at
home for an additional two weeks.
Lopez, who will be 60 next
month, has had an ulcer keeping
company with, his troublesome
appendix. It was the ulcer con-
dition that helped prompt his de-
cision to retire, as White Sox man-
ager in 1965.
Sox Coach Les Moss will direct
the club until the return of Lopez.
Moss was interim manager for
two days earlier this month be-
tween the passing of Manager Ed-
die Stanky and coming of Lopez.
OAKLAND, Calif.-Casey Sten-
gel, a chippery 77, will return to
managing a baseball team on his AL L PEZ
40th wedding anniversary Aug. 18.
The Oakland Athletics of the American .League yesterday pro-
claimed that day "Casey Stengel Day." For three innings, Old Case
will manage oldtimers of the 1948 Oakland Oaks of the Pacific Coast
League against '48 oldtimers of the San Francisco Seals under Lefty
Stengel and O'Doul actually managed those teams on which such
stars as Brooks Holder and Cookie Lavagetto played for the Oaks,
Gene Woodling and Con Dempsey for the Seals.
DETROIT - The Detroit Pistons will play .38 home National
Basketball Association games in Detroit this season, six more than
last year.
The home schedule includes a pair of doubleheaders. The first
will pit Detroit against Phoenix while Baltimore plays San Diego
Nov. 27, and the second will be Feb. 20 with the Pistons meeting
Atlanta and Baltimore taking on Phoenix.
WERDOHL, Germany - Ronnie Ray Smith, Mark Winzenried,
Tom Von Ruden and Dave Maggard scored victories for the United
States last night in an international track and field meet.
Smith, of San Jose State, won the 100 meters in 10.2 seconds;
Winzenried, Wisconsin, took the 800 meters in 1:49.5; Von Ruden,
of Los Angeles, won the 1,500 meters in 3:44.2; and Haggard, of
San Jose, took .the shot put with a heave of 63 feet, 4.2 inches.








Turbines' intakes again reduced by USAC
INDIANAPOLISmd. (11) -xTe - --- -- --- ------- __


Crisler hired me. The opportunity
was a good one .. . Michigan was
down, and anything we did ,would
be an improvement.
"I had many more duties as an
assistant coach under Strack than
is usual," Orr continued. "We
worked together terrifically.
"When Strack was contemplat-
ing quitting last spring, he told
me then that he was recommend-
ing me for the job. I am indebted
to him in other ways too ... Dave
made coaching at Michigan a
good job, one of the greatest in
the country. Before he came, it
wasn't a good job."
Orr is the second new head
coach officially appointed since
Canham was named Athletic Di-
rector. The other is Dave Martin,
Canham's successor as track
Two other head coaching jobs-
in wrestling and golf - are va-
cant following the retirement of
Cliff Keen and the resignation of
Bert Katzenmeyer.
Snowden is the first high school
coach to be added directly to a,
Michigan basketball staff since
Eddie Klum of Ann Arbor High

checkered flag was waved for the
second and apparently the last
time Tuesday for the controver-
sial but still winless turbine-pow-
ered race cars of Andy Granatelli.
The U.S. Auto Club board of
directors cut the air intake area
of the turbine cars to 11.9 square
inches, effective Jan. 1, 1969.
The intake area, which governs
the power of the turbines, was re-
duced from 23.9 to 15.9 square
inches last summer by USAC.
Both moves were to make the
turbines more competitive with
the conventional piston-engine
cars in races with Indianapolis-
type cars, including the- Indiana-
polis 500, USAC said.
But Granatelli, STP Corp. pres-
ident, said Tuesday night the
latest USAC action "speaks for
"I'll not be back at Indiana-
polis next year with a turbine," he
said from his Chicago office.
USAC also:
-Lowereddisplacement of the
turbocharged Offenhauser and
Ford engines from 170.856 to 161.-
703 cubic inches. also effective
Jan. 1.
-Raised displacement of non-
supercharged production stock
block engines from 305.1 to 320.-1
355 inches, effective immediately.
-Left unchanged displacement
of the specially built non-produc-
tion stock engines, such as Dan
Gurney drove to second place in
this year's 500, at 305.1 cubic
inches, with the formula to be re-
viewed at USAC's January meet-
USAC's first trimming of the
turbine engine size came shortly
after Granatelli's first turbine car
almost ran away with the 1967
Indianapolis race. Failure of a $6
ball bearing forced out the car
with even miles left.
Granatelli said then the re-
duction would make his car non-
competitive for 1968. But he re-
turned with the old car and four
new ones and, despite a string of
misfortunes, saw his Lotus tur-
bines capture the first two quali-
fying positions for the Memorial
Day race.
Three turbines made the race.
Graham Hill's car crashed, and
the cars of Joe Leonard and Art
Pollard both failed late in the
race with mechanical problems.
Leonard, now driving the tur-
bine for Parnelli Jones, and Pol-
lard have competed in other USAC
races since the 500 but still have
not cracked the winner's circle.


-Daily-Eric Pergeaux
Gymnasts exercise their ears,
Prospective gymnasts gather around Michigan co ach Newt Loken during a session this week of a
clinic sponsored by the Athletic Department and the city of Ann Arbor. The youngsters have been
treated to demonstrations by members of Loke n's varsity squad and have received training in
basic tumbling techniques. The final clinic will be held next week, with head football coach Bump
Elliott and his staff teaching grid fundamentals.
~-- ------ - -----
Trevino moans tour's troubles

CHARTERED BUSES will be going to the
McCarthy Rally in Tiger Stadium Saturday
evening. Cost of trip will be $2.50.
SIGN UP NOW at the McCarthy table on the
Diag, or at McCarthy headquarters at
211 S. State. For phone reservations,
ca 1662-4131.



was hired in 1959.

ST. PAUL, Minn. (1) - U.S.1
Open champion Lee Trevino sur-
veyed the field of missing names
in the $100,000 Minnesota Golf
Classic which open today and
"That's lousy. The tournament
situation is getting out of hand.
Pretty soon there'll come a day
when they all pay $200,000. This
will ease some good ones out of
the picture.
"This is one of the oldest tour-
naments on the tour. I've never
seen Keller but I'm looking for-
ward to playing it," he said yes-
The outspoken Mexican-Amer-
ican from Dallas added:
"I think I've got a responsibility
to golf. I'm going to try some-
thing that no Open champion has
ever done. I'm going to play every
tournament on the tour. I owe
it to the promoters."
Passing up the tournament are
such stars at Arnold Palmer, Billy
Casper, Jack Nicklaus, Gary Play-
er, Doug Sanders, Masters cham-
pion Bob Goalby and newly
crowned PGA champ Julius Boros.
Only five of the current 25 lead-
ing money winners are entered.
Trevino shares the favorite's
role with young Tom Weiskopf,
the second leading money winner
in 1968.
I. 7

"I've been playing well most of
the time," said Weiskopf. "I'm
pretty tired right now, but it's
great to be here and I hope to
play well. I wouldn't miss this
His wife Jeanne, a former Miss
Minnesota, is from St. Paul. They
met at, the 1966 tournament.
Trevino noted that "my game
isn't quite as sharp as it was at
the Open. I can't seem to find
enough time to practice. "I think
I'll win this tournament and buy
my own plane."
Defending champion Lou Gra-
ham is back for another try at the
$20,000 first-place money on the

par 36-35-71 .6,702-yard Keller
Golf Course.
Teams headed by Weiskopf and
John Schlee tied for first place
yesterday in the pro-amateur
event kicking off the $100,000
The Weiskopf and Schlee four-
somes both shot 16-under-par 55s
to win $375 each.
Tied for second with 56s and
winning $150 each were the teams
of Homero Blancas, Dan Sikes,
Wayne Yates, Steve Reid and Bob
Among those tiect at 57 were
the foursomes led by Lee Trevino
and Terry Dill.


I Ips




Students for .Mc+Corthy


jor League Standings



New York

w L Pt. Gil
60 37 .619 -
54 41 .568 5
55 44 .556 6
49 45 .521 91&
48 49 .495 12
47 50 .485 13
47 50 .485 13
14 49 .473 1 I
4-1 54 .4?6 181/.
34 59 .366 24

W nL Pct (G
St. Louis 64 34 .653 -
Atlanta 51 46 .526 12Y2
Cincinnati 47 45 .511 14
San Francisco 49 49 .500 141
Chicago 49 50 .495 15
Philadelphia 46 48 .489 16
Pittsburgh 45 50 .474 17V2
New York 47 53 .470 18
xLos Angeles 44 53 .454 19V2
xulouston 42 56 .429 22
xtate game not included.
Yesterday's Results
Chicago 2, San Francisco 0
Atlanta 3, New York 2, 10 innings
St. Louis 3, Philadelphia 1
Cincinnati at Pittsburgh, rain
Houston at Los Angeles, inc.
Today's Games
New York at Atlanta, night
Cincinnati at Pittsburgh, night
Philadelphia at St. Louis, night
Onlygames scheduled.




0 0 "*0

Yesterday's Results
Washington 6, Detroit 3
Minnesota 12, California 1.
Oakland 1-r, Chicago 0-1, twi-night
Baltimore 1, Cleveland 41
New York I, Boston 1, tie
Today's Games
Detroit at Washington, ilghti
Onlygame scheduled.

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