THE BLACK PANTHER PARTY See editorial page :L 4i&1zrn DON'T ASK High-93 Low-60 sunny and humiU all day x Six Pages Vol. LXXVIII No. 46-S Ann Arbor, Michigan - Wednesday, July 1 7,1968 Ten Cents Bell refuses arbitration, Con vention threatened Ask Regents to post pone OSS Students demand participation in decisions oni restructuring ' t tY,-n 4.t I...... By The Associated Press CHICAGO - Plans for the Democratic National Convention remained up in the air yesterday as the Illinois Bell Telephone Co. rejected binding arbitaration of its long dispute with communica- tion installers. At the same time the union, the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers,rejected a Bell proposal, first advanced by Mayor Richard J. Daley, that conven- tion installations be farmed out to contractors independent of Bell, The 70-day strike has threat- ened removal of the convention, scheduled to start Aug. 26, from Chicago. Bell said that if the dis- pute were ended immediately, it couldeput in service more than 70 per cent of that required for the' big political meeting. John M. Bailey, chairman of the Democratic National Commit- tee, has warned that the conven- tion may be moved if the strike is not settled by July 28. However, Bailey said yesterday, "We will have no statement ex- cept that, at this time, we still, plan to hold the convention in Chicago." SOME HOPEj Bailey expressed regret at the latest impasse but added, "We still hold out some hope of get- ting the job done in Chicago." In Miami sources promised Florida will *"throw open the cash drawer" and Republican Gov. Claude Kirk will' "be a good boy" if the Democrats move their a- tional convention here from Chi- cago. Preparations are almost com- plete for the Republican Na- tional Convention starting here Aug. 6. It would be a simple matter for the Democrats to move in and use the same facilities. A top Florida Democrat who is close to President Johnson said Democratic National Chairman John Bailey told him, if the tele- phone strike "isn't settled by Aug. 1, there would be''no other place for the party to go but Miami Beach." Robert A. Nickey, chief nego- tiator for the IBEW Systems Council T-4, said "nothing doing" on the company's contracting-out proposal. By TEVE NISSEN Both sides remained firm yesterday in the student- administration controversy over a proposal for the reorgani- zation of the Office of Student Affairs which President Rob- ben W. Fleming plans to bring to the Regents Friday. The proposal, written in the form of a new Regental by- law, drew sharp criticism Monday from student leaders who demanded Fleming withdraw the plan from the Regents' agenda. The students met yesterday to draft a letter to the Re- gents protesting Fleming's decision to act on the bylaw pro- posal this week. The letter, which is signed 'by Stuart Katz, president of Graduate Assembly, Robert Neff, executive vice president of Student Government Council, and three other student lead- ers, asks the Regents to delay action on Fleming's proposal. Fleming has said he will not withdraw the proposal and last night he reaffirmed that deci- returnIto slion. "A new bylaw chapter has got to go to the Regents at this time," hesaid. mdfcto: A ~ a tim weerseveral modifications However, eeraal in the bylaw draft released Mon- ;, : -Daily-Eric Pergeaux If I had a hammer. .. Industrious art fans braved yesterday's heat and humidity to construct booths for participants in the annual Ann Arbor Art Fair. The fair begins today, and features original work by local artists as well as out-of-town masters. Ann Arbor merchants will show their appreciation as well as their business sense by drastically reducing the prices of their summer goods. POLI SCI POSITION: Famous China expert named to teach graduate seminars -associatea kress Panthers keep watch in Oakland ,Deny request to6 halt Panther leader's trial) day may be made before the Re- gents vote on the proposal, Flem- ing indicated. He declined to say what changes are being:. contem- plated. The letter to the Regent com- plains that students did" not have "the opportunity to participate in the formulation of this document."y "There are a number of points. with which we strongly disagree," the letter states. "We are forced to reject the document in toto." The controversy centers on sev- eral sections of the new bylaw. Students objected to restrictions in the proposal on speakers spon- sored by student organizations. From Wire Service Reports OAKLAND, Calif. - The sec- nd day of Black Panther leader uey Newton's murder trial was completed yesterday with jury se- lection still not begun and with a fifth court refusing to stop the proceedings. Newton is charged with the killing last October of Oakland policeman John F. Frey, 23, in a tshootout that wounded another officer and Newton. Gregory re lased fromjal * OLYMPIA, Wash. ,) - Co- median Dick Gregory, weakened/ by a self-imposed fast of almost six weeks, was released from Thurston County Jail late yes- terday. I Superior Court Judge Hewitt Henry, acting on a petition *rought by the black presidential candidate's attorney, o r d e r e d Gregory released as a trusty-at- large for the 15-day balance of a 90-day sentence Jack Tanner, Gregory's attor- ney from nearby Tacoma, said the candidate had taken only listilled water since he went to jail June 7. Gregory, sentenced on an ille- gal net fishing charge for his part in an Indian fishing rights demonstration in 1966, said he would fast to call attention to Indian civil rights problems. . 44 Before making' his decision, Judge Henry turned to Gregory, who was sitting quietly at the at- torney's table dressed in white Jail coveralls and slippers. "Is this alleged fast causing you physical discomfort?" the judge asked. "Yes," Gregory replied. Noting the problem in the case at this time was Gregory's physi-' cal condition, Henry said the con- dition was "imposed on you by your own will." "If this matter were brought up a month ago I would not have -onsidered it," Henry said. *Then he said he would sign an1 order releasing Gregory on a trusty-at-large status, which, in effect, cancels the remainder of the jail sentence. The 35-year-old Gregory told newsmen as he left the court- house that the "first thing I'm The U.S. Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals turned down defense re- quests for a trial stay and habeas corpus writ based on a claim that Newton's prior felony conviction was illegal and a peril to his de- fense. Seven floors below, on the streets around the courthouse, a peaceful crowd of about 200 per-' sons, including some 100 Panthers, gathered. Garry, 'said he foresaw the Ap- peals court action and had filed for a writ of certiorary Monday night with the U.S. Supreme Court In refusing the request, Chief Appeals Judge Richard H. Cham- bers suggested a move to the nation's highest court, or an ap- peal after the trial. While the defense maneuvering was going on in San Francisco, the Superior Court of Judge Mon- roe Friedman in Oakland where the trial began Monday, was the scene of a drawn-out attack on the Alameda County jury selec- tion system. Garry had filed a motion Mon- day to quash the master panel of more than 7,000 potential jurors. Arguments over this motion lasted all day Monday and yes- terday. The court has not 'yet come to a decision. See editorial page Garry launched his attack on the jury selection process by ques- tioning the man in charge, court secretary Edward T. Schnarr, who told how panelists are chosen from registered voters all over the county. From another witness, a Uni- versity of California sociologist, Jan Vizari, he drew testimony that West Oakland is predomi- nantly Negro but has the lowest percentage of registered voters of any district in the county. Garry argued that this preclud- ed selection of a Jury that could give a Negro a fair trial. Vizari, an assistant professor of sociology, said his study was based on the 1960 census, but that any changes since then would only have made the situation worse. He said West Oakland was 71.3 per cent Negro in 1960, but that only 52.5 per cent of the residents were registered voters. This was the lowest rate for the county, he said, with South Oakland show- ing 75.2 per centregistered to vote, and Hayward 83.4 per cent. Under examination by Asst. Dist. Atty. Lowell Jensen, the court secretary said that he had no policy of his own for the sys- tepmaic'e xclusion of Negroesin Allen Whiting, one of the West- tions. He will also work with Prof. ern world's top authorities on Alexander Eckstein in the Center Communist China's foreign pol- for Chinese Studies on an exten- Icy, will join the University facul- sive study on China which Eck- ty next month as a professor of stein is directing under a $900,000 political science. Ford Foundation Grant. The Regents will confirm Whit- Whiting has been deputy to the ing's appointment at their July United States Consul General in Hong Kong since 1966. He has meeting Friday. served with the State Department Whiting will teach a graduate since 1961. first with a special seminar on international rela- studies group and later as director NeW free iiniverse tv - . Under this arrangement con- T _'IN' tractors independent of the Bell company would make the instal phitheatre, the convention hall,o Nickey insisted however that By ANN MUNSTER "the convention in Chicago is not B dead." The newly organized Ann Arbor He said his men would be back Free School has set up a program to work in three days if the com- of about fourteen courses in vari- pany would agree to binding ar- ous stages of formation. School bitration. organizers say more courses can be readily added to the curriculum REDUCED COVERAGE if enough interest in them is The television networks have shown. of the Office of Research Analysis for the Far West. and " in.. : T k.. V ...' - P.. W trriculum don't know a great deal about yet." it said that reduced coverage of the convention is a possibility if the strike is not settled quickly. Mayor Daley said he was "great- ly disappointed" by the company's rejection of the arbitration pro- posal. Nickey said the union has pre- pared charges of unfair labor practices against the company and that they will be filed with the National Labor Relations Board today if the company does not agree to arbitrate by then. The statewide walkout of 11,800 electrical workers started May 8. It has delayed installation of equipment needed for radio and television coverage of the con- vention. Topics for the courses planned' so far vary widely, and the struc- tures outlined for the courses are even more diverse. For example a drama workshop is planned which will undertake all the tasks involved in produc- ing a play. Members of a film course being offered will make a movie. Another group plans to study existentialism. They will probably limit themselves to discussing works by Nietzche and Sartre, and' will begin by reading Nietzche's Thus Spake Zarathustra. "It is basically a common in- terest group," said Pete Samuel- son, a member. "It is for people interested in existentialism who A creative writing workshop is being organized by Don Dorrance, associate editor of Overflow mag- azine. "Knowing what young; writers go through, I had already been meeting with some of them, criticizing their work and discuss- ing it with them," he said. When the Free School was started, Dorrance decided to try to incorporate his informal pro- gram into it. Over twenty people have indicated an interest so far. Dorrance plans to break them into groups of five or six, accord- ing to the kind of writing they want to do and the writing expe- rience they have. A course entitled "Total Assault on the Culture" will also be fea- tured in the Free School curricu- lum. John Sinclair, one of the class' organizers, described the course as "a workshop to train people to be cultural guerillas." The ultimate aim of the course, Sinclair says, will be to "infiltrate See FREE, Page 2 He is a graduate of Cornell and Columbia universities and holds a certificate from Columbia's Rus- sian Institute. He joined the. Northwestern University faculty in 1951 as an instructor in political) science before he completed his doctorate. From 1953 to 1955, Whiting studied the Chinese revolution in Japan, Hong Kong and Taiwan as a Ford Foundation fellow, con- centrating on Sino-Soviet rela- tions. Whiting taught at Michigan State University, from 1953 to 1955 where he. was an assistant professor in the political science department. During that time he also served as a consultant to the RAND Corp. in Santa Monica, Calif. He worked full time doing social re- search for RAND from 1957- 1961. Whiting is the author of "So- viet Policies in China, 1917-24," "Lynamics of International Rela- tions," "Sinkiang: Pawn or Povit?" "China Crosses the Yalu,'' and the China section of "Modern Political Systems." A member of the American Po- litical Science Association, Whit- ing is also affiliated with the As- sociation of Asian Studies and Americani Slavic Association. Whiting's appointment was pro- posed by Prof. Samuel J. Elders- veld, chairman of the political science department. Eldersveld called Whiting "one of the out- standing academic authorities on China and the Far East." Prof. Robert Ward, former di- rector of the Center for Japa- nese Studies, said, "If one were td pick the outstanding senior scholar on China today, one would select Whiting." LONDON (P) -=James Earl Ray gave up is battle against extra- dition yesterday and agreed to re- turn to the United States for trial. on charges of assassinating. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. He is expected to fly home un- der heavy guard in the next few days for trial in Memphis, Tenn., in the shooting of the Nobel laureate there last April 4. Ray, an escaped convict from the Missouri State Penitentiary, was arrested in London June 8. He has steadily claimed his innocence' of the killing. , A legal informant said Ray signed a statement declaring he would not pursue an appeal in the British High Court against a Magistrate's Court order July 2 extraditing him to the United States. The statement, signed yester- day morning at a conference with his court-appointed British law- yer, cut short a complicated legal case which had little chance of success. Peoplei'-who talked to Ray re- cently in Wandsworth prison -said he had been growing restless and tired of waiting. Another factor was the news that the British had refused to continue legal aid for his appeal. He had been granted free legal service for the lower court case. Ray's statement was signed in an irregular: , hand, "Ramon George Sneyd," the alias under which he had been since his arrest. It said, "I have made 'this deci- sion after considering all the facts, and I believe that this is the best course of action for me to adopt." King's murder was a political crime and therefore he could not be extradited under British law. But he apparently decided several days ago to drop the appeal, which had been set for the High Court before three British judges on July 29. His American lawyer, Arthur J. Hanes of Birmingham, Ala., is flying to London and is due here this morning. He may ask for per- mission to accompany Ray home, but U. S. officials indicated this request would be turned down. President Fleming - Another controversial -section states that "all offenses of stu- dents against good order and proper conduct committed in any classroom or laboratory in the presence of an instructor may be dealt with summarily by the in- structor." Student leaders criticized this section, claiming it offers no pro- visions for due process. They also criticized the creation in the bylaw of an "advisory coun- cil" to aid the vice president for student services. The council, the students insist, should be a policy making group rather than an ad-+ visory committee.', 1 A RELEVANT PERSPECTIVE - ; .., Honors courses: Black history is beauti ful , ° By HENRY GRIX Sometimes it is easier to for- get. But black historian Harold W. Cruse is going to be at the University next year encourag- ing students to remember. Cruse, author of the 1967 §ur- vey The Crisis of the Negro In- tellectual, will conduct two sem- inars in black history for hon- ors and other qualified upper- classmen. In the fall, he will teach His- tory 393, a three credit-hour, course in The American Cross Cultural Phenomenon in Black and White: Interpretations and Reevaluations. ville to Stokely, Carmichael to Marshall McLuhan. But Cruse is determined to make his history vital. Using his own 600 page vol- ume as a basic text, Cruse hopes to work out "how black and white history ought to be taught in relation to each other,' Cruse contends that the "one- sided racial view" of history usually taught "can't explain, the American phenomenon at all." ,Cruse was invited to conduct the seminars by Prof. Otto Graf, of the German department, di- rector of the literary 'college honors program: Graf was im- pressed by the author's deter- ± Negro, Graf feels Cruse is ad- vocating a return to the "eight- eenth century theories defining culture in terms of the indigen- ous, pristine, least alien influ- ences in a society," However, Prof. Marvin Fel- heim of the English and Amer- ican Studies departments ex- plains Cruse does not invite a revision to African nationalism or a push toward increased black separatism. Instead, Felhein says, Cruse is making a plea for pluralism while attacking the failures of the Negro community and "the forces of the white community that have misled the Negro: the political parties, -abor, the lib- .: :,