PRAISING THE REGENTS See editorial page / Lw1 ai4, NIFTY High-82 Low-57 Precipitation probability near zero, they..tell us, dol. LXXVt 1, No. 49-5 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Saturday, July 20, 1968 4 " - - . . .. . Six Pages REGE Ts POSTPO E CTI y0 BYL DRI S, E 0 RESTRICTIO S 0 STUDE T I G :,: v Visitation, hours policiesextended 'U' registration still needed, for parking, storage facilities The Regents yesterday removed all restrictions on the operation of motor vehicles by students but retained the re- quirement that students obtain a registration decal to use University parking and storage facilities. The Regents also voted to extend the experimental poli- cies of no curfew for women and democratic determination of visitation policy by residents of individual housing units. However, women who plan to live in residence halls will have the option of living-in certain housing units which will have specific visitation rules -I- F iTestablished in advance. Rescind OSA's discipline power Huebner proposes delay in deference to students, faculty' By STEVE NISSEN The Regents postponed action on three controversial bylaws yesterday and rescinded the sweeping disciplinary powers delegated in 1966 to the Office of Student Affairs. Through a resolution introduced by Regent Gertrude Huebner, the board agreed to postpone action "in deference to the request of both faculty an'd student members of the academic community." The proposed, bylaw changes had drawn sharp criticism from student leaders andi t ,# ! - t t ? rgJk' ° of rl p,;' .:,.... ' "i Form AliSU * Trustee T m coMmittee EAST LANSING () - A com- mittee that lists several promin- ent Republicans among its mem- bership is.out to gain two seats on the Michigan State University Board of Trustees this year. The seats now are held by Dem- ocrats. One has announced his candidacy for re-election, while the other is running for the House of Representatives. The group, calling itself the Committee for Better Trustees, was formed in 1964 to push for election of Republicans Paul Bag- well and John Pingle. Both lost. Today, the committee boasts 63 members. Among them are Harold Mc- Clure, candidate for the GOP na- tional committee from Michigan; five Republican State Represen- tatives, including Majority Floor Leader William Hampton (Bloom- field Hills); GOP trustees Ken- neth Thompson and Frank Mer- riman, Bagwell and Pingle. The committee, Thompson said, will support David Diehl, a Dans ville Republican who has an- nounced his candidacy, and "the next individual who comes forth 1 and indicates his candidacy." That person need not be a Re- publican, Thompson said. "The committee is bipartisan." However, he added, the group will "not support the opposition thdt we have today,. . the pres- ent Trustee that claims he's going p to be a candidate." . C. A. Harlan has announced. he I will seek a second eight-year term on the board, to which former Gov. G. Mennen Williams ap- pointed him in 1957 to fill a va- cancy. Harlan ran for the post and was elected in 1961.3 The University will continue to require freshman and sophomore women to obtain written parental permission to be eligible for ex- emption from curfew. Regent Paul Goebel (R-Grand' Rapids) was the sole dissenting } Regents in vote in the decision on hours and. ____ visitation. Despite the lifting of vehicle VIOLATING CIVIL LIBERTIES? restrictions, a letter will be sent1 to the parents of all freshmen and i sophomores urging "as strongly as posile the students not bring iea ov n cars toeschool except in "very un- usual circumstances."} -Dafly-Andy the Anderson Room Sacks ze fion debates crin The elimination of the regula- tions for all students , except freshmen had been recommended by a joint University-City com- mittee in June. Previously, only seniors, gradu- ate students and students over 21 were permitted to have cars in the campus area. In recommending the action on vehicles, Vice President for Student Affairs Richard L. Cut- ler said "a recent attorney gen- eral's ruling makes doubtful the Regents authority to regulate the use of motor vehicles on public, streets. "The effect of totally removing! restrictions," Cutler said, "is notI likely to create unreasonable; traffic problems." In recommending the Regents extend the experimental liberal- ized dormitory regulation Cutler said "the visitation policy has' been extremely successful." The board of governors and other residential halls staff have "made clear that premarital in- tercourse and cohabitation will not be tolerated," Cutler assured the Regents. Under the new policy the staff "actually makes more effectiver their efforts to deal with deviant behavior," Cutler added. The entire policy's operationi will be examined in the coming1 year for reaffirmation or modifi-< cation by the Regents In June,E 1969. By NADINE COIIODAS' The lines between prosecution and defense were regularly drawn, during yesterday's opening three seminars of the Institute of Con- tinuing Legal Education's two day meeting on Criminal Law and the# Constitution: The Expanding Revolution., As might have been expected, the law enforcement officers, prosecutois and judges most often supported views granting broader police powers while attorneys and law professors generally upheld the position of the suspected and accused. Over five hundred lawyers, law professors, judges, and law en- ping by law enforcement agencies. forcement officers gathered in Robert G. Blikey, professor of Rackham Aud. for three continu- law at Notre Dpme and former ous seminars on Wiretapping & rackets prosecutor for the U.S. Electronic Eavesdropping, Search Department of Justice, was the & Seizure - Stop & Frisk, and opening speaker for the wiretap- Addiction & Alcoholism, ping seminar. Today's seminars will cover Ju- Blakey's talk, "The Wiretap- venile Rights, Police Interrogation ping-Bugging Debate" asserted & ,Confessions, and Criminal Jus- that fears over lack of privacy tice During & After Civil Dis- I from the threat of tapping can orders, ' be dispelled "by the circulation of Tip e *i .. .are . -n I accurate information.". .; .y -1 ae seminars are based on re- cent Supreme Court decisions in- volving stop and frisk rulings and alcoholism as well as the recently signed Omnibus Crime bill which; permits more extensive wiretap- In New York County, for ex- ample, Blakey claims the district attorney's office "has averaged since 1958 only 75 wiretap orders and only about nineteen bug or-, Dubeek asks followers to fight attempts to thwart liberalization PRAGUE UP)h-Party chief Alex- antler Dubcek, his opponents at home urged on by Czechoslova- kia's orthodox Communist neigh- bors, called on his CommunistI followers yesterday to fight any attempt to thwart the govern- ment's liberalization campaign. A party Central Committee meeting, from which .his oppo- nents apparently were absent, en- dorsed Dubcek against Soviet- backed hard-liners and the armed 35,000-man militia they, control. Also supporting Dubcek, Pre- ' mier Oldrich Cernik appeared o . television and told Czechoslovaks: "We do not want to become a sub- ject of international bargaining." He urged calm in the face of out- de pressure. In a move apparently calcu- lated to exert psychological press- ure on the Prague reformers, So- viet Defense Minister Andrei A. Grechko cut short a visit to Al-j geria and returned to Moscow. Soviet Marshal Ivan I. Yaku- bovsky, commander of Warsaw Pact forces, flew back to Moscow while Soviet troops he had brought into Czechoslovakia for maneuvers that ended June 30 were reported moving toward So- viet territory. Czechoslovak offi- cials said earlier that the Soviets had promised the withdrawal would be completed by Sunday. Dubcek made his appeal as the Kremlin was asking the reform leadership to leave Prague and its hour-to-hour crsis mood for talks Monday or Tuesday in the Soviet Union. Dubcek had no comment on the request, but pre- pared for meetings to with leaders of other Communist parties, ap- parently to hear Czechoslovakia defend its reforms face to face. They were not named. With 16,000' Soviet troops still in the country, Dubcek went be- fore the ruling Communist party Central Committee and assailed' Moscow's open support of his Sta- linist opponents. Earlier yesterday, Pravda, the Soviet Communist party newspaper, had singled out the Czechoslovak People's Militia, a naramilitary force that backs age and determination to take action against right-wing forces as well as against attempts from left-wing sectarians to disrupt the party line.'" He said Czechoslovakia "neither can nor wants to return to the conditions which have been con- demned by the party once and for all." And he added: "Only 'incorrect methods of dealing with controversial views could lead to tragic consequences." Dubcek's reply seemed directed to a statement by Soviet President Nikolai V. Podgorny that his gov- ernment promised "all-around as- sistance and, support" for the Czechoslovak opponents of reform. us wanton Iflay .strike PITTSBURGH VP) - One of the largest locals in the United Steel- workers Union voted yesterday to strike the steel industry if a con- tract was not reached by next Thursday. The margin wap 6-1 in favor of a strike in the first strike vote taken in the USW's history. "We're tickled pink about this," said George .A. Pashkevich, vice president of Local 1104 at Lorain, Ohio. "I know the international will be pleased.", Pashkevich said 2,321 workers at U.S. Steel Corp.'s Lorain Works cast ballots. He said 1,954 workers ders per year," in a population where there are over two million phones ussd to make almost 14' billion phone calls per year. After a similar address by Sam- uel Dash, professor of law at Georgetown University, a panel including Blakey, Dash, former IDetroit police detective. chief Vincent Piersante, H. Richard Uviller, New York County Assist- ant district attorney, and William Walsh, Chairman of the ABA Criminal law section debated the. Omnibus bill provisions. Walsh vehemently stated that, wiretapping was especially unfa- vorable for lawyers since bugs in. their offices destroy the ability to keep lawyer-client discussions confidential. Terming the bill a "search war- rant for the brain", Walsh said any policeman who decides an emergency exists can tap or bug anyone or anyplace without" a court order. "This is an outrage," he said. Sharply disagreeing with Walsh, Dash said fear of invasion of pri- vacy would make "all criminal ac-' tivity shielded by somebody's right to privacy." Piersante asserted that police officers try to make judicious de- cisions before wiretapping or bugging. Examining the recent Court de- cisions on stop and frisk cases, Wayne La Fave, professor of law at the University of Chicago, pre- sented the main speech at the, Search & Seizure Seminar. La Fave gave a resume of three' important cases tried by the Su- preme Court where it upheld the constitutionality of stop and frisk police action. However, La Fave argued for more sharply defined criteria as to what constitutes stop and frisk and what consti- tutes search and seizure. Illinois Supreme Court Justice Walter Schaeffer, one of the panel, members, discounted the differ- ence between the two legal terms.' He said court decisions "do not depend on whether the seizure' is labeled a 'stop' and the search a 'frisk'." Assistant district attorney Uvil- ler agreed that a definition of terms here is not the major issue. He pointed out that regardless of court regulations many times there is a problem of communica- tion between the court And the policeman on the, street. Winding up the afternoon sem- inars, Peter Hutt delivered the major address on addiction and alcoholism. He pointed out the n.aH t o a . ,s ,ac , it'I some faculty members. At an open'hearing Thursday members. of the ad hpc group which is drafting three sections of the bylaw cpapter told'the Re- gents that passage of the pro- posals would seriously hamper their work. The bylaw changes stem from t'recommendations made in the Hatcher Commission 'Report on the Student Role in Decision- Making. The' Commission also recommendeddisciplinary author- ity be removed from the Jurisdic- tion of the Office of Student Af- fairs. The Regents took no action yes- terday on the proposal to rename the unit the- Office of Student Services but approved the ap- pointment of Prof. Barbara New- ell as interim vice president. One faculty member last night called the stripping of disciplinary, power from OSA "the end of an era." Indeed, problems caused by the sweeping authority gr.nted the vice president on October 21, 1966, were a prime factor in the crea- tion of the Hatcher Commission later that year. Student leaders expressed fa- vorable reactions to the Regental decision yesterday. "It is the only thing rational men could have done," Robert Neff, executive vice president of Student Government 'Council said., The Regental resolution said{ "the board would regard it as a sign of good faith on the part of those members of the faculty and students who are working on these bylaws if, as rapidly as p6ssible, Appoint athletics board By JOEL BLOCK Four students and four faculty members were appointed at yes- terday's Regents meeting to a newly-established advisory board on intramprals, recreation, and club sports. The board was created by the Regents during last February's re, organization of the athletic de- partment to advise Athletic Di- rector Don Canham on non-inter- collegiate athletics. Randolph 'Wise and Robin Wright, both juniors, were ap-- pointed to two-year terms on the board while senior Martha Dum- ford and grad student David Mild- ner were named to one-year seats. Wise is an economics major in the literary college. Last year he was athletic manager for Winchell House, winner ,of the residence halls all sports championship. Miss Wright is a sportswriter and sports night editor for The Daily. Miss Dumford is the new pres- ident of the Women's Athletic As- sociation while Mildner is an ac- t'ive member of the rugby club. *The four facultymembers ap- pointed by President Fleming and approved by the Regents are Prof. Douglas A. Hayes of the School of Business Administration; Prof. Loren S. Barrit of the School of Education; Prof. Samuel $. Clarls of the Engineering College, and Prof. Mary Reynolds of the, Nurs- ing School. Hayes is also on the Board in Control of Intercollegiate Athlet- ics. The board' will have 'five ex- officio members: 'Canham, Rod- ney Grambeau, head of the intra- mural department; Paul Hunsick- er, chairman of the men'sphysical education department; Marie Hartwig, chairman of the women's physical education department; and William Steude, director' of student-community relations. The student appointments were made by Fleming upon recommen- dation 'of student leaders. Starting next year, elections will be held for the intramural board seats in the same manner as seats on the Board in Control of Intercollegiate Athletics. The faculty members werecho- sen by Fleming from a panel nom- inated by the Senate Advisory Committee on University' Affairs. This process will continue in the future. Vice President for Academic Af- fairs' Allen Smith 'said after the meeting that' the next action of the intramural board will be up to Canham. "The matter i§,out of our hands and it is now the ath- letic director's prerogative to call a meeting'of the intramural board just as he does for the Board in Control of Intercollegiate- Athlet- Mrs. Huebner they submit redrafts of any of the bylaws now contained in Chapter Seven with-which they 'disagree," Student dissatisfaction with the bylaw draft centered on several sections of the proposal. Student leaders criticized a regulation in the bylaw that .no speaker spon- sored by a student organization may "urge the audience to take action which is prohibited by the rules of the University or which is illegal under Federal or Michi- gan law." Another controversial section of the proposal states that "respon- sibility for public meetings and programs must .be assumed for- mally by a pe son over 21 years of age who is a University student ., zuh