"Ain't that awful about them poor starvin' Biafrans?" Qgir Sict$ nan Dart1j Seventy-seven years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under authority of Board in Control of Student Publications 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily exp ress the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. TUESDAY JULY 23, 1968 NIGHT EDITOR: JOHN GRAY A glum anniversary for Detroit, (NE YEAR AGO, last night, a squad of Detroit policemen was sent to break up a blind pig operation in Detroit's west- side black ghetto. That night, a combination of mistakes by the policemen along with the heat of a summer night in the city provided the spark for the unleashing of black frus- tration against a white social-political and economic structure. The tragedy in Detroit was the tragedy of a nation whose ruling establishment seeks to maintain the status quo, and whose vast middle-class chooses the tele- vision and a can of beer over political activity in their free time. As blacks tried to avenge themselves of the inflated prices of ghetto shopkeep- ers, the shopkeepers were, in turn, avenged by a trigger-happy division of national guardsmen who figured indi- rectly or directly in most of the 43 deaths during the six-day "civil disorder." THE EXECUTIVE reaction to last sum- mer's riots was typical of every Amer- ican tragedy experienced since President * Johnson took office. And many American intellectuals chose to believe the Kerner Commission Report when it was pub- lished last March, which said that the power structure was indeed responsible. The Kerner Report suggested a number of detailed plans to alleviate the condi- tion which caused last summer's riots. Detailed housing and welfare programs were advocated in the report, which also included a preface condemning white racism and a supplement which examined the structure of police forces. However, Johnson has never officially Chains IT LOOKS like the plant department is increasing the fortification of the Uni- versity's grass (lawns) on campus. An- other chain and companion post are propped up against a tree awaiting in- stallation in front of Mason Hall. These chains protect the grass so people don't walk on it, and kill it. And because there will be more people here in the fall, there will probably be more chains. It seems the plant department spends a lot of time working with these chains, replacing them when they get rusty, or repairing them when they get cut. This time, coupled with the initial price of the chains (for these are pretty high class chains), must cost the University a lot of money. To the average guy who would occa- sionally like to walk on the lawn, it seems the money could be better spent to invent (if it is not already invented) grass that is just as pretty, but stronger, so it wouldn't die if we stepped on it once in a while. WITH THE chains gone, and the grass in bloom, the plant department could take care of more important matters, like giving the wooden fences a fresh coat of grey paint every day. -ANDY SACKS commented on the report he commis- sioned, and in the meantime a hawkish Congress has cut welfare and aid-to-the- cities programs -- drawing sharp protest from urban mayors, as well as from most civil rights groups. ROBERT KENNEDY, Eugene McCarthy and Nelson Rockefeller all advocated immediate implementation of the Kerner Commission Report, but their suggestions have been shrugged aside by the political establishment of both the Democratic and Republican parties. Both Hubert Humphrey and Richard Nixon have said that the major domestic issue in the 1968 election campaign would be crime in the streets - not the crime in the society, which is the patron of crime in the streets. Secretary of Defense Clark Clifford said in a press conference on July 11, "It is a mistake to assume that when the war is over in Vietnam there will be a sharp and substantial drop in defense expendi- tures." Congress, touched with cold war fever is well on its way to committing $50 bil- lion for an anti-ballistic missile system. In its second supplemental appropria- tions bill, passed by a vote of 64 to 1 with only Sen. Gaylord Nelson (D-Wis.) dissenting, Congress cut the summer camp program of the poverty setup from $32 million to $10 million, the neighbor- hood youth program from $75 million to $13 million and the headstart program from $25 million to $5 million. Meanwhile, nearly $4 billion was in- cluded as a supplemental appropriation for Vietnam. THERE ARE many explanations why the nation's cities haven't exploded this summer. But the incidents which oc- curred following the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., show clearly enough that the situation is still volatile. As the summer gets hotter, Congress- men must be naive to think they might avoid a riot while the situation in the cities is no better than last year, and in some cases worse. Certainly the national guard and the police forces of cities with large black populations are preparing for large scale disturbances. How many more Detroits and Newarks will it take to wake Congress to the re- ality of discontent in our country? The memory of last summer served as a grim reminder of what happened when the na- tion forgot about Watts in 1965. -STUART GANNES Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor Michigan 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104. Daily except Sunday and Monday during regular summer session. Daily except Monday during regular academic school year. The Daily is a member of the Associated Press, the College Press Service, and Liberation News service. Summer subscription rate: $2.5 per term by car- rier ($3.00 by mail); $4.50 for entire summer ($5.00 by maill. Fall and winter subscription rate: $4.50 per term by carrier ($5 by mail); $8.00 for regular academic school year ($9 by mail). Y _ Al . MURRAY KEMP9TON-"-- New politicking with ik&John IT IS A PITY that we are in that season when we are more interested in the presence and posture of politicians than in what they say. John Lindsay's speech on the Vietnam war in Wisconsin two weeks ago was one of those treasures which get lost in such distractions; it was the flattest, the most succinct and the frankest denunciation of that adventure this country has yet heard from a national politician. So, after delivering it, the Mayor came home to read in the New York Times about the serious thought Mr. Nixon is giving to him as a Vice Presidential candidate. This sequence of events suggest something about the New Politics, an expression invented to describe it, if not to explain, the inexplicable happenings in our political history since last spring. In the chase after Mr. Nixon to which he brings that dash he seems able to mount only from. the sight at long distance of the train leaving the station, Gov. Rockefeller pays tribute to the New Politics whenever he can. Still, there was the Governor visible and trapped with Gov. Kirk of Florida who was calling George Wallace a good old boy but mis- guided, and there was Mr. Nixon invisible but somehow emanating in- timations of fraternity with John Lindsay. It seem's, unfair really; the New Politics, whatever it is, draws some of its mysterious chemistry from reaction to the Old Politics, of which Mr. Nixon is so familiar a representative. Yet Mr. Nixon, of all persons, turns out to have the most skill at exploiting the mood which makes Lindsay the preeminent New Politician in the Republican Party. THE ONLY certain way to recognize the New Politician is by his special appeal to persons who might normally be expected to'consider what he says matter for anathema. The Republican convention, after all, belongs to those professionals to whom Lindsay ought to seem the most dangerous of heretics. Yet Mr. Nixon chooses this juncture to noise about his warm views of the Mayor as a prospective Vice President. This cannot be an aber- ration; Mr. Nixon knows Republican professionals better than any- one alive, having, from his necessities, endured their company and solicited their opinions more than anyone else has lately cared to. He, if anyone, knows what they need. We might understand Amer- ican politics better if we thought of them as governed less often by liberals and reactionaries than by hen-pecked and chick-pecked men. The New Politics is the creation of women and children. THERE MUST be times when a Republican delegate comes home from the insurance company and says he is going to vote for Nixon, and his wife groans and his children scoff, not because Nixon is so dreadful but because he is so familiar. Now, by any formal standards, the Mayor ought to be bore too; he is Protestant, stuffy and only occasionally-when he swears-given to utterances transcending the speech pattern of the Boy Scout Manual. But his magic is that he plays parts until now reserved for Democrats and almost never played so well by any of them. He continues to look suburban while plunging into the urban; he is the safe man who regularly risks doing unsafe things. It is only less unlikely that he would accept the nomination than that Mr. Nixon would tender it to him. But the notion serves as a marvelous tranquilizer for any stresses which Gov. Rockefeller's des- perate tugging might induce over the next three weeks; now a Nixon delegate can distract a family a little jaded at the thought of a Presi- dent Nixon with the- dream of a Vice President Lindsay. So the New Politics can be defined as a phenomenon arising out of dissatisfaction with Mr. Nixon among many others; and Mr. Nixon can be appreciated as the only Old Politician who has so far found a way to exploit the New Politics at the smallest cost to himself and the least sacrifice to his principles. (Copyright 1968-New York Post Corp.) I Letters to the Editor Regents To the Editor: DAVID DUBOFF'S editorial at- tack (Daily, July 20) on the role played by student leaders in the -recent bylaws controversy is without foundation. He has accused the student leaders of playfng a very shrewd game of political poker and of winning a modest pot. Surely they ought to be commended for these actions. Duboff's problem is that he does not understand politics, and, par-, ticularly, the politics of state uni- versities. Whether Duboff likes it or not, student leaders must work within a political framework where, as Mark Levin has pointed out, "the Regents have the au- thority to govern a state-owned andstate-financed education in- stitution and to make rules and regulations regarding conduct on University property." I have never thtought that the goal of student power, at least in the short run, was to attack the entire concept of public ownership and support of state universities. If my as- sumption is correct, the legitimate right of the Regents to be the ultimate source of authority is not in question. This is precisely where Duboff runs astray. To at- tack the legitimacy of the Regents is to attack the right of the peo- ple of the State of Michigan to have a say lin how their property (the University) is managed. I submit that neither the students nor the faculty is ready to engage in that battle at the present time. ACCEPTING THE limitations imposed by working for changes within the University community, make Duboff's comments decided- ly irrelevant. The question of how the University should relate to the State is not confronted, there- by winning a powerful ally in the struggle for internal self-deter- mination; namely, the Regents. As long as the Regents feel that they are responsibly exercising the mandate of the people, there is no reason to suppose they can- not be persuaded to support the students and faculty, rather than the administration. The Estab- lishment everywhere has decided that the "grassroots" is where the action is. Thus, students and faculty (the University's grassroots) ought to be able to wrest greater and great- er concessions from the Regents, at the expense of the traditional privileges and power of the bu- reaucrats. In the recent contro- versy, the Regents indicated this will be their new course of action: legitimation of student-faculty policy-making. Clearly the bureau- crats are the losers in this en- counter. This is as it should be: the only groups that ought to have policy-making authority are those who represent constituencies of the University, the Regents (representing the people), the students and the faculty. The bu- reaucrats are hired by these groups to keep the institutionrunning. That they are at last being strip- ped of their policy-making au- thority is an extremely promising sign. University politics is a com- plicated process. Rather than playing games with irrelevant arguments and abstracted legal- isms, Mr. Duboff might well profit from serious analysis and reflection on the matter. The question is how to effect meaning- ful change. To do this, one's stra- tegies and tactics must be appro- priate to reality, without neces- sarily compromising on basic goals and objectives. To win polit- ical battles,btherefore, you form alliances and define your enemies. In the present situation, the ene- my is the Administration, the ally is the Regents. The student lead- ership has perceived this. I hope Mr.' Dubo~ff will this~ lso. that prevents the Hausas and Yorubas from joining with the Ibos, as individuals in peaceful capitalistic competition, to reap the fruits of Western technology. THE IBOS are being extermi- nated by the same mentality that exterminated the Jews in Ger- many. Power lusters are skillfully focusing the envy-inspired anti- capitalist mentality of a basic- ally tribal people on a convenient scapegoat to further their own personal power. Once again we see fascism and communism iden- tical in their practical applica- tions. -Pete McAlpine Perry To the Editor: I WOULD LIKE to express my appreciation for the concert and record reviews of your staffer R. A. Perry. He can be snooty and he cankbe shallow, but in general I think he very well underlines the important strengths and weak- nesses of a performance and does so in a gracious style. In my seven years in Ann Arbor I have read too many horrible reviews by pre- tenders to musical knowledge and so I find Perry's reviews a real boon to the community. --Paul C. Churchill, Grad Softball --Joseph L. Falkson, To the Editor: ROBERT A. JOHNSO cout f Ngra Lt 19) makes the case fo rather than Nigeria. It is left-wing, fascist-tinged that lead him to side with The only real guilt tha ascribed to the Ibos w involvement in slave tra under the impression, that everyone involved trade is now deceased. it is doubtful that all of the time engaged in sla Collective guilt is only p the collective mind, tha mind of fascists and corr The rest of Johnson on the Ibos is for their of the proven Westerns production and co-opera Western capitalists. T should be congratulateda lated by all Africa. It is o hate, ignorance, Commu tation, and primordial To the Editor: L, Grad I WAS PRESENT at the softball BiafIra match between the Daily Libels and the Ann Arbor Pinko Con- spiracy. )N'S ac- I was shocked and saddened to ters, July note two aspects of the game - )r Biafra aspects which served to shake my s only his faith in the structure ofkstudent premises government and the spirit of fair h Nigeria. play which should prevail at a t can be student publication such as your was their de. I was First, the umpire, who serves in however, his spare time as SGC executive in slave vice president, seemed to be suf- Further, fering from some sort of color the Ibos blindness, favoring shades of red. ave trade. All his calls were unfair to The )t is Daily.dHis mother should be itis te he ashamed of him. muniss attack Second, it was painfully obvious adoptionck that The Libels started "slacking system of up" after rolling up their original tion with 6-0 margin, winning by only two Che Ibos runs in the end. Is it fair to string and emu- them along like that, letting them only envy, hope for victory even if they are nist agi- pinkos? Shame on all of you! tribalism -Mrs. Velma Mottershead, '32 music Bolet: High romanticism Oh, God! FEIFFER By R. A. PERRY MENDELSSOHN'S Songs Without Words are usual- ly considered as lyrical cream- puffs to be tossed off by pian- ists with graceful sentiment and drowsy revery. Therefore. the depth of poetry, the pro- fundity of feeling, and even the overtones of tragedy that Jorge Bolet discovered and revealed in these works last night not only raised the stature of the. pieces themselves, but also in- dicated what a supreme artist Bolet is, Knowing that Bolet has been heralded as a virtuoso pianist of gigantic technique but also, that he carries the mild stigma of Hollywood associations, I did not know what truly to expect from his Rackham recital last night. No matter; his recital was a musical and artistic tri- not merely to satisfy his per- sonal desires. Bolet's musical intelligence and his musical in- tuition, not to mention his manual facility, are simply staggering. The deep feeling, the authen- tic ardor, the command of nu- ance in service of poetry, made his performance of Franck's Prelude, Choral and Fugue an ineffable experience. I was about to say a "memorable ex- perience" but really the "ex- perience" soon evaporated in that Bolet penetrated cognitive form to reach what D'Indy called the "luminous serenity" of Franck. The transportive musical ex- perience-that Bolet evoked was especially appropriate to this piece in which Franck sought somehow to blend the far- roaming imagination of Liszt with the mores uctuntnredon- heaven-storming ideas, with here and there a few sweet flowers to shed fragrance upon the whole. One feels both bles- sedness and anxiety, but rather more anxiety." Heine's observa- tion well describes Liszt's Etudes D'execution Transcend- ante. Between the apocalyptic "preludio" and "wilde jagd" come etudes wavering between storm and idyll that never lose the sense of underlying anxiety. Perhaps the "anxiety" rises from the restlbss, leaping imag- ination of Liszt that knows no peace even in the sweet pas- sages of the "ricordanza" or "paysage." Liszt is a specialty of Bolet's and he played the etudes with unflagging technical prowess, poetic intensity, and introspec- tive searching. There was never MYSUF 10JA APoxI AWC HOLOF /,At~ 1t n . . i AMP T FAM CKCf2 56CAUSe' T DIDN'T KOWOXO HOuT L J INA6 W6 (,IF65 FACE - l Q 00 At09 THEt NLI ATIl.bJ UPONu MY yA 1 ROk TH 6 I2A~ T~fV " UtUC6 aSI~lG6 U To ,B9,!A ANA A MORC ATTOMTIV6 N. FATHER. AQP -rfetJ S 5E6AM LONAT5 50 SAD ABOUT A 6OX ? Nl . I - "A." I I I 7 - " --\\ I I I d E II I