Seventy-seven years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under authority of Board in Control of Student Publications What those people wanted at YISU 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The . or thec SATURDAY, JUNE 8, 1968 Michigan Daily exp ress the individual opinions of staff writers editors. This must be noted in all reprints. NIGHT EDITOR: MARCIA ABRAMSON Up with milage, Ayers and Adams THE ANN ARBOR school election, which will be held Monday, June 10, could be a very crucial one for the future of the public school system. Three seats on the Board of Education are up for re- election. In addition, a millage package of 11.66 mills, which includes renewal of the existing levy of 4.5 mills, for which the authorization expires this year, will be on the ballot. It would certainly not be impossible for the school system to continue functioning if its budget were carefully pruned to eliminate unnecessary expenditures. And the process of trimming the budget, if carried out rationally, might benefit the school system by bringing greater co- herence to its programs and forcing it to clarify its educational objectives. But the schools need some funds to operate. And the current manner of op- erating the public schools is sufficiently complicated and the judgment of the' school board concerning ways to econ- omize is sufficiently unsound, that we can only support the present millage pro- posal and hope that the selection of three new members will bring fresh in- sight to the schools' policy-making body. N PREVIOUS years, despite the scare generated by neo-Birchite attempts to infiltrate the school board, the selection of new trustees has had but slight impact on the overall direction of the educa- tional system. Heretofore, candidates for school board have been independent concerned tax- payers striving to make their contribu- tion to the struggle for more rational policies and greater economy in the school system, coalitions of angry citizens endeavoring to curtail the board's ex- travagance, or groups of well-meaning liberals hoping to preserve certain facets of the educational system which they particularly cherish. This year, however, the candidates for the Board of Education are almost all men and women of good will. Those whose only concern is to safeguard their own pocketbooks have largely fled the contest in disgust or disinterest. WVHILE NONE of this year's candidates combines the background in a va- riety of areas and the overall insight into what is fundamentally wrong with Ann Arbor's schools, each candidate has shown some sincere concern and most of them have some constructive insights to offer. Unfortunately, the condition of our educational system has deteriorated past the point where the blend of concerns and suggestions of most of these can- didates will suffice to remedy the ills which plague our schools from the ele- mentary to the high school level. The basic approach of attacking cer- tain "evils" in the school system and ad- hering unshakably to the notion that particular steps must be taken to right these pet wrongs, which characterizes both the wishy-washy programmatic style of the liberals and the conserva- tives' obsession with extravagance, is doomed. rHE TIME has come for the voters to realize that in our educational sys- tem and in society as a whole we can, choose to do no more than cultivate the positive or the negative potentials. And to successfully follow a positive course in solving our schools' problems requires a consistently constructive outlook that does not get bogged down in sacred methods and is not daunted by the com- plexities which efforts to cope with the existing structure inevitably incur. We feel that only two of the eight candidates seeking election to the Ann Arbor Board of Education this year, Bill Ayers and John Adams, have demonstrat- ed this vitally needed creative approach. Only these two have our unqualified sup- port. Ayers offers the only cogent analysis of the fundamental failure of our school is the only candidate who has articulat- ed a sound and coherent educational philosophy. i Mrs. Adams is the only candidate who has demonstrated any awareness of the nature of the school system's failure to- ward its low income and Negro minority and is the most capable of articulating their needs to the Board and the com- munity. THE OTHER candidates, with the ex- ception of Ted Heusel, represent an exceptionally high level for school board candidates, of sincere concern with the educational system. But in view of the dimensions which these problems have taken, their diverse suggestions for cop- ing with them are inadequate. Of the remaining candidates, Cecil W: Warner is the most acceptable. Although not an outstanding critic of the existing educational system, Warner has more 'coherent and constructive suggestions for reform. One candidate, Ted Heusel, is unrea- onably obsessed with the perennial prob- lems of high millage levies and school board extravagance and is totally unac- ceptable. -MARCIA ABRAMSON -URBAN LEHNER Co-Editor --ANN MUNSTER By MARTIN HIRSCHMAN First of a Series N HEN CAMPUS police ,assisted saeand local. officials in arresting several Michigan State University students on charges of selling marijuana and LSD Monday, even MSU's activist stu- dents didn't quite know what to do. Finals had started that day, and student concern was expected to be at a minimum. In addition, the State News, the student news- paper, had already ceased publi- cation for the term and informa- tion would be difficult to dissemi- nate. Furthermore, the last final ex- aminations were scheduled for Saturday (today) and most stu- dents would probably leave cam- pus even before then. Thus, even if some meaningful protest were organized, it could not be expect- ed to have any effect on an ad- ministration which to avert it had only to wait. Despite these handicaps, several students decided to do what they could immediately. The result was three days of protests, 26 addi- tional arrests, and promises from many students that they would continue to work for the move- ment over the summer so that it would not die. The activists had several rea- sons for beginning the protests even at such 'an inopportune moment: * Students recalled a similar bust during last year's final ex- aminaio period and believed that the timing of the busts was designed. " Bail for the 12 people arrest- ed was set at $5000 for sale of marijuana and $10,000 for sale of LSD. Several needed bond money /and funds for legal aid. 0 The campus police had aid- ed officials in arresting students. This, said demonstrators, was not the proper function of an aren of the university. / h Sincerthe students were ar- rested for sale, activists reasoned, there must be a system of inform- ers, organized by (or at least with the cooperation of) the univer- sity, in the dormitories. Several of the students said they had in the past been approached by dormitory counselors and asked to spy on other residents. were involved in widespread vio- lence across the campus-violence which students claimed the po- lice had caused. WITH THE situation as it stands now, it might well be wise for MSU to move to a system similar to that used at the Uni- versity. At the very least, administrators should consult with students and faculty and grant the initial de- mands of the protesters: that the police be placed under the control of a student-faculty com- mittee, that they be disarmed, and that they refuse to give further cooperation to outside law en- forcement agencies. The actions of the police affect the students most directly, the faculty less and the administra- tion not at all. It Is the students who should have primary control over the police force - a force which is, nominally at least, de- signed to protect them. Besides the police, many stu- dents were, interested in taking action because of their feelings about the prohibition. of mari-' Juana itself. In this case, their protests could be seen as unfair and misdirected. However, as Prof. Dhirenda Sharma of MSUs philosophy de- partmenttold reporters, we should be proud of the students for pro- testing the arrests. "Instead, we call them subversive," he added. SHARMA SAID that Monday's bust would never have occurred in a truly free society. There is never anything like it in Western Europe, he continued,t"only rin the communist and totalitarian countries, and in the United States." Sharma said the "whole world is crying out" the, upression of. individuals and at the violence in the United States. The professor suggested that a fitting activity for the university would be to investigate the dan- gers, if any, involved in taking marijuana, instead of blindly co- operating with the police. "Alma mater means 'mother," Sharma explained, saying the university should protect the stu- dent, just as a parent should. The university should allow the stu- dent the freedom he needs to develop as an educated person, and should advise' him, Sharma said. "Some of my students are in jail; how can I advise them?" Sharma's notion of education is hardly as strange as it may sound. It is, for example, ap- proached most closely inth United States by schools like Har- vard and Yale. Even at the Uni- versity, resident advisors are,be- ginning to be the friend of te student, instead of the oppoent. MSU is just a few years behind the University in. this regard, and both are many years behind Har- vard or Yale-good advice in any structuralized form is virtually nonexistent. But if the protests at NSU resume this summer'or next fall, the administration may be faced with the choice of jailing a huge portion of its students, or lib- eralizing. Then they will realize that it is the quiet campuses, not the conservative ones, which get the most money from the legisla- ture. If the protesters spend the summer organizing for confron- tation in the fall the time will not be wastedntheaarrests already -'made will not have been in vain. " Other busts had taken place throughout the year, but never with as many arrests. * As one speaker claimed at a rally, with MSU's general fund appropriation pending in the state legislature, the bust was an attempt to leave a favorable im- pression with senators and rep- resentatives. M THE first written demands of the protesters were aimed par- ticularly at the campus police- and for good reason. Unlike the University's Stanford Security force, the MSU campus police (Department of Public Safety) is a branch of the city police invited to the campus by the MSU Trus- tees. The campus police armed with guns and clubs regularly patrol the campus. Several students complained at the rallies that the police made a habit of harrassing i 4 Letters to the Editor It suits Ann Arbor ill WHEN THE Supreme Court recently ruled that all county boards of supervisors must be districted on an equal population basis, Washtenaw County hurriedly organized an Apportionment Commission to comply with this new rul- ing. Unfortunately, the plan issued by that Commission is more of an example of expedient rather than equal appor- tionment. Although Washtenaw County was permitted a maximum of 21 members on the new board, it chose instead a thir- teen member board that could easily fit Into the present district scheme. Rather than giving several minority groups their own representatives, these groups have been engulfed into larger districts. Part of the problem arises out of the guidelines set by the state legislature and the fear of the apportionment com- mission to overstep any one of these lim- its. The legislature provided that "equally populated, nearly equally shaped" dis- tricts must be apportioned wherever pos- sible. At the same time, the legislature permitted Washtenaw County to divide its county into a maximum of 21 districts. TE APPORTIONMENT commission, fearing any violation of these require- ments adopted a 13 district plan. Under this plan, none of the counties present precinct boundaries would have to be crossed as they would if the 21 member a small group of poor residents in an overwhelming affluent population. In only one ward, could enough sup- port be gathered to elect a Negro repre- sentative to city council. However, to chastise the apportion- ment commission for producing an un- balanced plan may be a bit harsh. The commission remained a mere extension of the one party monopoly that domin- ates Ann Arbor city government. With five Republican members and only one Democrat, a plan favoring the majority could only be expected. UNFORTUNATELY, it is the minorities that must suffer. The possibility' of a redistricting plan offered these groups a hope of greater representation. A 21 member plan could have legally filled the state qualifications and at the same time given the minorities a greater voice. The Democratic party, traditional guard of the Negro vote, represents ap- proximately one-third of Washtenaw County voters, However, under the new plan, it has been estimated that the Dem- ocrats could not capture more than three seats. Ypsilanti ward one, for ex- ample, would receive its own district if a 21 district plan were adopted. Under the 13 district plan, ward one has been submerged with a larger and more af- fluent, white Republican area. Violence To the Editor: O NC2EAGAIN this nation has been thrown into violence; and once again people are offering prayers and eulogies, and are won- dering "Why?" People blame the lack of gun control laws; and fi- nally some legislation might take place on that. People blame the violence and sickness of America; and ironically the President now finally apoints a commission to study the causes of violence. But WHY has no one in the press or radio connected the violence done to Senator Robert Kennedy and to Martin Luther King with the violence we are doing to others abroad? Why haven't the radio and press made the observation that the easier we make it for ourselves and our young men to commit violence abroad (most es- pecially in vietnam), the easier it becomes for us to do violence to ourselves at home, in ghettos and in presidential primaries? We have a governmental struc- ture that institutionalizes violence --our Selective Service System is at present in essence putting young men on trial for not want- ing to murder. It has become al- most impossible now for a young man to obtain Conscientious Ob- jector status; and it certainly never was as easy for a young man to sign up for civilian alter- native service as it has been for him to enlist in the Armed For- ces. Yet we wonder why violence occurs. For years, people have known that we have war toys, guns, violent movies and TV pro- grams and violent advertisements, but little has been done about it. Yet people wonder at the causes of violence. One of the things that Senator Robert Kennedy cam- paigned hardest about was his opposition to the Vietnam war. Why has no one mentioned this deep conviction of Kennedy's about the war in eulogies for him? Why has no one connected his death to the war? People ask "Why this violence?", and yet fail to see the most obvious thing- we Americans have made violence at home and abroad to become the American way of life. -Dorothy Eliot Shocked To the Editor: WAS shocked to read Fleming's May letter to the faculty (Daily, June 4). I cannot imagine a less politic act at this time, The letter is a plain, irresponsible, and al- most-irresistable invitation to an- archy. SGC has clearly and often warned that it will not tolerate any imposition ofwdiscipline for action by a student outside the arbitrariness, and stupidity so re- cently seen at Columbia. And yet Fleming, without prior consulta- tion with students, inviolation of the happy practice of this past year, and disregarding a report he promised to follow, has arrogantly, arbitrarily, and stupidly called upon the faculty to punish stu- dents for conduct even Fleming's serpentine argumentation could not turn into academic conduct. What is clear is that Fleming does not trust students and will do everything he can to keep them subject to the will of others. My first impulse, upon putting down /Fleming's letter, was to rush over to his office immediately with fifty or so other students and dis- ruptively lock him up for the night or until we could talk some sense into him. I have so far restrained myself. (I am not overly emotion- al.) But, if the faculty act upon Fleming's recommendation, I will look with fraternal admiration upon anyone, anyone at all, who disrupts this campus, and on the slightest provocation, I will my- self participate - with unexpres- sible glee and no guilt -- in a dis- ruption. I'm sure there are many other self-respecting students re- acting the same way. And that's exactly the point. --Michael Davis, Grad. Commenting To the Editor: IN REGARD to the Michigan Fraternity Comimentary's April, 1968 article on "The Student Newspaper" (Daily, June 7) I would like to pose a few salient questions. First of all, to whom is the Commentary addressing its re- marks? Apparently to the editors of a large university newspaper, The Daily. But the content of the ar- ticle woulld lead the reader to believe that the newspaper in question was a high-school under- taking which had stepped out of the narrow confines of dating, awards and teacher-student pro- files to confront the scary issues of the Big World Beyond, none of which the sheltered adolescent wither desired to, or was pre- pared to, face. What kind of a newspaper should students of a large univer- sity have? "Tell the students about themselves" the Commen- tary blandly offers us by way of response. The implication is that a "student" newspaper has no right to be a "great" newspaper. PERHAPS a mimeographed gos- sip or scandal sheet, which named names and tittilated the busy stu- dent who wants to escape from his aparently frustrating, boring, and not very real "studies" to the sig- nificant world of personalrumor, revelation and reputation might local affairs which reach no high- er than the family or the income? Or will the university student take his position as a world cit- izen, speaking to the conscience of his generation with the welfare of future generations also at heart? Perhaps a university ews paper's role is to implement he student's studies, to counteract tendencies of the university to force students into apathetic by- standers, watching while the so- ciety grapples with violence and social inequality, the real moral conflicts of which his studies are only the academic representa- tion. For our future life, what our government doesrinside our uni- versities, whether with the CIA or with classified research, and for what reason monies are ap- propriated, whether for athletes or for the lesser priviledged sec- tors of our society, must become of infinitely more than "passing interest' to "the average student." THESE "average students" will be the ones who will create, by their votes, by their active parti- cipation, dissenting and outlining reforms for our rapidly changing society (which isn't changing fast enough) the kind of world into which we will not fear to bring forth better-than-average chil- dren. The Daily's continuing role will be to tell us not about who we already are, but about the better, selves we can become. Isn't that why we're here in the first place? -Betsy Smith, Grad. Gun laws To the Editor: IWOULD be difficult to disagree with Ann Munster's editorial point that gun laws would be "no nanacea" for murders, but sure- ly no one who supports such laws believes that they are a panacea. However, her confidence that new laws controlling the sale of guns and ammunition could be "no more effective than the current precautions" seems unjustified to me. Anyway, if the laws succeed in thwarting the murderous im- pulse of only one maniac, they are worth supporting-actively. What is disturbing about the editorial is its implication that supporting new laws for control- ling guns is mere misty idealism, 'one of those "perennial crusades" meant to show disapproval of violence. But almost everyone dis- aprovesof violence, in the ab- stract, and now, in a nation hor- rified by Senator Kennedy's mur- der, it is easy (and common) to speak against violence. To get guns and ammunition controlled and restricted by law is to do something which needs to By JOHN BISHOP The author, a fourth year graduate student writing a dis- sertation on "financing higher education" is head of the ad- visory commission to the vice- president for student affairs. E UNIVERSITY is again con- sidering a tuition increase. Unhappy as this may make most of us feel-especially those like myself who are classified as non- residents-I'm afraid it's inevita- ble. Last year despite the tuition increase faculty salaries were al- lowed to slide. The nationwide' faculty salary average rose 5 per cent faster than our own. We slipped on the A.A.U.P. rating from A to B. Though one can never attribute a man's decision to any one factor, it is interesting that this year three of the most respected scholars in the depart- ment in which I am majoring have either left temporarily or decided not to return after spend- ing the year on leave. Painful as it may be, however, we must admit that most of us can afford another $20 to $40 a se- mester. In 1966, 36 per cent of the parents of freshmen earned over $15,000. Yet many students and their parents cannot afford a tuition increase. I estimate that at least 6400 in-state undergrad- uates are in need of financial aid. For some of these an uncompen- sated tuition increase when added to the extremely high cost of liv- ing in Ann Arbor would be the last straw forcing them to drop out of higher education entirely or commute to Wayne, Eastern, or Highland Park Community Col- lege instead of attending here. college for the weathy alone it already is to expand the scholar- ship-grant in aid program. When tuition has been raised in the past the Regents have traditional- ly increased the stipends of the 3800 Ann Arbor undergraduates on scholarship by the amount of the tuition increase. This would cost $228,000 for ;a $60 a year in- crease. Much of it is available form non-university sources. This is not enough, however, for there are at least 2,600 instate undergraduates that by the Col- lege Scholarship Standards re- quire aid but who do not receive a scholarship or gift aid. Using data from the A.C.E. student informa- tion form on the number of sib- lings and parental income of student I have calculated the total need for financial aid by Ann Ar- bor in-state undergraduates to be at least six milion dollars. Hardly more than half of this need, $3,250,000, was provided by schol- arships and loans available from Michigan Higher Ed. or the Uni- versity. The 2,215,000 of scholar- ships included Michigan Higher Ed. and $284,000 of athletic tend- ers. The 1,035,000 of loans assumes that one third of the loans made to undergraduates are to out-of- state students. THUS THERE already exists a financial gap of 2.75 million dol- lars. A tuition increase of 60 dol- lars would increase that gap by $395,000. So far it has not been contemplated to increase grant aid outside the Opportunity Award program bytmore than $240,000. The opportunity award program increase is impressive only on students who were on the street late at night. In any case, when police brougjit warrants for the arrests of several MSU students to the campus police, the campus force helped the police locate the stu- dents. Some of the arrested students live in the dormitories, and it_ is' difficult to understand how police obtained information of the al- leged marijuana and LSD sales. without the cooperation of other students, or of the resident ad- visors. This situation at least suggests that the alleged "system of in- formers" may exist, If it does, it is a clear invasion of the privacy of MSU's students. In addition, it is, as one professor told students at a rally, incom- patible with academic freedom. THE ISSUES are hazy, at best. Why, for instance, should stu- dents at the Michigan State cam- pus be protected from police any more than the average citizen? One reason is that-for the stu- dent living on-campus at least- the dormitory is his home and he should have the usual rights of privacy. This privacy is clearly endangered if roommate is en- listed to spy against roommate. As for the police themselves, the necessity of an armed, mili- tant force on campus is highly dubious. In addition, there has for a long time been considerable ill feeling, for the 'police on the part of the students, This has been especially true since the final examination period in June 1966 when students and ;police I1 Shades of rich-white