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July 10, 1968 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1968-07-10

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See editorial page


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Sunny and


Vol. LXXVIII No. 41-5 Ann Arbor, Michigan, Wednesday, July 10, 1968 Ten Cents
Dean Hays: Makingt in the literary co
By URBAN LEHNER martyrdom. But in the case of Wil- committee of 6 elected faculty mem- him (he was appointed assistant idea,"
Hypothetical situation: literary liam Hays, at least, there are strong bers, will have to continue the in- professor only 11' years ago), the 42- sarily
college Dean William Hays is con- reasons for wondering why anyone creasingly difficult job of recruiting year-old Texan is genial, tactful, and A st
ferring with a talented young assis- would want his job. top flight professors and keeping politically adroit. ings l
tant professor who has only recently As dean, Hays will have to divide those already here' happy. Hays defines his role as "talking was re
M:received his appointment. In the the college's .$19 million budget "Historically, the function of the to people," and it is at talking to knew
course of their discussion, the rookie among 30 departments and 6 area dean has been to serve as the voice people-both publicly and privately The
scholar tells Hays bluntly that he programs in a manner that will of the faculty," notes Hays. Even -that he is best. He is frank, ar- that s
is interested in attaining the literary neither overly damage or offend any that is not an easy job. Asked what ticulate, and agreeable-too agree- voice
a <,college deanship within 20 years, and of them, and still avoid running a the faculty thinks about a problem, able for some people. probab
asks him how to go about getting deficit. Each year, he will have to he often answers, "I cannot speak "When we had the Students for and w
there. lobby with the President and vice for the faculty. There are as, many a Democratic Society convention and be
What would Hays do? presidents for the funds to meet the faculty opinions as there are faculty here last summer and he was asso- makin@
"I'd have him locked up some- college's growing needs. He will have members. I can only represent them ciate dean, I went in to talk to 'him "Wh
where," laughs Hays, who took over ' to reconcile increasingly clamorous as I understand their feelings." about getting University sponsor- est of
.. . . . the dean's post July 1, upon the re- student demands for a voice in the Even so, few men have assumed ship," recalls one campus radical. "and I
tirement of William Haber. "He'd decision-making processes of the col- the literary college deanship with "He said he thought it was a great from.
have to be some kind of masochist." lege with the faculty's often closely Hays' ability to cope with its prob- idea, but nothing ever happened." "If
University administrators tradi- guarded sense of prerogatives. lems. With a meteoric rise through Indeed, Hays has apparently versity
tionaly have gone about their daily Mostly Hays, working hand in the ranks of the psychology depart- heard the complaint himself. "Just Indust
Hays: Ready to talk chores in a spirit of semi-facetious hand with the college's executive ment and the literary college behind because I think something is a good duct f

Six Pages
he warns, "doesn't neces-
mean it's a feasible one."
udent who has observed} meet-
haired by Hays remarks:."He
ally smooth. Everybody always
who was in charge."
new dean thinks it inevitable
tudents will gain an increasing
in literary college decisions-
ly at the department level-
elcomes the trend toward more
tter "inputs into the decision-
g process.
at higher education is short-
is good ideas," Hays insists,
don't care where they come
you want to look at the uni-
as an industry, we're the only
ry that has absolutely no pro-












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passing interim rules

President's assistant
to replace Cutler
Prof. Barbara Newell, assistant to University President
Robben Fleming, will be appointed interim Vice President
for Student Services, Fleming confirmed yesterday.
Fleming stressed the temporary nature of the appoint-
ment -- Mrs. Newell will hold the position only until a search
committee finds a permanent replacement for outgoing Vice
President Richard L. Cutler.
Other sources, however, including several prominent
students and faculty, suggested Mrs. Newell might be a prime
candidate for the recommen-





8 adopt code,
grad school rewriting
Almost half of the University's 17 schools and colleges
and over half of those attached to the Ann Arbor campus
will enforce rules on disruptive student conduct passed last
September by Student Government Council until a Univer-
sity Council can be established and begin to enact permanent'
Mostof the deans had promised University President
Robben W. Fleming that the codes of their colleges either
Shad regulations covering inci-
C dents of disruptive student
conduct or would be revised to
cover such incidents by July
0 - 11.


V Members of Student Govern-
ment Council have condemned
University President Robben Fle-
ming's directive to University
schools and colleges to legislate
interim rules on non-academic
student discipline.
A statement approved by six
SGC members at a meeting last
night said that "SGC does not
recognise any non-academic rules
formulated during this interim
period by any school or college
and will use any action necessary
to support students tried within
any school or college for violation
of non-academic regulations."
Meeting chairman executive
vice president Robert Neff, treas-
urer Dennis Webster, ex-officio
members Daniel McCreath and
Robert Rorke, and at-Large mem-
bers E. 0. Knowles and Thomas
Westerdale briefly discussed pos-
Ssible student demonstrations pro-
testing the faculty action but did
not reach a decision.
The members also urged that,
until the new judicial system is
established, the various schools
and colleges recognise the student
judiciary system's authority to
adjudicate violations of non-aca-
demic regulations.
Neff called the action a "posi-
tion statement and a warning to
the schools and colleges in the
event they try to adjudicate in
non-academic affairs of students."
"This action leaves us flexible

According to a Daily poll con-
ducted yesterday, the education,
and the engineering, literary and
music, natural resources, public
healt7 and social work schools
and the engineering, literary and
pharmacy colleges have adopted
the rules passed by SGC, which
r*adIndividual or mass acts that
destroy University property or
significantly interfere with the
free movement of persons or
things, on the campus, are pro.
0 Intentional disruption of
University functions by depriving
others of needed quiet, light, heat,
or other physical conditions of
work, is prohibited.
The rules will be enforced by
the judiciary bodies in the schools
and colleges which normally ad-
Judicate cases involvingconduct
in the classroom, such as cheat-
ing and plagiarism.
The graduate school may re-
lease a statement of its interim
proceedings this afternoon. The
school reportedly was considering
a draft of nine rules, including
one which prohibited the use by
graduate students of narcotics on
University property or "Univer-
sity-controlled" property and at
University-sponsored events (see
letter, editorial page).
An informed source said yes-
terday that the draft of nine rules
was being rewritten. There was
no indication what the content of
the new graduate school rules
would be.
Officials in the architecture and
design college and medical school
were not available for comment

-Daily-Richard Lee
Summer's students
Part of the influx of strictly summer students included teachers who are working on advanced
degrees. Many of these §tudents' are nuns who teach in Catholic schools around the state.
Why . is the sky purple?

Washtenaw County's Board of
Supervisors voted yesterday to
legalize some Sunday liquor sales
in the county.
The measure passed was the
most liberal allowed under a new
state law permitting individual
counties to legalize Sunday sales.
Liquor may be served in res-
taurants which do more than 50
per cent of their gross business
in thge sale of food.
The sales will be legal after
2 p.m.
Support for the measure cen-
tered around the contention that
Washtenaw County is becoming a
tourist center and a convention
area. Members of the board were
apparently concerned that the
county might lose some business
if Sunday sales remained illegal.
The measure passed by the
board allows individual townships,
villages and municipalities to de-
clare Sunday sales invalid within
their own borders if they desire.
Supervisor William Papineau,
one of the two members of the
county board who voted against
the proposal, said that his oppo-
sition was based on the "obvious
"There is a correlation between
the use of alcohol and traffic ac-
cidents, and the more liquor that's
consumed the more accidents
there could be," Papineau added.

dation of the joint student-
faculty committee which will
be named soon.
Mrs. Newell was out of town
and unavailable for comment yes-
Since Fleming became president
last year, Mrs. Newell has acted
as a troubleshooter for the presi-
dent and served as one of his
closest advisers.
She has handled tasks for the
president, including the research-
ing of his speech to the Detroit
Economics Club attempting to
justify out-of-state enrollment.
The appointment of Mrs. New-
ell as vice president for student
services reflects the expected re-
structuring of the Office of Stu-
dent Affairs.
If the Regents approve Flem-
ing's reorganization plans at their
July meeting next week, the unit
will become the Office of Student
Included in the restructuring
will be the removal of disciplinary
responsibility of the office, a chief
recommendation of the Presiden-
tial Commission on the Student
Role in Decision-Making in its
report last March.
Mrs. Newell, 39, wasassistant
to Fleming when he was chan-
cellor of the Madison branch of
the University of Wisconsin. She
has held an appointment as as-
sociate professor of economics
here since last March and is a
specialist in labor relations.
She received a9 bachelor of
arts degree in 1951 from Vassar
College, a masters degree from
Wisconsin in 1953, and a doctorate
there in 1958.
Mrs. Newell was assistant and
theni associate professor of eco-
nomics at Purdue Univerity from
1959 until 1964 when she returned
to Wisconsin as Fleming's assist-

!{> >.
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Mrs. Newell

Our Staff Meteorologist
Sweet, little Sheilah Patterson
of Appleton, N.D., asked The Daily
why the sky turned purple.
Sheilah was worried because
the sun failed to reappear follow-
ing yesterday afternoon's cloud-
burst, and instead a wierd, pur-
plish haze shrouded many Uni-
versity buildings.
But wipe those raindrops from
your eyes, Sheilah; all is well,
In an exclusive Daily inter-
view, Dr. Hazel Losh, former pro-
fessor of astronomy, explained
away the phenomenon as "re-
fraction effect."
"I don't think you have much
of a story," she said, trying to
calm fears of armageddon.
Nevertheless, the Associated
Press, in a copyrighted story, re-
vealed the gravity of the situa-
"BOULDER, Colo. W) -
Based on information collected
here and at 'flare patrol' stations
around the world, . . . scientists
were watching for the effects of
a cloud of electrons . . . believed
headed toward earth, promising
more disruptions . .. and another
major solar flare within 24,

trophy, Prof. A. Nelson Dingle,
cloud expert of the meteorology
department, released information
compiled in a report by British
scientist Lord Rayleigh.
Rayleigh, whose observations on
sky color solve the whole prob-
lem, was unavailable for com-
ment, because he died in the last
Dingle summarized the report,
saying the sky is purple because
purple wavelengths were shining
through it.
The professor did not link the

Associated Press reports of solar
flares to the presence of the rosy
light. Instead, he explained that,
at sunset, the short blue wave-
lengths, sometimes responsible for
the sky blue color sometimes seen
in Ann Arbor, are not scattered
as easily as the longer red waves.
Thus it is as if a "red spot-
light" was shining on the area.
"You know the old saying," he
continued, "'Red sun in morning,
sailors take warning; red sun at
night, sailors delight.'d
It should be a nice day today.

rally today
for, Spock,
A parade and rally will be held
at 3 p.m. today in support of Dr.
Benjamin Spock, the Rev. Wil-
liam Sloane Coffin Jr., Mitchell
Goodman and Michael Ferber,
who are to be sentenced today.
The four were convicted in Bos-
ton June 14 of conspiracy to coun-
sel young men to avoid the draft.
The maximum sentence is five
years imprisonment and fines of
Parade participants plan to
"express solidarity with these men
in their dissent against the Viet-
nam War and the draft." They
will also demonstrate against the
Boston trial, which' they charge
"represents a serious threat to
freedom of. speech 'in America."
A rally in the West Park band-
shell from 4:30 to 5 p.m. will fol-
low the parade.
Speakers at the tally will in-
clude the Rev. Edwin Gaede and
Rabbi Harold White, co-chairmen
of the Interfaith Council for
Peace; Peter Wolff, representing
Resist; Dennis Church from the
Resistanc'e and Bert Garskoff,
Congressional candidate of the
New Politics Party.
Women for Peace will play a
recording from the national or-

A morph ous


un iversity

The "free university" move-
ment is not dead. It just went
underground for 21/2 years.
The Ann Arbor Free School is
currently organizing to fill the
gap left when the Free Univer-
sity of 1966 was unable to con-
tinue operation because of fi-
nancial difficulties and inabil-
ity to find a full-time director.
An organizational meeting
for the school will be held to-

The objective is not only to
provide alternatives and supple-
ments to regular University
course offerings, but to provide
a center for students with un-
satisfied interests where they
can pursue their interests col-
A partial list of tentative
course offering has been drawn
up, but organizers say they are
perfectly willing to discard the
proposed topics if there is not
enough interest.

was Bill Ayers, and the experi-
mental Children's Community
School, which he directs, ex-
plains Tom Beukema, one of
the Free School's organizers.
Ayers and Beukema agreed
that interchange of ideas
should be promoted among rad-
ical groups such as Students for
a Democratic Society, New Poli-
tics Party and People Against
Racism. This is another goal of
the Free School.
But plans for starting the

emerge S
start to an unusual amount of
enthusiasm 'for the project,
rather than a desire to alleviate
factional disputes among the
Weeks added that the theor-
etical basis of the Free School
is "somewhat analogous to the
current theory of community
organizations," a movement,
which has gained great head-
way since the last attempt to
start a free school in Ann Ar-

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