Seyenty-seven years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under authority of Board in Control of Student Publications 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. An interview with Daniel Cohn-Bendit ' SATURDAY, JULY 13, 1968 NIGHT EDITOR: JOHN GRAYI Academic reform NOW! THE HEADS of more than twenty uni-" versities which have experienced stu- dent unrest are currently meeting in New York to discuss the politics of student activism. According to the report in the New York Times: "amid the fervent calls for experimentation and change, there were also warnings that a university can go only so far to placate the most radical students withou't opening the doors to anarchy." To a student, the idea that executives of universities could meet to decide ad- ministrative policies toward students and faculty is in itself a betrayal of one of the basic premises of the whole student power movement, namely, dialog of all parties" on equal terms. EXECUTIVES, administrators and alum- ni have been running suniversities for generations now, always on the assump- tions and educated guesses of what they feel is best for students. The consequences of executive admin- istration of most colleges and universi- ties have been growing tendencies to transform them into research rather than educational institutions, and, in the words of Dr. Buell G. Gallagher, p'resi- den of City College of New York, placed their emphasis on the scientific collec- tion of data rather than the investiga- tion of the "sea of pain" in American so- ciety.; We are living in a technocratic society in which individuality and responsibility are often assumed by the corporate struc- tures of governments, businesses and now, universities. The expanding needs of research cor- porations in the fields of electronics, and the government in social and defense re- search, have placed huge demands on the educational institutions of the country to produce scientists and technicians capable of conducting the research and collecting the statistics which seem so essential to our society. MANY LARGE universities have become the think tanks so dreaded by be- lievers of progressive education. Many writers, most notably John Gal- braith, have proposed that while univer- sities were being oriented toward research and technology, the liberal and human- istic atmosphere created by a university community can and does influence even the most dedicated and bland technician. Galbraith correctly describes how the demands of technology oriented corpora- tions have gradually transformed univer- sities into demi-bureaucracies, organized on a similar corporate basis as business and government in which the institution exists as a living and amorphous organ- ism evolving by itself, rather than under the direction of any individual or phil- osophy. However, as Gallagher, Robert Hutch- ins, Michael Harrington, Christopher Lasch and many liberal educators point out, bureaucratic and humanistic insti- tutions are diametrically opposed to each other, and in modernuniversities, the humanistic tradition is being bulldozed by the inexhaustible demands of re-' search. THE STUDENT power movements both here and in other countries have been asking educational institutions for a re- evaluation of priorities. tIn Europe, the demand is rsimple: more attention. In America, however, the situation is more complex. Today, universities are produc- ing cogs in the conglomerate machine which has become known as American Society. The human values which were funda- mental to the writers of our constitu- tion have been scattered while this vast technocratic being which was started by men - but which now controls men - evolves out-of-control, indiscriminately crushing ideologies as well as individuals. In John Hersey's The Child Buyer, hu- man brains are cultivated to be problem solving devices in computer-like fashion. Mental capabilities are expanded by the child buyers, but they also destroy the human body's abilities to react as an en- tity. Sensory perceptions are ended and the body becomes a meaningless acces- sory to the "computer mind" serving only as the equivalent of a machine's electric cord - providing uninterrupted energy. In Stanley Kubrick's 2001: A Space Odyssey, humans become accessories to a technology that no single individual can cope with or control. UNIVERSITY administrators should make a thorough reappraisal of the situation confronting academic institu- tions. On one hand they can continue to "second guess" the students and empha- size research and technological training. On the other hand, they can accept the student power demand of reorientation* of academic goals. In universities idealism and free thought have flourished in spite of the weight of the administrative bureaucra- cy. Students, disillusioned with the parts of society which confront them, e.g., the draft, their parents, and the university administration, are desperately attempt- ing to save whatever is left of their ideals. The universities might be the last iso- lated pockets of human values and in- dividualism in the world. Their future is for the time being rests with the admin- now a a crucial point and the decision istrators. Every other issue is meaning- less, the call is for academic reform now! -STUART GANNES Although Daniel Cohn-Ben- dit,. glamorized by the American press as "Danny the Red," has been generally characterized as the leader of this spring's French student revolt, he denies claim to such status. Neverthe- less, Cohn-Bendit does acknowl- edge that he may be considered one of the leaders of the vari- ous movements that composed the revolt. Here, through cour- tesy of Liberation News Service, we reprint his views as por- trayed in an interview with New York's Anarchos maga- zine. -Ed. It is said that you are or have been an anarchist. I am always an anarchist. I was certainly influenced by my broth- er, who went through all the groups of the extreme left, after having been excluded by the Com- munist Party. And it is especially in a negative fashion, by rejecting all the "groupuscules" of the ex- treme left and their dogmatism, that I have arrived at the anarch- ist camp which made it possible for me to define my opinions in relation to the Marxist-Leninist and Bolshevik doctrine on the line of "socialism of councils." Your parents left Germany at the time of Naziism. You don't have French nationality? I have German nationality. But I don't give a damn for national- ities. ... The political confusion of the -mass of the student movement is surprising. There are Maoists, various Trotskyite groups, you who are an anarchist. What leaders do you recognize? What position do you take regarding the revolutionary theoreticians? Marx for example. If you like, T am a Marxist the way Bakunin was. Bakunin trans- lated Marx, and for him Marx had not developed a new theory but formulated, on the basis of theo- ries of bourgeois culture, the pos- sibilities of a revolutionary criti- que of society. Bakunin has in- fluenced me more. But above all, I believe I made up my mind on the basis of the Russian Revolu- tion, from the situations of the. workers'commune of Kronstadt, where there were anarchists who fought against the heavy hand of the Bolshevik Party on the So- viets.1 Consequently, I am very anti- Leninist. I am against the organ- izational method of democratic centralism and for organizational federalism, for autonomous, fed- erated groups thatact together, but always maintaintheir auto- nomy. Does this position unite with those of your comrades? Within the March \22nd move- ment there are also Marxist-Len- inists, Trotskyists who themselves are very Leninist; but they con- stitute only a part of the move- ment. What seems evident among all of you is that there is a radical confrontation that touches cap- italist societies as well as the "socialist" gocieties of eastern Europe. Soviet society is, for me, a form of government which contains the characteristics of a class society: bureaucracy represents, in my eyes, a class - thus I oppose So- viet society as I oppose capitalist society in France. Hqwever, I live here, not in the Soviet Union, Thus, it is here that I fight against the French bourgeoisie. You are anti-Leninist. But what about Trotsky, Mao, Fidel Castro, Che Guevera? As a result of the repression of the Kronstadt commune, on Trotsky's decision, I became an anti-Trotskyite, But when Trotsky becomes the spokesman for the opposition to Stalin, I more or less share his denunciation of the Rus- sian bureaucracy. For me, how- ever, this doesn't go far enough. For Trotsky, the Russian state is a degenerated workers' state; for me, the bureaucracy represents a class. Therefore it is not a work- ers' state at all! My criticue of Soviet society is completely Marx- ist: in analyzing the relationships between production and distribu- tion in the USSR, one can see that they are not the relationships of socialist production. The Russian working class has no decision- making powers in production and distribution. It is for this reason that the Soviet state is, for me, still. a class state. Now we come to Maoism .. Maoism, I don't know exactly what that is! I have read some of Mao's "things" which are very true. His thesis of relying on the peasantry has always been an an- archist theme. On this point, there is no problem-even during the Russian Revolution. But, now, Mao has become a myth. And I am not interested in talking about the myth of Mao, about the little red book, about the defense of Stalin, etc. The "Marxist-Lenin- ists" do it. That's their business. But for me it misses the point completely. What are your objectives? Here they are: Through action, the problem of passing from theory to practice and from prac- tice to theory is posed more and more clearly. When we conducted very precise struggles - against sexual repression, in favor of the liberty of political expression, in favor of politicizing of the student milieu -- w ran up against total repression, up until the present paroxysm. Starting from that, we now have to develop a new stra- tegy of politicizing in order to continue posing political problems. And in posing these political prob- lems, precise objectives will reveal themselves to us within the uni- versity and, more generally, with- in the educational system, and outside, in relation to the working class. Since a majority of the stu- dent world is of bourgeois orig- in, one wonders: is this a rev- olution of sons who are playing at being leftists? What seems to me important, now, is the politicizing of the stu- dent milieu, which is taking place -and espcially of the apprentices and the young unemployed, who aren't even apprenticed. In order to be able to develop actions of radical questioning of the society, based precisely on the objective situation of our society, which is incapable of finding - and for good reason - any forms for its youth. Why Because today our society, based on what we know about profits, etc., can't use its youth in a commercial way. And that's all. Your attack is directed par- ticularly against the professors, who were the first to denounce the university structures .. . . We aren't questioning the prof- essors. We question their place in the university as that of a pawn in an institution. And it's there that we are opposed to them. There are attacks against pro- fessors and even against courses of certain professors, against the political attitudes of certain pro- fessors. That seems perfectly nor- mal to me. Occident (a right-wing French movement) Mitterand and De- Gaulle are the defenders of the civilization you are attacking ... I could ansver that I attack precisely in the name of the sci- entific knowledge we have and don't exploit. For me, our society doesn't use its scientific and tech- nical means for the liberation of man. You've taken certain elements of the definition of socialism from Trotsky, from Mao .. . 0i A Liberte, Equalite, Anarchy? From Mao, in fact. For example, Mao explodes strict Leninism in relying on something that isn't the working class - the peasant- ry. Village communities , are, for us, a form of organization which is completely desirable. People talk a lot about the in- fluence of the American philo-, sopher, Marcuse, on your move- ment. People have talked a lot about the influence of Marcuse on SDS in Germany, and we have con- tacts with SLS. But in the move- ment there aren't ten people who have read Marcuse unless maybe, Eros and Civilization. Marcuse, in his criticism of capitalist society and his rejection of the society called "socialist," is a point of support for us. Especially because of three theses: he shows that the nature of society itself is repres- sive and it isn't a matter of ex- ternal forms of repression like the police. He shows the one-dimen- sionality of man, that is, in fact, that our society forms exatcly its type of man. Thirdly, he demon- strates that criticism and destruc- tion are the beginning of con- struction. When you radically criticize a thing, you are con- structing. Your criticism has directed it- self against a number of intel- lectuals and professors. Yet those who first marked the way for you are men like Sartre and Camus (at a certain period, any- way), and Merleau- Ponty. Are these men part of the bourgeois universe for you? Let's take the example of Camus. He started the newspaper Combat with the subtitle: "From Resistance to Revolution." Look at what Combat has become to- day! To show that Camus has 14- fluenced certain young people! But today, the problems he posed, the absurdity of the world - the best of the students who act don't pose them in those terms any more. Camus remains a support. We read him., but actually he doesn't have the same significance. Neither does Sartre, for that mat- ter., Nor anybody'else. Sartre is, from the post-war period. We are at another stage. Actually, young people today have not lived through the post-war period, :nor the working class either, for that matter. In seems, in the literary scheme, that the surrealist movement of the twenties in-' terests the Nanterre students very much. The student movement is cer- tainly not a revolution, but a re- volt. We agree about surrealism and especially Lada. Because Da- daism was more radical and it influences a part of the movement. But personally, I am very "polit- ical." Among the anarchist, who has influenced you? I had always defined myself to be an anarchist by negotion, by opposition to the revolutionary, Marxist-Leninist currents. If you wish, the anarchist have in- fluenced me more by certain activ- ities than by their theories . . in fact, there is not one anarchist thinker that I'm going to cite to you. Theoreticians are laughable. There are no Anarchists; there are people who act as anarchists. fight, it is necessary that there be an internationalism. That, the existing Communist Party has ob- tained. And for us, the fight -- not only that of the students, but the others as well - must be on a European scale. In Warsaw, where there is an evident of re- newal of Stalinism, it is the same thing. And in Prague? In Prague, there is liberalization because the Czechoslovak economy was completely dead. The liber- alization is taking place because there is a renaissance of the "capitalist" base. It's not exactly a bourgeois liberalization, but the church is renewing itself, etc. This is nrot what's interesting. But in the student milieu, as well as with the Czech workers, a confronta- tion is developing from the left of the regime, quite justly for the installation of workers' councils. That's what's important. It is said class doesn't your actions, that the working feel concerned by in Paris, Why? All the news that fits The following illuminating article, written by New York Times reporter Sidney E. Zion, is reprinted here from The Times' Thursday, July 11, edition, so that Ann Arbor readers can stay up to date on all the important doings go- ing on in Gotham.) NEW YORK - Demanding a "denuncia- tion" of a column written by Jimmy Breslin, 15 young members of the Com- munist Party staged a three-hour "con- frontation" yesterday at the editorial of- fices of The New York Post. According to James A. Wechsler, the editorial page editor of The Post, the, party members threatened to "sit-in" at his office "interminably" unless he wrote an editorial repudiating the Breslin column, which appeared in the paper Monday. The column was critical of the party's national convention, held last week. "I don't know why they came to me," Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan, 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Michigan, 48104. Daily except Sunday and Monday.during regular, summer session. Daily except Monday during regular academic school year. The Daily is a member of the Associated Press, the College Press Service, and Liberation News Service. Summer subscription rate: $2.50 per term by car- rier ($3.00 by mail); $4.50 for entire summer ($5.00 by mail).t Mr. Wechsler said. "I told them 37 times that I had nothing to do with Breslin's column. But it wasn't exactly a gruesome confrontation. I told them there were more important things in the world, such as Gil Hodges. So we spent most of the time talking about him." It is Mr. Wechsler's deeply held view that Mr. Hodges is something less of a manager than John McGraw, and is in fact doing very poorly by the New York Mets. "WITH A pitching staff like that, why are they only four games better than last year?" he asked. To Mr. Wechsler's dismay, the young Communists defended Mr. Hodges. "They are very conservative," he said, a bit sadly. The Breslin column that upset the Communists was entitled, "The Cnserv- atives." Mr. Wechsler said that young party members were particularly distressed over Mr. Breslin's description of Henry Win- ston, an elderly Negro Communist. In the column, Mr. Breslin noted that at the close of the party's national con- vention on Saturday, Mr, Winston had led the crowd in the "Internationale." "Winston sang loudly," the column said, "with the space in his front teeth showing the way it always did in pic- ...... .. *L 4 - na , , x __ _ - 4-- .-. . .. Vienvenido, Senor Presidente . .. y , x~j Nevertheless, don't you have any thinkers whose theories in- fluence your movement? No, there is no one thinker, nor even several. Every thinker counts for us. I can name Aristotle as well. Why not? Sure, and in op-; uosing education I can also refer to. Rousseau who already said it. There, Rousseau is a thinker who; influences us. The thoughts of Guevera, don't they play a very impor- tant role at Nanterre? There again what can be said of Che? He fought, he was in South America. There is nothing to say. I can be more or less in agreement with what's happening in Cuba. But that's not important. What's interesting is this: how can Cuba practically isolated be- tween the USSR and the Amer- icans . From Madrid to Berlin, from Warsaw to Rome, from Paris to London, all !the students put into question the socio-economic and cultural systems of their. country. What relations do you have with all the Euronean That's a false question. It's not because the students descend on the streets that all the workers are going to say: bravo, they have the right to fight. We are in a situation of crisis exacerbated by capitalism. Therefore, we don't need to encounter each other. The workers themselves will descend on the streets, just as they made wild-cat strikes in England. This is the problem. It's not short-term, because L'Humanite doesn't say: we are united with:the leftist.... The problem would pose itself if the workers meet an objective situation which makes them move themselves also. Then there will be a liason, as in Italy, where the Italian students picketed in the strike against Fiat. There, the workers understood which side the students were on. Do you think you will be suc- cessful in building a revolution- ary theory adapted to the pres- ent epoch?. Our bulletin from Nanterre, put out two weeks ago, exposes very well the existence o a gap be- tween theory and practice. We have developed means of opera- ting, but \we have advanced a theoretical elaboration, This is necessary in the present situation of the movement of the extreme left in France. But it's evident that if things remain as they are, there will be a collapse of the Nanterre movement. It will re- cover, perhaps, elsewhere, with other people. That's not serious. It will simply be proof that we are incapable of developing this theo- ry, and it's not necessary to cry about it. But we are trying to ef- fectively develop a theory. At the beginning of this, con- versation you cited an example of the case of Kronstadt. That -n nf~n a. vpr 1. a f A,. * 4