Page Six THE MICHIGAN DAILY Saturday, July 20, 1968 Page Six THE MICHIGAN DAILY Substituting reality for the three R's Wsbooksbooksbooksbooksb Wall Street: From psychodrama to melodrama? By JOHN GRAY The Money Game, by Adam Smith. Random House, $6,95.. What's your idea of a suc- cessful stock/ market type? Do you picture, as I did, a rather staid sort in a three-piece suit, sitting in his panelled office and poring over the ticker and two or three hundred annual reports and prospecti and the like? If so, 'Adam Smith' says we'- re 'wrong. Right now the big men on the Street are, of all things, the 'gunslingers' of the giant mutual funds, youths schooled in or at least attuned, to mass psychology, buying and selling all day long andl steer- ing clear of the blue chips and similar long run holdings. In The Money Game,, 'Smith' makes these 'gunslingers'. (and, s u ch irregular regulars as Scarsdale Fats who has them all for lunch and Irwin the computeer) so real and alive that they're almost completely incredible. The most incredible charac- ter of them all, though, is 'Mr. Smith' himself. A former Rho- des Scholar, he plays the stock market for the fun of it, mak- ing money and writing funny informative books as a sideline. Whether he's worried about his cocoa holdings or watching the quotations for Digital Data- whack onIrwin's computer dis- play, he attacks the market with the zest of a born poker player and the knowledge of Merrill, Lynch, Pierce, Fenner, Smith and Beane. 'Smith's' book is, in fact, so good, so witty and so informa- tive that it is likely to have a great effect on the American view of the investor. Although he's avoided it so far, the stock broker is about to become chic. With The Money Game the number one best seller at $6.95 a shot and a paperback market that should gobble it up, per- haps this winter, the retiring men of the Street will be cast into the limelight of Pop Cul- ture. The Streeters, who only a year or so ago were thought too' stuffy even to rate being label- led camp, are about to be label- led hip. This feat of 'Mr. Smith's' (and it isn't only because of the book-'Smith' has been writing for the chic weekly, "New York" since it was the Sunday supple- ment to the World Journal Tri- bune) is truly monumental. It's a tribute to his amused, semi- detached and urbane style that he can do it. 'Smith' (a pseuionym, of course-he's revealed his iden- tity but you've never heard of him anyway) provides the rea- der, aside from an enjoyable time, with a good deal of infor- mation and insight into the workings of the largest market- place the world has ever known. It is Smith's contention (one which he admittedly owes to "the Master'-Keynes) that statistics and all that har~d stuff is only half of the stock market. The other half is what makes it a game - the people involved, from Gerry Tsai, king of the gunslingers, 'to Edward, who wants to be loved for him- self. The most entertaining of the people is 'Smith's' friend the Gnome of Zurich, who is spir-, iting away gold and betting on world disaster and economic chaos. The Gnome is very up-° set about things like the bal- ance of payments deficit and faith in the dollar and all those other things that give the read- er, as Chairman Mao would put. it, a headache. The. Gnome contends that the United States' foreign pol - icy will eventually bring about another great depression, that the dollar will be cut free from gold and the stock market will collapse, conpletely. $e' points out that half the dollars we spend in Vietnam wind up' as gold claims from France through the Bank; of Indochina and half wind up as gold claims from Red China through Char- lie, Hanoi and the Bank of Chi- na (Mainland). And that's a lot of gold to be throwing around when claims on our're- serve Would deplete it twice and' China, for one, doesn't really" give a rat about our balance of payments problem, to put it' mildly. Food for thought. 'Smith' ends his book with a bit of anti-wealth philosophy, again from the; Master, to the effect that, in the Master's, words, in the future: "The love of money' as a possession - as distinguish- ed from love of money as a means to the enjoyments and realities of .life - will be re- cognized for what it is,' a somewhat disgusting morbid- ity, one of those semi-crimi- / nal, . semi-pathological .pro- pensities which one hands ov- er with a shudder to the spe- cialists in mental disease." It should be noted, however, that Lord Keynes made several millions for himself in the mar- ket, and when he suffered a heart attack cancelled all his activities but theeditorship of the Econ~omic Journal and his daily half-hour of trading. Until the future comes, Key- nes believed and 'Smith' agrees, being rich isn't, so bad after all. And if the money game is, in fact, as 'Smith' describes it, getting there is half the fun. The generation gap: How to narrow it The way it spozed to be? By THOMAS R. COPI The Way It Spozed to Be, by James. Herndon. Simon and Schuster, $4.50. There is a radical theory of education which states, generally, that a teacher shouldn't interfere with his students. Children are naturally curious, the theory goes, and want to learn. Attempts by teachers to channel and direct this curiosity will only,, stifle it. The role of the teacher in this scheme is to help the kids learn what they want to know, not to try to make the kids learn wbat he wants them to know. A teacher who wants to put this theory into practice 'mus't be prepared to do both more work and less work than his non- radical counterpart. He will do less work at the usual kinds of chores associated with teaching: lecturing, correcting tests and workbooks, preparing lesson plans, etc. On the other hand, he must become familiar with each of his students and the work each student is doing, if any. He must be prepared to help each student find answers to questions, but stop short of supplying all the answers (even if he knows them), and stop short of directing the students' study once the student has a chosen topic. What this radical method of education proposes is that if a Student is given the opportunity, a chance to think, a chance to decide for himself, then he will do so. Needless to say, this theory presents numerous problems, often the most difficult of which is trying to put it into practice. James Herndon is a teacher who tried to put this theory to the test in an urban gpetto school in California. The story of his year in George Washington Junior High School is told in his book, The Way It Spozed to Be. The book is both encouraging and disheartening to people who want very much to believe in the radical method of educa- tion sketched above. Herndon both succeeded and failed; he left his students with a different attitude toward school and toward life, but lost his job because he refused to do things the way they spozed to be done. He dispensed with workbooks and composition assignments and quizzes and tried to find out what the kids wanted to do. But the kids, who knew that this wasn't the way school was spozed to be, didn't trust him, and fell at first into the apathy and rebellion which were the only responses they knew to the school situation. Herndon is no magician, and worked no miracle with/ his students. All he did was get them to begin the process of educat- ing themselves. Unlike an elementary school teacher, he didn't have his kids' to work with all day. So each day he had to begin anew the task of trying to get the kids to take down the barriers of indifference, resentment, defiance and despair which they had constructed be- tween themselves and the world. That he had some degree of success is the joy of the book. Its woe is that he was fired from his job because he refused to go along with the stupidity of a system which emphasizes rote learning and discipline above all else. As literature, the strong point of The Way It Spozed to Be is its humor. Herndon manages to poke fun at the failings of the other teachers and the system without ridiculing them. And much of the humor is bittersweet; Herndon lets the situations speak for themselves. "Old Mrs. Z down the hall was the real wonder of the school. I'm not pretending she was typical. For a while I was interested in where 9D went after they left my room, and as this happened to be to Mrs. Z for arithmetic, I used to go down and talk to her. She told me that she had a very simple attitude toward her students which was in fact no different from her feelings about people in general. That was, all her life she'd spoken only to people who were ladies and gentle- men. Since none of the students in 9D were ladies and gentle- men, she never spoke to them, never had, and never would.' She also forbade them to speak In her classroon. If they did *peak she sent them immediately to the office with a note Instructing the office to keep them for the period. If they left their seats, she did the same. If they chewed gum, put on lipstic or changed their shoes, out they went. She didn't even speak to them when they were kicked out-Just handed them the slip from a ready stack inside her desk which she had all filled out except the name of the culprit and the in- fraction of which he was guilty." This is an instructive book for people planning to teach. Uerndon, who had no special training and no experience, fared quite well in situations which aren't covered in education courses. For example, there was no way he could help the four non- readers in his 7H class who used every method from lip-reading to imemorization to avoid admitting that they couldn't read. And they refused to participate in any reading activity on the rational- ization that It was more honorable to appear bad than stupid. By DAVID MANN The Gap, by Ernest Fla- dell and Richard Lorber. McGraw-Hill, $4.95. The disparity in values and views between youth and the older generation has been much emphasized, sometimes w i t h violence, in events of the re- cent past. From Columbia's Morningside Heights to college admiiistration buildings ac- ross the country, 'to France, Yugoslavia, and Italy, students who have assumed the role of spokesnken for their generation have openly clashed with those, who hold the authority that rules their lives. The older generation, they say, is out of touch with the realities of the present. On issues as widely separated as educational standards and for- eign policy the adult world has been charged with insisting on application of anachronistic solutions ' to t h e problems plaguing society, and in the process of having miserably failed, leaving a nearly-hope- less mess in their wake as the. inheritance for their children. It answering the generation they spawned, adults have neatly inverted the complaints, of. their children. insulated fromtthe realities of life in the real world by the walls of the universities, the adults say, today's youth is attempting to apply rosy-eyed idealism as a pniversal panacea. Love and flowers represent a withdrawal frpm reality, not solutions forr its problems. The world, they say, is no more of a mess now than ever, and society will con- tinue to muddle through as it always has managed to do. The Gap is framed by these two opposing concepts. Pur- porting to tell it like it is, Rich- ard Lorber, a 20-year old Co- lumbia graduate student and his uncle, Ernest Flabell, a42- year old advertising executive, produced The Gap as a chron- icle of the summer they spent. t9gether sampling tidbits from each other's world. For the most part, the book is an exploitation of a com- mon social phenomenon. Uni- versity students rioted at Ox- ford 600 years ago. Their ob- ject was to institute academic reform. Shapespeare wrote of the difficulties of 'transition from adolescent to adult in Hamlet. The differences are not new, despite Lorber and Fladell's insistence that they are. The Gap doesn't offer much to a student. Ideas, opinions, and even the language in which t h e y are expressed change so rapidly ainong the young that a book written last summer is already out of date. Smoking grass and cohabita- tion, the topics of articles de- signed to be the eye-cathcers. in last October's back to school issue of Esquire, are. as'} unexciting today as last se- mester's sit-ins. The Gap would, however, be. an excellent Father's Day gift. It gives a diluted view of the norms of the nation's universi- ty sub-culture. It also reveals the raison d'etre of a youth on its own for the first time, the attitudes at the base of the alienation of the generation. 1- The. conveyance of thin, at- titude is the book's only in- sight, an insight that slipped into The Gap by accident. Iorber and Fladell chose to write their book in gross anti-I thetical style. The reactions and related experiences of one of the pair are expressed in a passage followed by the other's reaction to the previous pas- sage. As the book progresses, both authors attempt to probe deeper into the motivations and rationalizations of them- aelyes and each other. No doubt the aim was to arrive at a pain 7of stupendous socio- psychological explanations en- abling the, reader to see at last why the gap exists, what it consists of and how to sur- mount it. Perhaps they were too im- pressed with their mission, perhaps they were looking too far or too deep for an answer. Even moye likely, perhaps the question of antipathy between old and young is too complex to answer in a single book. Fladell's question, "Can it be true that Richie's generation invented sex, music, art, edu- cation, peace, understanding, dignity of man all in a. few, short years?'' is representative of the, negatidnI mentioned, earlier. Each. generation, Lor- ber's and Fladell's included, ex- perienced all those things when. they were new-not newly cre- ated,' but new to those who were experiencing them for the first time. Apparently, as a generation grows o1der, it grows insensitive to the new- ness of its young life. Having forgotten the excite- ment, idealism, and uneasiness of its conceptual past, an older genertion cannot acknowledge those feelings which are the prime motivational forces of, youth. Barred from under- standing, acceptance, and sym- pathy for their , causes, the young assume a position of paranoia, of distruct of .'any- body over 30." That Fladell failed to under- stand thecontemporary use of the term paranoid as used by his nephew, and that Lorber became more and more resent- ful 'and withdrawn the deeper' he got in his ;shared summer and book, is symptomatic of the problem The Gap attempt- ed to explain, and the reason why it may have failed. f, Subscribe To THE MICHIGAN DAIL:Y Phone 764-0558 WORSHIIIIIP FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH On the Campus- Corner State and William Sts.' Terry N. Smith, Minister Ronald C. Phillips, Assistant Summer Worship Service at 10:00 a.m. Sermon: "Church and State," Dr. Preston W. Slosson, Professor Emeritus of History, preaching Church School through Sixth Grade. HURON, HILLS OAPTIST CHURCH Presentl* meeting at the YM-YWCA Affiliated with the Baptist General Conf. 761-6749 Rev. Charles Johnson 9:45 o.m-U. Fellowship Bible Discussion 11:00 a.m.-Rev, E. V. Thompson, West In- dies Mission. 7:00 p.m.-Dr. Glen Heck, National Teach- ers College, UNIVERSITY LUTHERAN CHAPEL 'The Lutheran Church-Missourl Synod) 1511 Washtenow Alfred T. Scheips, Pastor Sunday at 9:45: Service, Sermon by the Pas- tor, "The Rewards of Discipleship" Sunday at 11:00: Sunday Class, The Epistle to the Hebrews Sunday at 2:15: Meet at chapel for outing at Concordia, 4090 Geddes Rd. Wednesday at 8:30 p.m.: Discussion group- Studies in Christology Wednesday at 10 p.m.: Midweek Service, The Rev. Richard Kapfer.? FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 1432 Washtenow Ave. Phone 662-4466t Ministers: Ernest T. Campbell, John Waser, Harold S. Horan R. SUNDAY Worship at 9:00 and 10:30 a.m. Presbyterian Campus Center located Church. at the PACKARD ROAD BAPTIST CHURCH Southern Baptist Convention 1 13 1 Church St. 761 -0441 Rev. Tom Bloxam ST. ANDREW'S EPSICOPAL CHURCH 306 N. Division 8:00 a.m.-Holy Communion. 9:00 a m-Holy Communion and Sermon. 11 :00 a.m.--Morning Prayer and Sermon. 7:00 p.m.-,Ev ning Prayer. UNIVERSITY REFORMED CHURCH 1001 East Huron Phone 662-3153 Ministers: Calvin S. Malefvt, Paul Swets 10:30 a.m.-"Love and Freedom," Dr. Calvin ' Malefyt 7:00 "p.m.- Communicating Our Faith," panel' ) FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH and WESLEY FOUNDATION At State;and Huron Streets Phone 662-4536 Hoover Rupert. Minister Eugene Ransom, Campus Minister Bartlett Beavin,;Associate Campus Minister SUNDAY Sermon: "Christian ldentity in Personal Pi- ety,, Dr. Rupert CAMPUS CHAPEL 1236 Washtenow Donald Postema, Minister Services at 10:00- a.m. and 7:00 p.m. Guest minister will be Dr. Leonard Sweetman 9:45 1 :00 6:30 7:30 a.m.-Sunday School. a.m.-Morning Worship. p.m.-Training Union. p.m.-Evening Worship. 'Adam Smtith'confers 'with nome of Zurich I-r n -. ~ - MISTER (% FAMILY RESTAURANT , HAMBURGERS TRUSURE C= *CHICKEN C II * CONEY ISLANDS " JUMBOYS SMILING SPEEDY SERVICE CARRY-OUT SPECIALISTS NO WAITING . PLENTY of PARKING INSIDE SEATING OR EAT IN YOUR CAR OPEN 11 AM DAILY 662-0022 3325 WASHTENAW RD. ANN ARBOR 2 ELKS. W. of ARBORLAND Order. Your{ Subscription I ST. AIDEN'S EPISCOPAL CHAPEL (North Campus) 1679 Broadwoy 9:00 a.m.-Marning Prayer and Holy Com- munion. 11 :00 a.m.,-Coffee in the lounge. FIRST UNITARIAN CHURCH 1917 Washtenaw Ave. Dr. Erwin A. Goede. Minister Phyllis St. Louis. Minister of Education 10:00 a.m.-"Why Students Rebel in South America," Dr. Qtto Sglbrig, guest speaker. V LUTH4ERAN STUDENT CENTER AND CHAPEL National Lutheran Council Hill St. at S. Forest Ave. Rev. Edwin Danielsen, Pastor SUNDAY 10.30 a m.-vorship Service. ;* I ------.rn--rn----- ------- -n THE CHURCH OF CHRIST W. Stadium at Edgewood Acrosstram Ann Arbor High FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST 1833 Washtenow Ave. SUNDAY i BETHLEHEM UNITED CH URCH OF CHRIST 423 S. Fourth Ave , 10:30 a.m.-Worship Services. Sunday School 11 i 11 .I