DOWN, down d OWI See editdrial page gilt SPRINGY chance of light raini Vol. LXXVII No. 3-S Ann Arbor, Michigan, Friday, May 3, 1968 Ten Cents Eight Pages Phone strikers win big raise WVASHINGTON riP - Telephone strikers won three-gear wage and fringe benefit increases totaling nearly 20 per cent yesterday in 1908's fattest labor contract agreement thus far. It will affect some 600',000 workers across the nation. The AFL-CIO Communications Workers estimated the settlement will cost the Bell System more than $2 billion and a top company official said it will mean higher bills for many of the nationi's 50 million telephone subscribers. Somie 200,000 strikers will vote in the next few -days on whether to end their 15-day-old nation-wide walkout and accept the agreement, which would set a pattern for most of the 400,000 other Bell System P e workers whose contracts ex- pie lae. elSytmpatr * / agreements are big In every f se sB sad t e nion president, 1( (t~~ o sehA ere Memphis march opens ampaig for poor people Al erinathi ~.F ifY~/.E.U. ~ '--- The increased costs the settle- ments impose will inevitably have some effect on the rates our cus- en 1neerStomers pay for service." said Ben e Ii ii~ ers S. Gilmer, president of the * American 'Telephone & Telegraph A pass-fail program will be Co., parent firm of the Bell .available to engineering students System. begining next fall. The engineer- The wage and fringe package ing scollege faculty yesterday tin- increases average 6.5 per cent a animously approved a set of pass- year, compared with last year's fail options which will be open 5.6 per cent for all major industry to studehts who have .completed contract settlements. S30 hours of credit. 'However, larger wage increases The pass-fail program will be aecnetae ntefrt subject, to faculty review after a year of the telephone contracts. trial period of three years. ~ 'hese agle ,inceae repre- fail include:va cations ps 0eeWorkers history wth th -All elective classes in humani- Bell System," Beirne said. *ties and social sciences except for: Improved vacations, holidays thsnclued in the uiform 12- andsiholidayag py overim say horAlih requeciement pesineag rorssonsals -Allthre p1~t~ivs fl. edia ad life insurance are fied or implied as part of the student's degree program require- ments, ,subject to approval by his programi advisor. --Some technical electives, lim- ited to one per term and only one in either half-term IIIA or IIIB-. The saine restrictions apply as for free electives. The student's decision to elect pass-fail must be made within the *first two wveeks of a term or the first week of a half-term. The choice must ,be registered with the Engineering College Records .Of- fice. Instructors will not be noti- fied of pass-fail elections. As in the literary college pro- aso inlud. "To get all of this it took a strike," Beirne said of the first nationlwide telephone walkoutin 21 years. Top pay for telephone installers will rise $34 a week by the third year of the contract, for top plant' craftsmen $24 and for switch- board operators and clerks $16, the union said. Average pay before the agree- ment was about $154 a week for plant craftsmen and installers,. $83 for switchboard operators and $103 for clerical employes. The union -said $22 million of the settlement will go toward; raising pay differentials for cer- "".' Ne r e MEMPHIS (P) - The March on Washingotn conceived by Ma- tin Luther King to dramatize the plight of the nation's poor of all races, began yesterday in I f~~ Memphis where King was killed. N"~' "The moment h'as come," the Rev. Ralph Abernathy told the * crowd gathered for a memorial service. "The days of weeping are - Daily-ended. The days of march have loo" s leruie-dan-Jll ssieey begun." LEATHER-JACKETED CYCLIST showis the new "helmetless lok sh rie onHl tet Earlier, a memorial plaque had on his BMW. A state court of appeals ruled W.ednesday that the law requnring cy clists to wiear been dedicated at the motel in rotective headgear is unconstitutional- King's honor as about 2,000 Ne- groes crowded the courtyard. (SCC) ad in'swidow, Mrs.' "' By HENRY GRIX and do in gener al-pr otect people fr om passed, said he w~ould "probably Coretta King, addressed about MARTIN HIRSCHMAN themselves-and each othei, she not eu ai a heImet under normnal 1,00 Nego1efrm ethe hbalcony de iioitaeveru n g n tMis. Mary Corcoran, who works "I went scrambling one time civil rights leader was slamn quiring motorcyclists to ueai aUniversity Hospital, agrees be- and had a concussion. It probably April 4. crash helmets has left Ann Arbor' cause she ' feels sthe ruling is, would have helped, if I'd had a Then nearly 400 marchers, all police wondering what law, if any, against "the. safety of the indi-. helmet, but a few of them Negroes, began to enforce and has drawn mixed! viduals involved." However. she~ "But I hate to be made to wear a march through some of' Mem- reaction. thinks most cyclists tvill continue spmething,'' Kuper explained. phis' worst slums. r.K g d The court ruled the 1966 law to wear helmets for their own '"If you fall off you're going to Some of the marchers planned r.Kig dd unconstitutional since it protects benefit. kill yourself, anyway," he added. to go only as far as chartered only cyclists and not the general 'But Craig Kuper, '69, who cycled' "And the only thing a helmet buses parked at the end of the public. Circuit Judge Allan C. Mil- hmetless ,before the law was helps is~ your head." wsngmrhru. -ewh rteteopno, adBut others planned to board theul mb te whorte te opnion,'s aid!- buses for the trip to Marks, Miss., te tat ttoe gsa y lsag-ss the area which King had termed laws to keep the people healthy EUthe Unit Strat es. etin and self-supporting "could lead to SCLC U spokesmn said those who e unliite paernlism" ee .e emake the trip will camp in Marks But the juidge noted state police S l1 0 l 1 O 1 0 1frtody nigott e figures reporting the fatality rate cruit new marchers from Negroes~ NEW YORK 1A)-Columbia Uni- among cyclists is more than twice in the area. ' versity clas~s remained closed -yes- as high as, that for' all mqtor DETR i To he atlyMcl Yesterday's hearing was in re- "I hope at least 3,000 to 4,000 terdiay as nearly all city police were vehicles. 'ga U.E.ITrcTh Eartsterday sponse to a motion by Atty. Gen. people will meet me at the Lor- withdrawn from ther school's Mor- However, suicide is not against~ ighn U.S Ditt oryesnuntrda Frank Kelley asking that the i- raine Motel," Abernathy said. "I ningside Heights campus- Michigan law, he added drily. uprhelg ao teoraer ny j no junction be dismissed. Kelley's want to take such a number into Casshv ee acldfr Meanwhile, Ann Arbor police ,a State Senate committee from moder whassed wtho pro - upandkseson that' h hrf ni ooy: week in the face of student dem- chief Walter Krasny said yester- '"interfering with, coercing, or re- ,vidingde sate ssuffen totic ca numbersthem.y" ht bd onstrations againsV' the construc- - day that enforcement procedures sti'aining'" parties in the 170-day haancinhdbenfe. Abrf trak fvienetion of an $11.5 million gymna- were being re-examined by the old Detroit newspaper strike. The motion went on to state flared in Marks Wednesday when! sium being constructed in Mor-' city attorney in the wake of the The action, taken by seven of that no immediate damage would. about 20 Mississippi highway 'pa- ningside Park, which separates the ruling, the court's eight judges, upheld a be suffered by the plantiff if the trolmen used rifle butts to break university from Harlem. There is Until a decision is reached. po. ruling isued Wednesday by distmict injunction were dissolved and that; up a demonstration by Negro high no indication' classes will be re- lice officers will not "normally" judge Dammon J. Keith in re- the inj'unction prevented Romney1 school pupils outside the Quitman sumed before next week. ticket cyclists who do not wear. sponse to a request by Detroit from performing his normal func- County jail. - Columbia's Board of Trustees helet, Kasy xpitdhes pub'lse Newsr Asscationd tions as Michigan's chief execu- Deputy Jack Harrison said iyesterday grd, to consult with However, several students cri- the mEeig N sAsoaintive.- about 350 students had started a community leaders on the fate of tiiedte ortrligan ai. ow~ner of the News. . ' sit-in to protest the arrest of the gymnasium and offered to cyis dt shu be m fined for do The temporary restraining or- The hearing, however, dealt pri- ~'Willie Bolden, an advance organ- consider demands for a greater wearing helmets. der will remain in effect until a marily with the validity of the izer for SCLC. student-faculty voice in the poli- hearing is held Tuesday to deter- subpoena served on Clark and the By the time the trouble had cies of the university. "I don't own a motorcycle but I mine if it should be made perma- legitimacy 'of the investigating~ subsided, seven of the SCLC or-1 The trustees action came amid own a head and I'd weai' a helmet nent. It invalidated a subpoena commiiittee. Solicitor Gen. Robert Iganizers were in jail- plans for a student strike when on it if I rode a motorcycle," said i'equiring Clark to appear before a !Verengowski, who represented Kel- Abernathy said the Poor Peo- classes resume. A 'strike committee Evelyn Kelner, '71. session of the Special Senate Coin- ley in the proceeding argued that pesMrhwl o xld n listespot'f400C- "We can protect people from mittee to Investigate the Detroit the subpoena was routinely served pces rch woll. ecud n laimsth supprts Tofi d4, nd Co themselves, that's what oui' laws Newspaper Strike. "We'henralsboeapwe re not going to have white include ousting university Presi- ____ - ofthe legilature.power or black power." he cried h'it .' Kik ~ S w --Asociated Press resses in rchers gram, only grades of "C" or above taijobs and geographical classi- Swill be given "pass" rating.' fatos To be eligible for the Dean's Honor List, a student must elect a minimum of 12 graded hours per House to vote term, and a minimum of 65 hour's of graded credit will be required for recognition on 'diploma. oniee scale * The program was prepared by the college's Curriculum 'Commit-' LANSING GW --- The state tee in cooperation with the Stu- House of Representatives yester- dent Advisory Board on Curricu- day moved into position for a lum, the Student Advisory Board final vote on a proposed consti- on Program Counseling, and the tutional amendment which would: Engineering Council. outlaw graduated tuition systems: Both the Steering Committee in state colleges and upiversitieK! and the Executive Committee of Michigan State University is I the college endorsed the program, presently using such a system. However, engineering pass-fail .MSU Trustees last year ap- will be substantially different proved a sliding-scale tuition! from the literary college program, schedule iranging from $354 to which -allows only one pass-fail $501 per term, depending on their class ,Lor each of four terms and parents' income. Parents who de- requires students to elect the op- dline to divulge their incomes pay tion before classes begin, the $501 maximum. over Columbia by force anci suo- vert Its functjons. In a statement issued following a special meeting, the board said it upheld the right of students to protest but "mob rule and anarchy cannot and muse not be tole- rated.'" At the Iequest of Mayor John V. Lindsay, the university' last week announced it was halting construction of the gym for the time being. NEGOTIATIONS The trustees yesterday agreed that "consultations and negotia- tions with commiunity leaders shall be held before a decision is reach- ed as to whether-or not construc- tion of the gymnasium will be re- sumed." The trustees also named a spe- cial committee inicluding faculty, students, alumni, and administra- tors to recommend "changes In the basic structure of the university." A student strike committee de- manded the establishment of a student-faculty senate with power to make major policy decisions, without their being subject to veto 'by the trustees. "Events have indicated that the trustees cannot be trusted," John Rousmaniere, a strike leader, told a news conference. '. R EASONABLE MOOD However, Prof. Michael Sovern of the Columbia Law School, co- chairman of a 12-member faculty committee that met with the trus- ~ ~id They indlicated a mood THE RFK PRODUCT Schlesinger: sol By STUART GANNES The Kennedy machine, its fimely meshed gears turning smoothly, rolled into Ann Ar- bor last night and performed an impressive show of presi - dential campaigning. Pulitzer Prize winner Arthur Schlesing- er Jr., a sophisticated and ar- ticulate spokesman for the New York senator tried to "sell" Kennedy to over 350 listeners at the League ,ballroom last night. The reaction of the audience was not as impressive as the show on t'he podium, however. When Schlesinger mentioned the campaign of Eugene Mc- Carthy, commenting "the na- tion stands deeply in Sen. Mc- Carthy's debt," tie audience resonded with the largest and longest ovation of the evening. Aftei' the formal speech was completed, a question and an- swer 'session was held. The dis- cussion became heated when dential adviser and active lib- eral," Schlesinger reincarnated himself last night as a partisan politician. Rather than begin- ning with the issues, Schles- inger spent the majority of his speech engaging in effective political banter. Afterward, Schlesinger turned to the "supreme issues confront- ing the United States" - civil rights and foreign1 policy. He said' Kennedy was the only Democratic candidate who met the necessities of both issues., noting McCarthy had an excel- lent position on Vietnam but offered little solution to the do- mestic issues, while Vice Presi- dent Humphrey was just the reverse. Schlesinger said Kennedy was the only candidate sensitive to all the repressed peoples in this country. He noted Kennedy has constantly shown "concern for what is wrong with America." "Kennedy has the capacity to ever, preented atransript of the news conference last Friday at which Romney announced plans for a mandatory meeting with publishers and union leaders. That time, the Governor said, "they (the committee) have agreed to use their power of subpoena to re- quire attendance at the mneeting." Committee chairman Sen. Rob- ert Huber (R-Birmingham) added, "We are working with the Gover- nor. We are prepared to use our Ssubpoena power." Chief Judge Ralph M. Freeman "We'r going tohave poper police to the campus.' addressed a kickoff rally of about The board of .directors 8,000 Wednesday night and plead- Columbia College Alumni A ed for a large turnout for both~ tion last night called for t the dedication and the trip to mediate expulsion of tho Marks. dents who, it said, tried" Costucin-trk delas 'U' projects of the Lssocla- he im- se stu- to take said, "I think the issue here is By LESLIE WAYNE The carpenters met in a bar- tou -la hyas atara whether the Governor subpoenaeed A check yesterday on all Unmi- gaining session in Jackson. Asonable structure themselves." Mr. Clark." The governor' has no versity building projects showed sokesman for the unio repootsin tutedbarca subpoena power under the law that while work has slowed down~ that"n. Tnew offer ws ae,"I rtses in studens baricadte Judge Fred Caess suggested that considerably due to the recent however. The crpenters are con Athemselemsrin Kir's offic in ther the use of the committee to issue 'construction strike, none of the' thatn to wosrk untilMa 7.l At Lowemoruildibmardi foumdy a subpoena for what was original- projects experienced a complete tha eaken.mbikervotewillrbetedothem buligsfrsee eas- 'Goyvernor mih beetan "sutrug. Ah shurveyn mde by the plant Laborers Local 959 met with day, arresting 720. . Svernal jughe as qsutiede departmen an individual con- their' bargaining representative to Most of the uniformed police whethera theSnt as anystau- tractors working on University' discuss a contract's yesterday. Al- wittidrew from the Columbia thi'ity thetu aen ie stiang u projects indicated that more than though no agreement was reached, 'campus early in 'the day, after comittoee in ane whretcotn- 50 per cent of the people working a spokesman \foi the union said Itirk conferred with Police Coin- hasite i alms cometelyhpren- !on construction jobs on April 30 that progress had been made. 'missioner Howard R. Leary. gieps juidcio ihte at emained working yesterday.. The bricklayers have not met Lindsay told a news conference Hartley juictinwtthTa- Of the five construction unions in any bargaining session since there may be some substance to Th.ugswr~lal nee trctsrnly teoweln Trae co- 'hi contract ran out May 1. Jo- 'charges by faculty members and Thejudeswer-clary agerd racs, nl th Trwe Trde o-seph Wojtowicz noted that the students of police brutality in by the treatment which special cal 14 (bricklayers) andhOperating union u-ill not meet until the con- !Tuesday's police action. cout deputy Lawrence VanTil re- Engineers Local 32 ave of tractors association calls for a The mayo' has asked Police 20EEEMEMHERREMMMHH