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June 14, 1968 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1968-06-14

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See editorial 'age




Thunderstorms tonight,
cooler tomorrow

Vol LXXVII, No. 30-S Ann Arbor, Michigan, Friday, June 14, 1968 Ten Cents

Six Pages

Dissension, security squeeze
characterize SDS convention

-Daily--Thomas R. Copi
Debating structural changes
French tension ends
Sfollowing crackdown

Special To The Daily
dents for a Democratic Society's
annual convention here has more
security checks than many re-
search laboratories. Delegates are
identified by green and gold
badges, observers' cards are yel-
low and representatives of the
various media who have been al-
lowed to coverwthe convention
wear large yellow tags spelling
out "Mass Media." No one is al-
lowed to enter a meeting without
showing his badge to a guard
blocking the entrances.
A nine-point memo "requesting
reporters to use no cameras or
tape recorders and to make no
direct or indirect quotes attributed
to any individual are given to all
members of the press.
Reporters must also identify
themselves at the opening of
workshop sessions in order that
participants may vote on whether
or not the newsmen may stay. The
tight clamp on reporters is the
result of charges that'several pub-
lications and broadcasts have dis-
torted stories of recent demon-
strations at Columbia and Michi-
gan State University. Reporters
were introduced one by one to
the estimated 900 delegates at the
beginning of the convention.
John Camper, a reporter from
the Detroit News, was ejected
from yesterday's session. One dele-
gate said the reporter's ejection
was not the wish of the conven-
tion leaders, but a reaction of "the ;
rank and file" members, because
of strikes continuing at the News.
"He's a scab," one said.
Yesterday afternoon's session
consisted of debate and proposals
on restructuring the national or-
ganization. The session, which
lasted over six hours, left the
present structure unchanged. !
The delegates are split into
many concerned and adamant
factions. Yesterday's debate cen-
tered on questions of tighter na-
tional coordination of the various
All delegates were concerned
with "internal security" At the
beginning of yesterday's session
an announcement was made that
the reporter from the New York
.Times was supposed to call Har-
rison Salisbury, the paper's as-
sistant managing editor. Dele-
gate's cries of "external cadres"
and the need for "internal se-
curity" followed the announce-
Requests were made by numer-
ous delegates to put "all this verb-
iage into a political context," but
verbiage was the order of the day.
However, there were a few diver-
--Someone passed his shoe
around to collect money to "com-
pensate for a few deviants in the
organization" who had stolen a
guitar and harmonica from the
home of a person giving a party
Wednesday night.
-Members of the Radical Wo-
men's Caucus staged a small
scale guerilla theater programme
in the midst of one speaker's
rather lengthy monologue. They
ran up to the stage, turned off
the lights and pleaded for a more
meaningful session in whicn ev-
eryone could participate as op-
posed to the speaker's platform-
oriented meeting in progress.
However, the meeting continued
to conform to Robert's Rules of

Spock trial:#
Prof. Joseph Sax of the Law School is presently in
Boston to observe the Spock-Cof fin trial. His an-
alyses of the courtroom situation will continueato
be published in The Daily until the completion of t
the trial.
Special to The Daily,
BOSTON-Yesterday was taken up almost
entirely by the last two closing arguments, that'
of Leonard Boudin for Dr. Spock, and of John
Wall for the government. Boudin's closing was
first rate. He concentrated on the essential point,
in the case that this is a prosecution for con-
spiracy--not for draft card returns, or for sit-1
ting or for one's views on the war. Since con-
spiracy requires an agreement he said, we must1
look for some evidence that the defendents
agreed together to do something. He noted thatI
the Call to Resist Illegitimate Authority was the1
only concrete evidence that the government had 1
adduced. And the Call, Boudin argued going
through it point by point, was a political mane-
festoe-a statement of belief-and not an agree-
ment. Moreover, he said, having been subscribed
to by mashy of the most eminent people in the
United States it was indicative of the tremen-
dous political significance of this prosecution.
In this way Boudin wove together the under-
lying free speech issue. Except for the Call, he
contested the rest of the government's evidence
was trivial. The government, he suggested, must
have a pretty tenuous case if it was reduced to
introducing such things as pictures of Dr. Spock
applauding a speech of Coffin's or his com-
ments to a reporter on sonie obseure South Car'o-
lina newspaper. Moreover, he said, events like
the October 2 press conference, of which the
government had made much, were simply a rou-
tine part of Spock's everyday efforts in support'
of his concern for peace. Rather than being a
conspiracy the press conference was simply one
of many dozens of such events that Spock had
attended during the few months in question.
Boudin's closing was excellent, but Wall's
arguments on behalf of the government was a
positively superlative piece of, advocacy. Wall
showed an extraordinary sensitivity to the jury..
He began with a simple and clear law of con-
spiracy, illustrating with a film bank robbery
story, The Killing, that it was perfectly or-
dinary to have a conspiracy in which many of
the conspirators--each assigned their particular
task-do not know each other. He pointed out,
that there was good reason for having the crime
of conspiracy, rather than simply the substan-
tive violations, noting that collaboration mag-;
nifies the risk to society, that division of labor
promotes more elaborate action and that -the
presence of a group devoted to a common end
may strengthen the resolve of each member.
Moreover, he said, it may not be adequate to
charge a person only with the substantive crime;

0cacy game
a participant in a robbery may fulfill his role by
committing only a minor assault, but surely he
ought to be held responsible for the bigger crime
of which he is a part.
As to the defendants' argument that they
were only talking to men already committed,
and never urged people to resist the draft, Wall
recalled to the jury the "friends, Romans, Coun-
trymen" speech in Julius, Caesar, the classic
example of saying one thing and meaning an-
other. He pressed the point that one must look
beyond the direct words of a speaker to the' in-
tent imiplicit in his, action.
Wall then turned to his most difficult prob-
lem-the stature of the defendants, especially
Dr. Spock. Here he was at his best. He used
Spock's candor on the witiess stand both to im-
plicate the doctor, and to discredit the other
defendants. Spocl had admitted that he was
talking both to men committed to turning in
their draft cards, and to those who opposed the
war but were not yet ready to take such action.
At least Dr. Spock is a man of integrity, Wall
said. Spock admitted what he was doing and
"if he goes down in this case he goes like a
man with dignity, which is more than can be
said of other defendants" whose disclaimers
Wall suggested were not credible.
So it went. Does Goodman's sincerity in par-
ticipating in demonstrations give him a license
to violate the law, Wall asked. How dare the
defendants say that they were responsible for
forcing Mr. Johnson to withdraw, rather than
the regular political process embodied in the
efforts by people like Robert Kennedy and Sen.
McCarthy. Is this. a big political prosecution,
Wall asked. If it were, he said, the government
would have sent some big shot from Washington
to prosecute the case rather than assigning it
to a regular lawyer in the fie'd (meaning him-
self, of course).
That there are many good answers to Wall's.
rhetorical questions is almost besides the point.
He had the last word, and, more importantly,
he spoke to issues which the defendants had
not antic pated in/their own arguments. Ironic-
ally, he concentrated on telling the jury why
they should not recognize a right to civil dis-
obedience,when the defendants had never asked
the jury to recognize- thhat right by acquitting
them in contravention of rules laid down by
the court. If Wall was appealing to emotfon, and
he was; if he was waiving the flag, and he was;
if he was ruthless in his sarcasm, and he was;
,he nevertheless was pressing home to the jury
the familiar arguments with which they are
likely to feel most comfortable. He was playing
the legal advocacy game at its best.
If you say, but it isn't a' game; well, that's
what I've been telling you, for the past four

-Daily-Thomas R. Copi
Unravelling parliamentary snarls


PARIS (A) - The air of ten-
slion that has hovered over Paris
for about five weeks evaporated
A crackdown by President
*Charles de Gaulle's government on
leftist agitators, including the ex-
pulsion of 84 foreigners in. the
past two days, contributed to eas-
ing of academic and industrial
Paralleling this was another
move in de Gaulle's reconciliation.
O with the extreme, right, the free
return to France of Gen. Charles
Lacheroy after several years in
Once sentenced to death in ab-
sentia and stripped of his rank
for helping in an army revolt
against de Gaulle, Lacheroy was
liberated immediately after check-
ing in with French authorities.
The president hopes for right-
ist backing of Gaullists in the
election of a new national as-
sembly June 23 and 30.
With all street demonstrations
barred even the police, who
battled student rioters at flaming
barricades for two nights earlier
in the week, seemed relaxed. ,
"Our ideas haven't changed a
bit," said one young student. "We
don't like his government. We
don't like de Gaulle. Our univer-
sity is rotten and must be
changed. Society has to change.
Who wants to be shut up as some
cog in a factory for the rest of
his life?

"But direct action has failed.
They have more force than we
have. Now we have to find new
methods of convincing people
we're right."
Loudspeakers announced that
the Sorbonne would be cleared for
four hours to permit cleaning and
disinfection, and to get back to
the original purity of the move-
Only the court and five lecture,
halls were exempted.
An intern who has been work-
ing with the health service at the
Sorbonne said venereal disease
was widespread, that many of the
occupiers were suffering from
malnutrition and that not enough
wash basins and toilet facilities
were available.
Workers were going back to
work in more and more factories.
The big automobile plants are
now the most important sector
still idle. Paris taxi drivers reach-
ed a tentative agreement with city
officials and will decide Friday
whether to end their strike. The
big backlog of mail that accu-
mulated during the three-week
strike of postmen is being slowly
whittled away.
The weekly statement of the
Bank of France indicated France
had lost $260 million in reserves
in the past week. There was no
official explanation, but a flight
from the franc because of the
troubled social situation and a
breakdown in commercial dealings
were believed responsible. i

y y
Boar d may grant
14 black demands
By JOEL BLOCK Westerman added that "the
It appears likely that the Ann school board has reservations
Arbor Board of Education will im- about the legality of some of the
plement the 14 black students' de- students' demands and our at-
-mands approved by the Ann Arbor torney has been asked to make
High School faculty. a report on this case."
The black students' 21 demands The legal issue invdlved is
were presented to the board at its whether the school board can
meeting Wednesday night. Al- make a ruling specifying race in
though no official vote was taken, regard to recruiting, hiring and
Superintendent of Schools W. placement of faculty and taff.
Scott Westerman said last night The faculty had recommended a
that "the status of the matter black student demand asking that
as I would interpret it is that we a Negro be appointed Human Re-
will proceed with the plans given lations Director for the school
to the board." system.
The report presented Wednes- School Board Attorney Roscoe
day night did not recommended 0. Bonisteel Jr. will submit his
the approval of 7 of the students' report to Westerman who will
demands. then submit it to the School
-Board at its regular meeting next
Rom ney signs !One of the black students' de-
mands was carried out last night
' 1 1 at the graduating ceremonies for
heimet laws the Ann Arbor High School sen-
iors. Edward Welch Jr. and Op-
Gov. George Romney yesterday helia Brown were awarded the Dr.
signed into law a bill requirg Martin Lthr Kin award in


.[ ' 1

Student leaders of 10 nations
back sociaism on London TV

motorcyclists to wear goggles or
a face shield when operating the,
cycle on a public highway in exk-
cess of 35 miles per hour.
The governor also signed a bill
which deletes the requirement
that motorcyclists wear crash hel-
mets, but which makes the helmet
a mandatory part of the cycle's
Earlier this year, the courts de-
clared that forcing the cyclist to
wear a helmet, was unconstitu-

recognition of their outstanding
contributions in the field of hu-
man rights. It was the first time
the award had ever been given.
Two Board members, William
C. Godfrey and Paul H. Johnson
failed in their attempt at the
meeting to change a three-year-
old resolution by the Board to
actively recruit Negroes.
The four other Board -members
attending the meeting all voted
against a change.

Wheeler promotion: Question remains

Regent Otis Smith's ques-
a tioning of the failure of the
Medical School to recommend
Dr. Albert Wheeler for a full
professorship has so far met
with no answer from Wheeler's
dean and department chairmen
and Vice President for Aca-
demic Affairs Allan F. Smith.
At the May Regents meeting,
Smith asked whether Wheeler
had not been advanced "lbe-
cause he's not competent or be-

cause he holds some provoca-
tive political views."
Wheeler is chairman of the
state conference of the NAACP.
Regent Smith said Wednes-
day he assumed the answer to
his questioning would be com-
ing to him from the Medical
School and declined any fur-
ther comments until he had
heard from the school.
However, Dean William Hub-
bard of the Medical School said
"nothing was being done" te,
study the Wheeler advance-
Wheeler's department heads,
Dr. E. Richard Harrell of der-
matology and Dr. Walter Nun-
gester of microbiology, also said
they knew nothing of a report
on Wheeler.,
Wheeler belongs to both de-
partments but does most of his
work in dermatology.
Harrell explained that the re-
nuet for nronmotinn rest with

he said he preferred not to dis-
cuss any possibility for "future
advancement of Wheeler.
Vice President Smith ex-
plained he has the power to re-
view promotions but that he
thought no reasons existed for
an inquiry on Wheeler at the
present time.
It has been suggested that
Wheeler spends too much time
ij civil rights activities.
"I really don't care whether
I get promoted," Wheeler said.
He has been associate profes-
sor for nine years. Wheeler was
appointed jointly to the two
departments in 1952 after
spending eight years with the
University's zoological labora-
Wheeler emphasized the im-
portance of his research on a
syphilis vaccine, which he has
been working on under a grant
from the World Health Organ-

matter, previous to Smith's ap-
pointment as Regent in 1967.
He said he has not felt any
repercussins in the Medical
Harrell insisted there was no
prejudice involved in the issue
and cited the Medical School's
exchange program with How-
ard University.
Wheeler indicated part of
the problem might be that he
does not consider writing of
research papers as important
as some of his colleagues do.
Associate Dean Robert Vin-
ter of the School of Social
Work said "he would hope serv-
ice to the state and commuity
would be recognized" and point-
ed out that many University
units will grant a faculty mem-
ber time to serve in a position,
such as chairman of the United
"I think most of us work very
hard atser vice awe la e-

LONDON VP) - Daniel Cohn-
Bendit of the Paris barricades and
11 other self-styled "loud-speak-
ers" of student unrest attacked
capitalism, the police and the
Vietnam war and supported so-
cialism on British television last
night. Among them was an Amer-
ican from Columbia University In
New York.
Cohn-Bendit, called Danny uhe
Red for his red hair and revolu-
tionary ways, declared "American
students have the right of resist-,
ance because what President
Johnson is doing in Vietnam is
exactly the same as what Hitler
did in Auschwitz and Dachau. So
they have historically the duty to
change the university against the
mainstream of' American' ideas."
The 12, including 11 present or
former students and one teacher
from 10 countries, gave their
views in a British Broadcasting
Corp. (BBC) program called "Stu-
dents in Revolt."
Although the studept represen-
tatives came to Britain to take
part in the BBC program, their
main activity probably will cen-
ter on a three-day seminar on
student protests at the London
School of Economics. The seminar
is intended to coordinate and
crystalize various British student
protest movements.
The 23-year-old Cohn-Bendit's
visit touched off a storm of con-
troversy. First he was detained on
arrival in London Tuesday night,
then given a 24-hour visa and
finally allowed to stay In Britain
14 days by the Home Office un-
der pressure from other students.
Home Secretary James Cal-
laghan, defending the extension to
a heated session of the House of
Commons. said. "I have no in-

ble he can at British universities."
On the BBC program, the atu-
dents contended that violence oc-
curs only when the ;"ruling.
classes" send police to suppress
Lewis Cole of Columbia Univer-
sity said "it's a question of people
having specific needs. They dem-
onstrate in order to satisfy them.
Now, when there is a confronta-
tion, it is not because their mega-
phones have told them not to
stand face to face with the police
it. is' because the satisfaction of
those needs is more important to
them .at that time than having
their head busted or being put in

Cohn-Bendit declared that he
and his comrades, as he called
them, were not the, leaders of the
student revolt.
"We're not leaders, but mega-
phones," he said, "you know, loud-
speakers of the movement. We
criticize all society where people
are passive. This is what we want
to change.
The 12 agreed that socialism
must be the common economic
."The traditional Marxist analy-
sis of class society 'is still t'rue,"
said Italy's Luca Meldolesi. "But
now the situation is different be-
cause of the complexity of the
new structure of this society.'

Regent Si ith
other courses and the School of
Public: Hal~th.



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