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June 12, 1968 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1968-06-12

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Cooler, partly sunny
with chance of rain

Vol. LXXVIII,, No. 28-S Ann Arbor, Michigan, Wednesday, June 12, 1968 Ten Cents-

Four Pages

Telfer inherits Columbia chaos

When Columbia University
3rupted in massive student dem-
onstrations last April, many of
John Telfer's friends asked
him if he was still going to
take the ost of assistant vice
president for physical plan-
ning there. He was.
After spending four rela-
tively calm years as University
Planner, Telfer next month
takes over the mammoth and
controversial responsibilities of
directing the expansion of Co-
Telfer agreed to accept the.
post ,he says, because "the ad-
ministration was very much

aware of a need for a change
in policy."
"It's difficult to change a
course and make it show in a
few weeks or a few months,"
Telfqr adds, "But the desire
to make that change in course
is there." .
It was the policy the admin-
istration currently follows
which led to the controversy
over the construction of a gym-
nasium in a park in Harlen.
Telfer says the problem of
the construction was discussed
when he visited in January,
but that he still doesn't know
all the details. "It takes years
to absorb all that stuff," he

Spock trial:
A threat

Columbia recently initiated a
$200 million fund raising drive
to finance plans for extensive
expansion of the Morningside
Heights campus. Telfer will
play the key role in the ex-
penditure of. these funds.
"Physical expansion means
the displacement of fairly large
numbers of people," says Telfer.
One of reasons Columbia chose.
him, was due to his experience
in dealing with community
Telfer says to maintain an
"open door policy" at Colum-
bia as well as actively seeking
out community groups.
"My primary aim will be to
make the development of the
University both architecturally
pleasing and useful, while
keeping in mind the traditions
of Columbia and the needs of
the community," Telfer says.
Already, Telfer has decided
to meet with organizations of'
local residents and institutions
to smooth out differences con-
cerning expansion of the kMor-
ningside Heights campus.
At the University, Telfer ex-
plains the problems of expan-
sion are not as great as at Co-
lumbia. For one thing "we're
not acquiring as much land."
In addition, the land "is often
occupied by students so there
is no relocation problem."
On the other hand, most
buildings near Columbia are
six to eight stories high; level-
ing buildings like these may
result in the displacement of

"thousands of people," Telfer
Telfer says he has been "ac-
tive in promoting city-Univer-
sity cooperation by meeting
with Ann Arbor department
To accept the position at Co-'
lumbia, Telfer had to sell an
Ann Arbor house he bought on-
ly a year ago. "I've been ex-
tremely happy at Michigan."
he says.'
But he is also anxious to
make a new start at Colum-
bia. "I'm excited about the job."

Prof. Joseph Sax of the Law
School is currently in Boston ob-
serving the Spock conspiracy trial.
His analysis of the courtroom situ-
ation wil be published in The Daily
until the end of the trial.
BOSTON - Late yesterday
afternoon the defense rested.
its case in the Spock conspi-
racy trial. The evidence is all
in now. What has the govern-
ment proven of these men
whom it would consign to
prison cells? They closed no
draft boards, stopped no troop
trains, destroyed no records,
harbored no deserters. They
put into the government's hand
a mixed bag of some 175 draft
classification cards. About half
belonged to men over draft age,
and a great many more where
the cards of deferred or ex-
empted persons, such as divin-
ity students, those with marital
and student deferments, and
those classed as unfit for serv-
ice. A total of 27 cards of those
classified 1-A were returned
This is the crop harvested by
these supposed conspirators. It
seemed a paltry threat.
But perhaps the threat is
greater than any such cata-
logue ofrevents can encompass.
These are the men whio chal-
lenged the promulgators of of-
ficial doctrine. These are the
men who pierced the mysteries.
They told the nation that the
greatest Poob-Bahs in the
White House and the Penta-'
gon could be wrong, and were
They made conscience an
issue that sounded out even
over the Pentagon's clacking
reports of body counts and the
computerized enumeration of
pacified villages. They told
young men that they must ask,
for what were they being or-,
dered to die? They were not
afraid to say that Americans
had blood on their hands and
that no state department hom-
ily could was them clean.
Yes, they are a threat. But
are they a threat to the Amer-
ica in which you want to live?
That is the question the jury
must take with it into its de-
liberations this week.

a setback'
'teachers .may
strike for wage
' hike next fall
Passage of an 11.66 operational
millage by Ann Arbor voters yes-
terday has not averted the pos-
sibility of a teacher strike next
The levy was termed "inade-
quate" by Harold Collins, presi-
dent of the Ann Arbor Education
Association, formerly the Ann Ar-
bor Teachers Association.
The school district will probably
adopt the $17.5 million operating
budget which Superintendent of
Schools W. Scott Westerman re-
commended in March.
Collins said the "hold-the-line"
budget maintains present pro-
grams and services. However, he
warned that the budget represents
a "falling behind" in teachers,
salaries, and said that the AAEA
has "no intention" of accepting
this position.
About $385,000 has been set
aside in the proposed budget for
teachers' salaries. But Westerman
said that funds may be transfer-
red from other areas to provide
the needed increases.
The teachers are asking for a
salry range of $6500 to $11,050,
for a B.A. degree; $7150 to $12,350
for a M.A.; fully paid health and
hospital insurance; fully paid
$10,000 life insurance policy; and
merit raises for veteran teachers.
All the board has offered has
been a two per cent salary in-
crease. The starting salary for a.
teacher with a B.A. would be
e $6300 and raises would be only
" $240 for all other salary levels.
Collins expressed hope some pro-
gress could be made now that the
millage has been passed.
Passage of the millage will pro-
vide the schools with an additional
$2 million. The funds will be used
o for the opening of three new
schools, for hiring 60 new teach-
ers, and for the teacher a'id staff
s salary increases.
Ann Arbor expects 1016 new
dstudents next. year. The three;
- schools scheduled to open are
Huron High. Scarlett Jr. High,
- and Martin Luther King Elemen-
n tary. Opening the schools will cost
$500,000, $220,000 and $50,000 re-
- spectively.
d The millage means a tax in-
s crease of about $8.25 per $1000 of
s state equalized valuation. For a
y home with an equalized value of
s $1Q,000, or $20,000 market value,
the tax hike would amount to
- $82.50.

Students, strikers fight
police in F rench cities
Y Two deaths
r. . . .
trigger riots
PARIS ( P)-Students and work-
ers fought police in cities across
France yesterday following the
fatal shooting of a Communist
union nilitant'and the drowning
of a student. The violence posed
a fresh threat to the authority of
President Charles de Gaulle.
Strikers at the big Peugeot auto
factory in Sochaux, near the Swiss
border, battled police off and on
from dawn yesterday into the
- night. Pierre Beylot, 24, was killed
by a pistol bullet in the fighting
and 67 persons were injuredt
The Peugeot management had
called in riot police to assure non-
strikers the right to work.
Violence continued throughout
the morning until Deputy Mayor
Andre Boulloche and a group of
mayors from the surrounding re-
gion placed themselves between
,.police and the strikers. They
pleaded with the workers for calm
and with the police to withdraw
from the area.
But both sides remained at their
positions and violence erupted
*. again after a truce lasting little
more than an hour.

JOhn Telfer

Circuie ourt to rule
!on student vote status

Bands of students throwing
paving stones encountered police
barrages of tear gas and concus-
sion grenades at various points;/in
Paris. But massive police inter-
-Associated Press vention appeared to have forestal-
led heavy fighting similar to that
. press which occurred Monday night in
- ----- 4the Paris[Latin Quarter.

Striking at the governmen


Washtenaw County Circuit Judge
James R. Breakey, Jr., will decide
today whether five University stu-
dents can register to vote in Ann
The students, previously denied
registration in Ann Arbor, are
seeking a court order which would
force City Clerk John Bentley to
register them.
Judge Breakey awarded a sixth
student registration privileges fol-
lowing her portion of the testi-
mony given in circuit court yes-
The students: Timothy Schultz,
Sally Wilkins, Neil Hollenshead,
Jack Eichenbaum, Kathleen Jones,
and Kenneth Jendryka, are ob-
jecting to a state statute prevent-
ing a person from gaining or los-
ing voting status while attending!
a university.
During yesterday's hearing City
Attorney Peter Forsyth attempted
to show that each student was
living in Ann Arbor on a tem-
porary basis only.!
During his cross-examination
Forsyth asked each witness why
they came to Ann Arbor, whether
they intend to stay following
graduation and if they had any
ties to the city other than their
ties to the University.
Plaintiff's attorney, A r t h u r
Carpenter countered Forsyth's
cross-examination claiming that
it was irrelevant to the students'
rights to obtain registration.
Judge Breakey denied most of

Carpenter's objections saying "the
plaintiffs as students do not have
their franchises deprived per se'
but that a "balance of circum-
stances" must be reviewed to de-
termine the voting rights of the
Kathleen Jones, the fifth stu-
dent to present testimony to th
court was awarded permission t
register after her testimony in-
dicated that she was now married
and had other significant tiea
with Ann Arbor..
Following the cross-examina
tion of Mrs. Jones, Forsyth asked
the court to make the award, say-
ing the new information concern.
ing this co-plaintiff was not avail
able and was in fact, non-existen
when she applied for registration
in March.
However, after hearing For
syth's motion, Breakey consented
to award the case to Mrs. Jone,
if Carpenter would withdraw hi
objection t o t h e testimon
brought out during Forsyth',
Breakey reasoned that the per-
sonal facts concerning her mar-
riage and the means by which
she would support herself in the
future was sufficient evidence tc
satisfy the requirements for voter
registration in Ann Arbor. How-
ever, he added that Carpenter's
withdrawal of his objection would
apply only to Mrs. Jones' case anc
not to any of the other students,
Breakey then awarded the case
in favor of Mrs. Jones in a "par.
tial judgment."

Fleming may approve,
new bylaw proposal
President Robben W. Fleming expressed a "very favor-
able" reaction to a new draft of the controversial University
Council bylaw at a meeting yesterday with the ad hoc com-
mittee of student and faculty leaders who drew it up.
Fleming gave his tentative approval of the bylaw draft
after reading it and questioning the committee. He indicated
that he would study it more thoroughly and report any ma-'
j or criticisms to the committee.
The new bylaw draft incorporates "everything we wanted"
according to Student Govern-.A
ment Council member Michael T T *
Davis. Housin h bill
The draft extends the rules of9

University Council (UC) to all
mermbers of the University com- becon es
munity. This includes students,
faculty and administrative per-
sonnel. The original draft of the LANSING () -e
bylaw, drawn up by Vice Presi- Romney signed the
dent for Student Affairs Richard fair housing bill into
Cutler, would have had UC make the signing "one of t
nific ant moments ir


Violence on a lesser scale was
reported in St. Nazaire, Lyon,
Nantes and Toulouse,
The pitch of the battle was on
a considerably lower key than the
student-police clashes last month
when hundreds on both sides were
injured and two persons were
'Students were angered by the
death of Gilles Tautin, 17, who
fell into the Seine River while
fleeing police Monday at Meulan,
17 miles northwest of Paris.
Student leaders and unions
called for a mass demonstration
in Paris against "police repres-
sion," which they said had caused
the deaths of Tautin and Beylot.
Thousands of students streamed
across the Seine bridges in re-
sponse to the call.
Campaigning began Monday for
the June 23-30 National Assembly
elections called by de Gaulle in
an effort to obtain a mandate for
his policies following more than a
month of social and political up-
heaval in France.
Although the French govern-
ment has settled with the over-
whelming majority of the striking
workers by granting wage increas-
es, the student demands still haie
not been met.
The students have refused all
contact with the government and
continue to occupy the Sorbonne,
the chief building of the Univer-
sity of Paris, and most other uni-
versities in the country.
So far, the government has re-
fused to send police into the
schools to end the rebel occupa-
The French strike movement,
which once had eight to 10 mil-
lion workers idle, now appears to
be reduced mainly to the metal-
lurgical industries. French sea-
men and dockworkers also were
still out. In all, perhaps a million
men remain away from their jobs.
Workers in a number of plane


The 1967-68 school budget pro-
vided major salary improvements.
a reduction in the pupil-teacher
ratio, and opening of Clinton and
Newport elementary schools.
No program improvements are
included in toe budget which may
be adopted for next year.
The district used its $2.76 mil-
Ilion working capital reserve last

Gov. George
State's new
law, terming
the truly sig-
nthe social

rules only for students.
Fleming indicated he might
bring the bylaw proposal to the
Regents at their regular June
meeting next Friday. The possi-
bility of an open hearing on the
bylaw draft with the ad hoc com-
mittee was also discussed.


. . . and Coffin

year and was able to cut taxes by
.64 mills.


Success at the U' in 48 fun-filled hours

"In they came, jorking
and tabbing '
-John Lennon
They carry special blue note-
books to keep all of the memo'd
keys to success at the Univer-
sity with them at alltimes.
They travel, for the most part
anyway, in packs or 20 or more,
receiving "tours" of one de-
scription or another.
They learn where the UGLI,
multipurpose room is, what /
UAC stands for, and what the
tradition is concerning the "M"
in the middle of the Diag
Their ranks include the ac-
tivists, the Greeks, the march-
ing bandsmen, and the apathe-
4 tic recluses of the class of 1972.
For the most part, they think
they'll enjoy the University,
that they'll have tangible aca-
demic compettition for the first
time in their lives, and that
orientation is lousy,
To say that they are naive

"Orientation's not so bad,"
said Jay. "It's a little confusing,
of course, but very informative
and interesting."
The computer card? "I'm
supposed to, give that to some-
body but I don't know who.
"My only real complaint is
that they don't give us enough
time to choose our classes, he
continued. "In engineering it's
pretty much set up for you but
I imagine that in LSA it's a
real problem."
Mary Vaughey is .from Bir-
mingham. She's a pretty girl,
the cheerleader type who looks
very 'very pleasing in a pant
dress. She knows what she
does and doesn't like.
"Orientation's rotten. A lot
of the meetings are useless and
the majority of the tours
should be optional."
Well Mary, what do you
think of the orientation lead-
"I don't like them. They act
as though they're just getting

Joe Brooks is
young man who is
LSA but "might

a straight
presently in
transfer to

"Orientation's interestjng,"
said Joe. "I think they're han-
dling it pretty good. I like the
leaders. They're very friendly
and helpful, and seem to be
very knowledgeable.
"The girls are friendly and
smart, and they aren't all bad
looking," he said.
John Mondun is interested
in joining some of the activist
groups on campus, particularly
the Resistance organization. He
spoke out vigorously against,
the war while in high school
and says that he likes the Uni-
versity because "People here
are not afraid of being against
John calls orientation "dis-
couraging. It's so bureaucratic.
so many forms to fill out," he
said. "Like that attitude test
(known popularly as the raw
carrot test). I handed it in
blank. It was ridiculous."

Under the new bylaw draft,
Faculty Senate and SGC wouldl
have veto power over all UC
regulations, but UC is specifically
charged with attempting to re-
.write all vetoed regulations in ac-
ceptable form within 30 days of
the veto.a
Under Cutler's bylaw proposal,,
vetoed regulations would be sent
to the Regents in their originalj
form for ratification 45 days after
the veto.]
The draft also provides a pro-3
cedure for either SGC or the Fac-;
ulty Senate to retroactively veto,
or disaffirm, a regulation already
in effect. In this case, too, UC
would have to attempt to rework
the regulation and resubmit it to
the vetoing body.
Fleming commented that, 'I
like the idea that in the case of
disaffirmation there is a period
to try to work out something
everyone will agree upon."
Cutler's bylaw draft eliminated
effective veto power in order to
comply with a Regental directive
requiring a procedure to handle a
"stalemate" between UC and the
students or the faculty.
The bylaw is being prepared for
the approval of the Regents in
order to implement recommenda-
tions of the report of the Hatcher

the legislature.
Romney said that last January
he urged members of the legis,
lature "To step up their respon-
sibilities as lawmakers."

development of our state."
The bill, divided into seven sec-
tions, provides legal and equitable
remedies for housing discrimina-
tion practiced because of a per-
son's ra6e, color, religion or na-
tional origin.
It sets the standards and proce-
dures to the used by the civil
rights commission, the courts and
local human relations commis-
sions in determining the appli-
cability and utilization of these
The measure does not have im-
mediate effect. This means the
provisions of the bill do not be-
come law until 90 days after the
final, formal adjournment date of

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- factories returned to work.

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