i Tuesday, July 16, 1968 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Three I " BOTH PARTIES SPLIT: Fortas to face WASHINGTON (P) - Supreme # Court Justice Abe Fortas is slated to go before the Senate Judiciary Committee today and is expected to face some rough cross examnin- ation on his judicial philosophy as the panel considers his appoint- ment as chief justice. The hearing is likely to under- score the mixed party lineups that have shaped up since President Johnson announced selection of Fortas to succeed Chief Justice Earl Warren and appointment of U. S. Circuit Judge Homer Thorn- berry to fill the court vacancy. The party picture was further confused yesterday when a Re- publican Senate, leader endorsed the appointments while a Demo- cratic Senate lieutenant said he will oppose confirmation of Fortas. "In my opinion, both men are eminently qualified," Sen. Thomas H. Kuchel (R-Calif.), said. The assistant minority leader thus lined up beside his party's top Senate official, Sen. Everett i AW - ---. Filipinos, Malaysians clash on island issue BANGKOK (P) -- Malaysia abruptly rejected yesterday the Philippine claim to the North 3Borneo state of Sabah, angering the Filipino delegation and rais- ing cries in Manila for a diplo- matie break. it appeared that the month- old talks between the two nations over the issue of Sabah had col- lapsed, despite an official state- ment in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia's capital, that Malaysia is ready to continue negotiations. Sabah, rich in rubber, timber and fisheries, is a state of little more than 29,000 square miles, somewhat smaller than South Carolina. SUNDAY NIGHT FILM SERIES Sunday, July 21 9:00 PM. only NEWMAN CENTER Thompson and William St. (Not Architecture Aud.) KANAL Andreij Wajda 1956 (the director of ASHES AND DIAMONDS Grand Prix at Cannes Shorts from the Newsreel Project: Arms, 1.s. 201 After the sultans of Brunei and Sulu ceded it to a British syndi- cate in 1878, it was transferred to the British crown in 1946. Sab- ah became a state in the new Fed- eration of Malaysia in 1963. The Philippines, which lincludes the remainder of the old Sulu sul- tanate, laid claim to Sabah after it Joined the federation and at first refused to recognize Ma- laysia.' The two nations have been feuding ever since. Tan Sri Ghazalie Shafie, the chief Malaysian delegate, told the two-nation conference called in this Thai capital that the Filipino delegation "never intended to be serious;" had refused to answer questions on its claims and ac- cused the Filipinos of using war- like statements. "As far as Malaysia is con- cerned," he declared, "this exer- cise under the June communique -the agreement to talks - is over and done with." The Philippine delegation issued an angry statement saying: "Ma- laysia must accept full responsi- bility for the failure of the Sabah talks and its possible effect on the relations between the two countries. In Manila, 15 Moslemcongress- men from the Sulu country, who have spearheaded the fight for Sabah, said they would push a resolution in Congress demanding a diplomatic break with Malaysia, which was belatedly recognized in February of 1966. President Ferdinand E. Marcos called his foreign policy council, a high-ranking Filipino advisory body, to meet today, to consider the Bangkok developments. In Kuala Lumpur, Tun Abdul Razak, Malaysia's deputy prime minister, told reporters: "We. did not break up the talks at all. We are prepared to talk if the Phil- ippines are willing and are pre- pared to answer our questions." Senate M. Dirksen of Illinois, who is ac- tively supporting the nominations. Newsmen inquired about Ku- chel's positionafterSen Robert C. Byrd of West Virginia, secretary of the Senate Democratic Confer- ence, said he is opposed to Fortas's elevation to chief justice. Byrd, whose post puts him in the No. 3 spot in the party lead- ership, declined to elaborate. Byrd thus joined the Democrats Senate whip, Sen. Russell B. Long of Louisiana in opposition to Johnson's plans. And oiposition within the Judi- ciary Committee is being spear- headed by Sen. Sam J. Ervin, Jr., a North Carolina Democrat. The stands of Byrd and Long left only one of the top three Sen- ate Democratic officials, Majority Leader Mike Mansfield of Mon- tana, supporting the President. Sen. Milton R. Young of North Dakota, who holds the GOP lead- ership post that corresponds with Byrd's on the Democratic side, is among 19 Republican Senators whq signed a statement declaring ther would vote against any Su- preme Court nominations submit- ted by Johnson before he leaves office. The statement, initiated by Sen.' Robert P. Griffin of Michigan, said that the filling of court va- cancies should be left to the next President. Young told a reporter, however, that he will await the completion of the committee hearings before deciding how to vote. He said he had signed the state- ment, before the nominations were submitted, because he thought it wrong for Warren to submit an open-end; retirement letter and for Johnson to keep the retirement, from becoming effective until aft- er Senate confirmation of War- ren's successor. Kuchel predicted that both, Fortas and Thornberry will be confirmed, as they were for their present posts. Byrd declined comment on Thornberry's nomination, but he said he will not vote to cut off any filibuster against confirmation. Griffin and some others have threatened a filibuster against the nominations. Fortas has been called for ques- tioning today and Thornberry the next day,. However, a committee aide said he doubts the questioning of For- tas could be completed in a day. The longer committee action is delayed, the better chance oppon- ents will have to block Senate con- firmstion before the Aug. 3 tar- get date for adjournment of Congress. Letter may warn Czech r eformers Troops delay pullout, Communists likely o request liberaliziion end WARSAW (N) -- Communist leaders of the Soviet Union and four of its East European allies wound up a summit meeting here yesterday by drafting a letter to their Czecho- slovak counterparts, whose liberal movement has roused concern. Although there were no details given on the "common letter," one Communist source said it may contain a joint request for the removal of tie most 'liberal elements in the Czechoslovak leadership.. v 75c sponsored by Voice-SDS KANAL: a film of resis- tence to occupation lib- erty or death. -Associated Press The sinking war effort T-hreat to Saigonlessens SAIGON R) -- U. S. sources said yesterday the enemy has pulled back some of its units massed around Saigon and appar- entlV canceled its plans for a full- scale offensive that the allies ex- pected this week. bne highly placed U. S. offi- cial said there was "no imme- diate major threat to Saigon," but he added the situation might change rapidly. South Vietnamese intelligence, meanwhile,reported a continuing enemy buildup along the Cam- bodian border. "The enemy has backed off," said the American source. "They don't have the capability to at- tack except in a very small way. There isn't any forward move- ment at all.- "Some elements of the major units have physically pulled back. All of them didn't pull, back. -It is not a general with- drawal, but if you are going to mount a major attack you don't pull back anybody." South Vietnamese intelligance had said the enemy would at- tack Saigon anytime between Monday and Friday, but the U. S. source speculated "per- haps they are not ready." "Either they are weak, our sweeps have beenasuccessful, they plan to attack at a later date, or it is a combination of all three," he said. Asked about the enemy's ca- pability to shell the capital with rockets and mortars, the source said, "There's no question he could shoot some." The new U. S. assessment con- tradicted South Vietnamese re- ports of an enemy buildup along the Cambodianwborder west of Saigon, from where the enemy is expected to launch its main thrust against the capital. South Vietnamese sources said two North Vietnamese regiments evaded B52 bombers and reached the Cambodian border after a 250-mlie march from the central highlands. There were also reports that the Viet Cong would increase terror- ist activities in the capital and security forces were placed on 100 per cent alert. U. S. and South Vietnamese in- telligence assessments frequently differ. American officials claim the South Vietnamese often give a high credibility rating to what U. S. intelligence considers low- level sources. Meanwhile, Secretary of De- fense Clark M. Clifford got briefings yesterday on the mili- tary and political situation in Vietnam. He arrived Sunday for his first visit to the country since succeed- ing Robert S. McNamara and was described asdisplaying a keen in- terest in the progress of the South Vietnamese government and its armed forces. Paris coffee breaks hi t 'serious questions' Clifford met with Ambassador Ellsworth Bunker and the U. S. military commander in Vietnam, Gen. Creighten W. Abrams., He was scheduled, to spend two days in Saigon and two days in the provinces before reporting to President Johnson at a Honolu- lu meeting with South Vietnamese President Nguyen Van Thieu next weekend. Clifford is to meet with Thieu and Vice President Nguyen Cao Ky today. The participants-from the So- viet Union, Poland, Bulgaria, Hungary and East Germany-had publicly expressed fear that the Czechoslovak party, leadership was losing control of the demo- cratization process. Coinciding with the end of the summit meeting was a report from Prague that units of the Soviet armed forces involved in Warsaw Pact maneuvers in Czechoslovakia last month re- sumed their departure Sunday night for East Germany and Po- land. The continued presence of these troops-part of 5,000 Russians committed to the maneuvers-had caused concern among* some Czechoslovaks. The troops began leavipg Sat- urday, but then the movement halted. A top defense official said last night the Soviet Union will delay by five more days the departure of a large contingent of its troops from Czechoslovakia. The delay was' considered a pressure on/,the new leadership in Prague.' In this connection Maj. Gen. Vaclav Prohlik, a top Czechoslo- vak defense official, said his coun- try will seek a reyision of the Warsaw Pact that would prevent members from forming blocs within the alliance. "There shou4d be guarantees.so that in this coalition there coufd be no grouping of individual members," he said. Soviet Communist party chief Leonid I. Brezhnev and Premier Alexel N. Kosygin sat through the Warsaw conference, which was originally expected to end 'Sun- day. A communique released by the Polish Press Agency said the dele- gates exchanged information "on the situation in their countries and the development of events in Czechoslovakia and directed a common letter to the Central Committee of the Communist par- ty of Czechoslovakia." They were reported to have "turned particular attention to the activization of aggressive im- perialist forces aiming by subver- si6n at undermining the Socialist, Communist system in various countries and weakening the al- liance ties linking Socialist staes." Although Czechoslovakia was, not mentioned by name in this' passage it seemed certain that Initiatte. surcharge collection ,r WASHINGTON (P) - The gov- ernment began collecting the 10 per cent income tax surcharge yesterday amid speculation the levy might be extended beyond its scheduled expiration date next June 30. But Secretary of the Treasury Henry H. Fowler told a news con- ference any-ddcision to extend the tax should be held off for at least six months when next year's bud- get can be assessed in a better light, At least one administration of- ficial, Undersecretary of Com- merce ' Howard J. Samuels, has suggested extending the tax to help meet the nation's social needs. The administration itself has taken no official view. Any extension would be up to the next President and new Con- gress to be elected in November. Collection of the surcharge will be reflected in higher deductions from paychecks receivedĀ° this week and thereafter for federal income taxes. Under the law signed by Presi- dent Johnson on June 28, collect tions should have started,,through increased withholding on July 14. But sincel that was Stinday, July 15 became the practical starting date. All paychecks received from yes- terday on-must reflect the higher withholding even if . the money was actually earned before that dtate. Withholding will be at theĀ°1 per cent rate --- if $20 was with- held previously for$federal in- come taxes, the new figure will be $22. Since the tax is retroactive to last April 1 for individuals, the additional amount owed must be paid when federal income tax re- turns are filed by next April 15. At that time, the taxpayer must make up a lump sum payment for, the surcharge covering the period from April 1 to mid-July. Fowler laid his reputation as' a public official on the line in rec- ommending the tax increase. ME 4 4o 4. 4K Become. informed on a ll the pressing campus issues. SUBSCRIBE TO ft$&nDaig for, the summer at your home. $2.00 for the rest of the summer Send this coupon to Michigan Daily Circulation Dept. 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. 48104 PARIS (VP)-A North Vietnam- ese spokesman agreed yesterday that representatives of the United States and North Vietnam some- times discuss "serious questions" at private coffee breaks in the formal sessions of the Paris peace talks. His comment, though carefully hedged, constituted a rare show of accord with a U.S. account of the private, informal discussions which have come to be an impor- tant part of the weekly meetings here. U.S. officials hope that through these informal talks something may be accomplished to get the the deadlocked talks moving. U.S. Ambassador W. Averell Harriman said in a television in- terview released Saturday that "serious matters' 'were touched on during the breaks. The North Vietnamese spokes- man, Nguyen Thanh Le, was asked about this at a news con- ference yesterday. He said the private talks-be- tween Harriman "and North Viet- namese Ambassador Xuan Thuy- are usually concerned with "the weather and the health of one or another of the participants" but "sometimes the problems already mentioned in the formal state- ments of the chief delegation have been taken up again." A few minutes later Le returned' to the subject and cautioned: "No subjects relating to the official conversations have been discuss- ed." But then he added: "There have been some rare occasions when they continue to talk of subjects raised in the meeting. Le assailed the U.S. line that the outlook for the talks is hope- ful and that there are "straws in the wind" indicating progress can be made toward peace in Viet- nam. That phrase has been used by Harriman 'and Secretary of De- fense Clark M. Clifford. Le said the United States was trying to "deceive public opinion" and continued: "As long as the United States refuses to halt un- conditionally the bombing and all other acts of war against the Democratic Republic of Vietnam there can be no hope that the conversations will make any prog- ress. North Vietnam's public position for many weeks has been that nothing could be accomplished in the peace talks until the United States unconditionally halted all attacks on, its territory. To get these attacks ended is the sole purpose of the official' conversations between Harriman and Thuy, the North Vietnamese insist. The United States continues to insist that Hanoi also must scale down military operations. A new blast at the United States was issued by the Commun- ist party daily Nhan Dan and broadcast by Radio Hanoi. It denounced a U.S. offer, pre- sented to Thuy by Harriman at the session last Wednesday, to support a big postwar development for Southeast Asia in which North Vietnam could participate. country was meant. --. presents DAVID BAR-ILLAN Israeli Pianist TONIGHT at 8:30 at 8:30 P.M. in Rackham Auditorium (appearing in the Summer Concert Series) PROGRAM Feux d'artifice ... . .... Debussy Gavotte and Variations ..Rameau "Eroica" Variations, Op. 35 .. Beethoven Pieces for Piano, Op. 34 ..Paul Ben-Haim Nocturne in D-flat, Op. 27, No. 2 .. Chopin Nocturne in F, Op. 15, No. 1 ..Chopin Scherzo No. 3 in C-sharp minor ..Chopin ti -Associated Press Partial withdrawal begins The Gilbert & Sullivan Society With Ann Arbor Junior Light Opera Present OLIVER! The Smash Hit MusIcal 8opk, Music and Lyrics by LIONEL AW Ut"+ .ahia rmf n -Wwe r 1*4r I