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July 11, 1968 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1968-07-11

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. ,. n . ..

Seventy-seven years of editorial freedom
Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan
under authority of Board in Control of Student Publications

420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich.

News Phone: 764-0552

Some j
Special To The Daily
NEWPORT, R.I.-This is an
unlikely location for the world's
largest and most famous jazz
festival. Designed to serve as a
minor seaport (and once a sum-
mer playground for the wealthy
of New York and Boston), New-
port is just not built to accom-
modate the thousands of jazz
fans who have been invading the
town every fourth of July week-
end for the past 15 years.
This year, with the help of
some of the best weather New
England has to offer, the Festival
drew the largest crowds in its

)ix and
A record 7500 people crowded
into Newport's Festival Field for
Thursday's opening concert and
were greeted by a big band from
the New York School of Music.
Tre band did an adequate job
with the "standards" but seemed
more comfortable playing their
original compositions.
Julian "Cannonball" Adderley's
quintet followed aid put on a
show that drew a standing ova-
tion. Viennese pianist Joe Zawinul
displayed amazing dexterity at
the keyboard =as well as providing
what Adderley termed "strategic
screaming." His solos opened with
classical phrasing and wound
through the areas of funky blues
and cool jazz to unnamed and un-
chartered areas of the keyboard.

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.f

words about A



The Algiersjudge

THIS WEEK'S postponement of Detroit's
Algiers Motel trial is not, as Detroit
Recorder's (Criminal) Court Judge Rob-
ert Colombo would have us believe, a=
measure that will allow fairer trial for
the policeman accused of murdering 19-
year-old Aubrey Pollard during last sum-
mer's rioting. In fact, as the six-month
delay stretches through until January,
Patrolman Ronald August will have an
increasingly difficult chance for a fair
To begin with, take Judge Colombo's
decision to postpone. This was predicat-
ed on reviews he has read of John Her-
sey's recently published "The Algiers
Motel Incident," and the conclusion he
reached from his fairly inconclusive re-
search (he admitted he has not read the
book). Colombo said he thought the book
was "designed to deliberately be released
at a time that would prevent a fair and
impartial trial." Thus, he reasoned, post-
pone the trial, and mitigate the effects
of Hersey's book and its pursuant pub-
WHAT THE judge fails to 'realize,
though, is the effects of a six-month
wait. Detroit booksellers estimate that
6500 copies of the book have been pur-
chased in the city to date. By January,
they expect the figure to be close to
200,000. They base this estimate on the
reasonable surety that Detroiters will be

more than passihigly interested in Her-
sey's book -- especially with the added
publicity Colombo has afforded it.
But there is even more that the six-
month pause will do to August's chances
for a fair trial. A number of other thing
could possibly come into light before the
trial is reconvened. For instance, pros-
pective jurors might learn that, Judge
Colombo, who is showing such a concern
for fairness, served as counsel for the De-
troit Police Officers' Association (the
group that is defending August) before
being seated on the bench one-and-a-
half years ago.
Or that the same judge was overheard
last July, while arrested looters were be-
ing arraigned in his court during the
riot, telling this to a suspect who had
pleaded not guilty: "Don't worry. We
will prove you're guilty." This _from a
judge, who is supposed to be the epitome
of impartiality.
In fact, six months might even see the
end of Detroit's newspaper strike, which
would surely bring a concerted attempt
from the papers to shed light on this
confusing case and its misguided judge.
What the Algiers Motel trial needs is
not a postponement. What it needs is a
change of venue away from the rumor
mills of Detroit, and a change of judge
away from the Hon. Mr. Colombo.

The Adderley group, featuring
the leader's brother Nat on trum-
pet, plays extremely well together.
They produce a sound which is
tightly knit without sounding
Gary Burton, whose quartet
represents the "Flower: power"
school of jazz, was the only vibist
at Newport this year. Guitar man
Larry Coryell, who has been with
the Burton group for several
years, brought a strong rock and
roll background with him into
jazz. His clearly recognizable rock
lines and use of feedback are
viewgdi with a jaundiced eye by
jazz purists, but they fit in well
with Burton's complex yet well
stated work. The two are admira-
bly backed by Steve Swallow .on
bass (who has a few things to say
himself) and Roy, Haynes on
With guitar soloists Jim Hall
and. Barney Kessell both sched-
uled to appear Thursday night,
an imprompty two-man workshop
was staged with unfortunate re-
sults. The styles of the two men
did not mesh well, and the beauti-
ful clear, sounds which Hall dis-
played'in his solos were submerged
by Kessel in the duet situation.
The Mongo Santamaria septet
(of "Watermelon Man' fame) is
one of the leaders in the Afro-
Cuban school of jazz that has
achieved great commercial suc-
cess. The heavy emphasis on the
Cuban rhythm unfortunately has
a tendency to make all the group's
numbers sound very similar. None-
theless, their rendition of Otis
Redding's "Dock of the Bay" de-
serves special note.
Singer-pianist Nina Simone
closed Thursday night's program.

She is a very intense, soulful
vocalist who demands an equally
intense involvement from the audi-
ence. Unfortunately, the audience
just wasn't in tune with the moody
Miss Simone on this occasion. The
magic which the "High Priestess
of Soul" so often works on her
audiences just wasn't there.
The afternoon concerts at New
port are always something spe-
cial; they are less formal, fewer
people attend, and the fans get
better seats for less money than
at the evening concerts. All of this'
usually adds up to a warmer, more
enthusiastic audience than the
evening throngs.
The Clark Terry big band open-
ed Friday afternoon's show, but
the band primarily serves as a
background for the soloists. Jimmy
Owen's trumpet work on "Com-
plicity" was excellent. Terry wrap-
ped up the set by doing a "mum-
bles" vocal, which everyone had
expected and were more than
happy to see.
Rufus Harley, in his first ap-
pearance at Newport, amazed and
delighted the audience with his
performance of "Windy" on bag-
pipes. Harley claims that the bag-
pipes; represent the biggest chal-
lenge of all the wind instruments,
and the sound he gets from them,
far from the squeaking and squaw-
king of the Scotch Army pipers,
shows that he's met the challenge.
The afternoon's most enthu-
siastic response was elicited by
the Elvin Jones Trio. Bassist Jim-
my Garrison, who made excellent
use of chords in "Jim's Tune,"
displayed a technical and creative
mastery of his instrument. Horn
man Joe Farrell, who plays flute,
tenor, alto and soprano saxophone
with equal facility, displayed ex-

cellent musical. knowledge in his
complex chord progressions. Jones'
enthusiastic drum solos left him
wringing wet and drew a standing
The Archie Shepp quintet play-
ed only one thing-a 15 or 20
minute churning sound weaving
around the reading of a poem.
Shepp plays from anywhere on
stage-he's in perpetual motion,
walking around the group, play-
ing from behind the drums-or off
in a corner. The complete musical
permisiveness and highly emo-
tional atmosphere created by the
Shepp group is hard for many to
fathom and his thing unfor-
tunately wasn't received very well.
Asked later why he didn't play
longer, Shepp smirked, "ask the
The, Dizzy Gillespie quintet
rounded out the afternoon with
somedclowning around and some
well-played standards., Gillespie
is certainly one of the giants of
jazz, both as a writer and per-
former. His quintet features James
Moody, a mellow alto and a good
foil for Gillespie's humor.
Friday evening's program-the
Schlitz Salute to Big Bands -
drew the 11,000 fans on an ex-
cursion into the past, when the
big bands ruled the jazz world.
Count Basie opened and showed
everyone what the phrase "a wild
Count Basie blast" really means.
He provided the background for
the first of the evening's "faces
out of the past," Joe Thomas, a
former saxophonist with Jimmy
Lundsford. Thomas played "For
Dancers Only." He is now Kansas
City's chief mortician but sounded
like he'd never left the game.
(Continued on Page 5)

Ignoring the Spock march

THE FIRST people to arrive at Packard
and South Division for the march in
support of Dr. Spock yesterday were the
police. The intersection was also the pa-
trolmen's coo'rdinating point for the pa-
rade and the march through Ann Arbor's
streets was led by three policemen on
It seemed strange that these elements
of society were so casually involved with
a demonstration in which many of the
marchers would protest their presence
in a different demonstration. Directly
behind the policemen at t e front was
a stationwagon with bars pAinted on the
windows and signs decrying the "police
state" which was responsible for the con-
viction of Spock and Coffin.
IN THEORY, marches are overt demon-
strations for support of a cause and
bystanders on the street should be will-
ing to hear the marchers' arguments.
And, as in most cases, the theory is
true on a University campus. When the
parade went down State St., many stu-
dents joined the marchers after reading
the posters (the police had refused to let
the organizers of the parade leaflet or
use amplified loudspeakers).
However, in downtown Ann Arbor the
mood was much different. One mother
slapped her child in the face and sent
him back into her house after he tried
to join the children marching down the
street. A young man responded to the
cries of "Walk a block for Spock," with
"I wouldn't wear my shoes out for no-
body." Another child said 'then walk a

block for fun," but the man turned and
walked away.
This seemed a strange contrast to a
movie I had seen the night before. In
"Wild in the Streets," children and teen-
agers take over the country by simply
walking in the streets. They pressure the
government with their presence and fi-
nally assume control of the country be-
cause "we're 52 per cent" of the popula-
YESTERDAY, the average age of the
marchers protesting the sentencing of
Dr. Spock must have been 14 at the most,
and it was obvious that all the marchers
(including the children) had a deep con-
viction for their cause.
But the spontaneous support that came
in the movie never materialized on the
streets of Ann Arbor.
IT IS DIFFICULT not to be depressed
with the apparent numbness to politics
in our population. For the people in
downtown Ann Arbor, the march repre-
sented very little - just an obstruction
of traffic. In Washington last October
the nation ignored the most impassioned
plea for a political cause that I have
ever seen.
There seems an almost negative re-
action among observers. They continue
their lives without change, rather than
Qpen their minds to a disturbing thought.
I only hope the participants aren't
dragged into that apathy.

Cannonball Adderley

Dizzy Gillespie and James Moody

Bringing the new revolution

Archie She pp

Rufus Harley Tal Farlowe

SORTIES of mob violence and
troop brutality exploded into
the most radical democratic
change of American history in
Rabblerousers like Samuel
Adams had been preaching
heresy of the crown for years
before a series of retaliatory
tax acts by Parliament gave
the heresy retail value.
When a mob burned and
looted Chief Justice Hutchin -
son's house, British authoritic!
replied with an armed militia
-"commanded to restore law
and order."
IN THE following months,
militants organized the Sons ci
Liberty which coordinated in-
timidation of British authorities
and harrassment of British
sympathizers. Even the New
York Assembly was persuaded,
not by S. Adams as much as

ness with the argument that
Americans had neither voted
for the laws nor voted for any-
one who had made the laws.
S. ADAMS held to his theme
of "separatism," declaring that
"there is nothing the colonists
would more dread than repre-
sentation in Parliament" be-
cause they feared legitimizing
British tyranny. Tokenism
would not fill the bill.
And so with both sides re-
treating to the sanctity of lvar,
the British colonial government
was overthrown.
America's democratic change
of the 1960's is not nearly as
radical, even though the po-
lemics of Malcolm X and Stoke-
ly Carmichael herald the same
sense of freedom. Today's rad-
icals have agreed, in most in-
stances, that individual liberty
is still couched in the Bill of

That is why today's -stab-
lishment, the bureaucratic war-
monger and profit-monger,
fears the call of Dr. Martin
King and Sen. Robert Kennedy
to return more precisely to the
Bill of Rights.
As long as his National
Guardsmen are operative, the
corpgrate American can for-
bear Violence in the street. Aft-
er all, it distracts attention
from his throne of gluttony
where arbitrary power governs
with an iron sceptre, where the
disenfranchised rebels are so
many ticker-tapes.
system may be, it may be that
our first duty is to remove this
inhuman establishment and
the bureaucracy which suckles
There is little hope that the
election of Nelson Rockefeller



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