aEtv 3fr41wn Dai Seventy-seven years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under authority of Board in Control of Student Publications 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Michh NNews Phone: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily exp ress the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. A jaundiced look at real black power (That black 'coalition' with Richard Milhous Nixon may be no joke!) TUESDAY, JULY 9, 1968 NIGHT EDITOR: HENRY GRIX,- A fourth party T SAME old double game is being played. The associates of Mr. Nixon and Vice President Humphrey -claim pri- vately that the nominees of each party have already been chosen, and that any- one who wants a piece of the action should stop chasing rainbows. The "nom- inees" themselves are more modest. They can hardly say that the * score can be posted before the game is over; that world suggest a "fix." Cynicism runs deep among the players of professional politics; nevertheless, the voters must not come to believe that it is not they who pick the winners. What is more fascinating, and hopeful, about 1968 than what Humphrey or Nixon says is that the two front-running can- didates may 'not be the ones the voters want at all. These abandoned, uncounted but numerous voters may be rescued by the nominatipn of Eugene McCarthy or Nelson Rockefeller. However, the bet- ting is that they will not. In state after state (most recently in Minnesota, Con- necticut, Michigan, Missouri and Okla- homa), administration loyalists ran roughshod over substantial anti-Humph- rey forces, raising some question about who runs the party. At the last Demo- cratic Convention in 1964, 54.6 per cent of the delegates were party officials (36.8 per cent public officials), which partly explains why convention delegates, left to themselves, are more attentive to par- ty leaders and functionaries than to vol- unteers who get into politics for pur- poses larger than partisan duty or per- sonal reward. There is no sign to date of any slack-' ening on the part of the supporters of Sen. McCarthy or Gov. Rockefeller. But it is plainer each day that the new poli- tics for which they speak cannot be en- trusted solely to the good keeping of the delegates to Miami and Chicago. Some- thing extra is required as a precaution. Those who perceive the wisdom of not putting all their eggs in two baskets are therefore beginning to discuss prepar- ing the way for a fourth party in '68 (Governor Wallace having made a third). IF THIS WERE a more settled decade with fewer and less raw tensions with- in the United States and between our- selves and revolutionary movements abroad, it might be said that convention- al choices are supportable, that neither Humphrey nor Nixon would be all that bad. Is not politics, after all, a choice be- tween lesser evils? But this is not a settled decade. The break-up of the com- munist empire, the discrediting of. an imperial mission for America, the grow- ing militance of the blacks, the tough questioning of our national purposes by the young - all these have overtaken and overturned the accepted notions of conventional politicians. A modern lead- ership, awake, free to shape the future in new ways is what we need. That is why, vithout any diminishing of the cam- paigns to nominate M c C a r t h y and Rockefeller as the Democratic and Re- publican candidates, an alternative should be prepared in the event they and their policies are cast aside. The justification, finally, for a new party is that it will be one of two par-, ties, for there is strength and stability in a two-party system. In other circum- stances, in 1948, The New Republic op- posed a third party (the Progressive Par- ty of Henry Wallace). But that was 20 years ago, and experience here, as in other areas, is no longer an absolute guide. The world has radically changed since then, and as represented by Nixon and Humphrey, the two major parties have not changed correspondingly. A fourth party is both carrot and stick. It invites politicians to profit from the depth and breadth of popular disen- chantment by responding sympatheti- cally to it in the selection of nominees and the drafting of platforms. It is a threat of retaliation if they do not. And the threat is to each party. (Had Theo- dore Roosevelt not -bolted the Republican Party in 1912, the Democratic nominee would in all probability have been Champ Clark, not Woodrow Wilson.) The threat must be credible, however. That means an alternative in being by November. THE ORGANIZERS of a new force in politics this ' year would be underes- mired with, them in the certainty that the election of 1968, for all its early aber- rations, will settle tidily into the pattern of institutional and block control they understand best." Then too, there is the longer future to be thought of. Something will replace the outworn, fragmented Democratic co- alition that came into being under Frank- lin Roosevelt: The construction of the new coalition should begin promptly. Concern for the future, moreover, in- cludes within it a good hunk of the pres- ent. For a fourth party in 1968 would put forward leaders in whom dissatisfied millions can have confidence now, a re- lease for frustration among young people, the poor, the blacks and the many more who want an end to the domination of our thinking and our national budget by the military. These people want repre- sentation now, not later, and they can get it if they take responsibility. Noth- ing so invigorates the democratic process as the doing by the citizens of what must be done. A fourth party can emerge reasonably soon, in time for November, if its initia- tors are numerous and zealous enough. As of today, a fourth party or an inde- pendent slate of electors could still get on the ballot under existing laws in 41 states, including the District of Colum- bia. There is no uniform pattern among the 50 states. f'O ILLUSTRATE, to get on the ballot in California under present law, an independent candidate needs nomination pa ers signed by voters equal in number to five per cent of the vote cast in the last gubernatorial election (330,293 sig- natures). These papers must be filed on or before Sept. 21. In Arizona, an inde- pendent candidate can be on the ballot in the general election if a petition has been signed by 3,783 voters and been filed within 10 days after the primary elec- tion (Sept. 20). In Connecticut, names of presidential electors for an independent presidential candidate must be filed be- fore Aug. 13. In Idaho, a new party may nominate an electoral slate by a conven- tion at which there are at least 200 dele- gates, held on Aug. 6; a certificate of nomination must then be filed with the Secretary of State, not later than 20 days after the regular primary (Aug. 26). In Minnesota, minor party and independent presidential elector slates may be placed on the ballot, provided a nominating peti- tion signed by 2,000 qualified voters is filed on or before Sept. 10. In New York, new parties and independent candidates can get on the ballot, so long as a nom- inating petition signed by at least 12,000 voters of whom at least 50 shall reside in each county, is filed by the fourth Tues- day before Oct. 8. In the state of Wash- ington, all that is required is a nominat- ing convention of at least 100 registered voters, to be held Sept. 17. The nomina- tion certificate must be signed by 100 registered voters, and filed no later than the first Tuesday after Sept. 24. There are states which, for all practi- cal purposes, preclude any successful new party bid this year. Under law, it is too late to get an independent slate in Alas- ka, Kentucky, Michigan, New Jersey, North Carolina, Ohid, Pennsylvania, Texas or in West Virginia. BUT IN THESE instances, the laws themselves need challenging in fed- eral court. (George Wallace has threat- ened just such a challenge in Ohio.) Laws which have the effect of foreclos- ing one's right to vote in any way other than Democratic or Republican will not stand under attack. Twenty years ago, the courts might have said that they could not get into this "political thicket." That is no longer true. The Court has made it plain, in its one man, one vote, decision, for example, that you can't fab- ricate a majority in a legislature by weighting votes among the electorate. The analogy from that to the fabricat- ing of a governing majority by foreclos- ing access to the ballot is not a distant analogy. Furthermore, any effective pro- hibition of the right of independent elec- tors or a new party to be on the ballot runs counter to the right of association guaranteed by the First Amendment. So who would the candidates of a .. 'r.., Ian (, A Tn n v. cnr c nnn fi i-t r i By ANN MUNSTER JT Is BECOMING. increasingly obvious that the terror struck into the hearts of white integra- tionists by the spectre of "black power' is more or less . iwar- ranted, hut, unfortunately, for the white radical living in anticipa- tion of the universal catharsis that will be the ultimate achievement of black militancy, his under- standing of the "black power" movement is equally ,erroneous. For as the hysterical outburst begins to subside and the theore- ticians come forth in all their glory, black power is showing signs of being little more than a black answer to white' American power politics and an undisguised4 mani- festo for flagrant black material- ism. A PRIME example of 'this is the new direction being taken by CORE, formerly a moderately militant, biracial group which last year completed its conversion to an all-black organization. The perceived "leftward" swing by CORE has been chiefly at- tributed to Roy Innis, who has been active in the group for the past six years and has just taken over -as acting national director for Floyd McKissick. McKissick is currently on a convenient leave of absence for medical reasons. When he was named to fill-in for McKisick, The Ann Arbor News described \Innis, simply, as a "black militant." But, when he spoke here last week, Innis preach- ed the gospel of sweet reasonable- ness to an overwhelmingly white audience. The real irony of the situation is not the News' absurd exaggera- tion of his militancy. Rather, it is the fact that his audience came desperately looking for spiritual sustenance and got a comforting reassurance that black , militants are far less interested in destroy- ing the edifice of white material- ism than in' furthering the ad- vancement of what they hope will be its black counterpart. NEVER BEFORE in the history of revolutions has any group ex- pected to gain as much of a purely emotional release as many whites expect from the current black rev- olution in America. Or, for that matter, from the social ferment pervading the underdeveloped world, of which some white Amer- ican radicals fondly believe the black revolution in their own country to be an integral part. And never before have they held the peculiar and paradoxial ex- pectation that the efforts of an oppressed minority to better its own material status would magic- ally bring about a transformation in values, so that the spiritual needs of the reinvigorated misfits among the oppressors would be truly satisfied. But those whites who are await- ing their own spiritual salvation from the hands of black revolu- tionaries will be bitterly disap- pointed. For perhaps never before in the long history of social up- heavals has a movement promised less of a revolution in values than the black power movement. AS INNIS TOLD all the bright, eager, and interested white faces gathered around him at the Com- munity Center-the hard core of leftist "seekers" who ' can be' counted on to turn up at every radical gathering-he was "not trying to entertain or chastise whites ,. . or to threaten to burn down their cities; for if that were my purpose, I would do it directly. I came rather to try to reason with them." Unfortunately for his spirit- ually starved white audience, this is exactly what Innis was trying to do. His message was aimed only at blacks who need moral support in their struggle to shake off the psychological fetters with which white society has for so long bound the black self-image. And it was also coldly directed to white prag- matists rational enough to per- ceive that their long run self- interest, in terms of preserving the foundation of a prosperous America, lies in an acceptance of "black power" and of the black material advancement which is one of its foremost goals. What Innis is 'demanding-com- plete community control of the busineses and social institutions in the ghetto-is probably the sim- plest demand the blacks have ever made upon white society.. RATHER THAN expending a great deal of money to rehabili- tate city slums and reinvigorate ghetto business, and rather than continuing to suffer a great deal of emotional torment trying to solve the social problems of the ghetto residents, the white could save both themselves and the blacks a great deal of trouble by simple unilateral withdrawal from the ghetto. Innis would undoubtedly appre- ciate having the money which is currently pouring into the ghetto' to play with, were whites to keep up their generosity. But the mag- nitude of the crisis in white values' should be sufficient to absorb any excess psychic energy of an af- fluent white America, if it could wrest itself free of the emotional escape provided by the more tan- gible problems of the ghetto. The, alternative which Innis proposed to the "present ' dis- astrous course which this country seems to be on" is really an in- credibly simple one. And the white man, if he didn't happen just now to be overwhelm- ed with emotional problems and intellectual problems far more complex then Innis', would surely perceive this. For Innis is contending that the widespread urban riots-or, if you, will, rebellions-have given the relevant to the needs of blacks" and generally a fraud. INNIS CHEERFULLY points out that segregation differs from in- tegration only in that blacks are geographically cut off from the rest of society, as well as denied any control over the social institu- tions which intimately affect their destinies and, he says, they are denied any power over"the dis- V tribution of goods and services. ,Separateness, on the other hand, is simply "black contrpl of the in- stitutions which give them goods and services." It is all very simple. And Innis even has the experience of the previous American minority groups, and the political philo- sophy of the founding fathers, and the experience of the Nineteenth Century nationalists to support his contention that there is noth- "... Black power is showing unmistakeable signs of being little more than a black answer to white American power politics, a undisguised manifesto for flagrant black materialism. %%##%005$25%%16%2550%$@$&%N#M3MkW0E4 white community a choice. Either they can begin the expensive pro- cess of exterminatingthee blacks or they can take the relatively in- expensive course of simple justice and simple practicality and' give the ghettos complete autonomy., INNIS MAKES a strong appeal to the revered American tradition, of pragmatism, which optimistic ally asserts that most disputes can be settled through a clear definition of the terms at issue. He patiently explains that be- cause the terms segregation and separateness have never been clearly defined (they have always been carelessly equated), the white man has been under the totally erroneous impression that he can- not live 'with the black man and that the black man does not want to live with him. Just define these knotty terms and-presto!-we all live together in harmonious competition among the duly represented factions and the political process goes on mer- rily, taking care of the contending interest groups. The involved concept of integra- tion, painstakingly devised by white liberals to create the illusion that blacks could be accommo dated within the white society while the control. of social insti- tutions remained completely in white hands, is shown tol be "ir ing unusual about black national- ism or black power, which is just the method of. implementing black nationalist aspirations. -I CORE's Roy Innis INNIS' DISCOURSE on the experience of American immi- grants seems peculiar to those who are under the impression that the whole point of black power is that blacks are differentfrom previous minority groups in this country- that one of their greatest needs is tot develop a culture of their own, to replace both the values of the dominant white society (irrele- vant to the blacks) and African 4 culture (lost on the journey to the slave shores of the American colonies). But the interesting thing about Innis' attempts to justify black power on the grounds that the Negroes are the most recent in a legitimate succession of ethnic im- * ,migrant groups is that he takes his parallels almost entirely from the experience of the American Jewish community, hardly the typical immigrant group. For the self-ghettoization of the Jews has been the most extreme and certainly the longest in dura- tion. No other group of immi- grants maintained its separateness down to the third and fourth gen- eration in the same self-imposed manner as have many Jews. AND THE Jewish. "ghetto of excellence"' upon which Innis dwells the most--the Grand Con- course in the Bronx, which is the lower middle class Jew's image of having "made it"-shows in an almost comic way the grotesque limitations of Innis' vision. He spends a great deal of time con- juring up the mystical imagery , which surrounds ancient Jewish history and the-amiliar references to the astonishing, achievements' of the modern Jews in America, while he asks white American so- ciety to buy him off by giving him control of Harlem. And the very fact that 'Innis ' harps on the tactics most pain- stakingly, contrived by the most separatist ethnic groups reveals that Innis is really all too aware of the artificiality of what he advocates. Black separateness -~would be basically unnatural pattern. For, 4 persistent as cultural distinctions have sometimes proven to be, it is becoming more and more evident that their preservation has been deliberate (if not irrational) and that no ethnic or ethno-religious group has devised a set of values wholly competent to deal with the * pressures our society places on all of its members. Lete Some more on the barricades To the Editor: SIX WEEKS ago Robert Ken- nedy was assassinated. Twelve weeks ago Martin Luther King died under the assassin's gun. There were "riots" in 164 Amer- ican cities . . . Dr. Spock and three others were recently con- victed of conspiracy. What w as the response of the public? How did the government reply? The questions are rhetorical. The President called for a "Day of prayer," another commission was formed to study violence. What will they get us? These brave actions will provide employment for a number of so- cial scientists. A mountain of paper will be utilized and employ some government printers. A few interested parties will read the reports and shake their heads in dismay. But the real value of the reports will be to future histori- ans. For, we will possibly have chronicled the demise of the American experiment. Those future historians will be truly dismayed. They will say, "They had everything . . and they failed. They wvoke from the American dream to find it a real nightmare." THAT FAILURE could come this summer. Detroit sits quietly, quietly arming itself to the teeth It could, and probably will ex- plode this summer with a violence hitherto unknown. What the press has generally called a "riot" will be recognized for what it really is, an insurrection .An ultimate denial of the fiction we call Amer- ican Democracy.r In a larger sense, the nature of the American experiment in dem- ocracy is being violently (yet without force) exploded in our midst. Kennedy anddMcCarthy consistently out-polled Humphrey in the state primaries. McCarthy, standing alone, received 52 per cent of the New York state pri- mary vote. Yet it is generally con- ceded that Humphrey will get the Democratic nomination in Chi- cago. His chance of election against a Hawkish Quaker, Rich- ard Nixon, is, as evidenced by Chief Justice Warren's early re- signation, in doubt by the party pros. Sen. Kennedy's death extin- guished the last flicker of hope ... THIS PAST autumn, accord- ing to Time magazine, students shedtheir apathy along with their beards, beads, and/or black stockings, and disgust with Es- tablishment politics, to campaign for Sen. McCarthy. Today, the fickle finger of fate not withstand- ing, it appears that these same students will be turned away by the political pros. The choice of several millions of voters, who even in the nation's second largest city, voted decidedly AGAINST Humphrey, will be negated. What happened to the democratic spirit? It very possibly died one night a few weeks ago in a Los Angeles hospital. What will happen to these stu- dents if Humphrey is nominated to face Nixon in the coming pres- idential election? Apathy? Well, maybe for the readers of Time. Disgust with a system filled with inertia that the people can no longer affect or effect. I think that it will go beyond disaffection, to overt rejection of that "sys- tem." Not for all . . . maybe 5 per cent, maybe 20 per cent. THIS REJECTION of the sys- tem will be acted out withhforce. It won't only be the leaders of the left (Kennedy, Schwerner, Good- man, Cheney, Evers, King, and Kennedy) who will face the as- sassin's gun. America hasn't seen the end of political murder, only the beginning, and soon it will be the fence-sitters and Rightists who will also live in fear. If this happens, and it could occur this summer; and if the ghetto's revolt spreads to the white suburbs, America might see the enforcement of the McCarran Act (Internal Security Act of 1950) as well as the Riot Control Act of 1968 . . . called by some, "The Fair Housing Act." The ghettos will be sealed by armed cordons . . . Maybe Na- tional Identification Cards will be issued. Maybe the paranoia of SDS will become reality as we who have signed various anti-war (or anti-government) petitions are charged with conspiracy, and marched off to "detention cen- ters." The Establishment press will call them Fifth columnists. Very likely, many will be, or will become Fifth columnists after their experience in the camps. or maybe they will simply become "Them". So many subjects .And more, To the ,Editor: IT IS INDEED unfortunate that we must once again, in this election year, yield to political bosses and back room politics in this would be democratic society of ours. The once enchanted youth has again been disillusioned by the ideals this country was built on. We have tried to change the di- rection of this nation through the existing system. We did not fail entirely, for we were heard by a few sensitive individuals who stood apart from the establishment, but they in turn,"were ignored by it, or destroyed by its sympathizers! My country has betrayed me, and all of us once again with its in- sidious machine. We can no longer sit back, or work in the background and let the machinery determine our fate. If this electorate will not change the establishment for us, then we must become the new electorate. Fifty-two per cent of our popula- tion is under 25. In another dec- ade, this group will make up 80 per cent. We, in the university community, can change the sys- tem and we should. We are Amer- ican citizens. We are better ed- ucated and have a greater interest in our destiny than the average American. It is up to us; the fu- ture is ours. OUR LAST chance to change the system, within the system, lies in the reduction of the voting age, a move closer to universal suf- frge. This must be attempted be- fore the barricades go up, before the system is torn down. Destruc- tion must be the last resort, for we cannot ignore the ideals of dem- ocracy that we stand for, less we refute that which we seek: a true democracy. It is time for change, but not revolution. In the words of Alfred Lord Tennyson, "Tis not too late to seek a newer world." Should it become so,' then; and only then, will I join those on the barricades. -Wallace G. Long President Bursley Hall Two more hijacked airliners yrr r i rrrrir r rrrr r rrrnrr ri! I -- .. h _ i kz ' ; s " ' .. r.I.:, i+a''s'ti.. MtPMt pf YQtb' 't . . { t } t t 5 Pi:N OCRATrG GNr , Cot vĀ£NTto _ AL