Oakland's Black Panthers: A brief history s4e Efr i9an Daitn Seventy-seven years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under authority of Board in Control of Student Publications 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-05521 Editorials printed in The Michigan Doily exp ress the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. WEDNESDAY, JULY 3, 1968 NIGHT EDITOR: MARCIA ABRAMSON Interim rules ...0 By MARLENE CHARYN Liberation News Service OAKLAND, Cal. - Anyone curi- ous about the meaning of white racism should study the short history of Oakland's Black Panther Party. White responses to the party over the past year form a remarkable picture of institu- tional racist action against a group that still conceives of itself more as a political party than as guerrilla army - though circum- stances may be changing that self- concept. The major institutions involved so far are the news media, the po- lice, and the state legislature; and the media are partly to blame for the activities of the police, since their consistently distorted picture of the Panthers has influenced policemen. Officer Edward Coyn of the Berkeley Police admitted as much at a recent hearing in the Bobby Salerweapons case. Coyn testified that before he participated in the Feb. 25 raid on Seale's home, he had heard "the standard Seale speech" on television several times. This speech, Coyn said, covered "police brutality," "we 're gonna fight back," and "we're gonna get what's ours." SEALE DOES indeed say these things. But he also says, and it is rarely reported and never em- phasized, that the Panthers are not racists, that they believe in law, order and justice (though justice does not presently exist for black people in white courts), and that their fight is with the power structure, not with white people generally. They are seek- ing real political power for black people, and this means, basically, control of all government agencies that operate in their community- schools, police, social welfare units, etc. They believe that "govern- ment by the people" means just that. The institutions that are trying to neutralize the Panthers are aware of this. But they know that government by the people entails a radical change in the status quo. And so they have marshalled their forces to prevent this change from taking place. After the Panthers marched in- to the state legislature carrying guns, to protest a bill aimed speci- fically at disarming them, San Francisco Police Chief Thomas Cahill said, "If the Black Pan- thers can swagger around with loaded weapons, others will get the idea they can do the same thing. . . . Some place along the line there's going to have to be control over when people can do these things. Otherwise we are going to have a revolution." Though he camouflaged the polit- ical import of his remarks with the image of the "swaggering" up- pity nigger, it is clear that Cahill feared not random violence but incipient political power, not "riots" but "revolution." He is an astute man. THE PANTHERS FIRST made headlines when they escorted Bet- ty Shabazz, widow of Malcolm X, around the Bay Area visibly car- rying arms. "Local cops were dumbfounded to discover that there was no law which prohibited the Panthers from carrying load- ed weapons so long as they were unconcealed, a legal fact which the Panthers had carefully re- searched," Sol Sternwrote in the June 1967 Ramparts. Three factors about this early incident are noteworthy. First, Betty Shabazz's husband was gun- ned down in public, so the Pan- thers were not showing paranoia by protecting her (though New York police claimed that he re- fused their protection, "during the week preceding his assassina- tion Malcolm X complained re- peatedly that the police would not take his requests for protection seriously." - Epilogue to Auto- biography of Malcolm X). Second, the Panthers made a careful at- tempt to avoid breaking laws. Third, police (armed men) were dismayed tocdiscover that black men would carry arms with the same impunity they enjoy them- selves. HUEY NEWTON, Panther founder and Defense Minister, was quoted in Ramparts as saying, "Ninety per cent of the reason we carried guns in the first place was educational. We set the ex- ample. We made black people aware that they have the right to carry guns.' So Newton knew that to gain leverage in the; psychological power struggle between black men and white men, black men had to carry guns. Thus they would teach society-in its own terms-that black men are men. The Memphis garbage striker wears a sandwich board that says, "I am a man.", The Black Panther carries a gun. NE OF THE ironies of the ongoing ef- forts to devise workable regulations on disruptive student conduct is that the impatience of the faculty and the administration to have legislation on the books is triggering conditions which make student disruptions more likely. (See edi- torial below.) As the ad hoc committee charged with implementing the proposals of the Hatch- er Commission continues its slow work, the Senate Advisory Committee on Uni- versity Affairs and the faculties of two colleges have been moving toward in- terim rules. SACUA has asked the Regents to en- act rules on disruption in lieu of a by- law establishing the proposed University Council. The law school has passed rules for flaw students which will be in effect until Oct. 1. The literary college since last October has been formulating a position which would view student disruptions as "aca- demic misconduct," and hence subject to discipline by the college's administra- tive board. THESE ACTIONS are regrettable, and regrettable for reasons of which the bodies involved are apparently aware. SACUA's statement to the Regents warned faculty members that to devise other new interim rules "might interfere with the present spirit of cooperation which characterizes the work of imple- menting the Presidential Commission Report." In a letter which appeared on this page yesterday, Law School Prof. Robert Harris wrote, "It strikes me as unfortun- ate, to say the least, that rules and ma- chinery for the regulation of student conduct must be adopted in the summer, when the normal channels for student participation in the making of such de- cisions is at a minimum." Thus, it must be assumed that a re- sponsible segment of the faculty under- stands the rationale against interim rules. Nevertheless, SACUA and the two colleges are supporting interim rules. Their reasons for doing so are both di- verse and unconvincing. s ACTJA acted in response to the growing Regental impatience with delays in preparing the bylaws indicated in a com- munication from President Fleming. To avoid arousing student reaction, SACUA merely lifted the rules on disruptive be- havior which Student Government Coun- cil passed last October (after it had de- clared University rules nullified) and proposed that the Regents adopt the SGC rules as interim bylaws. Yet that action merely crystallizes the questions: If SACUA acknowledged the existence of the student-passed rules, and was willing to live by them, why were new rules necessary? Was there indeed a legislative vacuum which needed to be filled? Yes, SACUA answered, because Joint Judiciary Council, the student court, lacked legitimate authority; its penalties would not stand in civil courts. BUT THAT answer only raises further questions. Why does JJC lack legiti- mate authority? The exact origins of JJC are under dispute, to be sure; but the one thing which is certain is that one or another section of the sprawling Office of Student Affairs, which has a clear mandate from the Regents to preside over non-academic student conduct, delegate its power to adjudicate such cases to JJC. Although a majority of the members of JJC in the spring of 1967 pledged to en- force only student-made rules, as far as anybody knows the OSA has at no time repudiated its delegation of authority to the student court. The OSA has long rec- ognized the right of students to be judged by their peers. IT IS THE violation of this principle that is the most distressing thing about the move to interim rules. If SACUA wants the Regents to make SGC rules official University bylaws, that is fine. The ques- tion is, who will adjudicate cases under those bylaws. If JJC, then SACUA has not accomplished its stated purpose: to avoid putting JJC's "questionable authority" on the line. If faculty judiciaries, then the University's recognition of the right to trial by peers is undermined. For al- though students hold seats on some of the faculty judiciaries, in none of them do they hold the balance. The other approach, being pursued by the literary college, raises similar ob- jections, only more so. There the rules in question are in no way student-made. And the judiciary, the administrative board of the college, has only two student members. The point is that, until the bylaws are adopted by the Regents, rules governing disruptive conduct and a mechanism to enforce them do exist. The rules have been made by students, and the judiciary is run by students. To pass other interim rules is both unnecessary and provoca- tive. -URBAN LEHNER Co-Editor Resurrection C as succ and slum IF RESURRECTION CITY failed as an appeal to to the sen- sibilities, it was for being so bril- liant a success as an embodiment of the complaint behind the Poor People's Campaign. In six weeks the Southern Christian Leadership Conference managed to run the whole course of decay of an American slum; and what ought to have been a reproach became an excuse for dismissal as an affront. Morning came to Resurrection City as mornings do in the slums, with the brief, almost cheerful stir of the housekeeping which constitutes the day's only purpose- ful activity. But, with the after- noon, the sadness of another day going by with nothing to show crept over every visible form and there was nothing except boredom of the scuffy parks in Newark. THERE HAD fallen upon this City of the Poor what comes over a man the day he stops looking for a pob. Its quiet inhabitants were in their houses, having no door stoops; its unquiet ones had invented a street corner in the mud. The voluntary gatekeeper of any bad block is always a social casualty. He may meet the visitor with hand extended asking for Marty and his friend Flo and what may happen ACTIONS such as those taken by the literary college, the Law School, and SACUA to fill what they consider to be a void in student conduct rules looms as a potential source of strife that could split the University in the coming aca- demic year. By choosing to draw up "interim rules" while the formation of a student judiciary and rules system is still under the thumb of an ad hoc commission, these bodies have exercised a risky breach of faith. Back in October of 1966, the student power crisis that erupted out of Vice President Richard Cutler's sit-in ban evolved into the Hatcher Commission. The mutual understanding between stu- dent leaders and the administration was that the Commission, composed of facul- ty, students, and representatives of the administration, would come up with a workable solution to the problem of stu- dent rules and regulations. E COMMISSION report has been is- sued, complete with recommendations that would provide for a solid student voice in the drafting and adjudication of conduct rules. But, as details are cur- rently being worked out, the Law School, the literary college, and SACUA have jumped the gun and composed rules of their own. &ktk StMU I a Outi Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Micblgan, 420 Maynard St.. Ann Arbor, Michigan, 48104. nD.91v P- it. iil- ar V n rlav i..-n . .r-., . The implications are clear. The Uni- versity in October, 1966, was a relatively docile place; just the year before, the 13,000 students who signed petitions for a student-run book store followed up the University's refusal to establish one with barely a picket line. Protest in Ann Arbor was vocal at times, but only manifest in small numbers. That SGC President Ed Robinson could have spearheaded such a large movement over the sit-in ban may be due to his particular attributes as a leader, but it was probably more the result of the students' concern with the conduct of their own lives. NOW, ALONG with the development of the Hatcher Commission, there has also come the development of an in- creased student militancy. What hap- pened at Columbia this year could not have happened there two years ago; what may happen in Ann Arbor this year is unpredictable, but the general trend of student activism has been upward. Additionally, concessions made by the University administration in relation to student life (easing curfew regulations, for instance) have increased, and irate legislators who scream when the admin- istration grants the students their wishes may be right in saying that it does not appease them, that it only whets their appetite for more. Couple these two factors with the ques- tionable rules-making of two of the Uni- versity's colleges and the call for inter- im bylaws by its supreme faculty body,j and no doubt there will be protest. The By MARTIN HIRSCHMAN QUEENS-Summer in the city means "get a job" and help pay foruthe University'snextra- vagant out-of-state tuitions. We sell. Every day we drive from our downtown office to an urban lower-middle class Negro section of New Jersey to sell ed- ucational materials door-to-door. The biggest problem is finding an apartment where a parent is home. I knocked on over forty doors in Rahway Thursday and at about five of the homes they wouldn't let me in because there were no adults. Behind the doors I could hear the sounds of chil- dren wondering whether to open up. Sometimes they do. "IS YOUR MOTHER home." "No, she's at work." Other times a .neighbor or a relative stays with the children. "Good morning, I have a ques- tionaire for mothers of young children. Could you fill it out?" "Oh, I'm not their mother, she's working." We can only sell to par- ents, so I move down the street. ACTUALLY, WE DON'T SELL. We give away educational mate- rials including four sets of books designed to get the child interest- ed in learning and help him get through school. "Maybe he can win a scholarship to college. These books will help him, don't you think so?" We give away the books on the condition that the parent agrees to keep the set current for ten years. This is done by buying an annual volume for $24.50 each. "Only 48 cents a week. But what we do is we give you this bank. It teaches the child thrift. If you drop in only two or three dimes a day you can pay the whole thing in two years. Then we give you this Negro history as a bonus. Or you can have the Negro history right away and take the atlas as a bonus." Flo says we go to Negro neigh- borhoods because they are the easiest to sell. Many Negroes are very interested in seeing their chil- dren get through high school and maybe college. "These books will help them, cause I write for the school news- paper. Flo dislikes almost everyone else in the car and drops them off in neighborhoods where it is hard to make a sale. "It's very good territory, Leon- ard. Good luck." Almost everyone in our car hates Flo. FLO WANTS NIXON to be President. "Actually, I just want a Republican to win. The Democrats give away too much money." Flo thinks the welfare program is too extensive. She says the women we see who have illegitimate children shouldn't get welfare. "After the second child, anyway," she adds broadmindedly. Friday we worked in Newark. A Negro woman answered the door and, at my request, very cordially invited me in. She had four chil- dren but her husband was "de- ceased" and she was very interest- ed in the program. Then I found out she doesn't work. "The chil- dren are comning and going to school all day and I can't," she explained. But I couldn't sell to her because we don't sell to people on welfare. "Oh, I can't offer the program if no one is working." She understood but I still felt like I was slamming the door in her face when I left. As overpriced as the books may be, they still represent a needed investment which the parents probably wouldn't make if it were not brought to their doors. THERE ARE TWO problems facing the nation which must be solved immediately-the war and the condition of Negroes. If Nixon Lettersoo To the Editor: 1 WAS disappointed to see Prof. Harris' letter (Daily, July 2) concerning the interim change of rules' recently enacted by the Law School. His attempt to make in- terference by the faculty in non- academic discipline more accept- able to students merely under- scored the most noxious aspect of is elected, the 17-year-old son of the Newark widow stand a chance of dying either in Vietnam or during the city's next riot. (Newark was second only to De- troit during the 1967 riot season.) Humphrey will at least try to give him half a chance, through massive spending in the ghetto. Of course, if the war continues- as seems likely under a Humphrey administration-there will not be any money to spend. McCarthy would give us the best chance of solving both problems. He would get the country out of Vietnam fairly quickly and try to channel the money spent there into the ghetto. He might even get some of it past a tight-pursed Congress. All the sellers in our car are in their late teens or early twen- ties and we all hate Flo for liking Nixon. But she is not alone. In fact, there are more Nixon people in this country than Mc- Carthy people, and more Nixon people than Humphrey people. So we have a choice:rcoalition or revolution. One thing is clear. There will be no revolution in 1968. There are just too many Flo's, just too many Humphrey people, just too many middle-class people who ride the subways for two hours a day and never even read a newspaper. The choice is Nixon and a thiud party, or the Democratic candi- date, probably Humphrey. For those who wish to go outside the system, there is only one profit- able direction: north to Canada. I'll stick around for a while. But, who knows, I may join them by Inauguration Day. RiIu les notion, I should merely point out that Columbia had more anti- interference rules than we have and that during this "interim period" Michigan has remained one of the most peaceful cam- puses in the country. What created this "interim per- iod?" Prof. Harris states that in April, 1967, "general University 16 cents, beggars being always precise to the penny in the slums. Or he may meet you with a furi- ous hostility; in the public life of the slum, there seems to be nothing between the wheedle and the snarl. There is, in either case, the same smell of whine. The slum has no interior gov- ernment, being always directed, if it can be said to have direction, by persons who do not live there. The directors of the Poor People's March did not, in most cases, live in Resurrection City, governing as absentee healers not much differ- ent in effect from the absentee oppressors whom more permanent slums think of as their governors. WHAT THIS government said about the social services available there seemed to have about as much to do with the reality as it usually has in the slums. The day care center was empty; the poor did not seem to attend the con- ferences on the problems of pover- ty any more than they would at home. There was none of the fancied exhilaration of improvised adven- ture; the residents simply made do. They met the basic challenges; men drained ditches and put down boards; women cooked; adoles- cents scrawled on boards. Pride displayed itself in hostility to the voyeur; but there was no vanity, no sense of usefulness of ornament -just languor even in the fierce- ness, and drift even in the de- fiance. They had withdrawn into them- selves. Hosea Williams, director of demonstrations, was frank to re- member how many he had called where nobody showed up except himself. The managers of the Poor People's March were mostly Southerners, accustomed to con- stituents who, when called to the courthouse to protest, knows where it is and what it does; but these were the urban defeated, as timid about leaving their block as they are ferocious in its defense. AND YET the whole adventure was rather a success; perhaps it is no failurein America to have been unable to mount a purifying revelation so long as you manage to create a nuisance. President Johnson's Administration seems to have yielded to a great many of the campaign's demands, a major- ity of them pitifully modest. But there remained the inex- pressible demands of that great agony which the City of the Poor so poignantly and unattractively evoked In its deterioration. Dark- ness would fall; the loudspeaker would blither about this being Resurrection City where there were no policemen and no land- lords; and, over everything, you would feel the sad certainty that now the unquiet few would begin to prey upon the quiet many. It is hard not to believe that the police moved in and closed the city at a signal from its managers, who despaired of another way decorously to wind it up. No one in this slum or any other knew any answer to its desperate extre- mity except to call the cops. (Copyright 1968-New York Post Corp.) for'U do accept our abolition of their rules! Student-made rules now exist which restrict disruptive and de- structive activity by students, and JJC is bound to uphold these rules and punish students who violate them. JJC has much more legiti- macy among students than any academic unit's court when it nmma # . nn_ aomi rnl -,hi Which sign do most American be- lieve? But what was the result of legal, educational gun carrying? Repub- lican Assemblyman Don Mulford of Piedmont (the wealthy, white suburb in the hills above Oakland) turned out to be the real educator., He taught black people that they can't get away with legal shows of strength for long. M u 1 f o r d promptly sponsored a bill "pro- hibiting instruction in the use of firearms. for the purpose of riot- ing, and prohibiting the carrying of loaded firearms on public streets and in public places by all except peace officers, guards, and members of the armed forces." The phrase "for the purpose of rioting' is the key. For, as every- one knows, rioting is a specifically Negro activity. Mulford -- who had previously opposed all at- tempts at gun-control legislation -wasn't hiding his target. And no one knew that better than Huey Newton. SO NEWTON organized the famed May 2 1967 march on the legislature, a traditional protest in which no one was injured. But the marchers were carrying the sym- bols of power-the same kind of power used by our government from Vietnam to Newark to en- force its will. They met the gov- ernment not as supplicants but as equals, and the established power structure-from Ronald Reagan to The New York Times-was ter- rified. Police were frustrated because the Panthers had again acted le- gally. It appeared they could not be arrested. But finally Sacra- mento police dug up in the Fish and Game Code a provision that prohibits loaded guns in a vehicle. Though the law in intended as a safety measure for hunters, police caught up with the Panthers at a gas station as they were having their cars serviced on the way home, and arrested 25 of them for Fish and Game violations. It is important to note that the Pan- thers did not resist arrest, al- though they were heavily armed and present in large numbers. Nonetheless, the front page of the May 4, 1967, San Francisco Chronicle quoted Assemblyman Joe Gonsalves as saying the Pan- thers were "a band of fanatics." The Chronicles of May 3, 4, and 5 all called the party a "militantly anti-white organization," in an obvious attempt to arouse public and police opinion against the group. And the May 7 New York Times lead editorial, entitled "The Spirit of Lawlessness," compared the Panthers' march with Lurleen Wallace's challenge to federal courts to enforce the school dese- gregation order. Yet the Panthers had made every effort to keep their actions within the law. IN THEIR editorial, the Times put the name "Black Panthers" in quotation marks (though I have not noticed that they similarly cast doubt on the legitimacy of "Democrats," "Republicans," and other members of political par- ties), but conceded that "Negroes at least can point to acts of illegal violence against members of their race in the South and to a long history of discrimination every- where in the nation. That history can explain but not justify.. the 'black power' zealots." The Times did not offer any alterna- tives to the Panthers' legal, but "lawless" methods. It did, how- ever, urge that all citizens "up- hold the laws." The May 5 Chronicle, in an ar- ticle about a pro-Panther rally at San Francisco State, not only put "Black Panthers" in quotation marks, it put "black people" in quotes-suggesting that so-called black people are really just the old, familiar "Negroes." Further- more, the article said that LeRoi Jones, who spoke at the rally, "affects loud clothes, a beard, and a Jomo Kenyatta hat." Has the Chronicle ever said that Governor Reagan "affects wavy brown hair, a blue gabardine suit, and a Mic- key Spillane belted french coat"? The current rash of police of last year harrassment and violence against the Panthers must be seen in context. 'In September of last year, the Mulford bill became law and is the basis for many recent Panther arrests. In other cases, ancient, unused laws have been resurrected and applied to Panthers. According to Kathleen Cleaver, Panther Communications Secretary, a black nember of a local police force told the Pan- thers on the day Bobby Hutton was killed that the San Francisco, Berkeley, and Oakland police were planning to destroy the Panthers' leadership. Malcolm X was a leader who posed the same kind of political threat, and who was also sys- tematically misinterpreted and quoted out of context by the me- dia. Shortly before his death, Mal- cplm went to France for a speak- in engagement, and was informed by the French government that he was persona non grata; he was prevented from speaking. Stokely' Carmichael received similar treat ment in France last year. Malcolm knew that the Black Muslims did not have the power to press the French government to silence him. And the Panthers know that therenemy is not merely +he k