Page Three Thursday, Jury 11, 1968 THE MICHIGAN DAILY N Thurday Jul 11 198 TH MIHIGA DALY_ PaaeT..e i PEACE TALKS: Hanoi claims U.S. 'playing politics' PARIS (P)-North Vietnam's chief negotiator accused President, Johnson's administration yester- day of playing politics with the Paris peace talks. American authorities, Ambas- sador Xuan Thuy said, have spread rumors about signs of progress "to serve their. political designs." Thuy denied there had been Orogress. He declared the aim of the rumors was to appease Amer- ican public opinion, which he said is demanding a change in U.S. policy. SThuy emerged from the 12th conference in the series of talks that opened May 13 and told newsmen: "There was no advance in today's session because the United States spoke of the future Bell linemen vote to strike NEW YORK (P)-Members of the long lines unit of the AFL-CIOS 'ommunications Workers of America voted 3 to 1 to authorize a nationwide strike against Amer- ican Telephone & Telegraph Co., a union spokesman said yesterday. The spokesman said the union's general executive board can call the strike at any time, but he still hoped for a settlement., The strike threat involved 24,000 employes of the Bell System's long lines throughout the country. The union spokesman said bar- gaining sessions are still in pro- gress, although the company and the union had tentatively agreed to startua new contract at mid- , night July 8. of the Southeast Asia region to avoid talking about an uncondi- tional cessation of bombardments." A few minute later Ambassador W. Averell Harriman, addressing reporters at the U.S. Embassy, said: "I cannot say any immediate results have been achieved, but I still maintain there are straws in the wind despite what he said." Harriman did not reply to Thuy's charge at the formal meet- ing. A spokesman hinted that the question was raised at the half- hour coffee break that followed Thuy's speech. SECRET TALKS U.S. delegates have made it a rule not to talk about what goes on during these breaks, which they hope wil develop into useful. secret talks. The North Vietnamese maintain nothing the conference is discussed in the breaks. And they also insist that the only issue now before the meetings is a com- plete halt in the bombing and other acts of war against North Vietnam. "I repeat, the United States is prepared to stop the bombing of North Vietnam," Harriman said, "but what will then happen? Is restraint on our part to be fol- lowed by continuing escalation and expanding aggression on your part? Stopping the bombing is only one step." BRIGHT PICTURES In his formal speech at the opening of yesterday's session, Harriman painted a bright picture of what could be achieved in Southeast Asia by peaceful coope- ration, with American support for the region's economic develop- ment: -Associated Press Protesting youth trample city car'} 'HOOLIGANS' THWARTED: Bombsmis s Reagan Youths riot for more jobs 1500 N.Y. poor demonstrate for summer work NEW YORK (AP)-A crowd of 1,500 teen-agers, demonstrating at City Hall for more summer jobs, were dispersed by police yesterday after the youths had pelted the officers with missiles, looted frankfurter and soft drink stands, and trampled on the hoods and roofs of parked cars. Three policemen were injured by flying objects, authorities said. TWO TAKEN After the demonstration had gone on for two hours, policemen carrying nightsticks chased the youths, mostly Negroes and Puerto Ricans, from the plaza in front of City Hall. At least two were taken to a nearby police station. About 50 police recruits, without nightsticks, remained behind in a line across the City Hall steps. Mayor John V. Lindsay returned to the city from Washington dur- ing the demonstration, but went to his residence. The teen-agters were demanding 20,000 additional summer jobs in the city's poverty areas. During the demonstration, a 12rman delegation entered City Hall to meet with Deputy Mayor Timoty Costello. The others con- tinued to picket, and mill. about outside. Some carried hand-lettered signs espousingetheir demand for the additional job slots in i the Neighborhood Youth Corps pro- gram. EARN OR BURN Some signs bore these legends: "A cooler New York is up to you," "Earnor burn," "No Money - no peace," "Raise our funds, or we raise hell," and "Give us some- thing to do this summer, besides rioting." At one point about 15 boys and girls converged on a portable frankfurter stand set up at Broad- way and Murray Street across from the heavily guarded City Hall and took bottles of cold soda pop. Willie J. Smith, executive di- rector of the city-wide Neighbor- hood Youth Corps, said the dem- onstrators "will stay here until we get the money for more jobs." De Murville new French named s SACRAMENTO, Calif. (IP)-Gov. Ronald Reagan blamed "Hooli- ganism" yesterday for an ap- parent attempt by two Negroes to hurl firebombs at his home- an attempt thwarted by armed Secret Service agents. The agents fired a warning shot and chased the suspects Tues- day night, but they escaped-one on foot and the other in an auto parked half a block away. The homemade bombs, filled with a liquid believed to be gas- oline and with rag wicks, were tossed away during the chase and failed to ignite or explode. No one 14 Friday & Saturday-7:00 & 9:05 THE SILENT WORLD COLOR. 1956. Jacques Cousteau's award-winning documentary on life under the sea. Short: "NIGHT OWLS" with Laurel & Hardy ARCH ITECTURE AUDITORI UM 75c cheap was hurt and there was no dam- age. Sacramento police continued the hunt for the men. They had a vague description of the car. Officers linked the Reagan home incident to scattered vio- lence which occurred earlier Tues- day in the predominantly Negro Oak Park neighborhood of Sacra- mento, about two miles away. In the Oak Park region, a man was stabbed and wounded seriously, a policeman was hit with a bottle and several fires were set. City officials could give no cause or specific grievance for the disturbances, but Reagan said, "I think it's part and parcel of the atmosphere that pervades the country, not just California. "Frankly," Reagan told report- ers at an imprompty news con- ference, "I don't take any stock in these people who say this type of thing has anything to do with the problems of poverty or prob- lems of employment. "The people who do this are Ihoodlums and hooligans. They have no interest in bettering the conditions of anyone and they are stimulated by the continued hate talk that goes on in the con- text of politics today." -Associi De; Murville talks to newsmen U .S. EXAMPLE IMPORTANT: Rusk urges senat to ratify arms ' premier 4 PARIS (A) - French president Charles de Gaulle nudged Georges Pompidou out of his job as pre- mier yesterday, but told him to be ready to "take on any. mandate which could be given you one day .by the nation" - a suggestion that de Gaulle was opening a path for him as .his successor. De Gaulle picked Maurice Couve de Murville, a loyal follower dur- ing a 10-year period as foreign minister, to serve as the new ; premier. Three days of mounting specu- lation dulled the. bombshell effect of the replacement of Pompidou, who had been France's govern- ment leader for 6 years, two months and 26 days longer than any other man in modern times. FAIT ACCOMPLI On Monday, the first rumors were greeted with disbelief. Tues- day it was accepted as a fait ac- compli. The successive visits of Pomp dou to the Elysee Palace yesteiday afternoon to present his resignation to d Gaulle, and Couve de Murville's later visit to be officially appointed, were mere formalities. The exact circumstances of Pompidou's departure were not made clear by an exchange of letters on the resignation. Pom- ated Press pidou said, "You have told me of your intention, at the time when the National Assembly, elected June 23 and 30, will be meeting, to name a new government." But de Gaulle said in his letter "considering the weight of your duties at the head of government ~ for six years and three months, I believe I should agree to your re- quest not to be named again as premier." Al t De Gaulle's letter continued: "Wherever you will be, 'mow, my dear friend, that I want to art of the keep particularly close relations s its com- with you. I wish, 'finally, that you ar nations hold yourself in readiness Go ac- eapons. complish any mission and take on any' mandate which could be given ing Rusk you one day by the nation." the treaty The warmth of the letter was in e tratysharp contrast to the perfunctory ed States thanks that de Gaulle gave to Mi- ts abroad chel Debre when Pompidou re- :of non- d by nu- placed Debre in 1962. E'NT SUCCESSION , ew treaty Sources close to the Elysee Pal- o no more ace said they could read signifi- than al- cance into the phrase "mandate . treaties of the nation." They said this cer- hip in the tainly referred to the possibility Council. that Pompidou might one day be usk said: called on to succeed de Gaulle. hina and Private sources said that Porn- heir own pidou was hurt - but not bitter-- efused to about the way de Gaulle had Id will be handled the situation. n than if Conflicting reports circulated all." about the reason for Pompidou's hnt and replacement. Some said Pompidou L custom- was less than enthusiastic about sdle their de Gaulle's plan for greater work- ause some er participation in industrial man- do so, he agement and, profits. Others said that de Gaulle llow for- sensed a sharp rise in Pompidou's it nuclearpopularity as a result of his firm t ncle handling of the strike situation in ie UnitedMay and June and in enginer- rinciple ing the Gaullist victory in the g some of legislative elections. De Gaulle rnational has always wanted to stand alone above all others. }s, sr,'{'+} r ^r' ^;r.; M .' ''r 1'., 1"" dJ:"/ I4 Yf61uV ' {y{11V :..Vd' . s1 'i a "~1M{{Y . . iq "" ryr. . wrAi rwa 11 11 IIII THIS WEEK ONLY ! University Players' WASHINGTON (P)-Secretary of State Dean Rusk opened the administration's' drive yesterday for ratification of the nuclear nonproliferation treaty. There were signs the Senate will give it swift approval. Rusk got a friendly response from the Foreign Relations Com- mittee when he declared speedy ratification is needed to deal with "the perils of proliferation." Majority Leader Mike Mansfield (D-Mont) advised newsmen the Senate will probably take up the treaty before going home this year. Leading off a parade of wit- nesses slated for committee testi- mony through next week, Rusk said the effectiveness of the treaty will depend mainly on other na- tions-and they want to see what, the United States does first. "We have asked for prompt ac- tion on the treaty because many countries, particularly our allies, are waiting to see what, we do be- fore starting their own parliamen- tary consideration of the treaty," Rusk said. More than 60 states have taken the first step so far by signing the treaty, which was opened for membership July 1. The pact goes into force upon ratification by 40 nations plus the three nuclear sponsors-the Unit- The most important p treaty, in Rusk's view, is mitment upon nonnuclea not to acquire atomic w The senators kept ask and U.S. disarmament cl liam C. Foster whether t would involve the Unit in any new commitmen -especially in defense atomic statesthreatene clear neighbors. Rusk replied that the n binds the United States t atomic defense action ready set forth in U.S with allies and members] United Nations Security Under questioning, R -Even though Red C France, both building t nuclear arsenals, have r sign the treaty, the wor "in a vasly better positi( there were no treaty atf This is because .Red C France would have fewe ers if they choose to ped atomic weapons, and beca 12 to 20 nations able to. ture their own will nott said. The treaty does not a eign inspection of Sovie facilities. However, th States, to encourage the of inspection, is allowing its plants to undergo inte inspection. THE REPERTORY COMPANYI4 z I;IT SEPTEMBER 17-29 MRDirected by Stephen Porter t'~ . Adapated by Wilbur Richard A delightful satiric romp OCTOBER 1-13 A contemporary approach to Shakespeares Directed by Ellis Rabb - Music by Conrad Susa o ,l wOCTOBER 15-27 The comedy-fantasy by a master of modern theatre. .. By Sean O'Casey Directed by Jack O'Brien --Music by Bob James -40 - r : : .1: ' !y. * y, f y f ed States, Union. Britain and the SovietI N7 l* - ~Ai r-Conditi "Kubrick provides the viewer with the closest equivalent to psychedelic experience this side of hallucinogjens-Magizn,A fan- tastic movie about man's futurel An unprecedented psychedelic roller coaster of an experience 1" Mgazine "Kubrick's '2001' is the ultimate trip!" -.;Mn Science' * h.t MGM PRESENTS A STANLEY KUBRICK PRODUCTION 2001: aspace odyssey N W ' IEtta EY[S, 'Sii ;[P!(M@TR *IIM a i15M i t a WWIu~ * ,.U, I W O M iM 4 ',' r U 7Z ean Xw Saw S0, S .. 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