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June 11, 1968 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1968-06-11

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Tuesday, June 11, 196L


Page Three

Tuesday, June 11, 1 96t. THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Three

French election
campaigns begin
Students, workers remain on strike,
as de Gaulle pleas for national unity
PARIS (M - France's 13-day election campaign opened
officially yesterday with more than 2,000 candidates in the
field for the 487 National Assembly seats to be filled June 23
and June 30.
Nominations closed at midnight for the election Presi-
dent Charles de Gaulle says is the most vital in France's
De Gaulle dissolved the Assembly on May 30 at the height

of the worst crisis of social
end strike
BELGRADE (P) - Part of the
rebellious /student movement at
Belgrade University agreed Sun-
day night to return to classes af-
ter President Tito promised them
educational, political and econ-
omic reform.
Representatives of the Commu-
nist party youth and student or-
ganizations joined with leaders of
the student action committee in
adopting a proposal to return to
classes. They had given sufficient
guarantees that the student's de-
mands would be carried out.
"It was more and much better
than we expected," a member of
the student action committee said
of Tito's broadcast speech.
In an effort to end the week-
long student's strike, the 76-year-
old president said students oc-
cupying the university had
brought up questions that had
bothered him.
"This time . . . I will whole-
* heartedly endeavor for solutions,
and students must help me in
this," he said. "If I am not able to
settle these issues, then I should
not remain in my post."
Tito acknowledged that the gov-
ernment and the ruling dommu-
nist party were responsible for
much of the unrest among the
40,000 striking students.
He said the party will be purged
and that efforts would be made
to bring greater unity among par-
ty leaders.
The president promised that
those responsible for police at-
tacks on the students last week
would be punished.
Student leaders had met earlier
Sunday after a formula worked
out by student and government
representatives had failed to ob-
tain approval of most of the stu-
* The formula included amnesty
for student activists, lifting the
police blockade of the university
punishment of officials responsi-
ble for police repression and airing
students demands in news media

turbulence France has known
osince World War II. Although
the campaign did not open of-
ficially until yesterday, De
Gaulle fired the opening gun
Friday with a radio-TV ap-
peal to his countrymen to
rally around him in defense
of the republic.
"Everything, truly everything,
depends on it," he declared. "Ev-
erything is at stake."
The president had previously
tried to make the central issue
of the campaign his regime vs.
"totalitarian communism." But
since then all political leaders out-
side the Gaullist camp have been
hotly disputing this.
The political leader of France's
ultrarightists, former Premier
Georges Bidault, urged French-
men Sunday to vote against both
the Communists and the Gaullists.
"The spectacle of preserta4ay
events shows that Gaullism is no
alternative to communism," Bi-
dault told a news conference after
his return from six years in exile.
Jacques Soustelle, another anti-
Gaullist, still in exile, charged in
- a communique issued in Switzer-
land that De Gaulle, "by bran-
i dishing the totalitarian menace ...
is trying "to divide the country
into blocs separated by a chasm
*of incomprehension and hatred."
' There was no sign of a break
Sin the strike tying up most of the
country's big metallurgical fac-
tories although the Peugeot auto
plants were to reopen yesterday.
High schools and universities
also were still closed by strikes of
both students and teachers.
Premier Georges Pompidou
warned university students they
would have to re-establish rela-
tions, with his government if they
wanted the educational reforms
t they have been demanding.
The students and the teachers
unions so far have refused to have
anything to do with the govern-
ment and called for the over-
throw of De Gaulle's regime.
Pompidou announced last week
that the strike was having disas-
trous effects on the economy.
He said six per cent of the gross
national product would be lost
after the three weeks of the par-
alysis. This loss would cancel the
projected five to six per cent in-
. crease for 1968.

preme Court yesterday upheld
New York law that requires put
lie school systems 'to lend texi
books to children in parochial anc
other private schools.
The 6-3 decision, given by Jus.
tice Byron R. White, said: "W+
hold that the law is not in viola,
tion of the Constitution."
Justices Hugo L. Black, William
0. Douglas and Abe Fortas dis-
sented. Chief Justice Earl Warx
ren and Associate Justices John
M. Harlan, William J. Brennar
Jr., Potter Stewart, Thurgoo
Marshall and White made up the
The decision rested heavily o
the view that parochial schoo
serve a secular educational func
tion as well as a religious educa
tional function.
And, said White, "we cannc
agree . . . that all teaching in
sectarian school is religious ca
that the processes of secular an
religious training are so inter
twined that secular textbooks fur
nished to students by the publi
are in fact instrumental in tbf
teaching of religion."
Similarly; White said for th
majority, police and fire protec
tion, sewage facilities and othe
public functions are of some valu
to religious schools but do nc
amount to support of a religiov
institution iri violation of the Firs
Amendment of the U.S. Constitu
By a 6-3 vote, the justices turne
back an attack on state textboo
assistance to church schools. Th
court upheld a New York law tha
requires public school systems t
lend textbooks to children in parc
chial and other private schools.
On- the business front, mean.
while, the court broadened the
Federal Communication Commis
sion's (CATV) power to regulate
community antenna television sys
tems, although Justice John M\
Harlan acknowledged in the '7-
ruling (that Congress could no
have foreseen development o
CATV when it enacted the 193
Federal Communications Law.
CATV systems use antenna t(
pick up signals from television
stations. The programs are re-
layed, usually by wire, to CAT
subscribers who pay monthly fees
In other action, the court:
" Ruled that public employe,
may not be fired simply for refus
ing to waive their constitutiona
privilege against self-incrimina.



tion when called before investiga-
They "are entitled, like all other
persons, to the benefit of the Cofi-
stitution, including the privilege
against self-incrimination," Jus-
tice Abe Fortas said..
University Personnel Officer
Russell Reister said yesterday that
the court's decision does not have
any effect on the loyalty oath re-
quired of all University employes.
He said the oath is the same one
state legislators sign and it is

4 Approved, 6 to 2, a 1966 fed-
eral law that provides a minimum
hourly wage and time and a half
for overtime for about 1.7 -million
state government workers.
Twenty-eight states, headed by
Maryland and Texas, had claimed
Congress abused its power over in-
terstate commerce by dictating
conditions for workers in state-
run schools and hospitals.
The court's majority, through
Harlan, said Congress was not
telling the states how to perform
medical and educational functions.



-Associated Press
Street fighting leaves areas of Saigon in shambles
Wesimoreland:. Rising war toll'

SAIGON (AP) - Gen. William C.
Westmoreland said yesterday the
price of war "is being raised to
the point that it could be intoler-
able for the enemy." And he de-
clared in some cases the quality
of the enemy's battlefield per-
formance "approaches the pa-
At a farewell news conference,
the commander of U.S. forces in
Vietnam said "I have no reason
to change" an estimate he made
in Washington last year that it
might be possible to begin a token
phaseout of U.S. forces in Viet-
nam by late 1969. But he noted
that this statement was based on
trends that might change.
On the eve of his departure
after four years as leader of the
U.S. military effort here, West-
moreland cautioned, however:
"The trends are favorable, but it
is unrealistic to expect a quick
and early defeat of the Hanoi-led
Westmoreland, who leaves Sai-
gon today for Washington where
he will become Army chief of
staff, summed up his views at a



news conference during a day
marked by a round of farewells.
Last night in a televised address
to his troops over the Armed
Forces Network,tthefour-star
general praised the performance
of the American fighting man in
South Vietnam. He said much has
been achieved, not only on the
battlefield but also in the field
of civil action and help to Viet-
namese civilians.
"We have come a long way to-
gether," Westmoreland said.
"Much has been accomplished.
Much remains to be done. Our
goal is peace, but not peace at
any price."
At his news conference, West-
moreland reviewed the years of
his service here and discussed
enemy capability.
Present enemy strategy, he said,
appears to be aimed at gaining
some major victory on the battle-
field, maintaining pressure on the
infant South Vietnamese political
structure and keeping up military
pressure on Saigon.
"If he (the enemy) feels time
is on his side," Westmoreland said,
"he can go on a long time."
The general said he feels mili-
tary victory in the traditional
sense is not possible for the allies
in South Vietnam in view of U.S.
decisions not to escalate the war
or to enlarge its geographic boun-
"But the enemy can be worn
down," he said. "The price can be
raised. It is being raised to the
point that it could be intolerable
for the enemy. It may reach the
point of the question of destrue-
tion of his country and jeopard-
izing its future if he continues to
pay the price he is now paying
and is destined to pay in the fu-
After the enemy's big Tet offen-
sive in February, South Vietnam-
ese officials estimate that a mil-
lion people were lost from gov-
ernment control.
"About one-third of this loss
has been recovered," Westmore-
land said. "Hopefully, in the next
few months we can get back to
where we were at the first of

Renewed bombings
hit center of Saigon

lem-plagued 'Poor People Cam-
paign showed a further sign of ill
health yesterday when a spokes-
man said Mexican-American par-
ticipants will withdraw and act
on their own if leaders don't stop
squabbling and start acting.
"The leadership has to get to-
gether and do something-some-'

-Associated Press
Mexican-Americans at the justice Department
oor pepe leader
seeks 'dramatic ac t

uI~ I



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bridge, Ann Arbor.

SAIGON UP) -Enemy gunners
blasted downtown Saigon this
morning with rockets or mortars
that screamed through the heart
of the capital and started a num-
ber of fires.
The shelling began after day-
light and continued for almost
10 minutes.
About 12 rounds landed in the
area of Independence Palace and
several others nearby.
The new attacks came Just as
U.S. officials predicted the Com-
munist offensive was subsiding
after a month of heavy bombings
and street fighting.
American and South Vietnam-
ese forces had launched a mopping
up operation on the fringes of
Saigon yesterday and reported
killing 76 enemy soldiers in a sub-
urb of Saigon.
The enemy troops were believed
to be preparing for an attack on
the joint South Vietnamese gen-
eral staff headquarters at Tan Son
Nhut air base. The fighting was
just to the east of headquarters.
Only a few hours before he was
scheduled to leave South Vietnam
to become Army chief of staff,

Gen. William C. Westmoreland
told a news conference it is "vir-
tually impossible to stop this in-
discriminate firing of rockets,"
at Saigon.
But the commander of U.S.
forces in Vietnam said the Saigon
shellings were "of really no mil-
itary consequence."
He added he felt there was a
"tendency for a relatively small
action to be blown out of propor-
Despite his view, it appeared
obvious the -continued firing of
rockets and mortars into down-
town Saigon was having psycho-
logical impact on the South Viet-
Officials reported that the rock-
et and mortar attacks have killed
109 civilians and wounded 413
since they began May 5.
The shellings have been inter-
spersed with ground fighting,
which by South Vietnamese ac-
counts have together killed 433
civilians and wounded 3,660.
On the political front, rumors
spread, through Saigon that Vice
President Nguyen Cao Ky is
verging on a complete break with
President Nguyen Van Thieu.
It has become apparent that
Ky has been outmaneuvered by
Thieu and the new premier, Tran
Van Huong.

thing dramatic,"' said RudQlfo
Gonzales of Denver, who led the
two most dramatic demonstrations
of the month-old campaign.
Gonzales, meeting with news-
men as he arrived to attend a
strategy sessionratrthe camp, com-
plained also that stated objectives
of the campaign have been too
"If some of the range of ob-
jectives aren't going to be spelled
out in more definite terms, we're
going to have to think about doing
something on our own," he said.
Yet Gonzales voiced strong dis-
approval of New York civil rights
leader Bayard Rustin, who tried
to spell out 'the objectives and was
repudiated by a leader of the cam-
Rustin has since resigned as
coordinator of the June 19 "Na-
tional Day of Support" for 'the
Sterling Tucker, director of the
Washington Urban League, agreed
over the weekend to take Rustin's
Gonzales conceded that the
Mexican- American contingent of
the campaign, once numbering
450, had shrunk to 150 and that
more intend to go home.
Gonzales' statements were ac-
centuated by the grim appearance
of the camp and the campaign
at the start of the fifth week of
the effort.
Weekend rains brought back the
mud and water that harassed the
residents of the plywood hut com-
munity, Resurrection City.
About 60 residents wents yes-
terday to the Department of
Health Education and Welfare.
But they didn't go to denon-
strate. They went to seek help with
welfare problems.
Some complained their checks
hadn't been forwarded to Wash-
ington. Others said they wanted
to get on welfare.
Federal officials promised to do
all they could. They previously
had advised local authorities that
recipients should not be taken off
the rolls for joining the campaign.

Father's Day
is June 1 6th '
p iermanent press bermudas
for cool casual living.. .
Take a sporty look at summer with
no-iron Dacron blend bermudas from our
complete collectio6. Colors include
red, 6live, chili, tobacco, gold,
blue and darktones. Waist sizes 28-42.
Solid or tattersall dacron/cotton, 7.00 t 2
Plaid docron/cotton, 8.00 Textured solid x
color dacron/avril rayon, 10.00d

Ann Arbor Dance Theater
Sumrmer Activities
Dancers will participate in weekly hour long sessions
of composition. No previous experience in dance com-
position or advanced techniques is necessary.
Wednesdays, beginning June 12, 2:00-3:00
at the Jones School-No Fee
NOTE: Babysitter will be hired for mothers attending

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