IT'S NOT OVER YET See editorial page Lit~g~ 6 oar 743 4w. a Itt COOL High-58 Low--40 Showers today, warmer tomorrow Vol. LXXVIII, No. 4-S Ann Arbor, Michigan, Saturday, May 4, 1968 Ten Cents NWU hold blacks building Guarded optimism surrounds Ask segregated dormitories, p increased black enrollment for Paris meeting .:\ By JIM HECK Special To The Daily EVANSTON, Ill.-A band of 110 black students at North- mstern University continued to hold the university's business office last night and leaders said they would remain in the building until President J. Roscoe =Miller grants them a series of demands. There are approximately 125 black students in North- western's enrollment of 6,400. - Administrative officials met through the afternoon and evening but refused any comment. They planned to confer with the blacks after a conference late last night. Emerging from a meeting held in the late afternoon withj Surgeon treneral the blacks, Dean of Students SColumbi a considers NEW YORK OP)-One of Colum- bia University's most eminent scholars said yesterday the insti- tution's lay board of trustees is prepared to bow to student mili- tants to a degree and "to relin- quish authority." "They are willing to consider the delegation, or the sharing of authority, so far as it is good for the university," English Prof Lionel Trilling told a news con- ference. He is a member of a faculty 4 mediation committee born during days of violent student demon- strations that have rocked the uptown Columbia campus. Both the students and the teaching staff have demanded a greater voice in university policy. After his committee had inau- gurated a series of discussions with the trustees, Trilling-said the board is aware that "some changes in the university are needed." "A degree of normalcy will be established before the end of the term," the 62-year-old Trilling predicted. "There will be a will- ingness among the students to want a resumption of normalcy." Columbia resumed operations on a small scale during the day, and a band of still rebellious stu- dents failed in their initial effort to promote a boycott of classes. However, a demand for the res- ignation of Columbia President Grayson Clark was abandoned by the militants. Most divisions of the Ivy League university remained closed in the 11th day of a disruptive student demonstration. Columbia has an over-all student body of 25,381. However, classes were held at the Law School, Teachers' College and the Graduate School of Jour- nalism. The attempt to organize a classroom strike began after Kirk summoned 1,000 city police onto the campus last Tuesday to clear five buildings occupied by dem- onstrators. There were 720 ar- rests and more than 150 minor injuries. Roland J. Hinz said the blacks ""expressed a serious concern" and that the administration had not yet considered their action "acts of violence." Earlier Hinz had forbidden the Evanston police to converge on the building, but divisions from the Cook County Sheriff's Office patrolled the area. The policemen, numbering as many as 30, carried aerosol cans of Mace, even though the U.S. Surgeon General had an- - nounced earlier yesterday that po- t lice use of the drug may be harm- ful. J s Th'e black students are demand- - Ing an increase in the university's enrollment of blacks, segregated black living units, more black r studies courses, and a black stu- f dent union. The blacks, members of the . Afro-American Student Union and For Members Only groups, let it be known that if police enter the bursar's office, the university's complex computer control net- work located in the building would be damaged. Students entered the building at 7 a.m. yesterday morning. By afternoon 20 other white students seized control of Hinz's office in sympathy with the blacks. After Chicago's two evening newspapers - the American and Daily News - began circulating, black spokesman James Turner said that no more information would be given to the press. "''We made every attempt to work closely with the press," Tur- ner explained, "for an objective description of what is going on, butinstead we are now getting reports from the news services that we are leading a rebellion demanding that black-eyed peas be served at dinner." f hits Mace By DAVID MANN U.S. Surgeon General William H. Stuart issued a warning yes- terday that the chemical Mace, used for riot control, may have more than a temporary effect on the eye. The warning, in a letter sent to all state and local health offi- cers, stated law enforcement offi- cials should be advised that prompt treatment be given to those on whom the chemical is used. Law enforcement officials in some cities, including Ann Arbor, have already suspended use of the chemical pending reports on its possible detrimental effects. Ann Arbor Police Chief Walter E. Krasny said that although the* chemical was still in stock, rit would not be used until the re- sults of an analysis of the ef- fects of Mace currently being done by the University's pharma- cology department showed that it had no permanently harmful side effects. 'If the study indicates, that the chemical may be harm-I ful, it will not be used as a non lethal weapon, said Krasny. The police initiated use of Mace on an experimental basis in February. Its use was suspend- ed, pending results of the analy- sis, in March by City Council following debate prompted by two incidents involving the use of Mace. Ezra Rowry, Ann Arbor CORE chairman, commenting on Kras- ny's statements regarding Stu- art's warning, said that "All Kras- ny wants is permission to use Mace, regardless,4 of its conse- quences to the victims." Rowry went on to say that he questioned Krasny's competence, integrity, and honesty as chief of police. He claimed that after hav- ing made personal promises. to See SURGEON, page 2 -Associated Press Northwestern students seize building VOTE NEXT WEEK: House not likely to ban MSU graduated tui~tion' Success, iges on bombing hl By The Associated Press Full-scale negotiations to settle the Vietnam war will probably take place in Paris if the North Vietnamese and American delegations gathering there next week for prelim- inary contacts can agree on a halt to U.S. bombing of North Vietnam, diplomatic sources said yesterday. This assessment came hours after Hanoi and Washington said they would begin preliminary talks May 10 or shortly thereafter in Paris, a city where Ho Chi Minh considered himself betrayed by the French in negotiations 22 years ago. Working out a halt to the bombing is the main subject of next week's contacts. The sources said they anticipated that the first round would be long and drawn out. h President Johnson immediately I-' coupled his announcement of thep o agreement In a nationally tele- vised news conference with a so- ber warning against expectingcg1 these first direct United States- 11 North Vietnamese talks will quickly end the war.. " He said "We hope this agree- iot deaths ment on initial contact will prove a step forward and can represent a mutual and a serious movement DETROIT () - Three white by all parties toward peace in policemen and a Negro private Southeast Asia." guard were charged yesterday But the President added: with conspiring to violate the civil "I must, however, sound a cau- rights of 10 persons, including tionary note. This is only the very two of three Negro youths shot to first step. There are many, many death in the Algiers Motel during hazards and difficulties ahead." last July's Detroit riot. Actually, the preliminary ses- U.S. Atty. Lawrence Gubow sions are expected only to deter- said a federal grand jury in De- mine whether there is a mutually troit handed down the indictment acceptable basis for serious peace against Ronald August, David negotiations. Senak and Robert Paille, white If a formula for a bombing members of the police force dur- cessation can be reached-North ing the riot, and against Melvin Vietnam demands that the halt be Dismukes, the guard. unconditional - the parties will undertake a Southeast Asian TheIndictment was made under peace settlement, thes diplomatic an 1871 civil rights law which sources said They indicated the makes it unlawful "to conspire to negotiators would remain In Par- injure, oppress, threaten or in- neoti torhs w"ldngr a difficult" timidate any citizen in the free sfecond this "long and exercise and enjoyment of, the secndstage. A main advantage offered by right and privilege secured to Paris as a site for talks is that the Constitution " both sides can maintain contactti on the spot with their special Gubow said the charges allege friends. North Vietnam can keep that the "defendants would as- in touch with Red China as well sault, threaten and intimidate the as Russia. America's fighting al- asserted victims to punish them lies are similarly represented. and coerce them into making High administration officials statements regarding the identity have told newsmen in recent days of alleged snipers and the location that a total bombing halt is pos- of firearms." would proceed, that the North Arraignment of the four was iVetnamese are serious about set for next week. sible if it appears that talks August and Paille are facing finding a way to end the hostill- charges of first degree murder in ties, and that Hanoi would not Michigan in connection with the take advantage o fa cessation. deaths at the motel. Dismukes "We're likely to learn a good goes on trial Monday in Detroit deal as negotiations start," one Recorder's Court on a charge of authority said. felonious assault in connection The emphasis in high admin- with the slayings. istration quarters is on the im- Conviction on t h e federal portance to remain as flexible as charges carries a maximum pen- possible-and for this reason all alty of 10 years in prison and a are under a presidential admoni- $5,000 fine. In Michigan, convic- tion to say nothing about what tion on a first-degree murder further steps the United States charge carries a mandatory max- might be willing to take. imum penalty of life imprison- In his March 31 speech, Johnson ment. restated his "San Antonio for- Several years imprisonment us- mula" this way: ually is the sentence for a feleni- See PARIS, page 2 ous assault conviction, By MARTIN HIRSCHMAN Leaders of both parties in the state legislature yesterday indi- cated they d.not expect a pro- posed constitutional amendment which would bar state colleges and universities from using a slid- ing tuition scale based on income to pass the House when it comes to a vote early next week. Rep. Gustave Groat (R-Battle Creek), sponsor of the proposed amendment, said if all members of the House were present and voting, only 60-14 shy of the two-thirds needed for passage of State~ open housing bill to face amendment battles in School mi postponed The state's open housing bill yesterday emerged from the House Civil Rights. Committee onto the floor without recommendation to amend, but will face a possibly long series of amendment battles before a final vote can be taken. Before being reported to the floor, the 'bill was stripped oft earlier amendments in the hope the House would pass without change the version which the Sen- ate approved last month. In committee Thursday, five Re- lage V ote by board 1967 amendment to the general election laws which halts voter registration 30 days before a school election. The amendment also states that registration cannot be taken for one school election when the offices are officially closed because of the 30-day limit for a previously scheduled election. Registrations were therefore closed in the Ann Arbor School District on April 13, 30 days be- fore the May 13 millage election date. As a result, voters wishing to register for the June 10 school election after April 13 were not permitted to do so. publicans outvoted four Democrats removing earlier amendments de- signed to make it easier to prove racial discrimination Ain housing cases and to insure that a bias case, once brought before the State Civil Rights Commission, would stay there. Republicans hoped to expedite matters on the floor. But House Minority Floor Leader William Ryan (D-Detroit) would like to see one of them put back on the bill. The amendment would have re- quired only the "preponderance of the veidence" for a conviction un- der the bill while in the senate version proof "beyond a reason- able doubt'" is required. The bill is "set up on a civil, rather than a criminal case basis," said Ryan, "yet the bill uses the degree of proof needed in a crim- inal case," that is, conviction must be based on evidence which dem- onstrates guilt "beyond a reason- able doubt." Ryan also wants the bill amend- ed to remove a provision which would subject complainants to court fees should the respondant not be found to be in violation of the law. The responsibility of the com- plainant should be only to file charges, said Ryan. "Further ac- tion rests with the Atty. Gen.'s of- fice. Nonetheless, Ryan said he thinks he will shpport the bill if it must be voted on in the present form. The problem, he said, will be whether the bill should be passed if it is made too weak. Mainrity Floor Leader William legislature: alterations will come about evenly from members of both parties. However, Hampton said he was reasonably confident the bill would pass in some form. If amendments are made to the Senate bill, that chamber must act again, trying to reach concensus. Having Senate leaders at a nego- tiating session would be an at- tempt to avoid another major de- bate in that wing of the Capitol. Last month the Senate took five days of debate to pass onthe bill. The House will probably not be- gin consideration of the bill until the latter part of next week, Hampton said. This is because next Friday is the last day for committees to report out bills and much time will be spent, on their preparation. AFL-CIO break near ATLANTIC CITY, N.J. (P)-The United Auto Workers Union con- firmed yesterday plans to sever its last significant link with the AFL- CIO by stopping payment of its yearly $1 million dues. A UAW spokesman said the ac- tion will be submitted in the form of a resolution for approval by the delegates to the union's 21st Con- stitutional Convention opening here today. "Its approval is a certainty," the spokesman said. UAW President Walter P. Reu- ther and other top officers were nt+v an i.y nr nmmm+ a constitutional amendment would support the bill. The bill is aimed specifically at Michigan State University which last September initiated a gradu- ated tuition plan. The 60 supporters Groat and House Majority Floor Leader Wil- liam Hampton (R - Bloomfield Hills) expect include all 56 Re-. publican House members and four Democrats. House Minority Floor Leader William Ryan (D-Detroit) said he doubts the bill will receive support from even 60 representatives "un- less we have more defectors than we thought." It is clear to all Democrats that the Democratic Party opposes the amendment," he said. Hampton said "chances are the issue is not one that will be set- tled by a constitutional amend- ment but one that will be resolved in the election of Michigan State's Board of Trustees in November." The MSU Trustees began the graduated tuition plan for in- state students last Fall in an at- tempt to raise additional reve- nues without increasing fees of those least able to pay.' Under the plan, students whose families gross $12,000 or less a year pay the minimum $354. The charges increase with income to a maximum tuition of $501 for fam- ilies grossing $16,666 or more. MSU Trustee Donald Stevens (D-Okemos), a long-time support- er of the graduated tuition plan said he was not worried about the proposed constitutional amend- ment, and said the plan "is prov- ing very successful." "They have a perfect right to propose a constitutional amend- ment," said Stevens. But "I doubt if it would be enforceable." MSU's tuition is $501, he ex- plained, and anyone with an in- come less than $16,666 a year can apply for a reduction in the fee. MSU is meiely giving "scholar- ships" on the basis of annual in- come, he said. Without the plan in-state tui- tion would be $429 a. year, Ste- vens said. Under the present sys- tem, then, all students whose fam- ilies earn less than $14,000 may save money. The plan was modified and ex- panded for the Winter term, said Stevens, and by Fall it will be ex- tended to all MSU students. In the Winter term, MSU ex- tended the system to graduate students and altered it so that families with more than one stu- dent would automatically pay the MSU's Trustees were split - five Democrats against three Re- publicans-on instituting the tui- tion plan but there has been no major controversy since then, Stevens noted. When the system was put into operation, Stevens said, he re- ceived many letters of complaint "mostly from families with high- er incomes." But, he added, he has not , received a complaint since October. Groat opposed the graduated tuition plan from its inception. In September he sponsored a resolu- tion, eventually passed by the House, condemning the new plan. Groatsaid the tuition scheme is highly unpopular and that he has received "hundreds of communi- cations opposing this plan." Groat also said the student has to bring his parent's W-2 income tax' form to MSU and that this is an "invasion of privacy." The at- torney general, he said, "has ruled a student does not have to fur- nish the universitystaff with the W-2 form." Students who do not provide the school with these forms pay the maximum fee. Groat also claimed MSU was losing more in alumni contribu- tions than it is gaining through the increased funds from tuition. MSU has "lost thousands of dol- lars in grants from alumni be- cause of this plan," he claimed. However, Stevens said he was sure the trend in alumni contri- butions was continuing normally. CHOICE '68 RETURNS Students endorse McCarthy r A school millage election set for May 13 in Ann Arbor has been postponed indefinitely by the Board of Education because of a legal technicality. The election was delayed Wed- nesday on the advice of the school district's millage and bonding con- sultants, who said the May 13 election might jeopardize the legality of planned June 10 school board elections because an insuf- ficient amount of time was pro- vided between the two dates for voter registration. The trustees did not reschedule voting on the millage proposal, but gave indications it may be com-' bined with the school board elec- tions. The new millage date, and pos- ci-h1 a a r A da ftr o +three-nart I By PHIL SEMAS WASHINGTON (CPS)-College students voted for Sen. Eugene McCarthy and an end to the war in Vietnam in Choice '68, the national campus presidential pri- mary held April 24. The balloting' was held March 12 and 13 at the University because of its early summer vacation. McCarthy polled 26.7 per cent of the almost 1.1 million votes cast, followed by Sen. Robert Kennedy with 19.9 per cent and Richard Nixon with 18.4 per cent. A combined 62.6 per cent of the students voted for either an im- mediate withdrawal of American troops or a reduction in American military involvement in Vietnam against 30 per cent who voted for nw- -nv ir - -a n - n '31_n - m For president: Eugene McCarthy, 285,988 votes, 26.7 per cent Robert Kennedy, 213,832, 19.9 per cent Richard Nixon, 197,167, 18.4 per cent f Nelson Rockefeller, 115,937, 10.8 per cent Lyndon Johnson, 57,362, 5.3 per cent George Wallace (American In- dependent), 33,078, 3 per cent Ronald Reagan, 28,215, 2.6 per cent John Lindsay, 22,301, 2.2 per cent Hubert Humphrey (write-in) 18,535, 1.7 per cent Charles Percy, 15,184, 1.4 per rent Immediate withdrawal of Amer- ican forces, 17.6 Phased reduction of American military activity, 45.0 Maintain current level of Amer- ican military activity, 7.0 Increase the level of American military activity, 9.0 All-out military effort, 21.0 -What course of military ac- tion should the United States pur- sue in regard to the bombing of North Vietnam? Permanent cessation of bomb- ing, 29.0 Temporary suspension of bomb- ing, 29.0 Maintain current level of bomb- ing, 12.0 Intensify bombing, 26.0 TT- 4%e...ii.....u rann-4 A n To assure the legality of the June election, the attorneys rec- ommended to the School Board that the May 13 date be canceled. T.Lzislationis lnow nnding in I I E I