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July 09, 1968 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1968-07-09

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41E ai4

Thunderstorms ending,
becoming partly cloudy

Vol. LXXVIlI, No. 40-S Ann Arbor, Michigan, Tuesday, July 9, 1968 Ten Cents
he Haber style: Ju icious accommodai
By JILL CRABTREE However, Haber's style of adminis- staged concerning University de- impose their views on others rather The operations of the literary col-
William Haber, who retired on tration has not been one of direct fense-research, policies toward in- than attempting to convert them. lege have seen significant progress
July 1 as dean of the literary college, confrontation with the discontented, dustrial and military recruiters, use Such imposition would be permissible under Haber's guidance. The curricu-
likes to compare his five-year ad- but rather of judicious accommoda- of academic discipline for non-aca- through the democratic process, but lum has become less rigid with more
ministration to the Battle of Paris in tion. "The times require adjustment demic offenses, and evolving prob- to do so through disruption is both flexibility intioduced into distribu-
World War I. to the world of change," he says. lems of black students, presumptuous and arrogant." tion requirements.
"When the French general Joffre For example, a threatened faculty "It was a period of intense activ- In spite of the tribulations asso- The college is experimenting with
was asked who was responsible for strike to protest the war in Vietnam ism, among both students and fac- ciated with Haber's post, he has en- pass-fail options, and has enlarged
winning that skirmish," Haber says, was turned into the first "teach-in" ulty,"- Haber says. Students espe- joyed being dean. the honors program. A new under-
"he replied that he did not know, three years ago after Haber agreed cially were questioning, and right- "There is a certain tradition about grduate program in liberal studies
But he added he was certain that if' to provide necessary assembly halls, fully, even the most sacred ideas." an administrative post: one is sup- has been put into operation, and the
it had been lost, the blame would classrooms arid amplifying equip- But Haber strongly opposes dem- posed to suffer in it. It is supposed Residential College, after some false
h ment.onstrations which disrupt the opera- to be denigrating to leave the intel- starts, is finally off the ground.
h e pHaber feels such accommodation is tions of the University. "I have only lectual atmosphere of teaching, re- Haber is not unaware of signifi-
shoulders." Haer kee omoation is one quarrel with the activists," flecting, and writing to become cant problems which still challenge<-
Some of the conflicts which necessary to keep operations "on an Haber says. nvolved in budget-making and per- LSA, however
emerged at the University during even keel. " In a period like this, "Their idealism is wonderful, and sonnel. He praises the birth of such courses
the past five years at times did seem a m survive is almost their interest in social, political and "This is a lot of baloney, if I may as the "outreach" program in psy-
to have all the earmarks of open an accomplishment." international problems is encourag- put it that way. Nothing can give chology and the inner city course,
battle. And Haber has engineered a During the period of Haber's ad- ing. Their authoritarianism, how- a person greater satisfaction than which enable students to apply their
few victories. ministration demonstrations were ever, is disturbing. They tend to facilitating the functions of others." See HABER, Page 2 Like the Battle a

f Paris

Fleming judges



Regent r



e view

University President Robben W. Fleming will advise the
Regents that existing faculty regulations on disruptive stu-
dent conduct are adequate, and will ask them not not to pass
new bylaws on student disorders until action can be taken
on the proposed University Council.
Fleming's proposal, which will be made to the Regents
at their July 18-19 meetings, follows reports by the deans of
the University's 17 schools and colleges that present regula-
Stions cover incidents of dis-



"The administration's move to-
ward interim rules regulating stu-
dent non-academic conduct is
flaunting the co-operative spirit
we've tried to develop," charges
SGC vice-president Bob Neff, '69.
Student reaction was over-
whelmingly negative following the
decision by SACUA and at least
two colleges to impose temporary
regulations on non-academic stu-
dent life,
The regulations are to remain
in effect until the Hatcher Com-
mission report is implemented. An
ad hoc group of student and fac-
ulty leaders will formulate a new
University bylaw on student con-
duct for presentation to the Re-
gents in the fall.
"The administration is definite-
ly not acting in good faith," Neff
contends. He maintains that ac-
tions to govern student life by
individual colleges, and to adjudi-
'cate non-academic cases by
boards where students are a mi-
nority are both directly contrary
to the commission's report.
The Hatcher report recommends,
a University Council to legislate
concerning non-academic conduct,
and a judiciary to hear cases.
One member of the ad hoc com-
mittee, Tom Westerdale, Grad, is
"concerned that passing these in-
terim rules may make the task
of the committee much more dif-
These rules can be expected to,
fragment the committee into
schools, increasing the problems
in coming to an agreement on a
bylaw to present to the Regents.
The Regents, Westerdale says,
have expressed impatience with
the delay in implementing the
Hatcher commission report.
Westerdale disputes the neces-
sity of interim rules in general.
"SGC already has regulations on
disruptive conduct," he says, "and
JJC has pledged to enforce these."
Stuart Katz, president of Grad-
uate Assembly, charges that in-
terim rules for the graduate school
are "stretching the definition of
academic behavior" in order to
regulate non-academic student
"We're a little suspicious of the
in)pfim fyI ,,laa 1 hp hntimipa "Nn

ruptive student conduct or
will be revised to cover them.
Fleming said he did not want
to present the proposed bylaw
creating a University Council to
the Regents until it could be re-
viewed by members of Faculty As-
sembly and Student Government
Since these bodies will not meet
until fall semester, he does not
expect the proposal to be ap-
proved and University Council-
passed rules to go into effect until,
September or October.
If approved by the Regents, the
University Council would legislate
on disruptive student conduct. It
would be composed of students,
faculty members, and admiristra-
In an interview yesterday,
Fleming stressed the interim
character of the faculty rules, ob-
jected to existing SGC rules on
legal and philosophical grounds,:
and took issue with contentions'
that interim faculty rules would
undermine the effectivenes of the
University Council once it is es-
The litetrary college has re-
leased a statement outlining the
rules it will consider in effect until
the creation of the University
Council. (The text appears in the
Daily Official Bulletin.)
The Law School has amended
its code to cover interference by
law students with the functioning
of the University.
The graduate school will release
its interim rules today,
According to Fleming, Univer-
sity lawyers feel that penalties on
SGC rules would not stand up in
civil court tests because "SGC
was never delegated authority to
pass rules."
ISR has many faces, and one
of them is RCGD.
The Research Center for
Group Dynamics is the social
psychology offshoot of the In-
stitute for Social Research.
RCGD, whose purpose is to
study "the nature of the social
forces" which cause group be-
havior and the interactions be-
tween individuals in group sit-
uations, has been an integral
member of ISR since the insti-
tute's inception.
Originally located at the
Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, where it was
founded in 1946, the RCGD was

-Daily-Richard Lee
McCarthy on the market
University Students for McCarthy went into business over the weekend trying to raise money for
the Minnesota senator's presidential campaign. Students working inside claim they are collecting
about $40 every day in contributions and the sale of McCarthy artifacts. Both the office space and
the use of two cars were donated to the students from private sources.

The long-awaited Course Evalu-
ation Booklet, which goes on sale
today in the Fishbowl, may dispel
some of your worries. But unfor-
tunately, the booklet has problems
of its own.
If you're a freshman, the 50
page orientation edition offers you
some valid advice and some
worthwhile evaluations.
If you're not, the CEB commit-
tee promises a full scale evaluation
of about 80 per cent of literary
college classes at the end of next
The orientation edition includes
only 45 introductory classes. Al-
though some of the evaluations

are fairly complete, most are pret-
ty superficial.
Out of the numerous sections of
English 231 offered by the Uni-
versity, the booklet only includes
one class. Only three sections of
Psychology 101 were evaluated.
A typical evaluation reads: "An
overwhelming majority of the
class, 77 per cent, felt that Chem-
istry 103 was not particularly dif-
ficult - "about right." In fact,
it seems to be somewhat easier
than most other introductory
courses; it ranked lower in diffi-
culty than two thirds of the sur-
vey courses.
Probably the most valuable sec-
tions of the booklet for freshmen



;for groupings
Group Dynamics is "much statement with statistics wt
more complicated than we ever were obtained after evalua
imagined. All these group phe- the success of boys clubs
nomena have always occurred, other groups who worked in
but they weren't intensely area. Gold claims hisd
studied until after the war," shows that these efforts ha
says Zander. great effect on lowering
The research carried on by delinquency rates among
RCGD encompasses a wide children.
range of social activities includ- In addition, Gold maint
ing studies of social and inter- that the "gangs" didn't e
personal relationships, group as such, until they were so;
structures and social organiza- fied by the external force
tion and its consequences with- the social workers and the n
in these groups, media. "At first they werej
The center's research, con- groups of three or four ki
sisting mainly of laboratory ex- says Gold.
periments, is carried on with
student subjects from the Uni- The Blackstone Rangers
versity. current "gang" in die news
S-- . - .-' ~ ,'.~ia .u of thel.ir.iyvnle p tu

contain the suggestions on the
curriculum from the Literary Col-
lege Steering Committee.
The academic maze is fairly well
explained: pre-classification, drop-
ping and adding, complaint and
counseling channels.
"If you want to take a course
that doesn't exist," the booklet
says, "find five others who would
be interested, and a professor
willing to teach it. Generally, one
signs up for this course under
'College Honors 199' (it is not
necessary to be in honors to do
The booklet included reactions
of some professors to their evalua-
tions and revealed some surprising
In one class, students estimated
their average grade as B. However,
the professor responded, "My
gradebook showed that nearly one
half the students in this class
received C's."
Another instructor drew atten-
tion to the booklet's failure to
mention the requirement of Pro-
ject Outreach for Psychology 101
students. Outreach alone requires
about for hour a week.
The survey will be substantially
revised for the next booklet. "It
wasn't accurate as we had hoped,"
said Jo Ann King, '69, personnel
and advertising chairman of CEB.
The next booklet also promises
"a more objective evaluation of
Financing for the booklet comes
primarily from Student Govern-
ment Council, which set up the
booklet committee last September.
SGSC has pleded $6,000 to $10,000
depending on the committee's
University President Robben
Fleming has promised $3,000 from

University President Robben W.
Fleming said yesterday he will
submit a plan for the reorgan-
ization of the Office of Student
Affairs at the July Regents' meet-
Fleming said the reorganization
will be based on recommendations
of the Student Relations Commit-
tee of the Senate Advisory Com-
mittee on University Affairs.
In a recently completed report,
the SRC suggested that non-
academic discipline be removed
from the auspices of the student
affairs office, that the office be
renamed the Office of Student
Services and that the position of
the vice president for student af-
fairs be changed to the vice presi-
dent for student services.
All three reforms had been rec-
omended by the Presidential Com-
mission of the Student Role in
Decision Making, issued last
In detailing the new functions
and duties of the chief adminis-
trator of the OSS, SRC said the
vice president should "be an 'ad-
vocate for student services and
at the same time be capable of
balancing student services against
other needs of the University com-
The SRC restructuring recom-
mendations include provisions for
a policy committee composed of
an equal number of students and
faculty to act as a significant de-
cision-making force in the OSS.
The SRC report made suggest-
ions of possible additions to the
responsibilities of the new struc-
ture. "Among those that might be
added are the admissions office,
the intra-mural program, and the
University Activities Center."
The group also recommended a
Joint student-faculty committee
be appointed to seek out and
choose a new vice president for
student services.
SRC suggested the committee
be composed of faculty and stu-
dents chosen by Fleming from a
panel of' prospective committee-
men nominated by Student Gov-
ernment Council and Faculty As-
According to the report the new
vice president should have the fol-
lowing capabilities:
"He should be a person with
academic-educational orientation
toward universities.
"He should be able to work with
diverse groups representing con-
flicgting points of view.
"He should have a strong af-
finity for working on a personal
level with students, both under-
graduate and graduate.
"He should be a person who is
innovative in thinking.
"He should be a person who is
aware of and values social needs.
Fleming is expected to establish

The stage for the motel incident

d no
s of
', a

Algiers Mc
DETROIT VP) - A Detroit
Crimingl Court judge, voicing
sharp criticism of John Hersey's
recently published book "The Al-
giers Motel Incident," ordered yes-
terday a six-month delay in the
brief of a white policeman accused
of killing one of three Negro
youths slain at the motel during
last July's riot.
Judge Robert Colombo said that
although he had not read the
book, its reviews have been
"highly prejudicial and inflama-
tory in nature."
ThehJudge said from the bench
that he thought the book was
"designed to deliberately be re-
leased at a time that would pre-
vent a fair and impartial trial in
this case."
Colombo threatened to cite any-
one connected with the case with
contempt of court if they discuss
the matter further with news-
"I don't want the press to cover
this case any further than what
transpires in the courtroom in
this case," he added, "and any-
body in the future who takes it
upon themselves to enter into any
out-of-the-court statements in
cos-nnectfionwith this cei~s be ing

)tel tri~al
Another police officer, Robert
Paille, charged with the murder
of Fred Temple, 18, is free on a
similar bond.
August, Paille and another De-
troit policeman, David Senak, also
are under a federal grand jury
indictment charging they con-
spired to violate the civil rights
of 10 persons in the motel.
It contends they detained two
white women and, eight young
Negro men and threatened; in-
timidated and assaulted them to
coerce them into making state-
ments regarding the identity of
alleged snipers who hreportedly
had been firing-from the motel.

board race
Ezra Rowry, chairman of Ann
Arbor CORE, will seek the Dem-
ocratic nomination for the county
board of supervisors from the
city's fifth ward in the Aug..6 pri-
mary election.
Also seeking the nomination is
Robert E. O'Connor.


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