See editorial page
1Mw A
Warm and chance"
of rain
Vol. LXXVIII, No. 37-S Ann Arbor, Michigan, Saturday, June 29, 1968 Ten Cents,
Six Pages
New Cutler'
position not
VP post
The new administrative position
slated for Vice President for Stu-
dent Affairs Richard L. Cutler
after he leaves his present post in
August will not be a vice presi-
dency, President Robben W.
Fleming said yesterday.
Cutler has told friends and
,% staff he will receive an appoint-
ment "comparable to his present
Earlier. a high University
source said Cutler's new job
would, be a vice presidency.
1 Fleming said he intends to
bring a proposal on the new po-
sition before the Regents for disrt
cussion, but that he has not yet
detailed the vice president's new
"Dating back to January,"
Fleming said, he has considered
appointing Cutler to another post,
but that the new position was
"never framed in terms of a vice
"I think Mr. Cutler has very
great abilities," the president con-
tinued, and "I do have a proposal
I want to talk about with the Re-
Cutler declined to comment on
his new appointment.
One high official has called
Cutler's new post "the most
* closely guarded secret in the Uni-
versity." He said Cutler has told
associates for some time that he
-intends to stay with the Univer-
sity after leaving the OSA.
The search to find a replace-
4 ment to fill Cutler's present posi-
tion not yet begun formally.
A successor must be found be-
fore the vice president will leave
the OSA, an informed source said
several weeks ago
During his three year tenure as
'f vice president, Cutler has been a
controversial figure in University.
affairs. During the past year he
has been the subject of mounting
student criticism for a number of
actions. .
By The Associated Press
Democratic senators bitterly de-
nounced yesterday a move by Re-
publicans to block the appoint-
ment of a new Supreme Court
chief justice and associate justice
in the waning months of Presi-
dent Johnson's term.
"A blatant political maneuver"
and "the worst of hypocrisy," Sen.
Daniel Brewster (D-Md), called
the GOP drive to block confir-
Sen. Frank Moss, (D-Utah),
charged the Republicans with po-
litical motivations "so blatant
and so transparent they should
be disregarded in total."
Moss said Johnson has the duty
under the Constitution to fill Su-
preme Court vacancies and "fail-
ure to fill such vacancies within
a reasnoable period of time con-
stitutes a dereliction of duty:"
Democratic Leader Mike Mans-
field of Montana said "there is no
such thing as a lame duck presi-
Sen. John O. Pastore (D-RD.
said the lame duck argument. is
idiotic and noted that three seh-
ators have announced plans to
retire next January. He asked if
they should be barred from voting4
in the Senate."
A petition objecting to John-
son's nominations was circulated
Wednesday soon after Johnson
named Justice Abe Fortas as chief
justice and U.S. District Judge.
mer Thornberry as associate
J justice.
-Daily-Andy Sacks
Stop lumphrey movement?
* *aily-Thms .Copt
Innis discusses black power
New acting CORE head
asks black ghetto rule
War critics seek
op en convention
CHICAGO (AP - Critics of the
Vietnam War will meet here this
weekend to begin a drive for an
open Democratic Convention in
A newly formed group, named
Coalition for an Open Convention
whose aim is to have an anti-war
candidate win the Democratic
presidential nominiation called
the conference last Monday.
A large number of supporters
for Sen. Eugene McCarthy are
members of the coalition. McCar-
thy, a sharp critic of the John-
son administration's war policies,'
is scheduled to arrive in Chica-
go early tomorrow afternoon.
A spokesman for the McCarthy
for President Committe of Illi-
'Miami readies police
for GOP convention
nois said yesterday that the sena-
tor is not expected to attend the
conference in the Sherman House
but is coming to a rally tomorrow
night in the Auditorium Theater.
Allard K. Lowenstein, Demo-
cratic candidate for Congress in
New York's 5th District and a
prime mover in calling the con-
ference for an open convention,
has said the meeting has no of-
ficial connection with McCarthy's
candidacy. He also said it is not
a "stop Humphrey movement."
Lowenstein, who was a New
York leader of the attempt last
winter to deny renomination to
President Johnson, has said the
conference's task will be to "ex-
plore how the results of the pri-
maries can be validated in the
American system."
Lowenstein, 37, who helped
power the movement that coa-
lesced 10,000 college students into
a potent volunteer political force
for Stn. Eugene J. McCarthy, is
going to promote his candidate in
Men from the McCarthy camp,
and former Kennedy supporters
are expected at the conference;
today and tomorrow.
Among them are Paul O'Dwyer,
Democratic nominee for a U.S.
Senate seat in New York; San-
ford Gottlieb, director of thel
National Committee for a Sanel
Nuclear Policy; the Rev. Jesse
Jackson and Hosea Williams. of-I
ficials of the Southern Christian
Leadership Conference, and A.:
A. Rayner, a Negro Chicago al-;
Also on the roster were four
persons listed as delegates to
fthe Democratic National Con-
vention that will open Aug. 26 in
C h i c a g o; Channing Phillips,
chairman of the District of Co-
lumbia delegation; and Actreess
Shirley MacLaine, Gary Town-
send and Richard Vargas of the,
( ten Robert P. cGriffin of micn-
igan, who initiated the petition
and got 18 signatures-half the
GOP senators-has threatened a
filibuster if necessary to block the
confirmation of Fortas and
Mansfield said if a filibuster
develops and cannot be broken he
assunes Chief Justice Earl War-
ren will decide not to retire at
this time but will stay ,on for the
new term which begins in Oc-
Sen. Stephen M. Young (D-
Ohio), accused Richard M. Nixon
of trying to butt into the naming
of Supreme Court justices.
"Mr. Nixon thinks he has a per-
sonal interest in this," said Young,
who declared the court was never
intended as "one of the spoils of
political victory."
Earlier this week, Nixon sug-
gested Johnson should not have
made the appointments, saying:
"It would have been much better
for the prestige of the court had
it been kept away from this kind
of fight that is now developing."
"The only cure for white rac-
ism is Black Power," Roy Innis,
acting chairman of CORE, told an
audience that was 75 per cent
white in an address sponsored by
Ann Arbor CORE last night at
the Community Center.
"The average white has no choice
but to be a racist in this system,"
Innis said. "I therefore cannot
wait around for whites to change
the system so that it will meet my
Innis, associate national dirgo-
tor of CORE, has taken over as di-
rector for Floyd McKissick, who is
suffering from a back ailment.
Innis defined Black Power last
night as "control by blacks of the
institutions that give them goods
and services."' '
He said that "individual racism
is not a very dangerous brand.
Racism becomes a problem when
it is institutional, when the indi-
vidual racist functions as an agent
of an institution armed with the
powers of that institution."
"White racism is something that
effects almost everyone in this
country," Innis continued. "Cer-
tainly every white."
Innis contends "There is no rea-
son anyone should feel guilty
about racism. Guilt only leads
to suppression, and suppression
does not work. It comes out in
the form of extreme white liberal-
"Black people must reject seg-
regation, and they. must equally
reject integration as an alterna-
"In a heterogenous society such
as ours, with clearly defined fac-
tions, black and white, there are
three possible forms of organiza-
tion. Most people have only been
able to think of two."
Integration in a biracial society
would merely result in black peo-
ple finding themselves permanent-
ly in a minority position, he said.
Innis insists that his purpose is
to "propose alternatives to the
present disaster course which this
country seems to be on."
He defined "black power" as
the methodology for implementa-
tion of the goals of black nation-
He contends "nationalism is on-
ly a bad word when th6 word,
black is added to it."
According to Innis, nationalism
is a very natural response to the
state of being oppressed in, the
land of the oppressors. He said
that black nationalism derived to
a great extent from the example'
of Jewish nationalism, and he
pointed outsome amusing paral-
lels between black and Jewish
He also pointed out the similar
inability of blacks and Jews to'
designate a promised land, but
said he favored New York for the
location of a black state, and
"certainly hoped they would not
get stuck with Mississippi."
Court fre~es"
loceal r esister
An Ann Arbor Resistance mem-
ber who was arrested Thursday
for refusing induction into the
armed services was released on
$1000 personal recognizance by
the federal district court in De-
troit yesterday.
Arnold Bauchner, a former Uni-
versity graduate student in the
social work school, refused in-
duction at Fort Wayne in Detroit
two weeks ago. No date was set
for the trial.
Two Federal Bureau of Inves-
tigation agents arrested Bauchner
two days ago as he was walking
into Perry School. He was held
overnight in the Washtenaw
County jail on what police called
"an open warrant" and driven by
FBI agents to Detroit yesterday
morning for arraignment.
ErnestGoodman, a Detroit at-
torney who was present at the
court on other business, spoke for
Bauchner during the proceedings.
Observers were surprised at the
swiftness of the arrest. Most ar-
rests for failure to comply with
selective service regulations take
several months.
to retai
'Kids' community
t0 receive $11,250
Over CEO action
The Children's Community
School will receive an $11,250
grant from the U.S. Office of Edu-
cation despite the recent refusal
of the Washtenaw County Citi-
zens Committee for Economic Op-
portunity to act as legal transfer
agent for the funds.
Diana Oughton, a school staff
member, said .they originally
thought federal funds could not
be received directly by a. private
school but instead had to be
transferred through the CEO, the
local community action agency for
the federal Economic Opportunity
However, the restriction was dis-
covered to apply only to grants
from the Economic Opportunity
program and not to funds direct-
ly from the Department of
Health, Education and Welfare,
which includes the Office of Ed-
The grant will provie a pilot~
project for 15 children inkne kinder-gre ,hohtidgae.Ms
garten through third grade. Miss
Oughton said the funds will prob-
ably allow the school to increase
enrollment from 24 to about 30
"We'll also be able to pay the
staff-they were only paid spor-
adically before," Miss Oughton
Previously the school depended
on private donations and fund-
raising drives. Staff members had
predicted extreme financial diffi-
culties if the grant was lost.
The CEO's refusal to act as
transfer, which termed the exper-
imental school "too controversial,
evoked some criticism in the com-
Dr. Albert Wheeler, CEO chair-
man, cast the tie-breaking vote
against the grant. Wheeler re-
signed Wednesday as chairman
and cited among his reasons for
quitting the dispute over the
school grant.
Bill Ayers, director of the
school, said many of the criti-
cisms against the school were dis-
Shortly after, the CEO refusal,
the county Board of Supervisors
voted to assume the CEO's func-
tion as community action agency
for the Economic Opportunity
program. Board members have re-
peatedly criticized the CE for
"individualism" and lackluster
With Wheeler's resignation, the
CEO board yesterday chose Paul
Wasson, treasurer, as temporary
chairman. The group will be re-
organized next month and a new
board elected.
The grant will specifically pro-
vide the school with enrichment
services, reduced class sizes, social
services for the children and their
families, medical and dental ex-
aminations and hot lunches.
Federal education consultants
will advise and evaluate the
jackets, sniper rifles and a six-
foot fence hidden by a flowering
hedge are some of the pillars in a
defense perimeter planned for the
convention hall where Republicans
will nominate their presidential
candidate. -
e Miami Beach Police Chief
Rocky Pomerance said Friday his
problem is "a peculiar dichotomy,
maximum security with low visi-
bility policing."
Pomerance said two areas out-
side the fence would be set aside
Police arrest
77 protesters
'at Capitol
WASHINGTON (,P) - Police
arrested 77 persons yesterday as
they demonstrated on the Capitol
steps in support of the Poor Peo-
ple's Campaign.
4 The group included about 30
Quakers-members of the Society
of Friends-who held a half-hour
meeting or service on a sun-baked
Capitol plaza before joining the
others to be arrested.
Demonstrations on Capitol
grounds are illegal.
. The Rev. Ralph Abernathy,
president of the Southern Chris-
tian Leadership Conference and
leader of the antipoverty cam-
paign, was arrested Monday for
staging such a demonstration. He
now is serving a 20-day jail sen-
4 Among those jailed yesterday
were Hosea Williams, 42, a husky,
bearded Negro who is' a demon-
strations leader for the campaign,
and the Rev. Norman Davis, a
white Catholic priest from De-
It was William's second arrest
.6 this week. He was freed on bond
for picketing and that plans 4ad
been made to prevent any demon-i
strations, such as lie-ins, that
could disrupt the proceedings.
"We are prepared and com-
pletely determined that this con-
vention will be a peacable one
and that delegates and alternates
will be free to come and go at
their will," Pomerance said in an
The City Council approved last
Wednesday a police request to
purchase what was described as
security equipment for the conven-
tion. The list included 40 shot-!
guns, 20 combat flak jackets,
three 30-06 Remington rifles with
telescopic sights described as
"sniper rifles," and 50 smoke
Lt. Walter Philbin, chief of se-
curity planning for the police,
said, "With the climate of the
nation the way it is now, we feel
we have to have them."
Another defense lies in the abil-
ity of the island city to seal its;
causeways and bridges, "but only!
under the most adverse and se-
rious conditions as a last resort,"
Pomerance said.
Both Pomerance and Mayor Jay
Demer concentrated on the fence
as "the first line of defense, the
point of delineation" in security,
for the Convention which begins
Aug. 5.
"At first we euphemisticallyj
called it controlled access for
parking," said Pomerance, chief
of police in this tourist mecca for
five years. He said the city was
anxious to keep up its image as
a playground.
This week hedges were planted
on the outside of the fence,
shielding it from view on the side
facing the main street, Washing-
ton Avenue. "We've combined aes-
thetics and function," the chief
"It would be a relatively sim-
ple matter to make it a totallyk
secure operation, with tanks and
blocking off streets, but then you'd
Voters elect precinct delegates
ini August for county conventions
First in a series
Michigan citizens are going to
vote again August 6. But many of
the 30 or 40 per cent of the elec-
torate who actually vote may not
know what the election is , all
Along with nominating candi-
dates for county, state, and na-
tional offices in the upcoming
primary, Michigan voters will
elect precincthdelegates for the
Democratic and Republican coun-
ty conventions.
The procedure for both parties
is the same since election regula-
tions are part of the Michigan
California delegation.
state statutes .
Precinct delegates are elected:
for two year terms in even year
elections. The number of dele-
gates in a particular precinct for
any one party is determined by
the number of votes cast in that
precinct for the party's secretary
of state candidate in the most re-
cent general election.
Virtually any party member can
file as a precinct delegate candi-
date. In the past, both parties ad-
mit they have experienced diffi-
culty in finding enough people to
run for convention' delegates but
this year, because of demands for
change in both parties, partisan
interest has picked up.
In election years the delegates
meet for three conventions usual-'
ly in May, August and November.
The May convention selects
delegates to the state convention
from which delegates are chosen
for the national convention.
The August convention, which
takes place a few days after the
election, orients new delegates to
the system and sharpens the par-
ty's platform. This platform is
later presented to the party's state
platform committee where it may
be incorporated into the state
platform itself.
Also at the state conventions,
the parties nomlinate candidates
for statewide offices which do not
fall under primary election pro-
visions. This year, one seat on
the State Supreme Court, and two
numbers of each of the state ed-
ucational boards (the University's
Board of Regents', the Wayne
State University Board of Gover-
nors, the Michigan State Univer-
sity Board of Trustees, and the
A large percentage of precinct
delegates from both parties in
Washtenaw County are hard line
party workers. Most of them have
been delegates for several terms,
ranging from four years in office
to 12.
This year, particularly in the,
Democratic Party, the heated in-
terest caused by the Humphrey-
McCarthy split is the chief reason
why candidates are assuming this
active role.
Extra aid offsets tuition hike
Daily News Analysis
The Regents decision yester-
day to hike tuition $60 for in-
state and $240 for out-of-state
students is not expected to
cause major enrollment chang-
Students presently on schol-
arships probably will not be af-
fected by the increase because
additional funds have been
made available for student aid.
Similarly, it is not antici-
pated that out-of-state appli-,
cations will be significantly de-
There are 3,800 in-state stu-
dents currently- at the Univer-
sity on scholarships, explains
John Bishop, Grad, a member
of the Presidential Advisory
The amount of tuition in-
crease for these students totals
generally competing with pri-
.vate institutions for these stu-
dents. Since the University's
tuition still remains lower than
most private schools, out-of-
state enrollment should not be
affected greatly by the tuition
It should be noted that the
legislature demands out-of-
state students pay 75 per cent
of the cost of their education.
The tuition figure used by the
state is an average of the cost
of graduate and undergraduate
education. Since graduate ed-
ucation is about six times more
expensive, undergraduates will
now pay more than 75 percent
of the cost to educate them.
SGC member at-large, Mi-
chael Davis has doubts about
the way student fees are being
spent. He feels "students and
faculty should have a part in
sulted about the increase, "but
it was practically already a
foregone conclusion that there
would be one. We just dis-
cussed how this should be dis-
tributed," he added.
Bishop, currently writing his
economics dissertation on how
to subsidize undergraduate edu-
cation, believes that a gradu-
ated tuition plan is "more de-
sirable." However, he feels that
the same thing can be done by
scholarships if the stiff aca-
demic requirement is eliminat-
Presently, when tuition is
raisied, the extra revenues are
distributed to students through
the use of scholarships.
Thus, a plan in which tui-
tion is distributed (graduated
fees) before it is collected will
have basically the same resilts,
Bishop explains.