v Skijan D I Seventy-seven years of editorial freedom Edited cAd managed by students of the University of Michigan under authority of Board in Control of Student Publications The 'other side' looks at student power 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor Mich. News Phone: 764-05521 I ' Editoriols printed in The Michigan Daily exp ress the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must 1e noted inaoll reprints. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 26, 1968 NIGHT EDITOR: JILL CRABTREE :: Gun control: Not the only !answer E CRUSADE for stiff gun control legislation which is jeing waged with such commendable vigor by many citizens and some of their representatives seems headed for major victories. One title of the anti-crime bill signed by President Johnson last Wednesday night forbids interstate traffic in hand- guns and prohibits the sale of handguns to minors. Congress is working on an- other Johnson proposal to outlaw inter- state sale "of rifles, and yesterday the President proposed to Congress legislation requiring the registration and licensing of every firearm in the country. Gun-control curbs do indeed have wide- spread grass-roots support. After the murder of Sen. Kennedy, some cities pre- viously without gun laws passed them. Many newspapers are waging strong cam- paigns for stringent controls. Groups of prominent citizens and students are cir- culating petitions. Polls indicate an over- whelming majority of the American peo- ple favor legislation of some sort or an- other. Hopefully, the drive for strict controls will be successful. Yet considering the im- passioned, almost reflexive fervor which surrounds so much of the gun control campaign, a few words of caution are-in order. The projected results of gun con- trol legislation need to be viewed realistic- ally; the large and forbiding problem of violence needs to be seen in some per- spective, for implicit in gun control ef- forts is a rather simplistic approach to a complex problem; finally, the dangers of the kind of logic being advanced by pro- ponents of the legislation must be realized and assessed. TH1E STATISTICAL evidence on guns is convincing, as far as it goes. Murders by guns in the United States are multi- plying yearly at a tragic rate. The availa- bility of guns is almost undoubtedly a factor in murders of passion. And gun murders as a percentage of population are far more numerous in the United States than in many other countries, especially those with strict gun laws. Thus, it is reasonable to expect that laws ending the easy traffic in arms, as well as licensing and registration re- quirements, will have some effect on gun murder statistics, especially by keeping guns out of the hands of dangerous 'ele- ments in the population. But how much effect? In the first place, all of these statistics indicate ctrrelations, not causes. They show that where gun laws are weak, gun murders are more frequent; they in no way prove that the absence of strong con- trols causes high gun murder figures or that strong controls will of themselves substantially lower the figures. There are other causes of gun murders, other dif- ferences between the nature of the Amer- ican society and, say, the British society, which the statistics do not take into ac- count and which will persist even after the passage of strong gun contr'ol legis- lation. Besides this theoretical difficulty, there are a number of practical problems. The gun lobbyists, although they are generally irresponsible in their self-interest, are at least right in saying that those who really want guns will get them anyway. How will the registration requirement be Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor. Michigan, 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Michigan, 48104.. Daily except Sunday and Monday during regular summer session, Daily except Monday during regular academic school year. The Daily is a member of the Associated Press, the College Press Service, and Liberation News Service, Summer subscription rate: $2.50 per term by car- rier ($3.00 by mail); $4.50 for entire summer ($5.0 by mail), Fall and winter subscription rate: $4 50 per term bycarrier ,f$5 by mamh $8.00 for regular academic school, year ($93 by mail). Sum mer Editorial Staff URBAN LEHNER t .. ................... Co-Ed tor DANIEL OKRENT ....... ............... Co-Editor LUCY KENNEDY ,....... Sunner Supplement Editor enforced against those who already own guns and who choose to defy the law? The police "cannot and .will not search every home in the nation for guns. A black market will develop for those who don't now own guns but really want them. Furthermore, who knows for sure who the "dangerous elements" are? There are undoubtedly many Americans who neither have criminal records nor are mentally ill who nevertheless are potential mur- derers. As for murders of passion, there are so many lethal weapons in the average kitchen or workshop to prevent, any gun control law from completely eliminating such crimes. All this is not to say that gun control legislation shouldn't be pass- ed, or even that it will be completely in- effective. It is merely to point out that even the strictest gun control legislation falls several notches short of panacea status. MANY ARGUE that American society is violent by nature, and the compara- tive statisticsare unquestionably on their side. Nobody knows why for sure, although there are many theories: the frontier heritage, the competitiveness and frustra- tion inherent in capitalism, and the social divisions inherent in pluralism. Our high gun ownership and gun murder statistics, the glorification of violence in our pop- ular culture, and the Vietnam War are symptoms, not causes, of that endemic violence. Because the results are tragic and irreversible deaths, it is necessary to deal with the symptoms while at the same time probing for the causes. Hence, gun control legislation; hence, ending the ruthless disregard for human life which characterizes our foreign policy (or, as I. F. Stone put it, "the gun control should begin in Vietnam and at the Pentagon.") Still, when treating symptoms we must never forget that we are doing only that: treating symptoms. If we would really end violence, we must sit down publicly and privately and attempt to discern what it is in our lives, what' it is in our society, that makes us violent - FINALLY, WE must remember that the use of correlative statistics as evi- dence in discussions of social problems is dangerous. The anti-crime bill signed by President Johnson last week contains one title which illustrates exactly and tragic- ally the translation of faultily used statis- tics into bad public policy. Recent Su- preme Court decisions demanding strict adherence by police and prosecutors to the Bill of Rights in the use of evidence have not caused the increase in crime which occurred during the same years, and there isn't a shred of statistical evi- dence to prove that the Court decision substantially hampered society in its rightful task of prosecuting criminals. Yet Congress in the second title of the bill presumptively "overturned" the Court's landmark decisions, and at the same time took us one step further down the road to 1984. The logic of correlation emanating from the anti-crime law and to some extent from the fervor over gun control now poses a similar threat to freedom of speech. In the same breath with gun curbs, some proponents are beginning to talk about censoring books, movies and television programs which are "violent," whatever that means. The Vietnam War is violent, guns are an instrument of violence, but when the logic is applied to speech or entertainment or information which "incites violence," the flaws in the logic are made manifest, These flaws can be tolerated when the issue is murder, first hand; when we. start talking about causes and causes of causes, then we must begin carefully to weigh benefits against detriments; certainly, we had better be pretty sure we know what the causes are before we begin indiscriminately to out- law them, especially when such rock-bot- tom basic freedoms as those of speech and publication are at question. (UN CONTROL legislation will undoubt- edly mean fewer gun murders, even if not as few as some of its proponents hope. The concern with gun control also The following appraisal of student power and university government is an editorial re- printed from the June 1, 1968, issue of Fortune magazine.-Ed. here is no mystery about the purpose of the radical student leaders who are staging the 1968 version of "revolt on the campus." These youngsters, organized in the Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), are acting out a revolution-not a protest, and not a rebellion, but an honest - to - God revolution. They see themselves as the Che Guevaras of our society, and their intention is to seize control of the university, destroy its present structure, and establish the "lib- erated" university as the redoubt from which to storm and over- throw "bourgeois" America. That is what they say they are doing- they are the least conspiratorial and most candid of revolutionists -and this is what in fact they are doing. The whole thing is utterly ab- surd, of course. Indeed, its very absurdity gives these students a formidable, if temporary, advant- age. Because they are such a small minority no one-not the faculty, not the parents, not the adminis- tration, not the press, not the civil authorities-can take this revo- lutionary enterprise seriously. So the instinctive reaction is to in- terpret literally the students' "immediate demands" (as the SDS calls them), whether, these involve parietal rules, disciplinary regulations, or student represen- tation in the various decision- making councils of the university. The adults persuade themselves that the demand for "student power" represents an authentic desire to be more intimately in- volved in, and integrated with the university community. SDS, in contrast, with a frankness that would be commendable were it less paranoid in substance, explains to all who will listen that "stu- dent power" is simply the first stage on revolution's way, that "immediate demands" will prolif- erate until the university has been transformed into a revolutionary institution' It really matters little that those SDS leaders are blurry about the revolution's goals; an- archy can be a powerful end in itself. Since the student radicals know what they are doing, while every- one else assumes that they can't really mean it, the radicals are always in a position both to pre- cipitate d crisis and to define the rules according to which it is to be played out. They know that if the administration is forced to call in the polite, and if just enough resistance is offered to ensure some bloody heads, both the student body and the faculty will feel impelled-as fellow citi- zens of "the academic communi- ty"-to come to their defense. At Columbia University last month, dozens of first-class minds spent hundreds of agonized hours try- ing to "mediate" so that police would not have to be called in. All this time, the SDS was calmly and publicly planning its strategy, which was to "escalate" the "con- frontation" to the point where the police would have to be called in. NOW IT IS TRUE that this account leaves many other in- teresting questions unanswered. We would like to know, not why radical students exist at Colum- bia-they exist everywhere-but how it is possible for them to have the- kind of fantastic view of American society that under- lies their strategy of "guerilla, op- erations." Since they certainly had no such fantasies in their heads when they were graduated from high school, this is something they must have learned while in and around the university. Where and how did they come to it? Ob- viously, there is more to the edu- cational process than is to be found in the formal curriculum, but in this instance the gap be- tween what the professors teach and what the student chooses to learn is astonishingly large. We would also like to know why the majority of the students, who are neither radical nor fantasists, appear to be so morally disarmed before the militant minority, and so intellectually defenseless a- gainst its logic. Here again, some- thing is amiss: Columbia, one of the nation's great universities, seems incapable, of educating its students to think seriously about the most serious issues of the good life and the good society. Still, students are what they are, and American education is what it is, and everyone knows that the American campus is a troubled place. But it is not at all, clear why, if everyone knows this, no one does anything about it-why a troubled campus is per- mitted to dissolve into a chaotic turmoil. The art of government, after all, is to cope with such trouble and to avoid such tur- moil. So the most interesting and urgent question of all is: What happened to the government of our universities? THER IS A FAMOUS anecdote of the newly installed university president who gave an inspiring talks to members of the assembled faculty, expatiating on splendid things the university intended to do for them. At the conclusion of the talk, a senior professor arose and calmly remarked, "But Mr. President, we are the university. This anecdote is a great favorite in faculty circles, and understand- ably so, since it is such a neat put-down of the arrogant ad- mininstrator. Once upon a time it even pointed out a real truth: the university indeed then was the faculty, with the administration as mere handmaiden and the stu- dents being present on suffrance. But that was ages ago, in another world, when studying at a univer- sity was a privilege, not a right, and when the university itself was a small and simple institu- tion. Today the proposition that the faculty is the university, though fondly repeated by profes- sors on suitable occasions, is mis- leading and self-deceptive. The faculty can be the univer- sity, to begin with, only if they are permanent residents therein. But our faculty today largely con- sists of nomadic types-mobile members of a profession who happen to be located temporarily at one institution or another. It is uncommon to find\ a professor who has ever bothered to read the charter, or bylaws, or con stitution of "his" university. He is simply too busy-with research, and departmental politics, and teaching, usually in that order- to distract himself with such trivia. v And heis certainly far too busy to get involved in the immense and complicated activity that is now the proper business of the university administration. This activity includes continual fund raising from alumni, negotiating for government money, dealing with the Cafeteria Workers Union, recruiting nurses for the univer- sity hospital, supervising the uni- versity police force, etc., etc.-to say nothing of attending to the personal and professional prob- lems of; say, 2,000 faculty mem- bers and 25,000 students. It was because such tasks were uncon- genial to-nay, abhorrent to-the faculty that the administration came to be the large and powerful organization that it is in today's university. POWERFUL rI;rolrWIHOUT any real moral authority. This is why, though the administration rules, it does not govern, in the full meaning of that term. And this is why, when a crisis erupts, the seemingly vast powers of th administration are seen to evapo- rate overnight. It is not much of an exaggeration to say that the power of the administration ex- ists only when it is not challenged. For moral authority still rests with the faculty. It is the faculty that is illustrious, while the ad- ministration tends to be anony- mous. t is the composition of the faculty that determines whether a university is ranked "first class" or "second rate," It is the faculty who are the nationally known "experts" on all kinds of prob- lems-including problems of ad- ministration. So long as the daily routine is undisturbed, this fac- ulty is passive and self-absorbed. But when a student rebellion breaks out, it is the faculty that promptly moves to stage front and is adjudged by everyone to be the proper arbiter of the situa- tion. Unfortunately, all the instincts of the faculty are in the direction of "appeasement" of student mili- tants. American professors, like American parents, want desper- ately to be popular among their 'youthful charges. It is difficult for a professor to assume an ad- versary posture toward "his" young people as it is for a parent -and this regardless of how un- ruly, disobedient, and offensive the young people are. A profes- sor, after all, has to "live with" his students in a way that a dean or college president does not. So the first reaction oft he faculty to a student rebellion is to criti- cize the administration: for in- epitude, for shortsightedness,- for bureaucratic unfeelingness. This is what happened at Columbia. For years, the faculty there has displayed not the faintest interest in the problems the administra- was trying to .cope with. Now, it suddenly discovers-and announ- ces-that the administration has been doing the wrong things, or the right things in the wrong way. SO WHAT WE seem to have in the American university is a situation in which the faculty ;I i i won't govern and the adminis- tration can't. And onto this scene move the protagonists of "stu- dent power" threatening to, make a three-ring circus out of a two- way stalemate. It is important to emphasize, at the risk of repetition, that "student power" means something entirely different from student participation in forms of self- government, especially as pertains to matters of discipline. This al- ready" exists at most. Aimerican universities, and where it doesn't,' it is because there is so little in the way of discipline to begin with that no one much cares about its exe cise. "Student power" is a program for governing, not stu- dents, but the faculty and the ad-- ministration. What the advocates of "stu- dent power" want is a voice-a determining voice, if possible-in the establishment of the curricu- lum, the selection of faculty, the allocation of university expendi- tures, the relations of the univer- sity to government, and so on. Moreover, they have made it per- fectly clear that they want this power, not to improve either their education or their administration '-in both of which they are quite uninterested-but to make the university "a revolutionary force" in society. Here again, let's note that it is extremely difficult for an outsider to believe they really mean what they say. It' is natural to discount these ambitions and, attribute their exprsssions to un- inhibited youthful exurberance. Even the faculty at Columbia, who should appreciate how things stand, keeps persuading itself that it knows better than these stu- de'nts what they really want. But in this case it is the students who know better. THE EFFECTS OF the campaign for "student power," backed up by sit-ins; strikese, riots, boycotts of professors, etc., are already noticeable. The faculty, for its peace of mind, will be willing to concede these students the right to intervene in administrative de- cisions. The administration, partly out of spite, partly ott of des- peration, will be willing to con- cede to these students the right to intervene in what has hither- to been faculty decisions. Mutual recrimination will become the nor- mal mode of discourse between these two adult groups.,Mean- while, the radical students will be able, as the only force on cam- pus that knows what it is doing, to impose their will, even though in numbers they constitute only + a small fraction of the student body. You can't argue with suc- 'cess: and SDS has yet to lose a battle. There are those who will say that this bleak krospect is too apocalyptic, that we are witnes- sing a temporary campus fad, and that "normalcy" will and must prevail. What's what was said at Berkeley four -years ago; t hat's what is being said at Columbia todayu that's what they'll be say- ing at Princeton or Harvard to- morrow. These assurances by now rings hollow. It is as clear as can be that the American university is in a major constitutional crisis, and that claos will extend its sway until a new answer is pro- posed to the eternal - political question: Who governs? toT ovewvs IF PAOBLEMS over Vietnam attend the image-making of , the "new Humphrey," they also beset the candidacy oc the new * "new Nixon." But to Sen. Mark Hatfield (F-Ore) the latter are suddenly less serious. Earlier this yearI, Hatfield - an outspoken and sensible critic of the war -' said he believed . Gov, Rockefeller's Vietnam views were sufficiently flexible to unite the party. Now, five and a half months later, he has endorsed Nixon, although Rockefeller's emergent views are far clearer than they were in January. After a private conference here this week with the former Vice President, Hatfield conceded that Vietnam remains the 'campaign's -"overriding issue" but declared that Nixon-as much a hawk as the Senator is (or was) a dove- could "sucessfully resolve" the conflict, Newsmen probing furth- er elicited Hatfield's frank ad- mission that he wouldn't mind being Nixon's running mate this, fall. It was Sen. Henry Clay who asserted: "I would rather be right than President." , Sen. Hatfield may be one of the few who would rather be Vice President than right. * " * RELUCTANTLY signing the so- called "crime control" bill into law, President Johnson justified approval on tree ground that the measure was "more good than bad." It is imnossible to under- stand his computation. By any responsible judgment of its four major sections, it is at least 50 ppr cent atrocious and 25 per cent inadeq1te. The least controversial title is the first, authorizing substantial federal grants to improve local law enforcement. The inadequate section is the last, providing lim- ited gun controls; the Admini, tration hopes it will be substan tially fortified by the legislation now pending but it is hardly "good" enough as it stands. In between are the two sections devised by Congressional reac- 'P TT *.n- - .4nrtcT.At ri-ji.u B.Ku W.N z5ports Baitor