Tuesday, July 9, 1968,
President returns from
Latin American summit
Page Three
Britain receives
By The Associated Press
-Asociated Press
x T1he teneratioi1 gap
Nattily dressed in a light suit with an open-neck shirt and dotted
ascot, Canadian Pritne Minister Pierre Elliott Trudeau converses
with more traditionally attired W. Walton Butterworth, U.S.
ambassador to Canada.
Reddened by the tropical sun
and visibly weary, President John-
son embarked yesterday on a
quick Central American tour and
declared he seeks "a road of hope
for this hemisphere."
Johnson, after visiting El Sal-
vador since Saturday for summit
talks with five Central American
presidents, flew off for brief stops
in Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Hon-
duras and Guatemala.
He gave the presidents of the
four countries a lift home.
The last stop last night was to
be the LBJ Ranch, which the
President left Saturday for his
Journey south.
Johnson at the departure cere-
monies in San Salvador spoke of
"the new strength and promise
that we have here added to our
The U.S. President said the na-
tions of Central America, with the
help of the United States, "have
celebrated what there is to cele-
berate" during the summit and
"have determined to master the
challenges thateremain."
He said there was much to
celebrate and many challenges to
be met. He added that the meeting
had "been fruitful because it has
been responsible."
Never before had a U.S. Presi-
dent visited all five of these coun-
tries, much less all of them on a
single day.
Johnson went out of his way to
do this both in the physical, sense
and as a matter of friendly good
will, in a 1,050-mile detour en
rout to his Texas ranch.
President Fidel Sanchez Her-
nandez of El Salvador suggested
the five presidents begin annual
meetings "since this meeting was
so fruitful."
The five presidents signed a joint
declaration pledging their deter-
mination to shore up their seven-
year-old common market, faced
with a worsening trade deficit and"
with fresh taxes on imports.
"The Alliance For Progress has
left us with nothing but a name,"
Costa Rican President Joaquin
TreJos Fernandez said Sunday
"The alliance goals were too
ambitious about what could be
done in a short time," Trejos said.
"It was damaging to think of such1
At the same time, Trejos praised
President Johnson's announce-o
ment at the summit meeting of
an additional $30 million in loans
to the Central American Bank.
-Associated Press
Costa Ricans greet LBJ
Gun registraUion loses support
ly in the British Common-
wealth and in the oil sheik-
doms of the Middle East.
The Bank of England said in a
statement that the central banks
of the 12 countries "have given
firm assurances of willingness to
participate. in the arrangements."
The $2 billion figure was given
by Sir Leslie O'Brien, governor of
the Bank of England.
'Both O'Brien and Chancellor of
the Exchequer Roy Jenkins agreed
the plan would mean a change in
Britain's banking role.
Jenkins also saw it as a major
step in dealing with the vexing
role ofw hat are called the ster-
ling balances - pounds owed to,
other nations. These have en-
abled Britain ;to act as a banker
but intensified_ every economic
crisis since World War II.
In last November's devaluation
Commonwealth g o v e r n m e n t s
watched helplessly as the vale of
their money in London was cut
overnight by 14 per cent.
The new credits of $2 billion
would cover about one-third of
the sterling banked in London by
foreigners. t
In effect it is an insurance pol-.
icy. The overseas depositors know'
that there is less risk' to their
money and therefore they are less
likely to withdraw it.
The announcement gave an im-
mediate boost to Britain's pound;
heading for another crisis.,
Joining in the support. plan
were Austria, Belgium, Canada,
Denmark, West Germany, the
Netherlands, ' Italy, Japan, Nor-
way, Sweden, Switzerland and the
United States.
Twelve nations pledge $2 billion
to prevent additional devaluations
LONDON (2) - Britain has raised $2 billion worth of
credit to stave off more speculation on the pound.
Twelve nations agreed to guarantee the standby credit
for about 10 years to protect the British pound during the
transition and to prevent -another devaluation that might
wreck the international monetary system.
The details still must be Worked out and the package
tied up with overseas holders of Britain's currency, especial-
per month
bers of the House Judiciary Com-
mittee declared yesterday they
would fight any effort to,tie Presi-
dent Johnson's gun-registration
plan onto a bill banning interstate
sale of rifles, shotguns and am-
This sharply diminished the
chances for registration legislation
in this session.
Chairman Emanuel Celler, (D-
NY), and Rep. William M. Mc-
Culloch of Ohio, ranking Repub-
lican on the committee, said they
fear the registration provision
would kill the milder legislation.
The two testified before the
House Rules Committee, as it
considered whether to clear the
bill to ban the interstate sales.
Both Celler and McCulloch, who
would head House conferees on
any Senate-House conference on
gun legislation, were pressed to
say what their stand would be if
the Senate tied the registration
provision to the House version.
Celler said he would oppose such
a move both on the House floor
and in any House-Senate confer-
ence, even though he personally
favors Johnson's proposal.
The House is expected to pass
a gun control bill this week, but
there is doubt a law providing
stiffer restrictions on weapons
can be sent to the President before
Congress adjourns next month.
Meanwhile, the Senate judiciary
subcommittee on juvenile delin-
quency heard witnesses mostly
urging approval of legislation for
registering and licensing.
The parent- Judicary Commit-
tee is scheduled to take up the
bills tomorrow. The subcommittee
is considering both the registra-
tion and mail-order ban.
One witness, James V. Bennett,
president of the National Council
for a Responsible Firearms Policy,
testified beside suitcases and
boxes stuffed with petitions that
a witness said contained signa-
tures of over one million citizens
calling for strict gun controls.
Sen. Thomas J. Dodd( D-Conn),
the subcommittee chairman, said
he plans to offer an amendment
to put into effect immediately the
firearms controls included in the
recently enacted anticrime bill.
in Congress for adjournment be-
fore the Republican national con-
vention starts Aug. 5.
Congressional leaders have set
the date for shutting down as
Aug. 3, which may not be met. ,
Even so, the rush for adjourn-
ment doesn't enhance the chances
for so controversial a measure as
stiffer gun controls to be passed
this session.
Prospects for meeting leaders'
Aug. 3- adjournment target date
were clouded by a brewing Senate
fight over confirmation of the
Supreme Court appointments.
The Aug. 3 deadlin would be,
hard to meet even without such
a fight.
Major legislation yet to be dealt
with includes 10 of the 13 regular
appropriation bills.
Daley tries
to ,mediate
CHIICAGO (I)-Mayor Richard
J. Daley and a union chief con-
ferred yesterday in a new move
toward ending a strike that has
prevented the installation of com-
munications' equipment 'for the
Democratic National Convention.
They reached no agreement. But
the labor leader estimated it woi~d
take only 30 days to set up facil-
ities for the convention, scheduled
to open in 49 days.
He also said he is "very hope-
ful" the strike will be settled
James W. Cook, president Qf the
Illinois Bell Telephone Co., \told
newsmen Friday that installers
would have to get into the Inter-
national Amphitheatre, site of the
nominating sessions, by yesterday
if they were to put in all the
equipmentt needed.
Aug. 26 is the opening day of
the convention.
Daley, in his fourth attempt to
mediate the dispute, talked for
an hour with Robert A. Nickey,
chairman of Systems Council T-4,
International Brotherhood of
Electrical Workers.
The union' of installation ard
repair specialists struck the tele-
phone company May 8.
Nickey told reporters that, if
the strike ends, more workers are
put on the project and they wrk
around the clock, they could com-
plete installations in 30 days or
But a company spokesman said
"work should start shortly or we
never will finish on time."
No definite date was set for
further conferences._
Bell supervisory personnel have
been handling the strikers' chores.
But the company fears that, if
the supervisory personnel try to
install extra telephone, teletype
and television equipment, picket
lines would keep other craftsmen
out of the amphitheatre.
The dispute recently has
prompted speculation that the
convention might be shifted to
some other city. But Democratic
leaders have asserted it will stay
in Chicago.
There have been threats of
trouble outside the hall on and
after the convention opening.
The National Mobilization Com-
mittee, which organized the march
on the Pentagon Oct 21, is cir-
culating ,handbills saying it is
planning "a massive demonstra-
tion at the convention to express
once again the demand for peace
and social justice in America."
Yippies also have talked of a
demonstration under the auspices
of the Youth International Party.
Dick Gregory had planned a dem-
onstration but called it off.
Israel-Egypt clash
clouds negotiations
All of
the consideration o
bills is taking
the background of a
f gun
By The Associated Press
Israeli and Egyptian troops ex-
changed artillery and small arms
fire for more than three hours
yesterday along the Suez Canal
cease-fire line, the Israeli army
The new clash, the first at the
Canal since June 23, broke out at
a time when the possibilities of a
negotiated peace in the Middle
East were under discussion in
London, Moscow and Jerusalem.
The Isreali larmy reported the
battle began at 5:10 p.m. and con-
tinued until UN observers ar-
ranged a halt.
The Israelis reported one of
their soldiers wounded, but gave
no information on Egyptian cas-
, 11 ,
Cairo's version of the fighting
was still awaited after' nightfall.
Israel said the battle was started
by Egyptions. who raked Israeli
positions north of Port Taufiq
with artillery and small arms fire.
The army said Israeli troops fired'
, Israeli army reports said the
fighting was along a six-mile
front at the canal's southern end.
Israel claimed one cease-fire was
arranged, but that the Egyptians
ignored it. Israeli troops then re-
sumed shelling.Egyptian positions
until the second cease-fire was ar-
ranged, the army said.
In London, meanwhile, there
was a flurry of diplomatic ex-
changes and some signs that Rus-
sia was trying to get the Arabs
and Israelis to agree on a settle-
President Gamal Abdel' Nasser
of Egypt prolonged his stay in
Moscow for additional talks with
Soviet leaders on the Middle East.
In Jerusalem, Foreign Minister
Abba Eban told the Israeli cab-
inet yesterday there was nothing
to indicate Egypt is ready for
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