UP WITH AYERS, ADAMS See editorial page Sir F~ Iaii4 INFERNAL Hjigh-94 Low-63 Partly cloudy with a chance of rain Vol. LxxvII, No. 6-S Ann Arbor, Michigan, Saturday, June 8, 1968 Ten Cents Six Pages 100,000 honor RFK; jury indicts Sirhan set capital 0 NEW YORK 6P) -' Robert F. K'ennedy lay in state all day yes- terday in a sealed casket before the main altar in St. ..Patrick's Cathedral as well over 100,000 mourners filed past his bier. Many thousands remained in line outside and Cathedral author- ities said that because of the out- pouring, the bronze doors of , the church would remain open after, the scheduled 10 p.m. closing, all the night through if necessary. Roman Catholic funeral serv- ices will be held at St. Patrick's at 10 a.m. this morning. Kenngdy's mother, his widow, Ethel, his sister-in-law, Jacqueline Kennedy, and his brother, Ed- ward, were among those who at knelt in prayer by the 'candle- flanked catafalque of the 42-year- old victim of an assassin. In Los Angeles, the Los Angeles County Grand Jury returned an indictment yesterday charging Sirhan Bishara Sirhan with mur- der in the gunshot assassination. He also was charged with five counts of assault with intent to commit murder against five oth- ers wounded in the shooting. The 24-year-old Jordanian was to be arraigned later in a maximum se- curity area of Central Jail. Sirhan was arrested after Ken- nedy was shot at a hotel early Wednesday just after proclaiming victory in California's Democratic presidential primary election. Spock tri~al,: rbDeeper_ poe By JOSEPH SAX Prof. Joseph Sax of the Law School is presently in Boston to observe the Spock-Coffin trial. His analyses of the courtroom -situation will con- tinue to be published in The Daily until the completion(of the trial. Until yesterday, the prosecution had not really shown its fangs in the cross examination of defense witnesses. Indeed, one of the most surprising aspects of the case has been the super- ficiality of the government's cross-examination strategy. While Assistant U.S. Attorney John Wall has been rather liberal in his use of sarcasm and innuendo, until he began cross- examining Markus Raskin for the second day, he had engaged in only the most limited sort of probing of the roots of the alleged conspiracy. All of this changed yesterday when Raskin was subjected to the intensive culmination of almost a day and a half of cross-examination. While Raskin did very well in the first hours, he was obviously nervous-much more so than any of the other defendants had been-and Wall closed in on him with consider- able effectiveness. Raskin had testified that he was one of the drafters of the "Call To Resist Illegitimate Authority," a. document which has been central to the prosecution's case. Wall worked hard to establish how that document had been put togeher, circulated for signatures of supporters and ultimately distributed to the. public. Raskin's testimony, while it may have been perfectly ac- curate, seemed unsatisfactory. A series of drafts by various persons had been circulating around the academic community, he said, and while he had sent a draft out, it was not the one which was finally published. How that final version came to fruition was left unexplained, as was -the question of how sig- natures had been gathered. Moreover, Raskin said he never saw the final version, though his name had been appended to it. He simply said it was known that he subscribed to the view therein, and it was to be expected that his name would be put on the "call." Raskin also said he played no part in organizing the Oct. 2 press con- ference, the purpose of which was to publicize the "Call To Resist Illegitimate Authority," though he had been a central figure in its writing. The impressionl was left, at least upon this observer, was one of puzzlement and doubt, and the impression sought to be made on the jury-no doubt with some success-was that some- thing of the whole story was being concealed. . Wall also pressed Raskin on seeming inconsistencies in his testimony, shifting back and forth in the transcript to compare what was said at various times about certain events. Of course any witness tends to be somewhat inconsistent in his relation of events during an extensive examination, but Raskin seemed particularly inarticulate in explaining himself-which was most, surprising in light of his superb performance earlier in the cross-examination. Undoubtedly much was attributable to his nervousness, but the overall impact was not good for the de- fendants. In the last afternoon of this third week of trial, Dr. Benja- min Spock began his defense. He is expected to take the stand Monday, and it now seems very likely that the case will go to the jury for their verdict by the middle of next week. A girl who said she may be the sought-after "girl in the polka- dot dress" since the assassination surrendered yesterday, Sheriff Peter J. Pitchess said. She identified herself as Cathy Fulmer, 19, of Los Angeles. A young woman had been reported seen near Sirhan shortly before he allegedly shot Kennedy. After a girl outside the slaying scene told authorities that a girl in a polka dot dress burst by, shouting "We shot him . . . we shot him," an all-points bulletin was broadcast for the girl. "I was yelling that they shot him," Miss Fulmer told newsmen, in the sheriff's office. She said she finally decided aft- er hearing news reports about the mysterious, sought woman, that she was the girl officers were seek- ing in hopes of finding more in- formation about what had hap- pened. Sirhan for hours after his ar- rest declined to say anything. When he did talk, police said, he declined to identify himself or discuss the shooting. He was iden- tified late the day of the shooting when the death gun was traced to him, officers said.; Kennedy's body will be taken by train to Washington for burial tomorrow at Arlington National Cemetery. Services will be held at the gravesite for family and friends at 5:30 p.m. The funeral train carrying Kennedy from New York to Washington today will slow down at Newark and Tren- ton, N.J., Philadelphia, Baltimore and other areas where large crowds gather, a family spokes- man said. The spokesman said the Robert Kennedy grave would be below and to the side of President Ken- nedy's grave in Arlington Na- tional Cemetery. It would be out- side the circular walk around the latter grave and will be situated in a small grove of trees. The funeral train arrives at} Union Station in Washington at about 4:30 p.m. Six Navy pall- bearer carry the coffin to the hearse for the 4.6 mile trip to Ar- lington, expected to take about 30 minutes at 10 miles an hour. The cortege movesI along First Street torConstitution Avenue, to Henry Bacon Drive, around the Lincoln Memorial and across Me- morial Bridge to the cemetery. There will be a choir on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. -Associated Press At St. Patrick's Cathedral LAST FINALS: Ms u campus calm following protests By MARTIN HIRSCHMAN The Senate early yesterday passed and sent to the governor a, $63 million capital outlay bill for state institutions including $6.8 million for the University Included in the University's ap- propriation is $750,000 for the planning and initial construction' work on a new Modern Languages Building. In March the University decided to accept the $750,000 under the provigons of Public Act 124, but will continue to challenge the constitutionality of the 1965 statute. PA 124 requires the State Bud-, get Director to choose the archi- tect for state-financed University buildings and directs the Univer- sity to submit all plans for new, buildings to the Joint Senate- House Committee on Capital Out- lay for approval. The University contends the act infringes on its constitutionally guaranteed autonomy. Court ac- tion is pending in Ingham Coun- ty Circuit Court. Executive Vice President Mar- vin Niehuss said yesterday the University would next year seek funds for the planning and con- struction of a new Architecture Building on North Campus. Before this year, the Dental Building - which was funded under a special act in 1966 - was the only new University construc-j tion authorized by the legislature after the passage of PA 124. Plans for ti* Modern Languages Building were prepared by a Uni- versity-hired architectural firm before the passage of PA 124. The University will submit the architect's name to the State Bud- get Director for approval and will submit the plans to the joint committee. The plans call for construction of the classroom and office build- ing about seven stories high in the parking lot behind Hill Aud., Nieiuss indicated. The state "has the power to reject the plans but we haven't any reason to think they will," Niehuss said. He expects construc- tion of the new building to begin before June 1969. Under the arrangement which preceded, the passage of PA 124, the University developed plans for new construction with its own funds and was reimbursed by the state when the plans were ap- proved. Niehuss said he does not expect the state to pay the costs incurred by the initial planning in 1965. The state is committed to ap- propriate the remainder of the cost of the new building during construction. The state will con- tribute $3.5 million to the $4.5 million total cost of the building, with the remaining $1 million coming from federal funds. The remaining $6.1 million ap- $6.8n propriated in the bill includes funds for the continuing construc- tion of the Medical Science II Building and the Dental Build- ing, and for elevator renovations of University Hospital and heat- ing plant improvements. The University's legal counsel before September 1967 advised the University that accepting funds under the provision of PA 124, Medical rep ort liisMACE use, utlay iilion would injure the court case against the act. But in September 1967 the Uni- versity chose a joint counsel with Michigan State University and Wayne State University to carry on the court case. The new counsel has advised the University ' that accepting funds under the act would not hurt the case. By The Associated Press EAST LANSING - The I'ich- igan State University campus was calm yesterday as most students took the last of their final exam-; inations and prepared to leave school for the summer. MSU was the scene of three! days of demonstrations and scat- tered violence, following the arrest Monday of 12 persons, including seven university students charged with the sale of marijuana and LSD. The ensuing demonstrations against campus police involve- ment in the arrests led to 26 further arrests when several stu- dents refused to leave the school's administration building Wednes- day. Students and faculty members charged the police with unneces- sary brutality. Three of those who were ar- rested Monday were released on bonds reduced from $10,000' to $1,000 in circuit court yesterday. The other nine persons arrest- ed Monday had demanded exam- ination before East Lansing Mul nicipal Judge William K. Har- mon. MSU students involved in the protest are expected to confer with members of Students for a Demo- cratic Society next week as the organization's national convene tioii is held on their campus.- Many protesters have indicated their willingness to remain here during the summer to prepare for a major confrontation with the university's administration in the fall. The funds which paid the bond of many of those arrested initially and in later protests were collected by students at on-cam- pus rallies. University President J o h n Hannah returned here yesterday after a series of meetings in Washington which kept-him off campus during most of the dem- onstrations. He was not available for comment. l t By DAVID MANN The Medical School's pharma- cology department issued its long- awaited report on MACE yester- day, giving the controversial chemical riot control provisional aproval. Law enforcement agen- cies across the country have been waiting for the report. Many have; suspended MACE use. The report warned that al- though the spray can be used with "comparative safety," misuse of the chemical agent may cause "severe, long term, and possibly permanent damage to the eye if, the cornea is exposed directly to MACE in liquid form." Such misuse would involve spraying the chemical directly into the eyes or face of a "normal- ly reactive person" at close range, prolonged spraying at any range into the face of an incapacitated. person, or discharging large quan- tities of the chemical in a small room or closed automobile. In order for the spray to be' safe, the report specifies that it must be used at a distance suf- ficient to allow the recipient's re- flexes of blinking, eye closure, breath holding and turning away from the spray to function. Ann Arbor Police Chief Walter E. Krasny said he favors use of MACE in police work "providing the safeguards and precautions stated in the report are observed." Use of MACE by Ann Arbor police was suspended March 18 after City Council hearings on' contro- versial incidents Involving use of MACE. The police then asked the pharmacology department to do an in-depth study of the chemidal. The report will be forwarded to City Council without recommen- dation for or against. Suspension of use of MACE will continue until City Council decides otherwise, said Krasny. Prof. Albert Wheeler of the medical school, chairman of the state NAACP, after careful study of the report said, "I think the report suggests that under non volatile laboratory conditions us- ing animals sprayed with MACE by trained professional personnel suggests that MACE may be safe under circumscribed laboratory conditions. It may also be, safe if the recipient of MACE is alert, conscious, in open spaces, and medically normal. These condi- tions, however, are rarely the conditions that one finds in a so-called riot situation." He explained the condition us- ually is that MACE is in the hands of "racist police in a very tense situation where they are highly emotional, and perhaps frighten- ed, and where victims may be in any kind of condition-in fact the victim may be drunk, already ren- dered unconscious or otherwise incapacitated, or may not be nor- mal in the medical sense; the vic- tim may be highly allergic to the chemical, or may have skin lesions which would allow the substance to penetrate and cause damages not yet explored." Wheeler added that the spe- cific question of reasonable ex- posure to the chemical mentioned in the report may be abused either because of the emotionally charged atmosphere or racism of the police using the chemical. The report does indicate that MACE is a marked irritant to the lungs, musous membranes, and to the cornea, Wheeler said. "It fur- there states that exposure will give various grades of permanent injury, or even death if inhaled. Clearly this is not a safe chem- ical," he added. In reference to the concluding statement in the report, which See STUDY, Page 2 Course evaluations available next week By MARCIA ABRAMSON A course evaluation booklet for most introductory classes will be available early next week. The 50 page booklet will be sold for 50 cents, primarily to fresh- men at orientation, said Jo Ann King, '69, personnel and adver- tising chairman of the Course Evaluation Booklet Committee. The experimental booklet, the committee's first publication, was originally scheduled to appear this week. The committee was estab- lished last September by Student Government Council. Money from sales will be used to cover printing and computer costs, and to help finance a full- scale evaluation next fall, Miss King said. The expanded evaluation will take about 10 months to complete and will include about 80 per cent of literary college classes- some 450 courses. Three thousand of the fresh- man booklets, containing descrip- tions of 45 introductory courses, will be printed. "We're very much encouraged. The booklet really looks good," Miss King said. "Funds have been coming in from various sources. President Fleming has promised us $3000 from his personal fund," she added. SGC has pledged $6000 to $10,000, depending on the Com- mittee's needs. Professors were sent copies of the student evaluations before the booklet went to press. Faculty re- actions were included in the evaluation. 'Some responses were very in- teresting. One class thought the average final grade would be B plus. The professor said he had given the majority of the class C's," Miss King explained. Participants also suggested changes to improve the question- naire. "The survey was not as ac- curate as we had hoped, and we're revising it," Miss King said. Over 7600 questionnaires were distributed at the end of the win- ter semester. Students were asked to rate introductory classes on a five point .scale. Ratings included enthusiasm and speaking ability of teacher, fairness of grading, amount and Dr. Albert Wheeler SCHOOL BOARD ELECTION Ca idi~dates de6bate racial issues , By ANN MUNSTER and MARCIA ABRAMSON Last of a Two-Part Series A great deal of the debate which has raged among the candidates for Monday's Ann Arbor school board election has focused on race relations. Candidate Bill Ayers says the cause of the recently increased racial unrest at the high school is "institutionalized racism which the black kids had enough of from twelve years in a school system which excluded them and pushed them into the ilower, tracks." The violent reaction of the white students was one of frustration 'and anxiety stimu- lated by the authoritarian en- vironment which was created,, he explains. He opposes the reaction of thesadministration, the "partial martial" law. Ayers says that these methods amount to "keep- ing the lid on a situation when the healthiest thing to do would studepts who leave school with only a ninth grade education when you criticize them for dis- rupting one day of classes for 3300 'other students. "The police in the schools only serve as an agitation point," she says. "They can do no good in a situation where they would have to -be every- where to be effective." j Another candidate, Duane A. Renken, says, "The police must remain until law and order are established in the school. If it is necessary for us to have po- lice at the high school to main- tain this law and order, then they should be there. The pres- ent arrangement at the high school is a necessity and until it can be proved that it is pas- sible for all children to have a safe and reasonable study at- Tnosphere, both at' school and' going to and from school, we need protection." Renken asserts, "One of the major problems of our schools problems as human relations problems orrace relations prob- lems." Candidate Ted Heusel says, "Students had a right to dis- sent but not to disrupt the school." ,,He strongly opposed the administration's move to call off classes. Heusel contends that both black land white students use the guise of civil rights for the, wrong purposes. Incumbent trustee Mrs. Fran- ces Felbeck says, " Mny stu- dents felt many of the same concerns. This particular group expressed them because of the added pressures Negroes feel because they do not feel ac- cepted as human beings. I com- pletely support the way West- erman handled the situation. At the moment we need police. I, don't say that we ought to have them generally. I hope.we can make the kind of progress where this will not be neces- sary. The vast majority of stu- dents want constructive solu- sibility of the school system to "make -the educational exper- ience meaningful from day one to the final graduation." "Perhaps the single most im- portant task for the schools in our society today is to serve as an escalator for those chil- dren who are at the bottom of our social and economic system. There Is a vast resource of po- tential ability which can pro- mote the development of a richer society of. far greater depth, if only we can develop it properly," Lockett says. Candidate Cecil Warner con- tends that there is discrimin- ation in the school system and that it must be eradicated on every level. He says that the school should set up a grievance channel for students and do something about the inferior- ity feelings of students in the general curriculum. Warner feels that with the Institution of a human rela- tions director in the high school, steps might be taken