Seventy-seven years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under authority of Board in Control of Student Publications 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily exp ress the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. Huey P. Newton's testament- Pt. II THURSDAY, JULY 18 1968 NIGHT EDITOR: MARCIA ABRAMSONI Let's go see the Regents! T S AFTERNOON, the Regents will hear the views of students and fac- tlty members on the bylaw proposals emanating from the Hatcher Commission on the Role of Students in Decision- Making. Students should accept the Re- gents' invitation and attend the open hearing. The issues are admittedly complicated, but the underlying principles are simple: Students should make and enforce their own rules. This is not only a rephrasing of one of democracy's most fundamental axioms, it is also a principle which the University administration itself has en- dorsed for several years. Part of the dispute arises over apply- ing the principle. President Fleming claims an exception to the rule. It is his contention that when the misconduct in question is of a disruptive nature (a lock- in, for example) it affects not only stu- dents, but the entire "University com- munity." Disruptive conduct, in Fleming's view, strikes at the fundamental tenet of the University: the free and open in- terchange of ideas. As such, all the ele- ments of the community must share the responsibility of passing legislation on such behavior. BY SEPTEMBER or October, there will be a University Council composed of students, faculty members and adminis- trators to make rules covering disrup- tive incidents. Until then, Fleming has asked the faculties of the University's 17 schools and colleges to devise such rules on the college level. They have agreed, and as a result the President will ask the Regents today at their private session not to pass interim bylaws in lieu of the University Council. But there are flaws in this reasoning, flaws which students should bring to the Regents' attention at this afternoon's open hearing. Student Government Coun- cil last September passed two legally im- peccable rules on disruptive conduct (in fact, the faculties - at the advice of Second cls postage paid at Ann Arbor. Michigan 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Michigan. 48104. Daily except Sunday and Monday during regular summer session. Daily except Monday during regular academic school year. The Daily is a member of the Associated Press, te College Press Service, and LiberationNews service. Summer subscription rate: $2.50 per term by car- rier ($3.00 by mail); $4.50 for entire summer ($5.00 by mail). rall and winter subscription rate: $4.50 per term by carrier ($5 by mail); $8.00 for regular academic school year ($9 by mail). Summer Editorial Staff URBAN LEHNER ......................., Co-Editor DANIEL OKRENT ........................ Co-Editor LUCY KENNEDY ....... Summer Supplement Editor PHIL BROWN ........................ Sports Editor ANDY SACKS .......... ............ Photo Editor NIGHT EDITORS: Marcia Abramson, Jill Crabtree, John Gray, Henry Grix, Steve Nissen ASSISTANT NIGHT EDITORS: Nadine Cohodas, Stu- -art Gannes, Alison Symrosci Summer Business Staff RANDY RISSMAN ..... . ..:....... Business Manager JANE LUXON .................. Advertising Manager DEBBIE RIVERS .............. Circulation Manager PHYLLIS HURWITZ Classified Manager JOEL BLOCK ...,........ Asst. Advertising Manager Fleming and the Senate Advisory Com- mittee on University Affairs - have for the most part adopted SGC's rules as their own). If disruptive behavior affects the entire community, what is the logical justification for turning over the rule- making authority from one element of the community (students) to another (faculties)? The entire community will make the rules with the establishment of the University Council. If there is a need for rules in the interim, the rules should be made by students; certainly of all the elements of the community, students -who will be the objects of the regula- tions-have the clearest objective interest in the interim rules. FURTHERMORE, students should insist to the Regents that enforcement of any interim rules should be handled by a student judiciary, preferably Joint Ju- diciary Council. Once again a fundamen- tal democratic premise which the Uni- versity recognizes is at stake: Peers should be judged by peers. Under the fac- ulty procedures which have been devised at Fleming's behest, judiciaries domin- ated by faculty members would enforce the interim rules, on disruption. Students also have an interest in other bylaw proposals which the Regents may consider. The Committee on Communica- tions, another proposal mentioned in the Hatcher Commission Report, could po- tentially be a major first step toward creating a genuine "University Commun- ity." If the Regents agree to establish the Committee on Communications, stu- dents and faculty members would have a clear channel for reaching the adminis- tration and each other with their griev- ances. Students should ask the Regents to implement the Commitee on Commun- ications proposal. Finally, students should advise the Re- gents to delay consideration of the by- law proposal which would reorganize the Office of Student Affairs. The bylaw has been drawn up hastily, without suffi- cient time for review by students and faculty members. In various places it is legally sloppy, gives more power to the OSS instead of less, and violates the spirit of the Hatcher Commission Report. Reorganization of OSA is not a particu- larly pressing Issue, and there is no rea- son why the Regents should ratify an inferior proposal. TrHE REGENTS have been very gracious and open-minded in creating the open hearing system to listen to student opinion on matters of University policy which they find crucial. Although at-, tendance at some of the hearings has been considerable, it has been far from overwhelming. The issues which the Regents will dis- cuss today are of paramount importance to students. And the Michigan Union, where the hearings will be conducted, is one of the few air conditioned University buildings. Hopefully, every student with an opportunity will be there at 3 p.m. -URBAN LEHNER Co-Editor EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the second in a series of ar- ticles in which jailed Black Panther Party Minister of De- fense, 26-year-old Huey P. Newton, explains his group's philosophy and his own. New- ton is currently on trial on a charge of murdering one Oak- land policeman and attempting to murder a second. The inter- view was conducted by The Movement, a San Francisco radical newspaper, and was supplied to The Daily by Libe- ration News Service. Part Three will be published tomorrow. MOVEMENT: Would you like to be more specific on the con- ditions which must exist before an alliance or coalition can be forced with the predominantly white groups? Would you comment specifically on your alliance with the California Peace and Freedom Party? HUEY: We have an alliance with the Peace and Freedom Party. The Peace and Freedom Party has supported our program in full and this is the criterion for a coalition with the black revo- lutionary group. If they had not supported our program in full, then we would not have seen any reason to make an alliance with them, because we are the reality of the oppression. They are not. They are only oppressed in an ab- stract way; we are oppressed in the real way. -We are the real slaves! So it's a problem that we suffer from more than anyone else and it's our problem of lib- eration. Therefore we should de- cide what measures and what tools and what programs to use to become liberated. Many of the young white revolutionaries real- ize this and I see no reason not to have a coalition with them. MOVEMENT: Other b I a c k groups seem to feel that from past experience it is impossible for them to work with whites and impossible for them to form alliances. What do you see as the reasons for this and do you think that the history of the Black Panther makes this less of a problem? HUEY: There was somewhat of an unhealthy relationship in the past with the white liberals sup- porting the black people who were trying to gain their freedom. I think that a good example of this would be tpe relationship that SNCC had with its white liberals. I call them white liberals because they differ strictly from the white radicals. The relationship was that therwhites controlled SNC for a very long time. From the very start of SNCC until here re- cently whites were the mind of SNCC. They controlled the pro- gram of SNCC with money and they controlled the ideology, or the stands SNCC would take. The blacks in SNCC were completely controlled program-wise; they couldn't do any more than these white liberals wanted them to do, which wasn't very much. So the white liberals were not working for self-determination for the black community. They were in- terested in a few concessions from the power structure. They under- minued SNCC's program. Stokely Carmichael came along and, realizing this, started to follow Malcolm X's program of Black Power. This frightened man yof the white liberals who were supporting SNCC. Whites were afraid when Stokely cme along with Black Power and said that black people have a mind of their own and that SNCC would seek selfdetermination for the black community. The white liberals withdrew their support leaving the organization finan- cially bankrupt. The blacks who were in the organization, Stokely and H. Rap Brown, were left very angry with the white liberals who had been aiding them under the disguise of being sincere. They weren't sincere. THE RESULT was that the leadership of SNCC turned away from the white liberal, which was very good. I don't think they dis- tinguished between the white lib- eral and the white revolutionary, because the white revolutionary is white also and they are very much afraid to have any contact what- soever with white people. Even to the point of denying that the white revolutionaries could give support, by supporting programs of SNCC in the mother country. Not by making programs, not by being a member of the organiza- tion, but simply by resisting. Just as the Vietnamese people realize that they are supported whenever other oppressed people throughout the world resist. Because it helps divide the troops. It drains the country militarily and economic- ally. If the mother country radi- cals are sincere then this will defi- nitely add to the attack that we are making on the power struc- ture. The Black Panther Party's program is a program where we recognize that the revolution in the mother country will definitely 4 ' ways been a black group. We have always had an integration of mind and body. We have never been controlled by whites and therefore we don't fear the white mother country radicals. Our alliance is one of organized black groups with organized white groups. As soon as the organized white groups do not do the things that would benefit us in our struggle for lib- eration, that will be our departure point. So we don't suffer in the hangup of a skin color. We don't hate white people. we hate the oppressor. And if the oppressor happens to be white then we hate him. And right now in America you have the slave-master being a white group. We are pushing him out of office through revolution in this country. I think the respon- sibility of the white revolutionary will be to aid us in this. And when we are attacked by the po- lice or by the military then it will be up to the white mother country radicals to attack the murderers and to respond as we respond, to follow our program. MOVEMENT: You indicate that there is a psychological pro- cess that has historically existed in white-black relations in the U.S. that must change in the course of revolutionary struggle. Would you like to comment on this? HUEY: Yes. The historical re- lationship between black and white here in America has been the relationship between the slave and the master; the master being the mind and the slave the body. The slave would carry out the orders that the mind demanded him to carry out. By doing this, the master took the manhood from the slave because he stripped him of a mind. He stripped black people of their mind. In the pro- cess the slave master stripped himself of a body. As Eldridge Cleaver puts it, the slave master became the omnipotent admin- istrator and the slave became the super-masculine menial. This puts the omnipotent administrator into the controlling position of the front office and the super-mas- culine menial into the field. The whole relationship devel- oped so the omnipotenit adminis- trator and the super-masculine menial became opposites. The slave being a very strong body doing all the practical things, all of the work becomes very mas- culine. The omnipotent adminis- trator, in the process of removing himself from all body functions, realizes that he has emasculated himself. And this is very disturb- ing to him. So the slave lost his mind and the slave master his body. THIS CAUSED the slave mast- er to become very envious of the slave, because he pictured the slave as being more of man, being superior sexually, because the penis is part of the body. Theom- nipotent administrator laid dwn a decree when he realized his plan to enslave the black man had a flaw, when he discovered he had emasculated himself. He attempt- ed to bind the penis to the slave. He attempted to show that his penis could reach further than the super-masculine menial's pe- nis could. He said, "I, omnipotent administrator, can have access to the black woman." The super- masculine menial then had a npvcholoical attraction to the nipotent administrator decreed that this kind of contact would be punished by death. At the same time, in order to reinforce his sexual desire, to confirm, to assert his manhood, he would go into the slave quarters and have sexual relations with the black woman (the self-reliant Amazon). Not to be satisfied, but simply to confirm his manhood. Because if he can only satisfy the self-reli- ant Amazon, then he would be sure that he was a man. Because he doesn't have a body, he doesn't have a penis, he psychologically wants to castrate the black man. The slave was constantly seek- ing unity within himself: a mind and a body. He always wanted to be able to decide, to gain respect from his woman. Because women want one who can control. I gave this outline to fit a framework of what is happening now. The white power structure today in America defines itself as the mind. They want to control the world. They go off and plunder the world. They are the policemen of theworld, exercising control, es- pecially over people of color. THE WHITE MAN cannot gain his manhood, cannot unite with the body, because the body is black. The body is symbolic of slavery and strength. It is a bio- logical thing as he views it. The slave is in a much better situation because his not being a full man has always been viewed psycholo- gically. And it is always easier to make a psychological transition than a biological one. If he can only recapture his mind, recap- ture his balls, then he will lose all fear and will be free to deter- mine his destiny. This is what is happening at this time with the rebellion of the world's oppressed people against the controller. They are regaining their mind, and they are saying that we have a mind of our own. They're saying that we want freedom to determine the destiny of our people, thereby uniting their mind with their body. They are taking the mind back from the omnipotent ad- ministrator, the controller, the ex- ploiter. In America, black people are also chanting that we have a mind of our own. We must have free- dom to determine our destiny. It is almost a spiritual thing, this unity, this harmony. The unity of the mind and of the body, this unity of man with himself. CERTAIN SLOGANS of Chair- man Mao, I think, demonstrate this theory of uniting the mind with the body within the man. An example is his call to the in- tellectuals to go to the country- side. The peasants in the country- side are all bodies; they are the workers. And he sent the intel- lectuals there because the dicta- torship of the proletariat has no room for the omnipotent admin- istrator's; it has no room for the exploiters. So therefore he must go to the countryside to regain his body; he must work. He is really done a favor, because the people force him to unite his mind with his body,by putting them both to work. At the same time, the intellectual teaches the people political ideology, he educates them, thus uniting the mind and the body in the peasant. Their minds and their bodies are unit- ed, and they control their coun- try. I think this is a very good example of this unity and is my irpa of the nrpen+ man not only the warrior, the military fighter; he is also the military commander as well as the political theoretician. Debray says "Poor the pen without the guns, poor the gun without the pen," the pen being just an extension of the mind, a tool to write down con- cepts, ideas. The gun is only an extension of the body,' the ex- tension of our fanged teeth that we lost through evolution. It's the weapon, it's the claws that we lost; it's the body. The guerrilla is the military commander and the political theoretician all in one. In Bolivia, Che said that he got very little help from the Com- munist Party there. The Com- munist Party wanted to be the mind, the Communist Party want- ed to have full control of the guerrilla activity.-But they weren't taking part in the practical work of the guerrillas. The guerrilla on the other hand, is not only unit- A ed with himself, but he also at- tempts to spread this to the peo- ple by educating the villagers, giv- ing them political perspective, pointing out things, educating them politically, and arming the ipeople. Therefore the guerrilla is giving the peasants and workers a mind. Because they've already got the body, you get a unity of the mind and the body. Black people here in America, who have long been the workers, have re- gained our minds and we now have a unity of mind and body. Tomorrow: Guerrilla Beauty "t, 4".' '.XC :"iMURJ.RA Y KEMPT!O 7!,?, "1'eaW Fame and its mixedbledssings TELL the truth, when I offered myself as a candidate for dele- gate to the Democratic convention, it had not seriously occurred to me that anointment might follow. The opposition consisted of Rep. William Fitts Ryan, State Sen. Manfred Orenstein and Mrs. .Paniel Cox, all three infinitely experienced in the public portrayal of recti- tude and at least two quite sincere in its possession. But then Sen. McCarthy moved one of those mysteries of his with the waters, bring- ing me among other curious objects in with his tide. So, for the moment, I stand the equal of James A. Farley and Stanley Steingut and it takes the vote of the District Attorneys of the Bronx and Manhattan together to match my own. In addition to this cosmic joke on all my notions of social precedence and public order, there is the pleasure of having my inanities in conversation with politicians heard with a respect which they have never before received and no more now than ever deserve. But then politicians, from self-examination, have a habit of mistaking chance for genius. AS PROOF OF my high moral worth, I can testify that it was at least a week before I began to wonder whether more tangible pleasures might go with this new, if transient, majesty. This serpent entered my garden when one of the Vice President's agents told me he was counting no more than 30 McCarthy delegates as "hard core." Since McCarthy elected 62 delegates, 61 of them visibly more honorable than I, it was a natural assumption that any campaign to corrupt us by the bankers, the labor goons, the space contractors and others of Mr. Humphrey's coalition would have to begin with me. Make no mistake; hard core I'm not, but bigoted Bolshevik I am; if McCarthy falters, Benjamin Spock will be surprised to have one vote called out for him. BUT HOW delightful to endure six weeks of temptation. For five days, I sat by the phone waiting for Mr. Sidney Weinberg to ten- der a few stock options. But no one has called except the Internal Revenue Service in its customary tone; you might think that an Ad- ministration so much at my mercy would at least leave me alone until September. And so, in the awful absence of tangible tempta- tion, I have sought solace in scholarly works, namely "The Politics of National Convention Finances and Arrangements," just issued by the Citizens Research Foundation, in hopes of finding descriptions of the fleshpots awaiting. The first shock was the discovery that the average delegate to a Democratic convention normally contributes $288 a year to the state party organization. I let that pass on the excuse that' this would be an unprincipled thing for an insurgent to do; but then I was stopped by the estimate that the average delegate spends $455 of his own money at the convention. And I had never spent a nickel of my own money to witness or transact, the public business in my life. EVEN SO, New York seems to be more decent to us than some. Indiana and Iowa tax their delegates $250 apiece for the maintenance of their headquarters and hospitality suites; I am grateful to John Burns for sparing me the spectacle of my colleagues deriding my opin- ions while drinking whisky I have paid for. But there is at least the compensation of those corporation stay- ing us with flagons and comforting us with apples. There are chair cushions inscribed with the word, Life; roll call tally sheets, compli- ments of Newsweek; kits of drugs and cosmetics; convention tele- ...- .A--. * +m orm + f14 +ai1lnhone nmnanv a . . One of the worst cases of the grippe I've seen!" . .. t . 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