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July 18, 1968 - Image 1

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1968-07-18

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Ann Arbor art: Barefoot at the


.,.+ ti

The Ann Arbor Street Art Fair is
for staring.
People stare at. artists and artists
stare at people.
If you bump into someone, you
don't say "Excuse me," you stare.
At first, it is great fun, strolling
among the booths displaying varied
arts and crafts. You can listen to
Kate Edgerton, one of the numerous
"demonstrators", at the fair, spin
yarns for the spectators as she
pedals her 1967 model spinning
Across from her, Joyce Jones and
Jane Hawkins show the completion
of the weaving process on their

though it is too hot to walk bare-
foot in the street.
It's even too hot to buy an ice
cream cone to eat outside, you begin
to notice.
But you can still laugh when an
Ann Arbor high school artist offers
to paint your knee for fifty cents.
There is chalk available by the
engin arch, if you want to scribble
obi the sidewalk yourself. A man
stared, incredulous, while a matron-
ly lady said she "couldn't resist"
and scrawled a bunny on the pave-
The quality of the fair is, which
will last until Saturday, impressive
Judges began screening applicants
five years ago, and the nine year
old fair has steadily improved. This'
year there were applicants from 35

'states and the 350 artists here come
from nine different states.
There are woodcuts, serigraphs,
oils, Watercolors, metalwork, acrylic,
mosaic and every conceivable meth-
od of artistic expression.
Although many of the paintings
are uncannily like those of Andrew
Wyeth, and although much of the
pottery is not a niche above the
fare found in the Architecture and
Design Bldg., it is exciting to see
the whole business in the streets.
The business on the 'sidewalks is
booming too. The Ann Arbor mer-
chants, who help sponsor the fair,
in conjunction with their bargain
days, place their unsold or "partly
used" merchandise in sidewalk bins.
Their sales and air-conditioned in-
teriors lure almost as many spec-
tators as the art show.

But they are a little more careful
than the artists. Wary salesmen
guard the bins, staring at customers.
After a while, I'll bet even they
stop seeing things When they stare.
Assuredly, the street walkers and.ar-
tists lose their sensitivity to each
"It all gets to be like a blur go-,
ing by," Fran Rinkel, artist and
public relations director of the fair
says of the spectators.
"Some of them come in and talk,
and then they are people, not just
passersby," she continues..
"Hello," a girl, an artist, I knew
said to me. I glanced at her name
tag before I answered, not because'
I didn't know her name, but be-
cause I had becdme used to labeling
and assessing things at the fair be-
fore I enjoyed them.

"Aren't you bored, just sitting
here all day," I asked.
"No, not if it weren't so hot," she
replied. "I'm a vegetable at heart
I said I felt like the vegetable,
wandering up and down the aisles,
goggling and not seeing.
"I'm surprised at his wife," a
woman behind me said, while ap-
praising an arresting-and expensive
portrait of a Negro.
"I thought she would be prettier,"
she said.
"She's pretty,,' her husband said.
"I thought she would be prettier,"
she returned.
"It's the best pottery I've seen
here," a woman complimented an'

-Daily-Richard Lee


You walk

on, enthused even

See\AND, Page 5


3 ..

{F.. .

See editorial page
Vol. LXXVII I, NP. 47-S




Considerable cloudiness;
still hot and humid.




Ann Arbor, Michigan - Thursday, July 18, 1968

Ten Cents

Six Pc


ti . ...Six' s

Leaders urge students
to attend' open session


Regents to hold
bylaw hearing

Leaders are urging students to
* attend today's open Regents'
hearing on proposed revisions in
University student relations by-
The student leaders hope to
evoke maximum expression of
concern over controversial issues
involved in the restructuring of
A the Office of Student Affairs.
The meeting was originally
planned as a session where the
Regents could quetion the stu-
dents and faculty members on,
the ad hoc committee which has
prepared bylaw drafts on the Uni-
versity Council and Committee on

Establishment of both the
council and committee were rec-
ommended in the Report of the
Hatcher Commission on the Stu-
dent Role in University Decision-
Eric Chester, Grad, a member
of the ad hoc committee, said he
hoped students would attend the
meeting to insure that controver-
sial facets of University President
Robben Fleming's proposed revi-
sion of the OSA would be dis-
cussed. Fleming is to chair the
"Students should attend the
meeting to insure the session is a
dialogue rather than a cross-
examination," Chester said.

Sections of Fleming's proposed
bylaw draft which have come un-
der fire from Student Government
Council and Graduate Assembly~
officers include restrictions on
speakers sponsored by student or-
ganizations, and provision for im-
mediate discipline by instructors
of students who commit "offenses.
. against good order and proper
conduct" in classrooms or labor-
Students have also criticized the
creation in the draft of an "ad-
visory council" to aid the vice
president for student services.
Students insist the council should
be a policy-making group.
Robert Neff, executive vice pres-
ident of SGC, and a member of
the ad hoc committee, said the
presence of a large number of stu
dents at the meeting could forte
the Regents to hear arguments
against these provisions in addi-
tion to those already. presented
by student leaders.

Open meeting to include questioning
of ad hue student-faulty'committee
The Regents will hold anopen hearing at 3 p.m. today
to discuss proposals for bylaw'revisions Stemming from the
Hatcher Commission Report on the Student Itole in Decision
The Regents will ask student and faculty, opinions on
bylaws, recommending the establishment of a Committee on
Communication and a University Council to propose rules
governing the conduct of

Congressionala ation
'lholds student loans

Student loans under the Fed-
eral Education Act have become
more difficult to obtain as a re-
sult of the failure of Congress to
# renew the act which expired June
The act allowed students to
secure loans from banks at low
interest rates. The federal gov-
ernment paid all or part of the
interest while the state govern-
ment guaranteed the principal.
"When the federal bill died in
Congress last month, the state de-
partment of education advised
lending institutions not to dis-
burs any more loans until Con-
gress acted further," said state
Sen. Milton Zaagman (R- Grand
Rapids). '
"There has been some con-
fusion among students unable to
obtain these loans and some of
them have 'indicated they be-
lieved state officials were at
fault," Zaagman added.
- Zaagman believes somewhere
tbetween one and two million dol-
lars in future loans are affected
by Congressional inaction.
"I would assume that if banks
are refusing loans in my district,
they're probably doing it all over
the states," Zaagman explained.
He added he knew of at least two
*students in his district who were
refused loans,
However, Congress passed a,
resolution extending the original
hfgher education act until July.
31 or until new legislation is en-
Zaagman said the banks are
still not extending new loans be-
cause they believe that when the
new federal legislation is enacted,
the interest that the banks obtain '
will be raised.
"The banks could probably ob-
tain greater interest rates in-
vesting .in something else," Zaag-
1%nan explained.
Asked ' why Congress would
raise the interest rate on a loan
for which it was supplying the in-
terest, Zaagman said, "I think
there is a certain amount of pres-
sure on Congress to increase the
interest rate."
In addition, 'with money cur-
rently in tight supply, many lend-
ing institutions are reluctant to
lend money at simply 10 per cent
interest, which' most college loans
are, explained Zaagman.
Bill Lombis, Grad, an organ-
ier of the Committee for Reform

Ihigher education over the next
four years.
Authorizations have been run-
ning well ahead of actual money
requested by the administration,
The appropriation for 1968-69
was $1.46 billion, compared with;
the 2.6,billion "authorization.
Although these programs would
Include aid for both graduate' and
undergraduate students, they will
not be effective until the 1969-70
fiscal year, because of the finan-
cial problems now facing the gov-
The overall program would pro-
vide student loans and scholar-
ships but the House and Senate
versions differ on both the size
of the expenditure and on the
question of providing or denying
aid to students who participate in
campus riots or other serious dis-
The House measure as reported
by its Education and Labor Com-
mittee would bar such aid, with
guidelines to prevent abuse of the
authority by college officials.
The Senate would leave the de-
cision to college officials.
The House plans to act later
this week on a much narrower
version of the same program -
$3.4 billion over the next two{

Fleming has indicated some
modifications of the bylaw pro-
posal released Monday may be - 'Former RegentBriggs
made before the Regents are.r - - gs
scheduled to vote on the proposal
at their meeting tomorrow, How- TENTATIVE PACT:
ever, he declined to say what
changes were contemplated.
Other members of the ad hoc
committee who will be answering T e o r
questions from the Regents at
the hearing are SGC members
Tom Westerdale and Michael Da- By The Associated Press R
vis, Stuart Katz, president of The American Telephone and tion
G r a d u a t e Assembly, Steve Telegraph Co. and 24,000 long- lar
Schwartz, Grad, William Haber, distance service employes reached for
former dean of the literary college tentative agreement yesterday on R
and newly appointed advisor to a contract the company said tial
Fleming, Dean James Robertson would cost $36 million dollars over Wo
of the Residential College, Prof. the next three years. put
Leonard Greenbaum of the Eng- Federal mediator Robert E. mil
lish department and Prof. Rob- Kennedy announced the agree- I
ert Knauss of the Law School. ment, which must be ratified by ope
Several student members of the the union rank-and-file. clei
ad hoc committee have indicated A strike would have affected CW
they will refuse to continue work- communications at the national $3.6
ing on the bylaws if the Regents political conventions in Miami ben
adopt the controversial bylaw Beach and Chicago. T
draft. However, communications for stal
Fleming has said any demon- the Democratic convention in Chi- bia,
stration against the bylaw could cago remained in jeopardy be- and
prove "disastrous" to students be- cause of a strike at the Illinois trie
cause it would result in the Re- Bell Telephone Co. P
gents toughening the provisions An AT&T spokesman described diff
of the bylaw dealing with student the settlement as a three-year ex- In
conduct and disruptions of the tension of a contract that would prev
University. have expired January 1970. to $

and Regent Brown at March open hearing

ie strike averte

Ralph W. Merrill, labor rela-
ins 'manager, said it was the
gest settlement ever negotiated
long line employes.
Robert T. Minnery, chief nego-
tor for the Communications
rkers of America, AFL-CIO,
the three-year cost at $36
lion. 1°
ndustry-wide, the long distance
rators, plant craftsmen, and
rical workers represented by the
A averaged slightly more than
60. an hour in wages and fringe
These employes work in 46
tes and the District of Colum-
manning interstate networks
overseas links with 20 coun-
'rovisions of the new contract
er %across the country..
n New York City, where the
vious wages ranged from $73.50
101.50 for operators and from

defends advisory role

$82.50 to $167.50 for craft
the hikes would work this wa
Traffic and clerical emp
would get $16 a week more di
into $8 the first year, $4 the
and, and $4 the third year.
Craftsmen would get $
week, $12 the first year and
each of the next two years.
The contract also provide
shorter wage hike schedule
operators and clerks, higher
iday and night pay, incr
travel payments and an addi
al holiday in some cities.
Meanwhile in Chicago, str
electrical workers rejected
terday a new wage proposal o
Illinois Bell Telephone Co
settling a dispute that thre
removal of the Democratic
tional Convention from Chica
Robert A. Nickey, chairma
the local of the Internat
Brotherhood of Electrical Wor
said the union has filed an
fair labor charge against Il
Bell with the National Labor
lations Board.
He told a news conference
Democratic convention "u
tunately has become an iss
the strike."
"We did not want it so," N
He said the telephones
pany's latest offer "is not a
one, it is a revised offer o
old one seeking a three-year
Clyde C. Boylls, assistant.
president of the company,
the offer would grant pay r
from $1.50 to $3.50 a week hi
than offered in the earlierc
pany proposal but that the
crease in the total money p
age is "probably not too mt
Nickey said there still is a
time for agreement and to c
plete preparations for the D
cratic national convention sc
uled to open in Chicago Aug
"if a settlement is reached so
Illinois Bell has offered a th
year contract carrying a 1
k9.17 r 'n_nal,. lr~n y r i. a fni.

members of the University
The meeting is scheduled for
the Anderson Room of the Union
The Regents questions will be
directed at members of the ad hoc
committee on students and ' fac-
ulty which has drafted the bylaw
h. proposals.
The. Regents are also expected
to discuss the recent controversy
over a proposal of University
President Robben W. Fleming to
restructure the Office of Student
Affairs and another disagreement
over interim rules on disruptive
student conduct, although '\these
questions are not officially on the
Fleming's proposal has been
criticized by student leaders who
claim they were not consulted by.
the president on the drafting of
smen, the bylaw.
sy ' They also questioned several
y sections of the plan which theyl
loyes said copflicted with present Uni-
vided versity !policy and the recommen-
sec- dations of the Hatcher Commis-
24 a Robert Neff, executive vice
$6 for president of Student Governmenti
Council, said last night several!
s for student members of the ad hoc
s for committee will refuse to continue
hol- working on the bylaws if the Re-
eased gents adopt controversial sections
ition- of Fleming's proposal.
"This is not necessarily to be
iking taken as a threat," Neff said. "It.
yes- arises from a very serious concern
A the that our work will be jeopardized
. for if this bylaw is passed."
atens f One section of Fleming's pro-,
Na- posal which students have ipost
)go. sharply criticized places restric-
En of tions on, speakers brought to cam-
ional pus by student organizations.
rkers, The bylaw bans outside speakers
un- who urge the audience to violate
linois University, state, or federal laws,
Re- or who advocate the modification
of the United States government
e the by violence or sabotage.
nfor- Another controversial section,
ue in of the proposal states ,that "all
offenses against good order and
ickey proper conduct committed in any
classroom in the presence of any
com- instructor may be dealt with sum-
new marily by the instructor."

A tentative 'agreement has been
reached between striking, Carpen-
ters Local 512 and the W shtenaw
County General Contractors and
Home Builders Association of Ann
Arbor (GCA-HBA), spokesmen
for the union bargainling commit-
tee said yesterday.
The carpenters' strike is one of
rfour union strikes which have de-
layed the start of all new ;con=
struction in Washtenaw County,
including construction' for the
University. Previously-contracted
jobs have continued.
The carpenters' bargainingteam
accepted a new contractors-build-
ers wage contract which increases
wages over a two-year period.
Carl Weber, president of the
local, declined to disclose the
amount of the wage settlement.
The strike began in May.
Final agreement on the con-
tract cannot be reached until 'it
is ratified by local'members, who
will vote on' the contract Monday.
The union will close down all
previously-begun construction jobs
Monday to allow carpenters time
to vote, Weber said.
The carpenters' bargaining
committee also will recommend
the wage proposal to the general
membership in other locals of the
carpenters' South Central Dis-
Ratification procedures will
take place in all locals Monday.
Votes will be tallied from Lansing,
Jackson and Adrian as well as
Am Arbor.
Another union, Tro'wel Trades
Local 14, which has been on strike
since May 1, yesterday resumed
negotiations with the GCA-HBA.
Negotiations had been called off
June 25.
GCA-HBA at yesterday's meet-
ing offered a wage increase of
$1.60' per hour over two years,
said Local 14 president Joseph
However, - at a', membership
meeting Tuesday some 100 trowel
tradesmen voted unanimously to
reject the offer. Wojtowicz said
the offer was "too little, too late."
GCA-HBA made the offer with-
out any change' in the language
of the'contract.The trowel trades
local had been, bargaining for
some new clauses' and 'deletions in
the old contract.
Wojtowicz said the trowel
tradesmen are asking for a $2.50
per hour increase over two years.
Two Detroit building trades un-


union may
end strike

WASHINGTON (R) - Justice
Abe Fortas acknowledged yes-
terday calling a top business-
man and "dear friend" to com-
plain about a statement that
,the Vietnain War was balloon-
ing President Johnson's budget.
"I am a justice of the Su-
preme Court but I am still a
citizen," Fortas told the Senate
Judiciary Committee. He re-
fused, at the same time, to say
if the President had suggested
he make the call.
Sen. Sam J. Ervin Jr. (D-
N.C.) brought up the incident
after Fortas read off a list of
Supreme Court justices who
have assisted Presidents while
on the bench. The practice, he
said, began with the advice
Chief Justice John Jay gave
President; George Washington

The businessman F o r t a s
called was not identified at the
hearing. He evidently was Ralph
Lazarus of Cincinnati, board
chairman of Federated Depart-
ment Stores. Lazarus declined
comment on Fortas' testimony.
Lazarus, in a meeting of the
Business Council in Hot Springs,
Va., in May. 1967, estimated es-
calation of the Vietnam war
would add $5 billion to John-
son's defense budget.
Ervin referred to an article
in the New York Times maga-
zine, 'June 4, ,1967.
The senator} asked Fortas if
he had made the call to Laz-
arus "on your own volition, or
at the request of someone."
Fortas said he had spoken to a
"dear friend" as a citizen about
an incorrect view of the ex-
nPcs,,ca 4',nlvrA in the Uiltamn

f an
uch "~
g. 26
4' an



First Columbia
NEW YORK M) - Two Co-
lunbia University coeds were or-
dered yesterday to serve 15-day
jail sentences and pay $250 fines
for their part in the demonstra-
tions that paralyzed the campus'
last spring.
The two were the first of the
Columbia demonstrators to be
In all, about 300 Columbia stu-.
dents have been ordered to stand
trial in the fall on charges stem-

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