A GLUM ANNIVERSARY, See editorial page Y r e , iUra~ -A6F 471 t A --Rrl a t 4, HOKAY High-85 Fair and cooler clouds tonight. * Vol. LXXVIII, No. 50-S Ann Arbor, Michigan - Tuesday, July 23, 1968 Ten Cents Four Pages .. ... ZP Student leaders, faculty express 'optimism after Regental inaction Council appoints new HRC head -Associated Press By the hair A Boston police detective drags a woman by the hair to a nearby police van on Boston Common. Police moved in early Sunday morning after students and hippies who have been congregating on the Common failed to abide by a 10 p.m. curfew. TropsleaveI Czecho slovakia PRAGUE LA' - Soviet troops completed their withdrawal from Czechoslovakia last night, reliable informants reported, but other sources said the Soviet Union had told the govern- ment in Prague the nation's western borders must be strengthened. The sources said the Kremlin leaders contended the Czechoslovak army is incapable of defending the western approaches.' The Soviet Union "demanded a solution to this situa- tion," presumably meaning that Soviet army troops should ---- - be stationed in the country, By ALISON SYMROSKI and STUART GANNES The Regents' action Friday postponing action on three con- troversial bylaws has brought highly faovrable reactions from student leaders and faculty mem- bers. Michael Davis, a member of the ad hoc committee working on drafting bylaws to implement the Hatcher Commission's Report on the Student Role in Decision Mak- ing, was "surprised and pleased" at the way the Regents acted on this issue. "There seemed to be a basic change of attitude," he says, "the Regents appeared to be making a gesture of good faith." Davis feels that the most im- portant factor in the Regents ac- tion was that "they received new information at the open hearing Thursday that had never been presented to them before." SGC vice president Bob Neff, '69, gave greater significance to what he termed a "crisis situa- tion" confronting the Regents. "The Regents were responding to pressure," he said "it was made clear to them that if the bylaws were enacted the University would be in for a lot of trouble." Neff and Davis consider the in- terim rules enacted by the literary college and Law School as a re- maining weak spot. "If the schools should try to enforce these every- thing may break down and we'll be in a real crisis," Davis says. Both Davis and Neff foresee a trend to greater direct student- Regent communication. "Student government will very definitely go directly to the Re- gents more often than before; at- tempting to work through vice presidents or even Fleming is too slow and unrewarding," Neff says. "Often information isn't trans- mitted and persuasive arguments aren't used." John Bishop, a member of the! President's Advisory Committee, does not see this as an overly de-! sirable trend. He fears that the Regents may "interfere too much with University workings." Prof. L. S. Gosling of the med- ical school said that the members who were present at yesterday's Senate Advisory Committee on University Affairs meeting "were happy that the Regents acted as they did" in postponing the by- law decision. Gosling added that S A C U A! would try to keep in touch with the student groups and the ad hoc committeerofsstudents who are trying to revise the bylaw. "We're sure that the students are acting quickly and we hope that the faculty will act with equal dispatch" he said. Gosling explained that SACUA would try to meet as early in the fall as possible to prepare a posi- tion statement on its reaction to the status of student conduct pol- icy. A meeting of the Faculty Sen- ate will probably be held as early as Sept. 4. President Fleming has indicated willingness to discuss the bylaw revision with the Faculty Senate. Governors -Associated Press rd rather b e right Vice President Hubert Humphrey told an informal news conference in New York yesterday that he would make no deals with George Wallace. Humphrey said he would rather not be Pres- ident than "depend on a racist vote." Later Humphrey said that whether or not he would ask Sen. Edward Kennedy to be his running mate would be "greatly dependent on Mr. Kennedy's wishes and views." ECONOMY MEASURE: Vietnam costforces Shalt in draf phyt sicals will also act as city housing( expediter and staff assistant to the Youth Commission. Cowley will return to a salary less than what he would have re- ceived if he had not resigned. City Administrator Guy Larcom, who recommended re-hiring Cowley, called him "the best available." In other action, Council dis- cussed complaints of excess noise from one of the city's "major nuisances" - electronic musical instruments. Complaints centered on use of the West Park bandshell and excess noise at a Main St. establishment. Council was unable to pass an ordinance last night because the complaints were brought up at a special 'session for reception ofa tax study group report. However, city officials promised police action at West Park or anywhere else where "bands play in violation of public nuisance ordinances." They would not spe- cify what foim the action would take. Council will hear a report from Larcom at its next meeting on the possibility of offering "large open spaces" for "this form of Inter- tainment." An ordinance will most likely be passed at next week's meeting. The citizen's tax study group: recommended a city income tax of I2 to one per cent to replace in part the existing property tax. Committee members, including University professors Daniel Fus- felt, George Grassmuck and Robin Barlow, predicteP an increasing deficit for the cit'y and urged plac- ing the income tax on the ballot! as soon as possible. -may shift vent1on USW may authorize wallhout, a +, v .. WASHINGTON (C'S) -The severe financial problems plaguing the federal government as a re- sult of the Vietnam war are be- ginning to take their toll on thei Selective Service System. Selective Service Director Lewis B. Hershey has ordered all local' draft boards to schedule no more preinduction physical examina- tions for August or September. The move,,in effect, will limit the draft between now and late Octo- ber to persons who already have passed their physicals, or have received notices to take them. Hershey said physical examina- tions were being temporarily halt- ed as an economy measure made necessary by the $6 billion reduc- tion in Federal spending ordered by Congress for the fiscal year which began July 1. Hershey also rescinded the filling of vacancies and promotions in the Selective Service System until further no- tice. Selective Service officials say the suspensionrofphysical exam- inations will have no effect on their job of supplying manpower for the military. They also em- phasized that the "embargo may be lifted at any time." As long as the suspension is in effect, how- ever, all draftees will be taken from the pool of "slightly more than 100,000 men" whoalready have taken and passed their phy- sicals, but have not yet been in- ducted, officials said. The draft call for August is only about 18,300, compared with a level of 40,000 a month last spring. agree aid ortas d efense to testify WASHINGTON A'P)-Sen. Sam r J. Ervin, Jr. (D-NC), asked yes- terday that Justice Department lawyers who prepared a memo- randum defending Supreme Court Justice Abe Fortas' record be call- ed for questioning before the Sen- ate Judiciary Committee. Chairman James O. Eastland ! (D-Miss), said he would get in touch with the department about sending witnesses for questioning today. The committee has concluded its questioning of Fortas on his nomination to succeed Chief Jus- tice Earl Warren and also, tem- % porarily, its questioning of Judge Homer Thornberry to replace For- tas an an associate justice. As the committee was about to conclude yesterday's hearing, Erv- in said he had noted that "the Department of Justice has started propagandizing the committee." He referred to a memorandum prepared by the department on Forta's record on the court. It was placed in the committee's record last Saturday by Sen. Phil- ip A. Hart (D-Mich). Ervin said he would like the lawyers who drafted the memo- randum to be called for question- ing or, if Atty. Gen. Ramsey Clark is unwilling to let them appear, to have Clark himself or his de- puty come before the the commit- for questioning. Hart said the memorandum had been prepared at his request and said he felt it served to provide the informants added. In a communication to the Czechoslovak government, the So- viet Union also demanded "intern- al consolidation" in Czechoslo- vakia and "suppression of coun- terrevolutionary tendencies," the sources said. The Soviets used both terms to describe the democratization pro- cess here. The sources also reported that the Soviets demanded the removal of Lt. Gen. Vaclav Prchlik as head of the Communist party's central committee's department which is responsible for defense and secur- ity to the partt. Prehlik had been among the most vocal in the demands for withdrawal of Soviet troops from Czechoslovakia. This information, from inform- ants who have proved reliable in the past but cannot be identified, came as preparations went ahead for a meeting of Soviet and Czechoslovak leaders to discuss Prague's drive away from the Stalinist brand of communism to a more independent and liberal phase. At the same time, other inform- ants said the last of the 18,500 Soviet troops, who remained in Czechoslovakia after Warsaw Pact maneuvers three weeks ago, had crossed the Slovak-Soviet border near Presov. Their reported departure coin- cided with the agreement to hold showdown talks in Czechoslovakia. The Prague liberal leadership was known to have insisted that the troops clear out before the meet- Ing could begin. Soviet acceptance of Czechoslo- vakia as a site for the conversa- tions - the Kremlin had proposed two Soviet cities last week - was greeted here with widespread re- lief as a possible prelude to a de- Although the Department of De- principle of selective conscientious fense has not listed the call for objection, a category which does September, Mrs. Betty Vetter, ex- not exist under present Selective ecutive director of the Scientific Service regulations, which only Manpower Commission, expects permit CO exemptions for those draft calls will be relatively light who oppose all war out of reli- until about January, when they gious conviction. The report said will. skyrocket unless there is a the principle of selective conscien- major cutback in the size of the tious objection is essentially a armed services before then. question of human rights. Mrs. Vetter, an expert on the The World Council of Churches effectof the draft on the nation's has 237 member denominations, manpower needs, says Hershey's representing most major Protest- order suspending physical exam- ant and Eastern O r t h o d o x inations will have both a good churches throughout the world. anc a bad effect on college gradu- aces and graduatefstudents who no longer have deferments. "Assuming the order stays in ue m orct Sy effect and the Selective Service System has to take its share of " the budget cut, this will delay the, induction of many graduates and site of con graduate students who have not taken a physical until at least No- By The Associated Press vember," Mrs. Vetter said. "It will The Democratic national chair- allow many students to start grad- man, John M. Bailey, conceded uate school and possibly get in at yesterday the party's convention least one semester of work before "might be moved" from Chicago if being taken." a 76-day strike is not settled in But Mrs. Vetter also said the time to permit installation of com- suspension on physicals may re- munications equipment. duce the number of high school Bailey told newsmen "it might graduates not planning to go to be possible" to shift the conven- college who volunteer for the tion to another city, but he denied armed services. She explained having any discussions with of- that many non-college men tend ficials of Miami Beach, site of the to volunteer for the service when Republican National Convention. they feel the draft breathing "In spite of what you may have down their necks after they are heard or read, I have not talked called to take a physical. "Theyto Miami Beach and no arrange- don't have a student deferment ments along that line have been and they know they're going to made," he ysaid. have to go, so they volunteer for A strike by the International the branch of service they prefer.! Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Bt this odervancelshysicalsr(IBEW) against Illinois Bell Tele- But this order cancels physicals'poeC.hspeetdisa- for these young men as well as for phone Co. has prevented instal- collge radates" se sid. lation of television, press and college graduates," she said. Iradio wiring and equipment at the "Every time you lose a volun- International 'Amphitheatre where teer, you add another draftee," the convention is scheduled to be- Mrs. Vetter said. The more the gin Aug. 26. draft call is increased, then the Bailey's remarks that the con- greater the burden becomes on vention might be switched appa- college graduates whoialready rently ended speculation that a have received their physicals. In another draft-related devel- opment this week, the fourth as- sembly of the World Council of Churches, meeting in Sweden, ap- proved church support for young men who resist the draft. A repor adopted by an overwhelming ma- jority of the 720 delegates at the meeting said individuals should have the rjght to refrain from participation in "particular wars, such as the Vietnam war, on grounds of conscience. The delegates thus endorsed the Black militants k form alliance By MARCIA ABRAMSON City Council last night appointed former Human Rela- tions Commission director David Cowley to return to the post he left a year ago. Cowley will return to the HRC from a position in Africa. He succeeds Robert Brown, who resigned April -1- after only five months as director. Increased responsibilities were delegated to the ERC director in the resolution to appoint Cowley. The director contract between the Democratic party and the city would be bind- ing and prevent moving the con- vention. "There's no question that we had an agreement with the city which lived up to its part," Bailey said. "We find a new problem, how- ever, which we didn't expect to have when we signed the con- tract." In Miami Beach, installation of facilities for the Republican Na- tional Convention came almost to a standstill yesterday as pickets marched for the third day in front of the big hall where the meeting is scheduled to open Aug. 5. Only telephone workers crossed picket lines set up by the IBEW. The union I's protesting plans by the CBS television network to use non-union personnel to oper- ate a videograph which super- imposes information on the screen. All three TV networks reported, however, that 'their work was ahead of schedule and a delay of several days would not cripple preparations. PITTSBURGH (P)-Members of the United Steel Workers Union mounted pressure on a silent,, watchful industry yesterday with a snowballing, near unanimous strike votO-hopeful the threat will produce a substantial wage- pension boost to avert an Aug. 1 nationwide steel shutdown. This vote is described as some- what psychological, to wrench negotiators into more visible ac- tion, and also as a pledge of con- fidence in the union's leaders. It is also expected to produce management's first economic of- fer-reportedly not yet on'ethe bar- gaining table-to the 450,000 steel- workers. Industrywide talks began June 3. Failing that, the ninth steel strike in 32 years seems a certain- ty. The union last Walked out for 116 days in 1959. Officially, the rank-and-file vote on whether "to-strike-or-not- to-strike" is to be held today. But some of the 600 locals in the U.S. and Canada started early. The tabulation - mostly by standing and voice votes-is ruii- ning between 85 and 100 per cent for a walkout. Participants total a third or less of the local mem- bership. It is the first time in the union's rough history that the men have had a chance to tell their leaders, and their boses, whether they'd slam shut the gates of, the mills, if necessary. "Nobody wants a strike," said Paul Hilbert, director of the usual- ly-militant District 15 in the Mc Keesport - Homestead - Irvin - Clairton area around Pittsburgh. "But the industry must know we will, if we must." Hilbert, sure his men will come out today "solid-100 per cent," said, "We have to show inter- national union officials we're be- hind them so they'll hammer but the toughest contract." Bernard Novak, president of the 4,000-member Local 2227 in Irvin, describes the voting as "psycho- logical, simple and sweet." Top-level negotiations, mean- time, reportedly continued in se- crecy-and the site, as usual, re- mained a mystery. This kind of iron curtain on news was deliberately raised by union President I. W. Abel and R. Conrad Cooper, the U.S. Steel Corp.executive who is the Indus- try's chief negotiator. The union never has publicly disclosed its demands but it is under pressure to get as much 'as it did in the can and, copper in- dustries earlier this year, which ran up to 6.5 per cent. not solution to poverty CINCINNATI OP)-The nation's When Gardner finished speak- governors discussed poverty and ing, Massachusetts Gov. John and ghettoes yesterday and the Volpe, the chairman, called for majority of those who spoke comments. They came thick and agreed that more government fast, with numerous dissents to money is not the answer to the Gardner's statement. overall problem. In related developments at the Democrats / and Republicans national conference: alike developed that consensus. -The governors unanimously It was a crackling, down-to- adopted a resolution praising earth discussion, toched off by President Johnson. It said he has Jorh dW.Gasrne, formher off by "established the best working re- John W. Gardner, former secre- lationship that has ever existed tary of health, education and wel- between state and federal gov- fare. In a speech before the gov- ernments.".The resolution was in- ernors first plenary meeting, he troduced by California Gov. Ron- said : ald Reagan. "We cannot solve the awesome -Gov. John J. McKeithin of problems that cloud our future as Louisiana told a news conference a nation without spending a great that George C. Wallace, Third deal more money than we are now Party candidate for president, is spending." the favorite in at least six states now-one a Western state. He said A qu**te fromif the majority parties run a close race in November Wallace's' vote, as it now appears, would be "cer- * 4~ tainly enough to throw the elec- tion into the House of Represent- atives." TOKYO (P)-Communist party -The 23 Democratic governors Chairman Mao Tse-tung has or- went into an evening meeting but dered engineering and science col- several said they did not know leges in Red China to shorten what would be discussed. Gov. their schooling process and select Philip H. Hoff of Vermont said NEW YORK (IP)-The Black Panther party and the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Commit- tee have formed a "working al- liance" which the two militant groups hope will be the genesis of a black political party, it was disclosed yesterday. James Forman, former SNCC chairman, said the alliance will '?'";.? :}r}:,::. ::{}:;y {}: a i" ti ; Y i:%"yt y2"i, its?{.^::, v.. ' . ". 'i+W Ti:!4b:.vii'::'