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July 10, 1968 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1968-07-10

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Wednesday, July 10, 1968


Page Three

Wednesday, July 10, 1968 THE MICHIGAN1DAILY





SAIGON (P)-President John-
son and President Nguyen Van
Thieu of South Vietnam will meet
in Honolulu around July 20 to
discuss the problems of war and
peace in Vietnam.
Thieu proposed the meeting af-
ter announcing Monday he was
again forced to postpone this
month's visit to Washington be-
cause offthe threat of a new
enemy offensive.
An announcement by Thieu's
office yesterday said the Honolulu
conference will last for two days
and will be devoted to the war and
the preliminary peace talks in
Paris between North Vietnam and
the United States.
White House Press Secretary
George Christian said in San An-
tonio, Texas, that the exact date
will be set after Johnson confers
with his advisers.
The anouncement came as high
South Vietnamese and U.S. offi-
cials were holding a series of con-
ferences in Saigon. Reports in-
dicated a major development
might be near.
Some observers claimed signifi-
cance in the call by Ambassador
Bui Diem, South Vietnam observer
at the Paris talks, for direct ne-
gotiations between North and
South Vietnam.
Diem said' that before there
could be a bombing pause North
Vietnam must stop infiltrating
troops into South Vietnam and
put an end "to the aggression that
is the very cause of the conflict."
"Let North Vietnam yield to
the evidence," he said, "and stop
being taken in by its own propa-
t ganda and we would certainly be
closer to a solution than we are
now." Diem said direct conversa-
tions between the North and
e South could then take place.
Y At the same time, a change in
emphasis in North Vietnam's
propaganda drew the attention of
t Radio Hanoi accused the United
- States yesterday of "trying to re-
negotiate at Paris the 1954 Geneva
agreement that ended the French
n Indochina war.'

De Gaulle to oust
French premier
rCouve de Murville to take over
Pompidou post after policy split
PARIS ;(R) - Georges Pompidou has split with President
Charles de Gaulle over social reforms for France and will be
replaced as premier by former Foreign Minister Maurice
Couve de Murville, sources close to the government said yes-
Pompidou, a former banker, was understood to boppose
de Gaulle's "participation" plan for workers and students to
share in maanging factories and universities. De Gaulle has
offered the plan as his long-term answer to the social frus-
trations that boiled up in the4
nationwide riots and strikes
of May and June.;1O use
Labor unions and business men 'J.
also have voiced opposition to the
participation plan, although De
Gaulle has never spelled out its to a 1c O
De Gaulle praised Pompidou
highly at the height of the crisis
six weeks ago. But a source close
to the premier commented yester-
day on reports of his impending -f
ouster: "It's true." WASHINGTON (P)-The House
It had been expected for soire Rules Committee voted yesterday
time that Pompidou would step to send the gun control bill, which
down as premier but only to es- would ban'the interstate sale of
cape political entanglements and rifles and shotguns, to the ,House
ready himself as De Gaulle's heir floor for action.
aparent, for the presidency. Now The action came after 10 hours
Pompidou's future course was un- of hearings during the past two
clear. days.
The premier is nominally chief The committee voted to permit
of government but at the outset
of De Gaulle's Fifth Republic the an open. rule which will enable
presidency changed from a some- members to amend the bill.
what ceremonial job to a position Many of the witnesses who ap-
of great power. peared before the Rules Commit-
Pompidou holds a National As- tee said if such a rule were per-
sembly seat that he would retain mitted they would submit amend-
as a political base regardless of ments.
any change in the premiership. One committee source said the
The new assembly meets tomorrow vote was 10-5 to send the bill to
for the first time. the House floor.
The changeover was expected to It was also understood that the
be announced officially this week committee ruled that an amend-
after. today's regular Cabinet ment by Rep. Bob Casey (D-Tex),
meeting, sources said. Couve de would be germane, to the bill
Murville was reported to have al- should he desire to introduce it
ready held preliminary talks on on the House floor.,
forming a new Cabinet. An- Casey said his plan would re-
nouncement of the new Cabinet quire mandatory sentences for
list was expected Saturday. criminals convicted of crimes
Couve de Murville spent an while carrying a firearm.
hour and a quarter talking with , He told the committee Monday
De Gaulle at the Elysee Palace. he sought to amend the bill while
Later, Couve de Murville and it was in the House Judiciary
Pompidou had a long talk at the Committee but was told the
premier's office. amendment was not germane and

-AssociAted Press
I aids an injured enemy
U.S. forces block

-Associated Press

Rocky rocks with rockin' rockers

Rocky urges GOP poll


new Sa1g4
SAIGON ') -- The U.S. Army
and Navy teamed up yesterday to
block enemy forces moving up on
Saigon for a possible new attack,
long threatened by the Viet Cong
and Hanoi.
Troops of the U.S. 9th Infantry
Division turned back a force of
unknown size in a skirmish in
Long An Province 19 miles south-
west of Saigon. The U.S. Com-
mand said 13 enemy soldiers were
killed and there were no Ameri-



can casualties.
While the enemy unit was un-
identified, it may have been part
of the North Vietnamese 9th Divi-
sion. Intelligence reports say a
regiment of that division moved
into Long An recently.
The intelligence reports place
two of the enemy 9th's infantry
regiments and an artillery regi-
ment, possibly 4,000 men, west of
Saigon in menacing positions.
U.S. Navy river patrol boats and,
helicopters, only recently commit-
ted to the defense of Saigon, de-

stroyed three enemy sampans on
the Dong Nai River 11 miles east
of Saigon. .
Elsewhere, U.S. and South Viet-
namese troops reported scattered
contacts with small units in the
endless sweeps around as they
sought for enemy soldiers and
There were no reports of new
fighting at the other danger poin
near the demilitarized zone divid.
ing Vietnam, where U.S. Marinek
engaged North Vietnamese ix
battle Sunday and Monday.
There was no letup in the a:
war in North Vietnam's southern
panhandle, where U.S. pilots flev
140 missions Monday.
In addition, the movement of
men and materiels was slowed b:
cutting roads in 63 places an(
leaving five bridges unusable.
The crews also ignited by sec-
ondary explosions, 20 petroleun
and lubricant fires and 105 other
sustained fires. They also silenced
26 weapons positions."

Nelson A. Rockefeller challenged
Richard M. Nixon yesterday to
join in sponsoring a nationwide
poll of voters to serve as "an im-
portant guide" to the Republican
National Convention in choosing
the strongest presidential candi-
He also invited Nixon again to
meet in open debate of campaign
isues on national television. Nixon
has said in the past that such de-
bates would only impair Repub-
lican party unity.
The New York governor com-


Johnson asks Senate
to ratify arms pact,


Johnson asked the Senate yester-
day to ratify a non-proliferation
treaty designed to halt the spread
of nuclear weapons and ward off
what he termed "nuclear .an-
"By 1985," Johnson said in a
message finished in Central Amer-
ica Monday, "the world's peaceful
nuclear power stations will prob-
ably be turning out enough by
plutonium for the production of
tons of nuclear bombs every day.
"This capability must not be
allowed to result in the further
spread of nuclear weapons. The
consequences would be nuclear
anarchy, and the energy designed
to light the world could plunge
it into darkness."
The message was flown to
Washington and delivered to the
The Senate Foreign Relations
Committee plans to open hearings
on the treaty today. Secretary of
State Dean Rusk and William C.
Foster, head of the U.S. disarma-
ment agency, will be leadoff wit-
White House officials said they
believe the chances of ratification
before Congress adjourns are
Senate Majority Leader Mike
Mansfield of Montana appeared

uncertain, however, when asked
about the prospects.
"We'll see how things develop,"
he commented.
The United States, Soviet Rus-
sia, Great Britain and some 60
other countries already have sign-
ed the treaty. The three big pow-
ers and 40 additional nations must
ratify it to bring it into effect.
Ireland has led the way on rati
The two other nuclear powers,
France and Red China, have
balked at signing.
The pattern for the treaty was
a 22-year-old American law for-
bidding transfer of nuclear wea-
pons to other nations. The treaty
would bind all nuclear powers to
apply this ban.
In addition, it would forbid non-
nuclear countries to receive or
make nuclear weapons or to seek
or accept help in making them.
But development of nuclear
energy for peaceful purposes coutld
go on under international safe-
Several "threshold" nations, re-
garded as capable of making nu-
clear weapons if they wish, have
held back so far on signing the
treaty. Canada, Japan,dIsrael,
Sweden and Switzerland are
among these.

plained that Nixon had been silent
on the issues since the presidential
primaries and argued that "this
kind of candidacy cannot be good
enough-or strong enough-for
the Republican Party in 1968.
Rockefeller's dual move was re-
garded as an effort to blunt the
long lead in delegate strength
Nixon compiled through primary
victories and alliances with party
leaders in various states.
The governor issued his chal-
lenges during a campaign stop in
St. Louis, before flying to Nash-
ville to pursue his effort to con-
yince Republicans that he is a
more likely winner in November,
than Nixon.
At St. Louis, Rockefeller spoke
to Republican Leaders at a break-
fast meeting, conferred privately
with members of Missouri's pro-
Nixon convention delegation and
drew a crowd estimated by police
at 4,000 for a noontime rally in
the downtown section of the city.
Noting that less than four
weeks remain before the party
convention opens in Miami, Aug.
5, Rockefeller said it was time to
consult the people on their choice
of candidates and speak to them
freely on the issues.
He said he had sent telegrams
to Nixon and National Chairman
Ray Bliss urging they join him
in commissioning "an unim-
peachable polling organization to
test the respective strengths of
Mr. Nixon and myself against any
Democratic opponent."
In Washington, Bliss said he
was turning down the Rockefeller
Bliss sent this reply to Rocke-
"Since assuming the chairman-
ship of the Republican National
Committee I have repeatedly
stated that the proper role of the
national chairman is to build a
strong party organization from
the' precinct to the national level.
I have maintained a complete
neutrality in the nominating pro-,
cess and I will not engage in any
activity directly or indirectly re-,

lating to influencing the votes
of the duly elected delegates to
the Republican National Conven-
Rockefeller said the poll could
take one of two forms:
A poll of voters in each of the
50 states, from which conclusions
might be drawn as to how the
states' electoral votes eventually
would be cast.
A more limited survey concen-
trating on states with large cities
that Rockefeller said Bliss had
described as being vital to Repub-
lican victory. Rockefeller identi-
fied the states as Massachusetts.
New York, New Jersey, Pennsyl-
vania, Maryland, Ohio, Michigan,
Illinois and Missouri. He said he
would be willing to add California
to the list.
Rockefeller suggested that Bliss
himself analyze the findings and
report them to the convention "as
an important guide to delegates."
Rockefeller estimated it would'
cost an average $,000 per state--
a total of $250,000-to complete
the national poll.

Couve de Murville, 61, was
named finance minister for an in-
terim period starting at the end


# i

f May.

thus ruled out of order.
Meanwhile, in a Senate hearing,
Atty. Gen. Ramsey Clark renewed
an administration appeal for the
more rigorous proposal calling for
federal registration of fire ,
despite a setback in the Hose.
Sen. Strom ,Thurmond (R-SCY,
brought the question up at a Sen-
ate juvenile delinquency subcom-
mittee hearing on the firearms
registration and licensing bill
urged by President Johnson.
Clark, in his testimony before
the Senate committee, rejected a
suggestion by Thurmond that any
registration of firearms should be
left to the states and local gov-
However, he said he hoped the
states would set up their own sys-
tems for licensing gun owners. He
said the administration bill is de-
signed to encourage this but ;the
federal government must act if the
states fail to do so.
Thurmond, who contended na-
tional registration of firearms
"can eventually end up in confis-
cation," said that many of the
petitions supporting the admin-
istration bill were gotten up by
anti-war groups.

r ',

-Associated Press
Pompidou and Coftve de Murville

t ~ x
0 "
r I, }

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(Continued from Page 2)
Therefore, in order to protect this
process and to ensure that the opera-
tions of the University proceed in a
civilized manner, the Administrative
Board holds that a student of this
College who interferes with any other
member of the academic community so
as to disrupt that person's participa-
tion in any activity or function con-
versity should be subject to disciplin-
ary action.
While the Administrative Board will
continue to hear and adjudicate cases
where students of the College are al-
leged to have been involved in cheat-
ing, plagiarism, and disruption in th
offices, classrooms, laboratories, and
libraries of the College, it holds that
in the interests of consistency the
kinds of disruptive behavior mentioned
in the second paragraph should be
heard at the University rather than at
the College level - with the tradition-
al reservation that a student may ap-
peal to his College any decision which
affects his academic status. According-
ly, the Administrative Board strongly
urges that a judiciary be established
Ott the University level and that this
Board be consulted in its establish-
ment. However, until the establishment
of such a judiciary, or in the event

that no University-wide authority as-
sumes .jurisdiction, the Administrative
Board reserves the right to hear and
adjudicate such cases.
Christopher Vernon Kimball, Electri-
cal Engineering, Dissertation: "Inter-
symbol Interference in Binary Com-
munication Systems," on Wed., July 10
at 9 a.m in Rm. 3513 E. Engrg. Chair-
man: T. G. Birdsall.
Charles Arthur Brackett, Electrical
Engineering, Dissertation: "Harmonic
Current Generation and Multi-Signal
Effects in Beam-Plasma Systems," on
Wed., July 10 at 9:30 a.m. in Rm. 2076
E. Engrg. Chairman: J. E. Rowe,
Ramon James Betanzos, History, Dis-
tory, Dissertation: "Franz von Baader's
Philosophy of Love," on Wed., July 10
at 10 a.m. in Rm. 3609 Haven Hall.
Chairman: S. J. Tonson. '
William Ray Mann, Education, Dis-
sertation: "Changes in the Level of At-
titude Sophistication of College Stu-

dents as a Measure of Teacher Effec-
tiveness," on Wed., July 10 at 10 a.m.
in Rm. 6006 I.S.R. Chairman: R. T.
Jack Edwin Peterson, Industrial
Health, Dissertation: "Human Bio-
thermal Strain in Relation to Environ-
mental Stress Parameters," on Wed.,
July 10 at 1 p.m. in Rm.2009 School of
James Alan Boyse, Romance Lan-
guages & Literatures: French, Disser-
tation: "Rhetorical Syntax ini Five Plays
by Corneille," on Wed., July 10 at 2
p.m. in Rm. 2092 Frieze .Bldg. Chair-
man: F. F. Gray.
Louis Francis Centofanti, Chemistry,
Dissertation: "Reaction of Fluorophos-
phines with various Acids," on Wed.,.
July 10 at 2 p.m. in Rm. 3003 Chem-
istry. Chairman: R. W. Parry.
/ 3200 SAB
CurrentrPositionsOpenings received
by General Division by mail and
phone, please call 754-7460 for further
Vista --- Service of one year, after
training of approx.'6 wks., and extend-
able. U.S. citizen or perm. resident,
min. age 18; married if no dependents
under 18. Choice of location in U.S.
and territories, but VISTA's concern is
to match your experience and abilities
to specific need in project as requested

by sponsor. Selection made upon basis
of application, encl. references.
Special Film for VISTA Week shown
today and tomorrow, July 10 and 11,
at 3 p.m. in Rm. 429, Mason Hail.
Interview Visit by VISTA Team, Rm,
3524, third floor of Student Act. Bldg.,
hours - 9f5 through .Friday this week.
No appointments necessary. Come in
for information, applic., and literature.
Current Position Openings received
by General Division b mail and phone,'
please call 764-7460 for further infor-
State of Washington - Welfare Ad-
ministrator, II, will administer small
county welfare office, min. one year
grad. trng. in sch. of social work and 2
years supv. work in public or private
welfare administration.
sAvco Corporation, Missile Systems
Division, Wilmington, Mass. - Staff
Engineer, Senior to work in area of
ocean systems problems, degree and 8
or more years in related areas.
State- of Wisconsin -- Education Pro~-
gram Consultants in Early Childhood,
Early Adolescents, and Young Adult
areas, MA in curriculum and instruc-
tion,'educ. admin., ed. psych., or rel,
fads. Exper. in leading programs in
school staff admin. Apprenticeship Mix>
nority Group Specialist, degree in ed.
soc. sci., Indust. mgmt. and 2 years
exper. with groups of disadvantaged
persons providing counseling in secur-
gram Director, degree in social sci. and
2 years assisting persons having econ.,
educ. or social needs. Supervisor of
"Operation Rehabilitation", degree and
2 years exper, with needy. Applic. due
fort these positions July 15, 1968.

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