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May 03, 1968 - Image 8

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Michigan Daily, 1968-05-03

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Friday, May 3, 1


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Governor Rockefeller

Vice President Humphrey


Rockefeller proposes lottery draft

IOWA CITY OP) - New York
Gov. Nelson Rockefeller pro-
posed yesterday an armed
services draft by lottery and
lowering of the minimum vot-
ing age to 18. E
In a speech prepared for de-
livery to University of Iowa
students, the Republican pres-
idential candidate said the
present draft law is ".arbitrary
and inequitable."
He called for revisions "that
a young man could support."
Under Rockefeller's plan, a'
youth reaching the age of 19
would accept a student defer-
ment or take a chance on be-
ing drafted through a lottery.
Upon graduation, the student
would be subject to the draft
for a one-year period.
"This lottery plan," Rocke-
feller said, "would limit each
student's exposure to one year,
either at 19 or on graduating
from college. This plan is not '
only completefy fair, It is prac-
The governor also pledged 'to
"vigorously support" lowering
of the ninimum voting age ito
18. If a man is old -enough to

fight for his country, he is old
enough to vote, Rockefeller
At an earlier news conference
in Des Moines, Rockefeller said
he does not think he will en-
courage write-in campaigns on
his behalf in primary elections
despite his surprising write-in
victory in Massachusetts.
.HHH pledges
to aid blacks
President Hubert H:Humphrey,
linking himself with Negro civil
rights figures of more than a
century ago, pledged to a Ne-
gro audience yesterday he
wouldworkfor "a new and
complete national commitment
to human rights."
"This means meeting the
problem of hard core -unem-,
ployment, of rats and roaches
and rotten houses, and disease
and ignorance in America's ur-
ban and rural slums," Humph-
rey told a session of the Afri-
can Methodist Episcopal (AME)

Humphrey reminded an audi-
ence at Philadelphia's Interna-
tional Airport that he had been
doing a lot of talking for the
Johnson Administration since
1964, but said "today I come to
you in my own right."
"I shall run on the rescord of
the Kennedy-Johnson, John-
son-Humphrey Administrations,
but I won't rest on it," Humph-
rey declared.
Humphrey drew applause
from the AME delegates when
he said there was no one with
a greater right to sing "Amer-
ica", because not only was it
the land of pilgrim's pride, but
"it is the land where your
fathers died."
,LBJ city plan
ard M. Nixon proposed yester-
day a system of tax incentives
and loan guarantees to combat
poverty and rebuild slums. He
acknowledged it lacked the
drama of billion dollar offer-
ings, but said it could "remove

the ceiling from black aspira-
Nixon said American efforts
to "reconcile the races and to
rescue the poor" must take a
new diroction, to foster self-
reliance and self respect, and
to involve the poor in the re-
building of their own commun-
The Republican presidential
contender said once again that
the nation's current economic
plight rules out any "massive
transfusion now" of federal
funds into American cities.
In a radio speech April 25,
Nixon advocated programs t?
enlist private enterprise in the
effort to cope with poverty and
racial strife. Yesterday's speech
outlined his proposals in detail.
Nixon did not estimate the
cost of this program, but said
it would be modest and would
avoid "the massive spending
which ,can neither be ;ealistic-
ally promised nor reponsibly




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The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of'the Univer-
sity of Michigan ' for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no editor-
ial responsibility. Notices should be
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3564 Administratiqn Bldg. be-
fore 2 p.m. of the day preceding
publication and by, 2 p.m. Friday
for Saturday ;and Sunday. General
Notices may be published a maxi-
mum of two times on request; Day
Calendar: items appear once only.
Student organization notices are not
accepted for publication. For more
information call 764-9270.
Day Caln d ar
Management of Managers, Program
No. 58 ' North Campus Commons,
8:15 a.m.-5:00 p.m., 7:00 p.m.-9:00 p.m.
Astronomical Colloquium - Dr. Dar-
rell J. MacConnell, Astro. Dept., "Flare
Stars," 298 Physics-Astronomy Bldg.,
4:00 p.m.
Cinema Guild - "East of Eden",
Afchitecture Aud., 7:00- and 9:05 p.m.
The approval of the following stu-
dent events becomes effective, after
the publication of this notice. All
publicity for these events must be
withheld until the.approval has be-
come effective
Approval request forms fqr student
sponsored events are available in rooms
1001 and 1546 of the Student Activities
Ann Arbor Motorcycle 'Association,
Rally and Picnic, April 21, 12 noon to
6 or 7 p.mn., Brighton, Michigan.
Citizens for New Politles, Rally, May
1, 12 noon, Diag.
Graduate Assembly, Bucket Drive,
May 1, 2, and 3, Registra'tion, Barber
Gym, To obtain funds for the Wash-
ington Poor People's March.
Zeta Psi, Lawn Dance,' August 29, 1443
Washtenaw, Time to be determined.
Theta Delta Chi, Lawn Dance, Sep-
te nber13. 700 S. State Street, 8-12 p.m.
Alpha Tau Omega, Lawnl Dance, Sep-
tember 13, Alpha Tau Omega House,
4-6 p.m.
Pi Kappa Alpha, Lawn Dance, Week-°
end of September 14,E 8-12 p.m., 19231
Geddes. ,
Interfraternity Council, 'Rush, Sep-2
tember 17-28, Fraternity Houses.
3200 SAB
Current Position Openings received
by General Division by mail and phone,
please call 764-4760 for further, infor-
Bank of California, San Francisco,
Calif. - Economist, Economic Expan-
sion Department. PhD. Economics, two-
three years in industrial or commer-
cial areas, teaching or consulting exper.
aceuabe.aility to mnag a~ ctivi-

dust'. mgmt.. syst. engrg. Math studies
must include 3 terms of calculus, 1 of
diff. equ., two of stat. or probility
theory, one of modern or linear alge-
bra, work also in math. programming,
stochastic processes, econometrics, de-
cision theory, inventory theory. Min.
2 years exper. in business or , related
military operations research, one year
expr. programming for stored-program
computer preferred.
Owens-Corning Fiberglas, Detroit,
Mich. - Administrative Trainee, grad-
uate with good accounting'background,
promotion potential exc~llent, some
exper. required.
State of Connecticut - Development
Commission, Assistant Chief of Travel-
Promotion. Assists in managing this
section, works directl with adv. agen-
cies in originating and planning pro-
motion programs anb industrial adv.
programs. MA in, public admin., )econ,
bus, ad. and 3 years, 2 in supv. capa-
city, or BA And 4 years.
Encyclopedia Britannica Educational
Corporation, Chicago, lI11, - Teacher of
5 or more years in Jr. H. or Sr. H.
social studies, with adv. degree and
some editorial exper. wanted to devel-
op multi-media materials in social sei.
Ingham County Health Department,
Lansing, Mich. - Deptal Hygienist-ed-
ucator, BS degree as Dental Hygienist
plus M.P.H. or equiv.
Kraft Foods, Chicago, fli. - Project
Engineer, bulk cheese and whey plant
operations, BSChE, ME, Dairy Tech.
with Engrg. courses, min. 3-5 years
pref. in food industry, exper. in plant
layout, project planning, processing
equip. and pckg. equip. Travel less
than 50%.
Bell Aerosystems, Buffalo, N.Y.
Positions in engineering, in manage-
ment-estimating areas and quality con-
trol, BSE degrees with and without
exper. Bus. Ad degrees for estimating,
internal audit, material control, and
Chelsea Standard, Chelsea, Mich. -
News Reporter, local news, desk job,
man or - woman, BA desired, ,not req.,
exper. in journalism req. Day off Thurs.
Autolite-Ford Parts Division, Detroit,
Mich. - Field Sales Trainee, automo-
tive parts in Mich. Man, BA/BS and
2-4 yrs. in sales or public relations, 24-I
29 age range,
National Music Camp, Interlochen.
Michigan - Interlochen Arts Academy)
seeks Resident Advisors in Girls' Dor-
mitories. 68-69 instructional year, sec-
ondary level school. BA degree with
counseling courses and/or equiv. exper..
as resident advisor.
Plymouth Area Planning commis-
sion, Division of Economic Expansion,

Mich. - Director, promoting industrial
and commercial tax base of Plymouth
Community. Bckrnd in executive sales,
public relations or business, wk, exper.
in industrial development, multi-proj-
ect planning, or commercial real estate.
Persons with appropriate degrees in.
these areas will be given preferences
age is open.
The following schools will interview
at the Bureau during the month of
Friday, May 10:
Detroit, Michigan (City School of De-
trolt) - Elem, only K-3. Must have
backgro nd in French and be certi-
fied. A new private school in U. of D.
Wednesday, May 15:
Los Angeles, Calif. (Los Angeles City
Schools) - All fields.
Thursday, May 16:
Albuquerque, New Mexico (Bureau of
Indian Affairs) - People interested in
teaching Elem. Indian children in the
following states: Alaska, Arizona, Mon-
tana, New Mexico, North Dakota, South
Dakota. No Certificate required.
The following school has recorded a
vacancy for the present semester:
Napoleon, Michigan (H.S.) - H.S.
Chem., Drivers Educ., I.A.
For further information or to make
appointments contact Mrs. Shear at
the Bureau of Appointments, Educa-
tion Division, 764-7459.'




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