Saturday, June 8, 1969 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Three Saturday, June 8, 1 96S THE MICI-IlGAN DAILY Page Three Kennedy killing 25,000 Japanese students may affect talks Predict internal U.S. revolution; enemy shelling of Saigon goes on riot in anti-U.S. protests Demonstration +) 1 hits 57 points PARIS (P)-North Vietnam yes- terday labelled the murder of Sen. ; Robert F. Kennedy a "political as- sassination," arousing speculation that the senator's violent death may have an impact on Vietnam peace talks here. Those talks are in recess until' Wednesday. Ambassadors W. Ave- rell Harriman and Cyrus R. e Vance, the American negotiators, went to New York to attend the senator's funeral, and for the mo- ment in Paris, the talks seem all but forgotten. Among the many far-reaching consequences of the assassination may be that it will strengthen the y determination of the North Viet- namese to hold out in Paris for their minimum demand before permitting any progress in the talks. That demand is complete cessation of bombardment of the North, free of any cost to Hanoi. For more than a year, North Vietnam's statements have re- flected a conviction that the United States is ensnared in an ;internal revolutionary situation which will force it to come to terms sooner or later to end an insupportable war in Vietnam. In Saigon, Gen. William C. p Westmoreland returned yesterday a few hours after the capital suf- fered its worst rocket attack in five weeks and condemned indis- criminate shelling of civilians as a Viet Cong attempt to "grab headlines" for propaganda pur- poses. Hidden Viet Cong gunners hurl- ed 16 rockets into the city early yesterday, killing 25 civilians and wounding 43. The barrage caused more casualties and damage than any shelling since the new terror campaign against Saigon't three million people began May 5. Westmoreland said the shellings are not significant militarily" be- cause of the indiscriminate nature of the firing. The enemy has failed in achieving a public uprising, and presumably this bombardment is retaliation along with efforts to gain publicity.", Westmoreland will leave Viet- nam soon to become U.S. Army chief of staff. Most of the enemy rocket posi- tions are believed to be west of Saigon, where canals permit easy shipment of the missiles into the capital area. Allied units maintain ground patrols to -uncover rocket sites, but some of the soldiers have been drawn off that duty to combat the enemy infiltration of Saigon and its suburbs. Westmoreland said it was "very difficult" to prevenet "indiscriminate, isolated mortaring and rocketing" by an enemy that fires a few rounds and then moves. Fighting inside Saigon and in the Gia Dinh suburb northeast of the capital tapered off yesterday and government troops reported only minor contact with small pockets of guerrilla resistance. In an announcement delayed for security reasons, the Air Force disclosed that it conducted the biggest rescue effort of the war to save a 27-year-old Navy flier downed in a bristling complex of anti-aircraft defenses. -Associated Press Vietnam war's largest rescue effort POOR CAMPAIGN: Ann Arbor Dance Theater * Summer ,activities STUDIO CLASS Dancers will participate in weekly hour long sessions of composition. No previous experience in dance com- position or advanced techniques is necessary. Wednesdays, beginning June 12, 2:00-3:00 at the Jones School-No Fee NOTE: Babysitter will be hired for mothers attending the Studio Class who wish to bring children with them. Costs will be shared. TECHNIQUE CLASS Monday and Thursday from 7:30-8:30 P.M. at Ann Arbor High School Recreation Room Ilk Term I (8 classes) June 17th-July 11th, $8.00 Term I1 (6 classes) July 15th-August 1 st, $6.00 For further information call Nancy Armenderiz, 769-4750 Rus tn NEW YORK (P) - Bayard Rus- tin ,a frequent critic of the goals of the Poor People's Campaign, resigned yesterday as coordinator of the June 19 mass rally planned by the demonstrators, The name of his successor was made public even before Rustin officjally announced his resigna- tion and even before the civil rights leader had been told about it. The Rev. Ralph David Aber- nathy, head of the campaign, an- nounced in Washington that Rus- tin had resigned and that Sterling Tucker, executive director of the Urban League in the capital, had been chosen to succeed him. Tucker, meanwhile, made no immediate decision whether to accept the appointment because of the burden of other duties. resigns posttion TOKYO (M)-Nearly 25,000 stu- dents, including g r o u p s who tried to invade American instal- lations, staged .a series of pro- tests against the United States at 57 points in Japan yesterday. At least 150 persons were in- jured and 240 students were ar- rested in rock-throwing, club- swinging clashes with police who turned back charging at the U.S. Embassy in Tokyo, the U.S. Con- sulatesat Kukuoka and the U.S. Air Base at Itazuke. The students-national police estimated their number at 24,300 -were protesting renewal of the U.S.-Japan security treaty in 1970, the crash Sunday of a U.S. jet fighter on the campus of Kyushu University, the American role in the Vietnam war and creation of the Asian Pacific Council-AS- PAC-which they say heralds the "beginning of a Japanese invasion of Asia." About 5,000 students demon- strated violently at the U.S. Con- sulate in Fukuoka and the nearby U.S. Air Base at Itazuke. The students fought with police when they tried to break through a police cordon around the air base. About 150 persons were in- jured, including 75 policemen, the national police board said. Hundreds of students staged a sit-down on an auxiliary runway on the outer fringe of the air base but later withdrew. In Tokyo, about 600 fanatic Zengakuren students scuffled' with police on the road leading to the U.S. Embassy. Police said five student were arrested. In addition, about 1,000 students affiliated with the Japan Com- munist party took part in separate demonstrations in Tokyo which police said were noisey but or- derly. Similar demonstrations were staged in many other cities, in- cluding Kyoto, Osaka Kobe, and Sapporo. World new An . aide to Tucker said in Washington, "He has not given Mr. Abernathy any answer yet. There won't be any decision until this evening." Half an hour later, in New York, Rustin said he was resign- ing because he could not get clar- ification of his role in the rally. Told his resignation already had been accepted and a successor named, Rustin appeared visibly shaken, then said, "I don't know anything about it ... I won't an- swer any more questions." In a telegram to Abernathy, Rustin had said, "I accepted a re- sponsibility as national coordin- ator ...'only at your urgent re- quest and on the basis of a 14- point agreement which we made May 19. "In response to uncertainty and confusion generated by recent statements, I have repeatedly sought meaningful and forcible clarification of this agreement. These efforts having failed, I am left with no choice but to with- draw as national coordinator of the mobilization." Rustin, who led the 1963 march on Washington, had been criti- cized by leaders of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference for issuing a statement of goals which the SCLC representatives considered less demanding than that of the campaign. Thursday, Rustin said that un- less he received assurance from Abernathy by noon today that he had full authority to make prep- arations for the mass march he would resign. Hosea Williams, one of the mili- tants who have assumed a domin- ant role in the conflict-riddled campaign, has said that Rustin was asked only to "do some pub- lic relations work" for the June 19 march. Abernathy said Rustin's resig- nation was due to a "minor mis- understanding." Workers march in Flins -AssociatedPresa MISTER $ FAMILY RESTAURANT * CAMBURGERS= *CHICKEN PICIM " CONEY ISLANDS " JUMBOYS SMILING SPEEDY SERVICE CARRY-OUT SPECIALISTS NO WAITING " PLENTY of PARKING INSIDE SEATING OR EAT IN YOUR CAR OPEN 11 AM DAILY 662-0022 ... . 3325 WASHTENAW RD. fww f -- 11 2 BLKS. W. of ARBORLAND .. I rF U~iVERSITY - IT By The Associated Press WASHINGTON-In a move to stem speculation in the stock market, the Federal Reserve Board yesterday clamped tighter restrictions on the use of credit for purchasing stocks and con- vertible onds. It raised from 70 to 80 per cent its margin requirement on stock purchases-the highest in almost eight years - and moved the margin on bonds which can be converted into stock from 50 to 60 per cent. This means a stock buyer must now make an 80 per cent down payment on a purchase and can obtain credit for only 20 per cent of the purchase price. A 60 per cent down payment will be re- quired on purchases of convertible bonds. The new restrictions go into effect today on new credit by brokers, banks and other lenders for securities listed on national stock exchanges. DUBLIN-Nessie, the Loch Ness monster, may have a cousin back l 7 I 1 i Dc Galle lanslink to tie factor, workier PARIS (M) - President Charles de Gaulle assailed com- munism and capitalism last night and outlined what he called a "third solution" for France, linking French workers closely with the operation and benefits of their factories. The general spoke to his nation in a radio and television interview on the social and political crisis that has buffeted France for more than a month. He said that at one point, May 29, "I was tempted to retire." "And then at the same time I thought that if I left, the threatening subversion Would flow over and carry away the republic," he added. "So, once again, I decided to stay." 1 The French strike wave was p subsiding rapidly, but persisting n jtension had been reflected in a battle between. about 2,000 riot in Ireland. Several Irishmen have police and more than 5,000 dem- reported sighting it. .onstrators-workers, students and The Irish say their monster leftist politicians - at the Ren- lives in the deeps of Glendarry ault auto plant at Flins. Lake near Achill Sound over in Showered with paving stones, County Mayo. That's in the wild the police broke up the hostile west of Ireland. The lake is about gathering with tear gas and con- four acres in extent, wooded on cussion grenades. two sides and reputed very deep. De Gaulle said he found the There have been stories for years anxiety of France's students, who that it hides some form of pre- set off the ,turmoil with riotous historic life. demonstrations in early May, "in- The monster is said to be 12 finitely natural." feet long, dark in color and The university, he said, must be "much bigger than a horse." reformed and rebuilt, but the re- * * building and the functioning NEW YORK-Andy Warhol is "must be carried outkwith the par- in slightly improved condition at ticipation of its professors and Columbus Hospital but doctors say its students - of all its profes- he is still critical. sors and all its students." Warhol, 36, and a British art De Gaulle also referred to the gallery owner, Mario Amaya, were election of a new National As- shot Monday in Warhol's offices. sembly June 23 and 30 and said: -2"I believe that never, from the Valeria Solanis, 28, an actress national point of view, has such who reportedly appeared in a a national consultation had such Warhol produced film, "I, a a national otansh." Man," has been charged with fel- a national importance." onious assault and possession of "If the results are good," he a deadly weapon with intent to said, "liberty will be assured and kill. progress, independence and peace She has been ordered to Belle- will be won." vue Hospital for a complete psy- But if the results are bad, "then chiatric examination, all that is lost." Miss Solanis gave herself up to A sharp 20-minute battle at a Times Square traffic policeman Flins ended with the strikers and Monday night. She told police, students split into two groups and "I am a flower child. Warhol had pushed right out of the village, too much control over my life." , 15 miles northwest of Paris. THE POT SHOP Is OPEN-Try It !I 619 Packard ~ AI l "If someone on the School Board had roots in the community the trouble at the High averted" School might have been "I am convinced that learning is self rewarding, and that every child can learn if properly motivated." "If our school system fails to meet the needs of a child at a formative age the .v,.,opportunity to mold him may be lost." N "My children are facing some of the same problems I had when I was in school. The schools are still not meeting the needs of low income children." JOAN ADAMS has lived in Ann Arbor for thirty years. She is a member of Humanizing Existing Welfare (HEW), the Black Forum, Fair Play for People and Concerned Parents. She serves on the Boards of Directors of the Citizens' Committee for Economic Opportunity (OEO), Planned Parenthood, and HELP, Inc. She has also been a member of an ad- visory committee to the administration on programs for disadvantaged children. She is employed as Manager of the Boys and Toys Depart- ment of Jacobson's Department Store. In sympathy with the national day of mourning for Robert F. Kennedy, the exhibit opening will be postponed until next Sunday. A DHE LAT one-man exhibition Lithographs and Serigraphs EXHIBITION DATES: JUNE 4-JUNE 30 Preview and Reception 2-P.M. .Sunday, June9 11